Winning isn't everything but...

I like to win things.  I mean, who doesn't, right?  Here's the thing, I never win anything big.  I enter contest, sweepstakes, trivia stuff and I win, just small things.  

Okay, so last week I wrote a review for a Disney restaurant and won one of the Birnbaum guide books to Walt Disney World.  I wrote a bunch of blogs for a Disney site and won (more like earned) a Disney World cooler tote bag filled with a few goodies (thank you for bringing it home to me, Alison!).  I have won other tour books, I've won a bunch of stuff through my Susan Mallery cheerleading endeavor (t-shirt, tote bag, mug, books, mouse pad) and one time I won a 4 day/3 night resort stay at a hotel in Orlando.  What I want is to win a TRIP.  I know, greedy right?

I mean, I see sweepstakes to win trips all of the time but does anyone ever actually WIN them??  Any of you out there ever win an actual trip??  What is the secret?  How do you do it?

I need a trip...desperately.

Dependable...Atlantic luggage (+ Sweeps info.)

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Atlantic Luggage for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I love packing for a trip. Hubby, on the other hand, is never enthusiastic after I'm done with my packing endeavors only because he knows I would've packed practically the whole house. That's why the need to have luggage that's sturdy, roomy and yet


So the other night I went over to my friend Christine's house for a girls night and we got some take out, hung out in our sweats and watched the movie "Bridesmaids".  We had meant to go and see it in the actual movie theater when it was out but never actually got around to it.  Well, it's out on DVD now and we were able to watch it on demand on cable.

OH.  MY.  GOD.

Ladies, if you have not seen this movie, you totally should.  We watched the uncut version and while there were a couple of scenes that I could have lived without, it was still a riot.  It was so funny, that last night I was having a HUGE fight with Frank and I had texted Christine to try and calm down and she quoted one line from the movie and I just about cried I was laughing so hard.  Frank then thought I was laughing at him...the fight escalated...and then I had to admit that I was laughing at something from a movie...he did not find it as funny as I did.

So girls, get your friends together and some take out and watch this movie - unless you are offended easily.  Then choose something safe...but if you just want to laugh out loud at other people's misfortune and stupidity, this is the movie for you.


Stop Talking!

I love my kids, I honestly and truly do.  I love spending time with them, talking with them about their days and hearing what their hopes and dreams are.

I already told you how unprepared I was to see that Michael was seemingly interested in girls.  Every time he talked about this little girl I want to put my fingers in my ears and hum loudly.  Well, it's even worse when it is your almost twenty year old wanting to tell you about the things going on in his life.  

He lives on his own, he has his own life and really, I'm not blind or stupid.  I just do not choose to want to sit and HEAR about it all. OH...MY...GOODNESS.  He was here the other night and after only five minutes I was like "Stop talking!"  He didn't.  I am glad that the boy wants to talk to me and that he wants to share what is going on in his life but clearly, I am not mature enough to hear it.

Any of it.

I may be in my 40's (and we'll leave it at that) but I am either too old or too young to have to deal with this!

Grande passe do Gaitan...

... para o golo. Mas não obstante isso, digam-me: sou só eu ou mais alguém acha que encostar o Gaitan à direita, é jogar só com meio Gaitan?

JPOP - Single - 土屋アンナ - UNCHAINED GIRL

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

CTCR-40327/B (初回限定盤 / CD + DVD)

CTCR-40328 (通常盤)

商品編號:CTCR-40327/B (初回限定盤)
其他資料:13th Maxi Single / CD + DVD

オンラインゲームイメージソング&CMソングとBee Geesの名曲「Stayin Alive」カバーを追加したトリプルA面最強シングル!! 韓国で数々の賞を獲得した大ヒットオンラインゲーム『Continent of the Ninth』(日本スタート開始日: 2011年7月21日)の日本オリジナルイメージソング! 作曲・作詞・編曲は、数多くのヒットアニメ、映画、ゲームの作編曲、著名シンガーへの楽曲提供やプロデュースワークなどでも活躍している菅野よう子氏を起用! 今日本で一番忙しいゲーム音楽を主としたサウンドクリエイターである。菅野よう子氏のご指名により今回のコラボが実現! 「JUICY GIRL feat.The SAMOS」は、藤原紀香がエアーギターで踊りまくる映像が2011年6月に大量オンエアされ話題となった"ゼスプリキウイ"のCMソング! DVDには「Stayin Alive」(Music Video)、「JUICY GIRL feat.The SAMOS」(Music Video)、「Master Blaster」(Music Video)を収録予定。

作曲.作詞:Maurice Ernest Gibb、Robin Hugh Gib、Barry Alan Gibb/編曲:大西俊也

※ ゼスプリ インターナショナル ジャパン「ゼスプリ・ゴールドキウイ・グリーンキウイ」CMソング

03. Master Blaster
作詞:Tim Jensen/作曲.編曲:Yoko Kanno
※ ゲームオン社ゲーム「C9 (Continent of the Ninth)」イメージ・ソング

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - スマイレージ - タチアガール

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

HKCN-50186 (初回生産限定盤A / CD + DVD)

HKCN-50188 (初回生産限定盤B / CD + DVD)

HKCN-50190 (初回生産限定盤C)

HKCN-50191 (初回生産限定盤D)

HKCN-50192 (初回生産限定盤E)

HKCN-50193 (通常盤)

商品編號:HKCN-50186 (初回生産限定盤A)
其他資料:7th Maxi Single / CD + DVD

スマイレージが新メンバー加入後初、通算では7枚目となるシングルをリリース! 第52回日本レコード大賞最優秀新人賞を獲得し、順風満帆と思われていたスマイレージに訪れた、メンバー追加という大きな転機。今回の「タチアガール (仮)」は、そんな今の彼女たちの心境や意気込みがはっきり伝わるような楽曲に仕上がった。パワーアップした新生スマイレージが全力で送り出す<ポジティブソング>で、日本中に元気を与える! [初回限定盤A]のCDには、「タチアガール (仮)」「タイトル未定A」「タチアガール (仮) (Instrumental)」を収録。DVD付。イベント応募シリアルナンバーカード封入。 ※[初回限定盤A/B]に封入のDVDは、別内容となります。

01. タチアガール

02. スマイル音丼

03. タチアガール (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - T-ARA - Bo Peep Bo Peep

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

TOCT-40357 (初回生産限定盤A / CD + DVD)

TOCT-40358 (初回生産限定盤B)

TOCT-40359 (通常盤)

專輯名稱:Bo Peep Bo Peep
商品編號:TOCT-40357 (初回生産限定盤A)
其他資料:1st Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:EMI Music Japan

韓国7人組グループ”T-ARA”の日本デビュー・シングル「Bo Peep Bo Peep」発売決定! C/w「LOVE ME~あなたのせいで狂いそう」 (仮)収録 (※2曲とも日本語ヴァージョンとなります)。DVD付き (「Bo Peep Bo Peep」MV 他収録)。

01. Bo Peep Bo Peep

02. LOVE ME!~あなたのせいで狂いそう

03. Bo Peep Bo Peep (Inst)

04. LOVE ME!~あなたのせいで狂いそう (Inst)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - シド - いつか

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

KSCL-1856~1857 (初回生産限定盤A / CD + DVD)

KSCL-1858~1859 (初回生産限定盤B / CD + DVD)

KSCL-1860 (通常盤)

商品編號:KSCL-1856~1857 (初回生産限定盤A)
其他資料:9th Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:Ki/oon Records

シドの2011年が幕開け! オリジナルアルバム『dead stock』をひっさげて行われた全国ツアー"dead stock TOUR 2011"を経て更にパワーアップし、磨きのかかった待望のシングルをリリース! [初回限定盤A]はDVD付。"シドの部屋"応募券封入。

01. いつか
作詞:マオ/作曲:Shinji/編曲:シド、Akira Nishihira
※ TBSテレビ系「CDTV」オープニング・テーマ

02. 秋風

03. NO LDK (Live from 『dead stock TOUR 2011』)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - ステレオポニー - ありがとう

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SRCL-7764~7765 (初回生産限定盤A / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7766~7767 (初回生産限定盤B / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7768 (通常盤)

商品編號:SRCL-7764~7765 (初回生産限定盤A)
其他資料:9th Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:Sony Music Records

本人達が沖縄で経験してきた実話が書籍になり、映画化した。映画「天国からのエール」(10月1日公演全国ロードショー/主演: 阿部寛、桜庭ななみ)主題歌。亡き恩師に捧ぐこれ以上にないリアルな歌詞に胸が打たれる。初回限定盤はDVD(「ありがとう 映画『天国からのエール』ver.」収録)付き。※初回生産限定盤A・Bで収録内容は異なります。

01. ありがとう
※ アスミック・エース エンタテインメント配給映画「天国からのエール」主題歌

02. ツキアカリのミチシルベ -Acoustic Ver-

03. ありがとう -映画Ver-

04. ありがとう ~Instrumental~

05. ツキアカリのミチシルベ -Acoustic Ver- ~Instrumental~

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - 高橋瞳 - PICORINPIN

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SRCL-7748~7749 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7750 (通常盤)

商品編號:SRCL-7748~7749 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:3rd Full Album / CD + DVD
出品商:Sony Music Records

2009年に高橋瞳×BEAT CRUSADERS名義でリリースした「ウォーアイニー」以降、数々の大物プロデューサー陣とタッグを組み、ようやく自分の足元を確認しながら、突き進みたい方向性を見据えて加速してきた高橋瞳!! この期間で自分の成長を感じながら、改めて音楽制作の楽しみを知り、更なる飛躍に期待がかかる!! 各プロデューサーとのコラボレーション作品、今ここに完結!! 参加プロデューサー: chara / ヒダカトオル / Koji Nakamura (iLL) / ROLLY / H ZETT M 初回限定盤は、DVD(charaプロデュース曲「Fire Ball」のMusic Video収録。Charaも出演予定!!)付き。

01. Fire Ball

作詞:HitomiHitomitti/作曲.編曲:Koji Nakamura (iLL)

03. walkin’

04. Le Theatre du Grand-Guignol

05. 恋するピエロッティ (修学旅行 Ver.)

06. プールサイド
作詞:HitomiHitomitti、H ZETT M & micci/作曲.編曲:H ZETT M

07. ウォーアイニー
作詞:高橋 瞳/作曲.編曲:BEAT CRUSADERS

08. ジレンマ

09. neon sign
作詞:HitomiHitomitti/作曲.編曲:Koji Nakamura (iLL)

10. お天気雨
作詞:HitomiHitomitti/作曲.編曲:H ZETT M

CD - 試聽下載:

"Only His" Is Out TODAY!!!

Wedding bells are ringing in Fool's Gold, but not for Nevada Hendrix.  Her triplet sisters are engaged, and even her mother has a more active love life than she does.  Determined to make a fresh start, she applies for her dream job, only to discover that her new boss is her first love.  Maybe she could overlook the fact that they've seen each other naked, but she'll never forget the way he broke her heart.  

And that, friends, is the plot of Susan Mallery's latest book, "Only His".  This is book number three in the "Only" trilogy and book number six in the Fools Gold series.  This book had me laughing out loud in so many places one minute and then sighing at the romanticism the next.  This was a great addition to the series and a wonderful conclusion to the trilogy.

 With Nevada Hendrix looking to take control of her life and pursue her dream, she soon finds that one thing is true:  Never agree to a job interview in which the interviewer has seen you naked. 
Enter Tucker Janack, the new head of Janack Construction and the biggest stumbling block to Nevada getting her dream job.  It isn’t that Tucker is blocking Nevada from achieving that dream, it’s just that she is having a hard time facing Tucker. 

This book has all the makings of a great reunion romance but Susan Mallery puts a really unique twist on the whole thing.  Over the course of the book we look at friendships - new and old, family relationships and how they effect the way that we view the world and how awkward those relationships can be at times.  

Susan has a gift of really digging deep in to these relationships and you end up with a story that is not just a romance; you end up connecting with an amazing group of people that you wish you could sit down and have lunch with.  If you haven't checked out the series yet, don't wait.  This one will make you smile and give you something to laugh about page after page. 

For an excerpt of this book, click HERE.  

I Should Have Lunch With Yoko...

So Frank's band had a gig on Saturday.  It was supposed to be an outdoor thing but we've been having a lot of rain so it was moved to an inside venue. A Tavern.  So what was supposed to be a family thing for all of us and in the end, we all decided it was not a kid-friendly place in the tavern.  

But I digress...

I have band issues.  I openly admit it.  I went with Frank to load up the equipment.  Three of the four band mates were there.  We drove to the Tavern.  Three of the four unloaded the equipment.  I had to sit in the van for 30 minutes while they unloaded to make sure we didn't get ticketed or towed.   I was not amused.  

The performance was not the best.  Three of the four band mates had bad sound.  After they were done, I approached the stage area and mentioned the sound issue, and the guy with the good sound did not, shall we say, "Appreciate" my observation.  Three of the four packed up the equipment and loaded the van back up, three of the four went back to the storage place where they (and two wives - including me) unloaded the van and put everything away.  

I had a freaking fit.  I mean, this guy has pissed me off for a long time but now that they are performing out in public, this sort of behavior is just not acceptable.  I ranted and raved to Frank and he was told me that I am not allowed to be the one to say something to this guy because I am too biased.  Like I care if this slack-ass jerk thinks I am biased!  What I am concerned about it is my husband being treated like the hired help.  They are a BAND not a solo act!  Frank is a member of the BAND not a roadie!

As I listened to myself ranting and raving, I began to feel like I was TRYING to break up the band...and that's not the case.  I am just not a fan of letting someone take advantage of people who are supposed to be their friend.  I am not a fan of someone being manipulative of people that they are supposed to work with.

Now I fear that I've put the idea in his mind that he needs to quit the band.  That was totally not my intent.  I was really hoping that he'd let me go and scream at this such luck.

Weird Dream...

Okay, so I had this really, really WEIRD dream and because I remember most of it, I had to share.  

First, I'm in my car driving down Vets Hwy. (on Long Island where I grew up) but I am letting Michael - my 11 year old - drive. As we're driving along, I see a plane flying overhead that is aglow and starting to catch on fire.  I'm screaming at Michael NOT to look at it and keep his eyes on the road.  It's flying the opposite way that we're driving so within seconds it it behind us.  Next thing I know, it is crashing on the highway ahead of us.  He screeches on the brakes and we hit the guardrail but are fine.  In front of us is a giant fireball.

Next thing I know, I am looking at a house with a family.  I think I know them but I'm not sure.  They are touring a house with their realtor and I'm there with them.  Not sure why.  So we're touring this house and it's pretty big and I mean, I can remember the two-zone heating, how many bedroom, the extremely large laundry room - it was a big house.  So we tour the house, they decide to buy and then I'm outside getting in a bus with...wait for it...the Blues Brothers!  Yes, Jake and Elwood, John Belushi and Dan Akroyd.  We're driving down the road into...a giant fireball!  I'm screaming for John to back the bus up and he's doing it but I can see the flames all around us but I'm not getting burned.  I keep saying it's going to be alright but he's saying "No, the whole front end is in flames!"

THEN...I'm walking through a neighborhood, and I know this neighborhood because I have a friend who lives there, and I'm leading  a horse around.  Actually, he's leading me because I'm walking behind him holding the reigns.  And the place looks burned (again, probably the fireball neighborhood) and there are tons of deer walking around and I'm thinking that this horse is leading me to my friend's house but then a vulture or hawk or something swoops down and spooks the horse a bit.  I was trying to swat it away with the reigns but it doesn't work...

And then I woke up...

WHAT DID ALL THAT MEAN???? (Other than the fact that I did NOT go back to sleep?)

In praise of Create Space

Back in 2009, I competed in NaNoWriMo for the first time (National Novel Writing Month).  I finished the challenge and really, there is no "prize" for doing so; it's a personal challenge sort of thing.  However, you do get a neat little certificate to print out and then you get a coupon code to get a print copy of your book from CreateSpace.

For those of you who haven't heard of it, CreateSpace is a site that is run from Amazon and is the place to go if you want to self-publish your work.  Now if you had asked me in 2009 what I thought of them, all you would have heard is a growl followed by a scream.  I had no idea how to upload my book or how to format it to their specifications and after three months of trying (although not very hard) I gave up.

Then 2010 came around and although I DID finish my 50,000 words, I forgot to validate my work so I didn't get my certificate OR coupon code.  I was kicking myself for a long while after that.  BUT I DID compete in Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award and although I did not advance in that, they too gave away a coupon code for a free proof copy.  So I sat myself down and forced myself to figure out the formatting process.

I almost killed myself over it, but I FINALLY got it done!  I formatted my book, designed a cover, edited everything to the best of my ability and ordered my proof copy.  If I was a drinker I would have sworn I'd been drunk when I did that because that proof copy was filled with many, many mistakes.

So I started the editing process.  I read the entire book and used highlighter sticky tabs to mark all of my errors, went back to the original file and started fresh - because my headers and footers were a mess, too.  Go figure.  I had a former student of mine design the cover and I went and resubmitted everything and when I was approved to order my proof (Now at the price of $11 with shipping) I noticed that the old cover was still there.


There is an option on the CreateSpace website where you can have a customer service agent call you immediately.  So I clicked the link, typed in my phone number and in less than ten seconds my phone rang!  I talked to an extremely nice young lady who walked me through the whole process, found my new cover and VOILA, I now have my new proof copy on my way.  I am hoping that it will be DONE and that I will not have to edit it anymore!  That process is crazy.

So once I approve this second proof friends, I give CreateSpace the okay and I will be selling on Amazon within 5 days.  How cool is that???

O benfiquismo anacrónico

"Soube a pouco"
"Empatar é menos mal"
"Bom resultado nada"
"Bom é ganhar"

"Foi o mínimo dos mínimos"

É deste benfiquismo, deslocado no tempo (e ignorante), que não precisamos. Temos que capitalizar a pressão que este resultado acarreta para o porto ao invés de diminuir o nosso mérito. O Benfica fez hoje um bom jogo e alcançou um bom resultado. Por várias razões:
- O porto, moralizado e confiante, tem uma boa equipa;
- Nos últimos trinta anos, incluindo este, perdemos 20 vezes e empatámos 8 para o campeonato nas deslocações às Antas e Dragão;
- Na época passada, levámos cinco;
- Também na época passada, levámos três secos na supertaça, fomos eliminados da Taça de Portugal na Luz e perdemos em casa para o campeonato;
- Começámos a perder 1-0. Sofremos o 2-1 quatro minutos após empatarmos;
- Não permitimos que o porto criasse mais que uma oportunidade de golo numa primeira parte em que conseguiu impor uma dinâmica muito elevada. Na 2ª parte, fomos claramente superiores;
- Psicologicamente, estamos na liderança do campeonato;
- Neste momento, são eles que não podem dar baldas;
- Mostrámos personalidade, capacidade de luta e rigor táctico;
- Foi posta a nu alguma fragilidade do comando técnico do porto.

Ignorante porque, de 1960-61 a 1967-68, fomos a 5 finais da Taça dos Campeões Europeus, vencemos duas delas e conquistámos 6 campeonatos nacionais. Nas Antas, para o campeonato, perdemos 3 vezes e empatámos 4. Convém ter noção disto!

Vale Pontos!

Artur! Ter um guarda-redes destes vale pontos e quem sabe um campeonato! Desde Preud´Homme que não via um guarda-redes de tanta qualidade. O grande destaque desta noite e um dos nossos melhores reforços esta época, senão o melhor.

I am so NOT ready for this phase of life!

So Michael finished his first quarter of middle school.  As a year-round school, we are now on our first break.  I was desperately ready for it.  He is doing okay other than making us crazy with his waiting till the last minute to do any major project or assignment, but we're getting better. 

He's joined the ping-pong club and loves it.  

A couple of weeks ago he called me because he had forgotten some homework at the house and my office is almost right across the street from his school so I was able to stop there on my way to work without any problems.  When I got to the office, the secretary told me that he was in the cafeteria and I could bring the papers right to him.  Okay, fine.  

As I'm walking down the hall I'm thinking "How am I supposed to find him in a cafeteria of 100 kids?"  Well, as it turned out, he was literally the first kid at the end of the table right by the door.  Luck was on my side.  So I walk in, he has his back to me and I notice that he is looking quite "cozy" with the girl next to him and they are sort of giggling and tickling one another.

What the WHAT?????

I realize that we did not deal with this with Nick because he was homeschooled but for some reason, I never even THOUGHT of Michael being interested in girls yet!  He gets embarrassed if Frank notices a pretty girl on the TV and says something about it. 

So the next day, we're in the car and I asked Michael, very casually mind you, who the girl was.  He went in to GREAT detail of how her knew her and her unusual name.  Her name fascinated him - Neve.  He told me how people mispronounce it and how it's sort of like how people mispronounce our last name and then he rambled on for quite some time about the whole thing.  

I have to tell you, I was a little uncomfortable.

Another day, a friend of mine picked him up to take him to ping pong club, which the ever-so-lovely Neve is also a part of, and he went on to tell my friend all about her!  


What are parents thinking???

So a friend of mine was recently telling me that her daughter was being harassed at school by some girls that she used to be friends with.  It happens; we've all been there.  Middle school is just plain awful socially.

Well, not long after that it turns out that her daughter's Facebook and e-mail accounts were hacked and some pretty hideous things were being written about her.  It didn't take long to find the culprit and so my friend and her daughter went to the girl's home, talked with the girl's mother and thought they were done.  

It happened again.  

Now, as someone who has dealt with a child having "friends" who do hideous things to them in attempts to ostracize and humiliate them, this sort of thing enrages me.  Back when it was happening to Nick, no one hacked his accounts but they certainly made sure that he knew what they all thought of him through their own Facebook postings.  This little girl, is committing, in my mind, a criminal act.  She has stolen an identity, hacked in to someone's personal accounts, compromised their stuff and should not receive a mere talking to.  

The parents are clearly doing nothing to punish this child or to stop her from having access to the internet.  I told my friend that when she went there the second time that she should have brought the authorities with her.  I think children like this are a danger to ALL of us and the parents should be careful of what she'll do to them.  And shame on them, in general, for raising a child who is capable of this sort of criminal behavior in the EIGHTH GRADE!!!  

Our kids make stupid mistakes; have bad judgment.  It goes with the territory of having teenagers.  But when your child is a bully, cyber or otherwise, YOU as the parent are just as responsible for the actions they take as the children are.

Wake up parents.  It's people like you that have our world going upside down. 


Fábio Coentrão vaticinou uma vitória do Benfica no Dragão por 4-0. Não sei se este prognóstico se trata de um auto de fé, um sonho, esperança ou resulta de observação cuidada de factores nas equipas que me têm escapado. Sinceramente não tenho pejo nenhum em afirmar que nesta altura o fcp é melhor. Tem melhor conjunto, joga em casa (nos últimos anos a história tem sido madrasta para as nossas cores) e acima de tudo possui individualidades que podem decidir o jogo de um momento para o outro. Hulk, João Moutinho, Jorge Sousa e assistentes podem em qualquer altura inclinar o prato da balança o que em jogos equilibrados por norma é decisivo. Do nosso lado a fragilidade defensiva que nos continua a acompanhar (o único jogo em que não sofremos golos jogou o Jardel em vez do Garay, será coincidência?) não me deixa nada confortável. Penso que continuamos desequilibrados em termos de conjunto principalmente no aspecto defensivo, temos potencial para crescer mas neste momento parece-me curto para enfrentar fcp/apaf.
Tratando-se de futebol tudo pode acontecer e o segredo para o sucesso passa pela abordagem ao jogo. Julgo que JJ deve encarar esta partida da mesma forma que o fez no embate frente ao Manchester, reconhecer a superioridade ao adversário, ser humilde e sobretudo realista. Mais importante que o resultado final está o impacto deste para o resto da época.

"Only Yours" is my new favorite book!

As a huge Susan Mallery fan, I found myself counting down the days until "Only Yours" came out. I had read the four previous books in the Fools Gold series and this book was well-worth the wait.

This time out we are looking at Montana Hendrix of the Hendrix triplets. She is finally finding her own way in this story and found a career that she loves working with therapy dogs. Unfortunately, one over zealous pup gets her in to trouble with the new doctor in town, Dr. Simon Bradley. Simon is a surgical genius but not at all very good with dealing with people. The good folks of Fools Gold hope to convince him to stay in their little town and enlist the help of Montana to do so - not knowing that she and Simon already got off to a rocky start.

This is a Beauty and the Beast kind of story. Simon was badly scarred as a child and now works as a plastic surgeon to help others heal from similar wounds. He is awkward and short tempered but deep down he is really looking for acceptance. He's a perfect candidate for Fools Gold - a town known for taking in those in need.

This story grabbed me from the get-go and I had a hard time putting it down.  There were so many emotional aspects to this story and it was so well written that you felt everyone's joy, sorrow and pain.  Dr. Simon Bradley is now may favorite "hero" in any story and he brings out the healer in all of us who just want him to know that he is loved and accepted.

This story is a great addition to the Fools Gold series and a must read if you are a Susan Mallery fan.  You can click HERE to read an excerpt from "Only Yours." 

JPOP - Single - 大国男児 - Love Parade

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SRCL-7731~7732 (初回生産限定盤A / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7733~7734 (初回生産限定盤B / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7735 (通常盤)

專輯名稱:Love Parade
商品編號:SRCL-7731~7732 (初回生産限定盤A)
其他資料:3rd Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:Sony Music Records

デビューシングル「Love Power」、セカンドシングル「Love Bingo!」に続く、Loveシリーズ第三弾。デビューシングルがいきなり、オリコンチャートトップ10入りするなど、今一番勢いのあるK-POPグループが放つ、渾身のサードシングル!! [初回限定盤A]のDVDには、ミュージック・ビデオ (表題曲)を収録。豪華ブックレット付。

01. Love Parade
作詞:村野直球/作曲:Minoru Konorita/編曲:CHOKKAKU

02. Girlfriend
作詞:Yusuke Toriumi/作曲:Kana Yabuki/編曲:Shinichiro Murayama
※ 日本テレビ系「ぐるナイ」エンディング・テーマ

03. わすれない
作詞:canna/作曲:Shusui、Seiji Motoyama/編曲:Seiji Motoyama

04. Love Parade -instrumental-

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - 倖田來未 - 愛を止めないで

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

RZCD-46952/B (初回限定盤A / CD + DVD)

RZCD-46953 (初回限定盤B)

RZCD-46954 (通常盤)

商品編號:RZCD-46952/B (初回限定盤A)
其他資料:50th Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:rhythm zone

倖田來未が贈る珠玉のラブバラードは映画『セカンドバージン』の主題歌としてこの秋、遂に発売。「愛のうた」「好きで、好きで、好きで。」を超える、不朽の名曲が誕生。2010年NHKドラマでオンエアされ、社会的現状を巻き起こした、大石静脚本によるテレビドラマ『セカンドバージン』の映画版主題歌として決定している「愛を止めないで」。 更に、カップリングには4月からスタートした全国60公演のホールツアー"Koda Kumi Live Tour 2011 ~Dejavu~"の初日から歌唱している「You are not alone」を初収録。この楽曲は今回の震災直後に書き下ろされたもので、倖田來未にとって非常に思い入れのある作品。辛い時こそ大切な人と手を取り合って、共に生きて行こう。という願いがそこに込められている。涙なくしては語れない想いがここにある…。 「愛を止めないで」「You are not alone」の全2曲収録。DVD付。

01. 愛を止めないで
※ 松竹配給映画「セカンドバージン」主題歌

02 You are not alone

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - Fairies - More Kiss/Song for You

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AVCD-16246/B (初回限定盤A / CD + DVD)

AVCD-16247 (初回限定盤B)

AVCD-16248 (通常盤)

專輯名稱:More Kiss/Song for You
商品編號:AVCD-16246/B (初回限定盤A)
其他資料:1st Maxi Single (CD + DVD)

安室奈美恵やDA PUMP、SPEEDなどの 歌って踊れるアーティストを数多く輩出し てきたヴィジョン・ファクトリーから中学生の女の子で結成された7人組のアイドルグループが遂にデビュー! DVDには、「More Kiss」(MUSIC VIDEO)、「Song for You」(MUSIC VIDEO)を収録。

01. More Kiss
作詞.作曲:Hiroaki Hayama/編曲:BOY SKI MASK

02. Song for You
作詞.作曲.編曲:Hiroaki Hayama

03. More Kiss (Instrumental)

04. Song for You (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - miwa - FRiDAY-MA-MAGiC

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SRCL-7736~SRCL-7737 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7738 (通常盤)

商品編號:SRCL-7736~SRCL-7737 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:7th Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:Sony Music Records

miwa 7枚目のシングルは、7/22スタートのドラマFriday Break「桜蘭高校ホスト部」(TBS系 毎週金曜0時20~0時50分)主題歌。初回生産限定盤は、DVD付き。カラートレイ仕様。

※ TBSテレビ系ドラマ「桜蘭高校ホスト部」主題歌

02. 始まりは終わりじゃない

03. つよくなりたい ~from live tour 2011“guitarissimo”~

04. FRiDAY-MA-MAGiC ~instrumental~

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - RAM WIRE - 歩み

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AICL-2301~AICL-2302 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)
AICL-2303 (通常盤)

商品編號:AICL-2301~AICL-2302 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:1st Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:Sony Music Associated Records

結成から10年。ついにメジャーの舞台へ躍り出た千葉県在住、男女3人組ユニット、RAM WIRE。10年ものあいだ、努力と挫折を繰り返してきた中、大きな失意で立ち直れずにいたメンバーを想って出てきたことば「上手く歩かなくていいから、一歩ずつ君らしくあれ」。温め続けてきた彼らの代表曲にして、これが満を持してリリースされる1stシングル。映画「僕たちは世界を変えることができない。But, we wanna build a school in Cambodia.」(向井理主演9/23全国ロードショー)主題歌。初回限定盤は、DVD付き。

01. 歩み
※ 東映配給映画「僕たちは世界を変えることができない。But, we wanna build a school in Cambodia.」主題歌

02. ツキカゲ

03. 歩み (Instrumental)

04. ツキカゲ (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - 2NE1 - NOLZA

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AVCY-58000/B (初回限定生産盤A / CD + DVD)

AVCY-58001/B (初回限定生産盤B / CD + DVD)

AVCY-58002 (通常盤)

商品編號:AVCY-58000/B (初回限定生産盤A)
其他資料:1st Mini Album / CD + DVD

話題の次世代ポップ・アイコン2NE1(トゥエニィワン)、待望の日本デビュー! 2NE1の名前にちなみ"21"日おきに先行配信され話題を呼んだ3曲を含む、計5曲を収録したミニアルバム! 韓国発・世界が認める話題の本格派ガールズ・グループが、遂に日本上陸!! DVDには、MUSIC CLIP4曲 (「I AM THE BEST」「UGLY」「LONELY」「HATE YOU」)収録。

02. UGLY

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - 飛蘭 - ALIVE

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

LACA-35149 (初回限定盤 / CD + DVD)

LACA-15149 (通常盤)

商品編號:LACA-35149 (初回限定盤)
其他資料:2nd Full Album / CD + DVD
出品商:Lantis Record

"飛蘭" 待望の2ndアルバムをリリース!! 更に深みを増した"飛蘭"の歌唱力、表現力を余すところ無く収録。「Last vision for last」(TVアニメ『百花繚乱 サムライガールズ』OP主題歌)、「本能のDOUBT」(TVアニメ『探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ』ED主題歌)、「INFINIT CRISIS」(PSP専用ソフト『探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ』OP主題歌)、「螺旋、或いは聖なる欲望。」(TVアニメ『聖痕のクェイサーII』OP主題歌)、「灯-TOMOSHIBI-」(オリジナルアニメ『戦場のヴァルキュリア3』OP主題歌) 他、本アルバム用新曲も収録。初回限定盤は「飛蘭 LIVE TOUR 02 -HAPPY SOUL DANCE-」ツアーファイナルの大阪公演をほぼ余す所なく収録した、大ボリュームのDVD付き2枚組仕様。

作詞:飛蘭/作曲:藤末 樹/編曲:藤末 樹、茉邑伎

02. I don't know

03. Last vision for last
作詞:畑 亜貴/作曲.編曲:上松範康 (Elements Garden)
※ TVアニメ『百花繚乱 サムライガールズ』オープニング・テーマ

04. 正直に生きろ!

05. 本能のDOUBT
作詞:こだまさおり/作曲.編曲:中山真斗(Elements Garden)
※ TVアニメ『探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ』エンディング・テーマ

06. 亡霊達よ野望の果てに眠れ
作詞:畑 亜貴/作曲.編曲:中山真斗 (Elements Garden)
※ TVアニメ『刀語』11話エンディング・テーマ

作詞:飛蘭/作曲.編曲:中山真斗 (Elements Garden)
※ セガ・ビデオ・アニメ「戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡」オープニング・テーマ


09. 記憶の秘密

10. しずかな蜜より赤い蜜
作詞:畑 亜貴/作曲.編曲:藤間 仁 (Elements Garden)
※ TVアニメ『百花繚乱 サムライガールズ』イメージ・ソング

作詞.作曲:飛蘭/編曲:藤間 仁 (Elements Garden)

作詞.作曲.編曲:中山真斗 (Elements Garden)
※ PSP用ゲーム『探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ』2nd オープニング・テーマ

13. 螺旋、或いは聖なる欲望。
作詞:畑 亜貴/作曲.編曲:菊田大介 (Elements Garden)
※ TVアニメ『聖痕のクェイサーII』オープニング・テーマ


15. 素晴らしい世界へ
作詞.作曲:飛蘭/編曲:藤間 仁 (Elements Garden)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - フジファブリック - STAR

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AICL-2298~2299 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

AICL-2300 (通常盤)

商品編號:AICL-2298~2299 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:8th Full Album / CD + DVD
出品商:Sony Music Associated Records


フジファブリック再始動!! 山内総一郎 (G)をリードボーカルに、金澤ダイスケ (Key)、加藤慎一 (B)の3人体制で新たな一歩を踏み出したニュー・アルバム。
アルバムの冒頭を飾るタイトルトラック「STAR」は、キラリと光るメロディー、疾走感あふれる変幻自在なサウンドに乗せて、再始動へのメッセージを込めた象徴的なナンバー。 アルバムを通してサポートドラムには、刄田綴色from東京事変が参加。さらに「パレード」には、東京スカパラダイスオーケストラよりNARGO、北原雅彦、GAMOのホーンセクションが参加している。「STAR」他、全12曲収録予定。初回生産限定盤は、「STAR」のMUSIC VIDEOを収録したDVD付き。

01. Intro
02. STAR
03. スワン
04. ECHO
05. 理想型
06. Splash!!
07. アイランド
08. 君は炎天下
09. アンダルシア
10. Drop
11. パレード
12. cosmos

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - 真崎ゆか - LOVE SPACE

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)


其他資料:1st Full Album
出品商:Universal J

デビュー曲「LOVE SONG」から直近シングル「Change Myself」までの全4作品のシングル楽曲と配信シングル楽曲2曲を収録した、全14曲収録の待望のフルアルバム。

01. Lady Luck
※ 日本テレビ系ドラマ「ゴシップガール セカンド・シーズン」エンディング・テーマ

02. Strawberry

03. Last Kiss feat.KG

04. もっと愛したかった
※ TBSテレビ系「CDTV」エンディング・テーマ

05. 眠れないほど feat.WISE
※ 札幌テレビ「ぞっこん!スポーツ」エンディング・テーマ

06. Can't Say Goodbye

07. Change Myself
※ フジテレビ系ドラマ「明日の光をつかめ2」主題歌

08. Summer Rain

09. Get Away

10. Fed Up feat.BANDEE

11. Secret Love
※ 日本テレビ系ドラマ「ゴシップガール セカンド・シーズン」エンディング・テーマ

12. It's Love

13. Everlasting Love feat.房川ヒロ


CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - SPYAIR - Rockin' the World

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AICL-2287~2288 (初回生産限定盤A / CD + DVD)
AICL-2289~2290 (初回生産限定盤B / CD + Bouns CD)
AICL-2291 (通常盤)

專輯名稱:Rockin' the World
商品編號:AICL-2287~2288 (初回生産限定盤A)
其他資料:1st Full Album
出品商:Sony Music Associated Records

愛知県出身5人組ロックバンド「SPYAIR」、待望の1stAlbum!! 『LIAR』(ドラマ「ハンマーセッション」主題歌)、『Last moment』(アニメ「BLEACH」EDテーマ)、『ジャパニケーション』、『サムライハート(Some Like It Hot!!)』(アニメ「銀魂」EDテーマ)、『BEAUTIFUL DAYS』(ドラマ「ドン★キホーテ」主題歌)の5枚のシングル曲、LIVE ENDING定番曲『SINGING』、他新曲6曲。計12曲収録予定。初回生産限定盤Aは、DVD付き。「LIAR」「Last Moment」「ジャパニケーション」「サムライハート(Some Like It Hot!!)」「BUEAUTIFUL DAYS」ミュージックビデオと、LIVE映像 2011.6.27@名古屋・栄広場 (SPYAIRが地元名古屋の栄広場で行ってきたストリートライブの記念すべき100本目のライブ。デビュー前ながら2000人が詰め掛け、アンコールで振り出した土砂降りの雨の中歌う姿は伝説となった)を収録。2011.10.30 (日)日比谷野音ライブ バックステージ招待応募抽選ハガキ封入。

01. Rockin’ the World
02. ジャパニケーション
03. サムライハート(Some Like It Hot!!)
06. LIAR
07. Stay together
08. Beautiful
09. I miss you
10. Last Moment
11. SINGING (album mix)
12. My Friend

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - Kalafina - After Eden

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SECL-1012~1013 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

SECL-1014 (通常盤)

專輯名稱:After Eden
商品編號:SECL-1012~1013 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:4th Full Album (CD + DVD)
出品商:SME Records

Kalafina待望の3rdアルバム!! 日本国内はもとより、アジア、アメリカを中心に世界的現象となった大ヒットアニメ『黒執事II』『魔法少女まどか☆マギカ』のエンディング曲、NHKで絶賛OA中の『歴史秘話ヒストリア』の主題歌でもある「symphonia」(初収録)などを収録。 初回生産限定盤のDVDには、「symphonia」ビデオクリップ (初収録)、LAドキュメント映像 (今年7月にLAで行われたANIME EXPO2011での模様他、LAでのドキュメント映像)を収録。40ページ豪華パンフレット封入。 応募ハガキ封入 (※応募〆切: 2011年10月21日 (金)当日消印有効)。

01. Eden
02. sandpiper
03. Magia
04. 九月
05. in your eyes
06. destination unknown
07. neverending
08. ことのは
09. magnolia
10. 輝く空の静寂には
11. 胸の行方
12. snow falling
13. symphonia

CD - 試聽下載:

Carfellas: Pizza Caper

If you have not caught this yet, and you are not easily offended by foul language, then check out my cousin Michael's show "Carfellas" on Discovery Channel - Tuesday nights at 10 p.m.  This clip was so ridiculous and hysterical, it even made it on to "Chelsea Lately" on the E! network!

JPOP - Album - Every Little Thing - ORDINARY

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AVZD-38367/B (数量限定生産盤 / 15th Anniversary Special Edition / CD + DVD)

AVCD-38368/B (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

AVCD-38369 (通常盤)

歌手姓名:Every Little Thing
商品編號:AVCD-38368/B (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:21st Full Album / CD + DVD
出品商:avex trax

ELTデビュー15周年にして、通算10枚目となる、まさにメモリアルなアルバム発売決定! J-POPの王道を走り続けてきたELTならではの良質なポップスを詰め込んだ一枚。オリコン週間ランキングに6位7位と二枚同時TOP10入りし、Music Videoも話題を呼んだシングル「STAR」「MOON」、ひとつのモチーフで異なる2曲を作り上げ、この夏も話題になった『劇場版ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ』の主題歌となった「宙 -そら-」「響 -こえ-」、フジテレビ系 月9ドラマ『全開ガール』の主題歌で、着うた(R)・着うたフル(R)がロングヒット中の「アイガアル」、ファンへの感謝を込め、初の試みでファンが参加した「BEGIN」を含む、全13曲収録予定。DVDにはヒットシングル「アイガアル」「STAR」「MOON」「宙 ?そら-」のMusic Videoの他、ここでしか見られない「オフショット映像」を多数収録。

01. アイガアル
※ フジテレビ系ドラマ「全開ガール」主題歌

02. tomorrow
※ 「エイチ・アイ・エス」CMソング

03. 宙 -そら-
※ 東宝配給アニメ映画「劇場版ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ/ビクティニと黒き英雄 ゼクロム」主題歌

04. 空白

05. MOON

06. wonder love

07. STAR

08. Asian Beauty (Instrumental)

09. 響 -こえ-
※ 東宝配給アニメ映画「劇場版ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ/ビクティニと白き英雄 レシラム」主題歌

10. ありがとうはそのためにある


12. Pray For East (Instrumental)


CD - 試聽下載:

Fool's Gold Varsity Cheerleaders

I don't think I ever got to share this video here, but this is the actual video that appeared two weeks ago on Harlequin's site when they did the live video chat with my favorite author, Susan Mallery.

I have been "working" as a Fools Gold Varsity Cheerleader for a little over two months now helping promote this trilogy of books in Susan's Fools Gold series and it has been a complete blast!  

New TV Season Starting!!!

I have to admit, I do not watch as much TV  as I used to but I still get excited about the new television season starting.  I have maybe one show a night that I actually look forward to.  Here are my top pick of the new season:

Mondays:  How I Met Your Mother.  
I LOVE this show.  I mean, I honestly and truly love this show.  It always makes me laugh, it's not overly offensive and it is well acted.  Mondays at 8:00 on CBS - I am looking forward to the new episodes for sure.

Tuesdays:  The Biggest Loser (maybe) & Carfellas.
I used to be a huge fan of The Biggest Loser but they really lost me last season with the addition of the new trainers and the way they kept them a secret for the first couple of weeks.  It made for awkward viewing and it didn't hook me like I am sure the TV execs thought it would.  Kind of disappointing.  Then there's Carfellas - my cousin Michael's show on Discovery.  Sure, it's crazy and there is a lot of cursing but it manages to remind me how much I love my crazy family!

Wednesdays:  Modern Family.
I was actually quite offended by this show the very first time I watched it - which was the very first episode and then I didn't tune in again until the middle of the second season and I must admit, it cracks me up every week!  It is well acted, you can totally relate to the story lines and it's just plain funny!
Thursdays:  The Big Bang Theory.
I was VERY disappointed in the way the last season ended.  If you haven't seen it, I won't spoil it for you but suffice it to say most of us fans were NOT happy.  However, the cast is great and to see Sheldon and Amy weekly makes it all worth it!

Fridays and Saturdays:  There is NOTHING that holds any appeal to me.

Oh, if only I was 20 years younger and daring, I would SO totally be on this show!  I love it.  I mean, there's drama, geography,'s probably the BEST "Real" reality show out there.  I am very excited about it's premier on the 25th.

If you haven't looked at the new TV schedule, to to and check out the entire fall schedule line up.  I don't know about you, but none of the new shows looked all that interesting this time around.  We sill get a kick out of watching re-runs of MASH and Mary Tyler Moore!  They just don't make TV like that anymore!
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