And this is just one example of why I haven't blogged in a while...

Honestly, Alan Funt and the Candid Camera team were clearly 
following me tonight. 
I left work at 5:05, as I turned on to N. Main one of the girls 
from the office called because some stuff went down today 
between her and a co-worker and she wanted to know if I 
thought she was wrong.  That conversation lasted for about 
20 minutes during which time I got home, came in the 
door and got dinner going. Got off the phone with her, talked 
to Frank a bit, set the table and found out that Michael had a 
mountain of homework.  Not good.  This led to a HUGE 
discussion about why he's not getting his homework done 
in a timely manner and to be fair, there was just a lot of it.

So we eat and I decide that I am going to leave him home 
and go to small group by myself.  I'm supposed to be there 
by 6-6:30 and it is now 6:15. Frank is not cool with that 
because no one knows if the boy will actually WORK while 
we're not here.  This makes Michael mad and he storms off
 out of the house in to the yard (in his socks - which is 
something he has gotten in trouble for TWICE this week 
because he's ruining all his socks!) and starts playing 
with the kids across the street.  Now, there is going to 
be a huge brawl between my two males so there was 
yelling and crying and Michael storms back IN to the house 
and drops his binder on the ground (the 3 inch thick one) 
and everything came flying out.  Why?  Because he "forgot" 
to punch holes in most ofhis stuff.  Now we've got to 
rearrange the binder. 

At this point TWC calls to say that I have a past due 
account that is going to affect our service.  I had let
the machine pick up so now I've got to call them back
and I am number 12 in the queue!  So I'm holding and 
holding and Frank tells me that Target had called 
(several times this week it turns out) and my thyroid 
prescription has to be picked up tonight or I will have 
to have my doctor call in another one. 


I finally get to talk to a TWC rep and all of their hooplah 
(3 calls this week) was over a past-due balance of $25.22. 
Seriously?? I get off the phone with them, send Frank off to 
band practice because they are playing at a charity event 
Friday night and I leave to go and pick up my prescription - 
it is 7:15 by now.  I get in the car, drive to Target.  We put
new front brakes on my car this morning and the car starts 
making this hideous squealing sound coming from under the 
car.  At that point I was like "Stick a fork in me, I'm done". 

So here I am. Blogging...sigh.

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