Wordless Wednesday - Sweet Nothings.

"Can You See What I See?"

Come add your Wordless Wednesday moments on 5 Minutes for Mom.

CLOSED: Daily Steals with Sir Bingley (Christmas Carnival Giveaway #34)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- Mid Dec 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the

Home Sweet Home

Whew!  I am telling you it is so GOOD to be home!!

Let me give you the Reader's Digest version of our trip:  First, Michael got sick last Sunday (before we left).  I kept him home from school on Monday and Monday night he threw up and there was some blood in it.  Yuck.  So on Tuesday we took him to the doctor and lo and behold, he has strep.  In order to make things easy on both him and us, they gave him a shot of Penicillin. By Wednesday morning, he seemed to be doing okay.

Now, during all of this, starting also on Monday night, Michael complained of an itchy eye.  He rubbed it so much that the right eye swelled up.  Actually, it looked as if something bit him under the eye but after a dose of Benedryl and a cold compress, he was fine.  Tuesday afternoon, after the trip to the doctor, it happened again.  Okay, fine, another dose of Benedryl and a cold compress and again, fine.  Two hours later, his OTHER eye looked like it had a bubble on his lid!  I did the cold compress on it and after a little while, it was fine.  We did eye drops and again, he was okay.  

On the road Wednesday, he complained that his eyes were itchy and to be honest, once we hit Florida we were all feeling all kinds of allergy nonsense.  We got to my in-laws and by the time we had dinner, both his eyes were red and puffy.  I ran to Walgreens to see if the Pharmacist could recommend anything and he could not - but suggested getting him to an urgent care.  It was 9:30 on Thanksgiving Eve, no one was open.  I called the pediatrician after-hours hotline and they upped his dose of Benedryl but recommended an urgent care, as well.

Well, when he woke up the next morning, his whole FACE was swollen!  It was so scary!  We put him in the car, tried one urgent care (it was closed) and then hit the ER.  We spent almost FOUR HOURS there to have a doctor say "He's having an allergic reaction to something".  Really?  You think?  They gave him a dose of Prednisone and Benedryl and told us to keep up the Benedryl three times a day for a few days until the swelling goes down.  Can I tell you how MISERABLE and tired he was?  He slept through Thanksgiving dinner and was pretty much cranky the rest of the time.  

Are we having fun yet?

Friday wasn't much better for him.  He was still a bit puffy, still cranky.  Nick and I went shopping in the morning and then I got a massive migraine.  I tried to nap it off but it didn't work out too well.  We took Michael for a follow up and were told that he was going to be fine...who knows why he had a reaction but they don't think it was to the Penicillin.  We went out to dinner Friday night, shopped some more on Saturday and on Sunday...I got to go to Disney!!

We did "Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party" and it was amazing!  We shopped and had lunch at Downtown Disney first and then went and saw the life-size ginger bread house at the Grand Floridian and then hit the Magic Kingdom from 4:30-midnight for the Christmas party.  I took about 150 pictures and it felt like we walked about ten miles by the time the day was over!

I could barely walk on Monday and spent most of the day in an exhausted haze.  We left Florida this morning around 10 and got home around 7:30.  It is now around 10:15 and my laundry is drying, we are completely unpacked and the house is in order.  We have school and work in the morning and life is returning to normal.

Life is good...

5 helpful tips for holiday tech shopping

Black Friday has just whizzed by and quick at the heels to follow was Cyber Monday and honestly though we do need to shop for a new television (and I'd love to get a new camera), we weren't bold enough to rush our purchasing decisions over the weekend, brave the crowds and buy just because the prices were slashed. Hubby and I have kept a few things in mind for our future 'BIG BUYS' and here are 5

And the Gift Goes On (Day 30...Final Day of Giving...Or Is It?)

We're on Day 30 of the 30 Day Giving Challenge, i.e. officially the last day of the Challenge around the Blogosphere (For a recap on my 30 day challenge posts, click here).My family (Bunny girl in particular) is a little sad that it has "come to an end".Earlier this afternoon, we stopped by the Salvation Army center to drop off some of our Angel gifts. While there, we bumped into a Corps Officer

JPOP - Single - シド - 乱舞のメロディ

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

KSCL-1695~1696 (初回生産限定盤A / CD + DVD)

KSCL-1697~1698 (初回生産限定盤B / CD + DVD)

KSCL-1699 (通常盤)

商品編號:KSCL-1695~1696 (初回生産限定盤A)
其他資料:8th Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:Ki/oon Records

2010年第4弾シングル! 12/11の東京ドーム公演の直前にリリースされる、ライヴ映え間違い無しの『激エモ曲』。作曲は、Bass/明希。 初回限定盤AはDVD (SID Summer Festa 2010 ライブ映像+いちばん好きな場所2010 未公開映像 Ver.A収録 ※初回限定盤AとBで収録内容は異なります)付。

01. 乱舞のメロディ
作詞:マオ/作曲:御恵明希/編曲:シド、Takayuki Kato
※ テレビ東京系アニメ「BLEACH」オープニング・テーマ

02. 暖炉

03. 合鍵 (Live from SID TOUR 2009 hikari)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - SPYAIR - Last Moment

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AICL-2207~2208 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)
AICL-2209 (通常盤)

AICL-2210 (期間生産限定盤/アニメ盤)

專輯名稱:Last Moment
商品編號:AICL-2207~2208 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:2nd Maxi Single
出品商:Sony Music Associated Records

SPYAIRの第二弾シングル!! メジャー第一弾シングル「LIAR」でシーンに登場した彼らのより真髄に迫った楽曲! 書き下ろしの新曲、Vo.IKEの特徴であるパワフルで憂いを帯びた声と骨太なSPYAIRサウンドが完全に融合した超の付く「ど」キャッチーなアップナンバーの表題曲「Last Moment」(アニメ『BLEACH』エンディングテーマに決定!)。インディーズ時代のシングルに収録されていたファンに人気の隠れた名曲「哀より愛し」(リマスタリング)。完全初出の新曲「ノンフィクション」。今年6/27、2000人のファンを集め話題となった地元名古屋・栄の野外ライブでドシャ降りの中で初披露されて以来、問い合わせが絶えなかった名曲「Just Like This」の鉄壁・充実・手抜無し・メガ盛りの4曲入りシングル!! 初回限定盤は、ミュージックビデオを収録したDVD付き。

01. Last Moment
※ テレビ東京系アニメ「BLEACH」エンディング・テーマ

02. 哀より愛し (re-mastering)

03. ノンフィクション

04. Just Like This
※ LISMOドラマ「恋色円舞」主題歌

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - miwa - オトシモノ

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SRCL-7427~SRCL-7428 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7429 (通常盤)

商品編號:SRCL-7427~SRCL-7428 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:4th Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:Sony Music Records

miwa、早くも4枚目のシングルをリリース! 3曲収録予定。表題曲「オトシモノ」は、TBS系連続ドラマ『獣医ドリトル』 (10月17日スタート・毎週日曜日21時~)の挿入歌に決定! 初回限定盤はビデオクリップを収録したDVD付。カラートレイ仕様。

01. オトシモノ
※ TBSテレビ系ドラマ「獣医ドリトル」挿入歌

02. ウソつき

03. don't cry anymore~piano version~

04. オトシモノ~instrumental~

CD - 試聽下載:

Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 11/30-12/7)

(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.) The Christmas Carnival 2010 is rocking!! ((Woot! Woot!)) We've still got tons of prizes left so (as has

CLOSED: Modesty is Fashionable when it's Mikarose(Christmas Carnival Giveaway #33)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- Mid Dec 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)

Comunicado da Benfica SAD, a propósito dos CORRUPTOS

Eis o comunicado da Benfica SAD:

Co Adriaanse
Luís Fabiano
Paulo Assunção
Raul Meireles
Matt Fish (basquetebolista)
Paulo Martins (RTP)
Pedro Figueiredo (RTP)
João Pedro Silva (RTP)
Marinho Neves (jornalista)
Fotógrafo do JN atropelado à saída do tribunal.

E mais um sem número de pessoas que optaram pelo silêncio!

A todos a nossa solidariedade!

Reece's Rainbow....A Ministry of Adoption, Hope and Love (Day 29 of Giving )

Earlier this morning while going through posts on my Reader, I stopped at Love Hope Faith's blog when I saw little Trenton's face on the post. I hadn't heard about Reece's Rainbow earlier so I was curious to read more and what I read moved my heart and I knew I needed to feature this Ministry on Day 29 of the 30 Day Giving Challenge.Reece's Rainbow promotes the international adoption of children

CLOSED: National Geographic Kids Atlas (Super Discount +Christmas Carnival Giveaway #32)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- Mid Dec 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

High Style Dressing at Low Prices with DownEast Basics (Review Only)

This Holiday season if you're looking to buy clothing that is affordable, chic and something that will last longer than just a few weeks, check out Down East Basic.DownEast Basics is a high style, low price fashion retailer that has boutique quality products for a fraction of the price you would pay otherwise.Do they have a holiday catolog? You betcha!DownEast Basics 2010 holiday gift guide

CLOSED: HearthSong...A Gift Wonderland! (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #31)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- Mid Dec 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*In the

Benfica na Final Four da Uefa Futsal Cup

Estamos na final four da UEFA Futsal Cup, e temos a possibilidade de revalidar o titulo de campeões europeus.
Vitória de 5-2 contra os anfitriões da ronda de elite.
Excelente noticia a juntar aos 3-1 contra o Beira- Mar.

Ronda Elite (Grupo A) - 28-11-2010 - 20:30CET (20:30 Hora local) - Sports Hall Jezero - Kragujevac
5 - 2
Final do jogo

CLOSED: Protecting Identities...Fellowes P-8C Shredder (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #30)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- Mid Dec 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*The

Winners for the giveaways that ended on 11/27

CONGRATULATIONS!!This has been a great weekend. I love the time I've been spending with my precious family and our wonderful friends (and how can forget... all that food?!)I know I've not posted any giveaways the past three days and you may be wondering...is it over?Rest assured you still have a good number of days left!! ((Chuckle))I've just reorganized my list and all my resources and guess

Assim de repente...

...começo a acreditar que a melhor contratação de janeiro, seria a saída do JJ...

Giving Thanks....and Sharing from our Bounty. (TSMSS + Day 27 of Giving)

I'm at the computer after spending three beautiful days with the family(I love the joy that surrounds this season)and ....all that food! ((Whew!))Thank You Lord, I'm so grateful for it all.But even amidst the laughter, chow downs and fun, we kept reminding ourselves not to forget those in need....those not as fortunate as usand now as we're just 3 days away from finishing the the 30 Day Giving

So sorry, my Entrecard friends!!

Okay, so I am kind of on "vacation" but I did bring my laptop with me so that I can still do my e-card dropping.  The problem?  No Wifi where I am at!  

So for all of you who I normally drop on, please do not hate me!  I promise to be back to my regular dropping mode by the middle of the week.  All this relaxing is killing me!!!

I hope that you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and I will catch up with you soon!!

Há sempre os primeiros a abandonar o barco...

«Não tenho qualquer má relação com Jorge Jesus, ainda no domingo almoçámos juntos. Agora, na forma de viver, de compromissos com o Benfica, talvez seja diferente, porque nem todos somos iguais. Por exemplo, a minha mulher reclama de eu viver tanto o clube. Mas, repito, na relação com ele não há nada a apontar.»

E é assim que, quando se perde, já não vale a pena referir telefonemas às 2 da manhã para se solicitar a contratação de um qualquer jogador a dar show de bola no PFC. Mas são amigos, até almoçam juntos ao Domingo.
Fico feliz que o nosso presidente preserve as suas amizades. Jorge Jesus, Fernando Santos, Camacho... São todos muito amigos! Tão amigos que, há um ano, ficámos a saber que o nosso treinador era um homem que se identificava com o clube e que, tendo em conta que esta direcção havia sido eleita para um mandato de 3 anos, havia uma certeza de que ele seria o homem certo para desempenhar a função de treinador neste triénio.
São assim as convicções de circunstância... Tanto se passa do benfiquista que está no seu tirocínio a caminho da presidência do Benfica para o gajo que não manda nada e que pouco tem a ver com o sucesso da equipa de futebol como se é obcecado pelo clube e pelo sucesso da equipa para alguém que tem uma forma de estar diferente...
Sinceramente, estou farto disto. Mereço melhor. E não pensem que me considero especial. Tenho consciência que devo ser tratado exactamente da mesma forma que os outros "clientes" do Sport Lisboa e Benfica, do 1º ao 230000º.

Stress Mangement...

Just in case you are having a rough day, here is a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological journals. The funny thing is that it really does work and will make you smile.

  1. Picture yourself lying on your tummy on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream.
  2. Picture yourself with both your hands dangling in the cool running water.
  3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air.
  4. No one knows your secret place.
  5. You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called the world.
  6. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.
  7. The water is so crystal clear that you can easily make out the face of the person you are holding underwater.
There! See? It really does work. You're smiling already.

Thanks to the folks over at Comedy Plus...you guys crack me up!

8 meses depois

Lembro-me bem do que senti quando ganhámos em Marselha. Que satisfação! Que orgulho! Era o regresso do grande Benfica Europeu. Só passaram 8 meses...


O futebol tem tanto de belo como de irritante e profundamente injusto. 21 cantos, cerca de 20 remates, maior percentagem de bola e acima de tudo muita, mas mesmo muita incompetência de alguns dos nossos jogadores e muito do nosso treinador. Torna-se cansativo repetir a cada jogo que passa especialmente na Liga dos Campeões a gritante falta de ideias e de competência do catedrático Jorge Jesus. 3 substituições completamente falhadas, sendo que a do Salvio (ou como diz MLeal muito bem o Sepa) por Carlos Martins foi azar, mas a saida de Javi Garcia foi dos maiores erros que tive o "prazer" de testemunhar. É daquelas substituições que na minha opinião deveriam dar rescisão de contrato por justa causa. Gaitan e Aimar a arrastarem-se, Carlos Martins entrou pessimamente, duas torres perdidas na frente, a equipa psicologicamente em baixo, e retira-se o único jogador capaz de recuperar bolas. O resultado está bem à vista, conseguimos perder a vantagem que tínhamos perante esta medíocre equipa, ficando expostos a um mau resultado em casa e a uma surpresa em França. Lamentável.

Parece-me que o PFC deixou de passar na casa de alguém os telefones devem estar avariados e os sinais de fumo também se tornaram indecifraveis, mas sobre isso teremos a certeza na entrevista que LFV dará a assumir as suas responsabilidades!!!

CLOSED: Ooh La La! ...A Baby Bunch Bouquet! (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #29)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*I love

Stop touching me!!!

Back when I was much, much younger, my family took two trips.  They were both to Florida and we drove both times.  From New York to Florida.  Without stopping.  I am 41 years old and that last trip I had to be around 7 and yet I STILL have flashbacks to it.  

As we prepare to make the drive to visit my in-laws for Thanksgiving, it is exhausting to think of everything that we will need to make sure that everyone is entertained, no one is touching anyone, and that we have everything that we'll need in case of an emergency.  I'm telling you, I need a vacation from planning and packing for the vacation!

There are multiple suitcases filled with everything that four people will need for five days.  There is a cooler jam packed with sandwiches, drinks and snacks for a ten hour drive so that we don't have to stop for anything.  There are portable DVD players so that there will be something for the boys to watch and not have to talk to one another (or us!).  There are bags of books, magazines and portable electronic devices guaranteed to keep everyone entertained should everything else fail.  

The adults get to...sit and listen to the DVD players that we cannot see, not have radio and generally sit quietly so that the children can hear all of their entertainment.  Well, unless I go out and purchase headphones for them so that maybe we, the weary drivers, can actually be entertained.  

By the time we arrive at our destination, the last thing I want to do is be near anyone or sit anywhere.  My fingers are crossed for a good, safe and friendly trip!

Que Benfica queremos?

Os benfiquistas são muitos. Disso ninguém duvida. Mas nem sempre me parece terem o melhor comportamento para termos um Benfica cada vez maior. Bem sei que a maioria gosta sobretudo ou apenas de futebol, mas não ignoro que boa parte sente orgulho em ser adepto de um clube ecléctico, capaz de nos proporcionar várias alegrias por fim-de-semana, com os sucessos das diferentes modalidades. E, todavia, insistimos em deixá-las quase ao abandono. Sendo certo que o futsal conseguiu cativar um número significativo de benfiquistas, as outras modalidades têm assistências aos seus jogos na Luz muito aquém do que merecem. É muito bom ter cinco equipas a competir na Europa, mas o factor casa deve ser importante nos desfechos dos jogos. Ontem, no início do jogo de basquetebol que permitiu a primeira vitória na fase de grupos da Eurochallenge, o panorama era confrangedor. Pouca gente se encontrava no pavilhão. Entretanto, compôs-se e, com a chegada de um grupo de 20/30 adeptos mais ruidosos, o ambiente animou-se e a assistência acabou por contribuir para o triunfo. Mas a equipa (bicampeã nacional, não esqueçamos) merece muito mais. Espero que, na próxima terça-feira, véspera de feriado, sem jogos da Liga dos Campeões de futebol na televisão, sejamos muito mais. Para bem dos jogadores. Para bem do nosso Benfica. Será que, sendo tantos, não conseguimos juntar em cada jogo das modalidades na Luz pelo menos 1000/1500 pessoas?

For the Love of Susan Mallery!

I cannot say it enough:  I LOVE Susan Mallery.  I think I am closing in on having read everything that she has written so I can only hope that she has something new coming out soon.  If not, let me take a moment to say: "Write, Susan, Write!!"

Anyway, check out the Fool's Gold Holiday Wishes Magazine from Susan Mallery.  I guarantee you will become a fan.

5 tips for editing digital photos for blog posts

Now since I author a review blog, there are many times I've had to take photographs involving my 2 little ones that feature there face profiles. Being the over-protective Mama Hen, I make sure my photographs feature the products being showcased but not my family.I personally love working on my pictures on Picasa as it is, to put it simply, easy peasy! So here are 5 tips I have to help you edit


Na conferência que antecede o jogo de amanhã, JJ assumiu de extrema importância o resultado do jogo. Obviamente que temos de concordar, um resultado que não seja a vitoria acrescenta pressão e reduz as possibilidades de sucesso num dos objectivos estabelecidos para a presente temporada. Escudado na importância do jogo afirmou que jogaríamos como fazemos em 90% dos jogos, o que na essência é aceitável desde que sejam corrigidas as lacunas evidenciadas nos jogos anteriores, a saber:
- Os jogadores a jogarem nas suas posições naturais;
- Javi Garcia não pode jogar sozinho no meio campo, seria importante ter ajuda, penso que mantendo a esquemática que apresentamos Ruben Amorim poderá ser a peça de equilíbrio que tem faltado (se apresentar condições físicas condizentes com a dificuldade do jogo);
- Atitude competitiva, ambição, concentração máxima.

O que não gostei nada de ouvir/ler foi a duvida veiculada pelo nosso treinador em relação ao ponta de lança a utilizar de inicio. Kardec tem vindo a jogar enquanto Cardozo procura a melhor forma, penso que foi escusada a menção da duvida pois fragiliza o primeiro. Há coisas que por mais que nos assaltem o espírito deveremos guardar para nós, julgo que esta era uma delas.

JPOP - Single - DEEP - 未来への扉

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

RZCD-46671/B (初回限定盤 / CD + DVD)

RZCD-46672 (通常盤)

商品編號:RZCD-46671/B (初回限定盤)
其他資料:4th Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:rhythm zone

DEEP最大のブレイクチャンス! 今作は10月14日スタート、フジテレビ系ドラマ『医龍 Team Medical Dragon3』主題歌に決定!! DVDにはPV、LIVE映像を収録予定。

01. 未来への扉
作詞:Shogo Kashida/作曲:Tai Furusawa/編曲:Tai Furusawa、Tek Kato
※ フジテレビ系ドラマ「医龍 Team Medical Dragon 3」主題歌

作詞:TAKE from Skoop On Somebody/作曲:JiN/編曲:JiN、Futoshi Kawashima

03. Silent Night (A Cappella)

04. 白いマフラー (ストーリー編)
作詞:Masato Odake/作曲.編曲:RIO

05. 未来への扉 (Instrumental)

06. SILVER SNOW (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - YUI - Rain

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SRCL-7471~7472 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7473 (通常盤)

商品編號:SRCL-7471~7472 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:17h Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:Sony Music Records

これぞYUI!というサウンド感と歌詞が込められた新曲『Rain』。クリスマスイヴの想い出に重ねられた、等身大のリアルな感情が込められています。2年3ヵ月ぶりのアルバム『HOLIDAYS IN THE SUN』も絶好調の中、話題の新ドラマ主題歌に、大抜擢された新曲『Rain』。寒くなっていくこれからの季節に重ねて、曲を感じて欲しい!

01. Rain
※ フジテレビ系ドラマ「パーフェクト・リポート」主題歌

02. a room

03. How crazy ~YUI Acoustic Version~

04. Rain ~Instrumental~

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - 飛蘭 - 本能のDOUBT

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)


其他資料:7th Maxi Single
出品商:Lantis Record

大作アニメやゲームなど大型タイアップ楽曲を次々とリリースする、注目度No.1の歌姫"飛蘭"のニューシングルは、「ブシロード」が手掛ける初のオリジナルコンテンツのTVアニメ『探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ』のED主題歌!!

01. 本能のDOUBT
作詞:こだまさおり/作曲.編曲:中山真斗 (Elements Garden)
※ TVアニメ『探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ』エンディング・テーマ

02. 本当の愛を求めて
作詞:飛蘭/作曲.編曲:中山真斗 (Elements Garden)

03. 本能のDOUBT (off vocal)

04. 本当の愛を求めて (off vocal)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - 寿美菜子 - Startline

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SMCL-229~230 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

SMCL-231 (通常盤)

商品編號:SMCL-229~230 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:2nd Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:Music Ray'n

「けいおん!」のキーボード琴吹紬役、「うみものがたり ~あなたがいてくれたコト~」の宮守夏音などを演じ、18歳にしてその頭角を現している声優・寿美菜子が、セカンドシングルをリリース! 9月15日にリリースした大好評のデビューシングル『Shiny+』に続く今作は、自身が声優としてヒロインを演じるアニメ「コイセント」の主題歌となる。アニメ「コイセント」は、奈良の平城京遷都1300年を記念して「サンライズ」が制作する期待の新作アニメーションで、11月27日から全国4か所の劇場での上映も決定している話題作。寿美菜子は本作のヒロインである歌姫・トトを演じながら、作品のオープニングとエンディングテーマを歌う。寿美菜子は大注目のユニット「スフィア」の一員としても活躍中で、11月23日には初の日本武道館での公演が決定している。メンバー内で唯一の十代でありながら、圧倒的な歌唱力と大人の落ち着きを見せる、無限の可能性を秘めた18歳。初回生産限定盤は、DVD付き。

01. Startline
※ サンライズ・ビデオ・アニメ「コイ☆セント」エンディング・テーマ

02. metamorphose

03. Startline (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - 葵 from 彩冷える - Surrender Love

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

TKCA-73579 (初回限定盤A / CD + DVD)

TKCA-73582 (初回限定盤B)

TKCA-73583 (通常盤)

專輯名稱:Surrender Love
歌手姓名:葵 from 彩冷える
商品編號:TKCA-73579 (初回限定盤A)
其他資料:2nd Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:Tokuma Japan Communications

ウィジュアル系バンド"彩冷える"のVo.葵のソロ・プロジェクト"葵 from 彩冷える"の、超キラーチューン・マキシシングル! 初回限定盤Aは、MUSIC CLIP、MUSIC CLIP オフショット、インタビューを収録したDVD付き。※ジャケットは、初回限定盤A・B、通常盤それぞれ異なります。

01. Surrender Love
作詞:葵/作曲:Fredrik "Figge" Bostrom、Danne Attlerud/編曲:IPPEI

02. 恋文

03. Surrender Love (Instrumental)

04. 恋文 (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - スキマスイッチ - TOUR 2010 “LAGRANGIAN POINT”

【檔案名稱】:kmc-AUCL-20012.zip / kmc-AUCL-20013.zip
【檔案大小】:133MB / 137MB
【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AUCL-20012~20013 (初回生産限定盤)

AUCL-52~53 (通常盤)

商品編號:AUCL-20012~20013 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:8th Live Album / 2CDs
出品商:Ariola Japan

2010年1月より行われた全国ツアー『スキマスイッチTOUR 2010"ラグランジュポイント"』の模様を待望のCD化!! 追加公演を含め、全39本とスキマスイッチ最大規模の全国ツアーは大成功を収めた。スキマスイッチとしては、2008年にアリーナツアーの模様を収録した「スキマスイッチ ARENA TOUR'07 "W-ARENA"」以来、約2年ぶりのライブアルバム。内容は、最新アルバム「ナユタとフカシギ」の楽曲に加え、ヒットシングル他、充実した内容。 初回生産限定盤は、Blu-spec CD仕様。常田真太郎によるセルフライナーノーツ封入、スリーブケース付き。 Live DVD「スキマスイッチTOUR 2010"LAGRANGIAN POINT"THE MOVIE」との連動特典応募券封入 (応募締切: 2010年12月8日 (水)消印有効)。

01. ラグランジュポイントのテーマ
02. フィクション
03. ガラナ
04. 雫
05. アカツキの詩
06. ムーンライトで行こう
07. レモネード
08. ためいき
09. ボクノート
10. Aアングル
11. Bアングル
12. 8ミリメートル
13. 藍

01. 病院にいく
02. 飲みに来ないか
03. 双星プロローグ
04. デザイナーズマンション
05. ゴールデンタイムラバー
06. 全力少年
07. SL9
08. 虹のレシピ
09. 光る -encore- (Bonus Track)

CD1 - 試聽下載:

CD2 - 試聽下載:

CLOSED: Chuggington Training Yard with Loop Playset (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #28)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*They're

Be Led to Give (Day 23 of Giving )

This morning while checking the #30daygive hashtag on Twitter. I found this beautiful post drawn up by Mama Hall simply titled 'Be Led To Give'To kick off Day 23 of the 30 Day Giving Challenge, I'm encouraging you to hop over to Mama Hall's blog and read her beautiful 'GIVING' ideas.All the causes are new to me so I was blessed to have stopped to read her post.Thank you Mama HallI pray the post

Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 11/23-11/30)

(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.)Isn't the Christmas Carnival 2010 awesome!!There's still more to come y'all!Post the 'Christmas


It is official!  At 10:52 p.m. I FINISHED my 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo!  WOO-HOO!!!  Granted the book itself is not finished, I'm probably at the two-thirds point but I hit the goal of 50,000 words and boy does it feel GOOD!!!

I was frantically trying to get done before going away for Thanksgiving and I can proudly say that I did in in 22 days!  Yeah, me!!!

If you could see me right now, you would see me doing a little victory dance with a towel on my head.  I'm not wearing a towel because I won but because I just colored my hair.  What?  Colored my hair AND finished NaNoWriMo, that's crazy talk.

And yet it is true.

Well, I'm going to let my carpel tunnel rest for a few days and then I will continue with my book and finish it.  I'm just so happy right now!!!  I LOVE when I set a goal (or let someone else set the goal) and I complete it!!!


CLOSED; Christmas Shopping at Novica (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #27)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Early this year

Need a little help? (Day 22 of Giving )

We're on Day 21 of the 30 Day Giving Challenge and just in case you are running out of steam, here are a few simple and totally do-able 'Give this Christmas away' tips from Matthew West to help you out....Bake cookies/cake for your neighborsBe a babysitter- Offer a couple with young children a much needed night outWrite out a thank you letter to someone who has made an impact in your lifeGive

Winners for the giveaways that ended on 11/20

CONGRATULATIONS!!Winner, Winner...Chicken Dinner!! Here's the winners list for the week...* Winner of the Gummy Lump Toy of Choice-the Fold & Go Princess Castle is #563- Tylerpants* Winner of the VTech Toy's Winnie The Pooh Explore 'n' Learn Table is #475- Katy* Winner of the Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls gift pack is #28-Shelly* Winners of Trivial Pursuit are#353-Amy D#155

CLOSED: Moody Mama's Winter Collection(+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #26)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*I promised that

Some simple truths...

Okay, so I totally borrowed this from Comedy Plus...a very funny site.  I hope this makes you all laugh and I guarantee you will be able to relate to at least SOME of them!

  1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
  2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
  3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
  4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.
  5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
  6. Was learning cursive really necessary?
  7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
  8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.
  9. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.
  10. Bad decisions make good stories.
  11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
  12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again.
  13. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.
  14. "Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash this - ever.
  15. I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? **** it!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voice mail. What did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?
  16. I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

Este sim é Benfiquista!

Esta imagem vale por mil palavras, alguém que sente e que vive o Benfica como um adepto, que sente e ama o clube e tudo o que representa, nunca o ouvimos falar contra o Benfica, nunca o vimos abraçado ao Pinto da Costa, nunca chorou na comunicação social por isto ou por aquilo. Foi vendido à Fiorentina em detrimento do Barcelona e nunca ouvi um lamento, chorou sim quando jogou com o Benfica pela Fiorentina num amigavel e marcou um golo contra o seu coração. Chorou ele e chorámos nós e aplaudimos.
Estes gestos identificam o ser humano, este sim é um benfiquista de corpo e alma e lá estava ele ontem a ver o jogo de Voleibol porque o Benfica é um todo e é um Mundo, Rui Costa prova que não era só mais um jogador de futebol, é um homem do desporto em toda a sua plenitude, que compreende a relação entre o desporto e a vida, que considera que o exemplo é um factor social de grande importância, que é humilde, que é correcto, e que é também um dos maiores benfiquistas de todos os tempos .
Obrigado Rui!

CLOSED: A Build-A-Bear Giving Opportunity (Day 21 of Giving + 25$ G.C.Giveaway)-CCG #25

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

Yesterday (Day 19) was a great day. A day that was busy and tiring but beautiful in every way. As parents we saw how this Challenge has touched the heart of my preschooler.

As you know we've been having some great giveaways on the blog to celebrate this wonderful Christmas season and I was asked to review

Our Gorgeous Tiny Prints Christmas Cards (Review Only)

With less than a month left for Christmas, have you really been able to cross off everything on your list?Putting up the tree? Check!Decorating the home? Check!Taking those holiday photographs for this year's Christmas Cards? Check!....((GASP!)) The photographs are ready but you've forgotten to order the cards. With such little time to spare where can you order gorgeous Christmas Cards that can

CLOSED: My First Disney Princess Aurora Doll (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #24)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.
For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*


Another NaNoWriMo Update...

Okay, so here we are coming in to the home stretch and I am at...drumroll please...

37,000 words.


It has been such a struggle to get things down on paper or typed up or however you want to say it.  I am not a consistent writer, that's the real problem.  I am easily distracted and ideally, I would not be doing this at home.  This was the week from hell and my writing time was next to none.  

Oh, and did I mention that I don't really HAVE until the 30th to finish?  No, I have until Tuesday night to finish because we leave Wednesday morning for our Thanksgiving trip and I don't think I'll have time to write while we're away and we won't be back until the 30th.  So really, time is certainly NOT on my side.

Oh, and on Sunday I am cooking an early Thanksgiving feast for family and friends, Monday I am helping a friend with a cleaning job, followed by an appointment at human services and then on to the doctor and Tuesday I have a 90 minute class.  PLUS...I have to get our family of four packed and ready to leave.

Can somebody tell me where I'm going to find the time to write 13,000 more words???


I didn't completely go off the deep end...

but it was close.

The good news is that the van now has a brand new alternator and battery.  Frank installed them both and the van is running.  But...now there is a squealing sound.


At this point, I don't know what to do with him OR the van.  I'm tired of hearing about it.  As I'm sure most of you are.  But on another note of annoyance...my husband fell asleep on the bed like an hour ago (around 9:30) and he normally stays up until 2 a.m.  Now, I cannot move him or wake him up and cannot get myself in to the bed because he is on top of all the blankets in the MIDDLE of the bed.

Seriously, at any given moment you are either going to be seeing a story about me on the 11:00 news or on America's Most Wanted because I am losing it BIG TIME.

I have a doctor's appointment in the morning with a new practice and when I called them today the "dude" that answered the phone (on speaker phone) was CLEARLY put out by the fact that I wanted an appointment.  If I come to find out that it was the actual DOCTOR with the attitude, it will be my first and LAST visit.

I got to run around and do my own thing today - no errands to mechanics or auto part stores and it felt glorious.  I went to the dry cleaner, the post office, food shopping at two different grocery stores...it was nirvana!  I took a friend out for ice cream and I actually got to drive!  It's the little things really that make me happy.  

I got a call from my sister today that she was worried about our dad.  He lost his business and can't find a job and he is full of despair...much like the rest of the country.  As it turns out, Crazy Nancy decided to put her two cents in and contact my sister to voice her concern.  Really?  Now you're concerned, psycho?  How about giving him back all of the money you stole from him?  That might show that you were really concerned.  I mean, how much longer are we going to have to deal with this messed up, jacked up lunatic before she just goes away?

I called dad.  We talked and you know what?  We're all in the same boat and it sucks.  There is no other way to put it.  His situation is a little worse because he's not talking to my stepbrother and so he has no family there for him for the holidays.  I understand.  There were MANY holidays that I wished I had family come and visit...but none did.  Well, that's not true; my grandma was with me for the first four years we were here and my in-laws always came for Thanksgiving and my sister-in-law and her family came for a lot of Easters.  I can't say that I feel bad for him, but I understand his sadness.  Life is just sucky sometimes.

After my appointment with Dr. Personality, I have to power clean the house because we are celebrating an early Thanksgiving with some friends.  I am looking forward to that.  I LOVE cooking Thanksgiving dinner.  Strange, right?

Anyone have any fun plans for the holiday?

CLOSED: Hey Sid!...Microphone and DVD pack (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #23)-2 winners

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.
For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

Do you have a

I need a break!!!

So today officially SUCKED.

I had barely 24 hours of freedom with my own vehicle before the van died.  Frank was kind enough to wake me up at 1 a.m. to inform me of this situation.  Why? No one knows.  I mean, really?  Was I supposed to get up and fix the darn thing?  All he managed to do was to wake me up and make me worry.  Luckily Nick was working today so I just borrowed his car to run my errands.

Oh...the errands.

In a nutshell, follow the craziness...
1.  Went to town hall to pay my electric and water bill.  Dropped them in the drop box.  
2.  Went by the mechanic to see about a battery he was checking on for us.  It was the one that came with the van but didn't work.  It was bad.  This left us in a pinch because when the van died last night, it was battery/alternator related.  Frank told me that I needed to go home and pull the battery out of the van and have it tested.  This battery is from the van that has no transmission and we used the battery from it when we couldn't get the new van running on Monday.  Right, because I am known for my engine repair skills, I'll get right on that.
3.  Went to the auto part store to pick up an alternator

It was all down hill from there.

When I got home, there was a truck parked out front from the town.  They were shutting off our power.  I'm like "WHAT??  I JUST PAID THE BILL!"  Keep in mind that I have lived in this town, in this house for 15 years.  I have paid my electric bill on the 18th for as long as I could remember.  Apparently, they have changed the way that they are doing things (including the billing cycle) and so my due date is no longer my due date and they will no longer be issuing notices to let you know that you are about to be turned off.  So now I have no electricity and no idea when it will be turned back on.  Fabulous.  

I get in the car and call Frank, ready to cry and he's like "I knew you were freakin going to call me about this" (meaning, the battery).  And he had a "tone" that just threw me over the edge.  There was much yelling and venting (on my part) and I reminded him that I am NOT a mechanic and for somebody who cannot do a load of laundry without my holding his hand, how DARE he get pissy about me not being able to remove the dang battery!  I explained all that happened with the electric bill and he's like "So?"  Sure, no big deal for him.  He is somewhere that there is ELECTRICITY!!  We argued about the rules and whatnot and then got back to the battery issue.  I'm like, I am not doing this.  I have no idea what the tools look like that I need and really, his workbench is a mess.  He tells me (quite emphatically) how organized his tools are.  

Really?  That's your argument here, your tools are organized and therefore I should be able to remove the battery.  And you know, just to be clear, it's not that I couldn't do the job, I'm sure that once I found the tools, I could have done it.  It was the arrogance and the demand that I do it that pissed me off.  When I am in crisis, I do not get that kind of quick-service, jump up and "Let me get that for you, honey" like he is demanding from me.  Truth be known, I told him Monday night to get the alternator and put it in.  I had the auto part store on the phone HOLDING one for us.  But no, what do I know?  Now, because of his refusal to listen, we killed a second battery that we had to buy.  That's $100 I'll never see again.  Thanks for listening, sweetheart!

I get home and Nick is like "Well?  Did you pay the bill?" and honestly, I just broke down. I cried like I have not cried in years!  I curled up on the bed in the fetal position and just bawled for a while.

In the meantime, my son, in the ultimate act of generosity, walked outside, called his father and pulled the battery himself.  My hero!  We dropped that battery off at the mechanic, dropped Nick off at work, drove in to Raleigh to Sears to exchange some socket wrench thing that needed to be replaced, drove to where Frank was working because he had my car and I needed my phone charger from it (since I had no freakin electricity, and my phone was about to die, it was my only option), put gas in Nick's car, shopped at Target and then grabbed myself some lunch and was prepared to eat it in the silence of my home.

I got back here, sat down, pulled out the laptop and put a DVD in and after one bite of my chicken sandwich, I saw the guy from the town go by the window to turn the power back on!  YEAH!!  By now the mechanic called to say that battery number two is bad and we'll need another one.  I call five different places to get the best price on a battery, wait for Michael to get home, go pick up the battery (after getting the old one from the mechanic to trade in), head home, work on some freelance articles that I had due today, went shopping for items for our Operation Christmas Child shoe box, picked Nick up from work, came home, finished the freelance articles and ordered Chinese food.

I am mentally whipped.  

10 tips for weaving the 'in' runway trends into your day-to-day looks

When you're a Mom, it's not always easy looking like you just walked off the front cover of a magazine. It always tickles Hubby to see how Bunny girl and Bunny Boo will be impeccably dressed for church on Sunday morning or to a 'fancy party' while I will be hurriedly slipping on the closest ironed 'appropriate for the day' outfit but still looking like the cat dragged me in!My sister is always on

14 ways to have a fresh and festive holiday

My all time favorite holiday in the year is Christmas. Our family loves celebrating the birth of Christ. We try to get our home ready for this beautiful season early and do our best in dilly dallying to delay putting away all the decorations in January. In celebration of all things Christmas (yes including the awesome Christmas Carnival of Giveaways and the 30 day giving Challenge), I thought it

Put a smile on the face of the elderly (Day 18 of Giving )

Earlier this morning, Bunny Boo and I spent some time at Bunny girl's preschool watching a performance. Once the show ended, the kids trooped back to their classrooms while we slowly headed off to the parking lot to drive back home.Around the same time, a group of elderly folk had been dispersed from their morning Bible study and were slowly making their way to their respective rides back home. I

CLOSED: 70$ Expressions Gift Factory Bouquets (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #22)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.
For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

When Mr. U.P.S. rings our

Is it wrong??

Seriously, is it wrong to just want to sleep all day?  It's like I cannot fall asleep before 11:30 which makes me crazy and then when the alarm goes off at 6:15 I am exhausted.  I want a day where I can sleep until...whenever the heck I want!

And you know what?  It is NOT easy to go back to sleep after Michael leaves for school because by that time, I've been up for over an hour.  Then Frank comes back to get ready for work and believe me, he is NOT quiet.  By 9 a.m. the phone will ring at least once and scare me to the point of having a near heart attack and then I will realize that I'm too awake to go back to sleep and want something to eat.  I won't eat, however, because I'm not a fan of breakfast foods so I'll convince myself to wait until lunch.  By 10:30 a.m. I will want to throw up because I am so hungry and then will remember that I forgot to take my thyroid medicine which requires me to wait an hour before eating.  

So by 11:30 I am not feeling the hunger anymore but psychologically I feel like I should eat.  So I will start the hour-long debate of "what do i want for lunch?"  Yes, this debate happens daily because I am one of those people who has to eat something specific, something that I am totally in the mood for and that causes all kinds of grief, anxiety and sometimes crying because there is usually nothing here that I want and so I will have to get in the car and get something. This was a HUGE problem when I had no car.  But that dilemma is over with.  

I'll end up eating somewhere around 1 p.m. and by two, I am sleepy and remembering that I wish I could have slept in earlier and then contemplate a nap.  By the time I argue that with myself, it is too late to nap because Michael will get home at 3:30.  There is the whole getting home from school ritual of talking about his day, discussing homework and whatnot and then before I know it, it's time to start thinking about dinner.

The whole dang day is done and nothing has been accomplished and most of it could have been avoided if I could just sleep the whole dang day away.  Don't you agree?

CLOSED: Clic-It...The Smart Diaper Bag System (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #21)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*When Team Mom asked me to

CLOSED: Win 100$ to Elephantito...Luxe For Less (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #20)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*I'm so excited to feature Maria

'Give-Clean' your home & More! (Day 17 of Giving )

I haven't put up my posts for Days 14-16 but that doesn't mean we took a holiday with our Giving on those days. We have a calendar printed out on our fridge and we list out our 'GIVE' for the day so that we all know we're accountable for keeping the Challenge alive in our home.On Day 17 of the 30 Day Giving Challenge, I wanted to remind you that your giving need not be monetary, it may be non

CLOSED: Viva Vitamin Angels! (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #19)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Did you know that one third of

JPOP - Single - AAA - PARADISE/Endress Fighters

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AVCD-31953/B (初回限定生産盤A / CD + DVD)

AVCD-31954/B (初回限定生産盤B / CD + DVD)

AVCD-31955 (通常盤)

專輯名稱:PARADISE/Endress Fighters
商品編號:AVCD-31955 (通常盤)
其他資料:26th Maxi Single
出品商:avex trax

AAA26枚目のシングルは、produced by masato"max"matsuuraによる第6弾! 小室哲哉プロデュース第3弾シングルは西島隆弘出演「イトーヨーカドー BODY HEATER CMソング」&「ポケモンスマッシュ!」エンディングテーマの両A面SINGLE! DVD付には収録されないglobeが約230万枚のヒットを記録した「DEPARTURES」(globe)のカバーを加えた全3曲5ヴァージョン収録。

作詞:kenko-p、Mitsuhiro Hidaka/作曲:Tetsuya_Kumuro/編曲:Shinya Saito
※ イトーヨーカ堂「ボディヒーター」CMソング

02. Endress Fighters
作詞:Kenn Kato、Mitsuhiro Hidaka/作曲:Tetsuya_Kumuro/編曲:tasuku
※ テレビ東京系アニメ「ポケモンスマッシュ!」エンディング・テーマ

作詞:TETSUYA KOMURO、Mitsuhiro Hidaka/作曲:TETSUYA KOMURO/編曲:ats-

04. PARADISE (Instrumental)

05. Endress Fighters (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

Happiness is a Warm Puppy...and other things...

Okay, so back when I was little, I had open heart surgery.  I must have gotten every toy that was on the market.  I had every Weebles playset known to man and a good assortment of dolls.  I can remember my grandparents giving me a small/portable black and white tv for my room at home!  Something my kids would laugh at today.

But somewhere around that time I got a book called "Happiness is a Warm Puppy" by Charles Schultz, the creator of the Peanuts.  Now, I was a HUGE Peanuts fan.  My grandfather called me every time there was a Charlie Brown special on the TV and I have to tell you, that is something that makes me tear up to this day!  My kids never got to experience anything like that so Frank and I make a big deal when these specials come on and I probably blather on with the same "Grandpa used to call me" story until the boys want to throw something heavy at me!

Anyway, a couple of years ago I was sitting in this little ice cream shop that was here in the historic district.  There were many little rooms in it and they held parties and whatnot there but in each room there was a small bookshelf with an assortment of old books.  Lo and behold, what did I find but a copy of the old "Happiness is a Warm Puppy"!  I almost cried!!  I was there with a friend and she went to the owner and shared my story and the woman gave me the book!  I cherish that.  

So the other night I am out with the girls and we are in the Hallmark store in the mall and what do I see but a display of items from the "Happiness..." book!  I had no choice, friends, I HAD to buy the tiny little Snoopy!  He was the very first thing that I learned to draw when I was a little girl and I don't know why, but this tiny little stuffed animal just makes me happy.  

Now for something really snarky that makes me happy.  The post couldn't be too darn sweet, could it?  Okay, so I'm on Facebook the other night and someone sends me a picture of an ex-boyfriend of mine.  This is the guy who pretty much dragged me through the pits of hell with his selfishness and arrogance and I thank GOD every day that my mother stepped in when she did (even though I didn't appreciate it at the time) and forced me to not date him anymore.  But here's the funny thing, he was so cocky and arrogant about his looks.  He actually had a swagger.  His hair was his obsession.  Do you see where I'm heading with this?  Well, as of today he is BALD, not at all attractive, he's got some sort of Foo-Man-Chu mustache going on that looks ridiculous, he's on this third wife (who is much younger) and she is fatter than me.  

CLEARLY I am the winner in that breakup!!

Sure, it's petty and childish but you know what, THAT made me happy too!! 

Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 11/16-11/23)

*(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.)The Christmas Carnival 2010 is on!!From Nov 1-Dec 5 you have the chance to win some super-dee-duper Christmas

Winners for the giveaways that ended on 11/13

CONGRATULATIONS!!Apologies for not being around for the last two days. I know we have the Christmas Carnival on in full swing but I just had to take some time off to be with my family and enjoy lots of Cake, Prezzies, Fun and Friends. (Yes we were celebrating!)I'm back now....a year older (chuckle!) and rearing to go, so here's the list of winners for the week......* Winner of the Bob &

CLOSED: A Klutz-eriffic Activity Pack! (+Christmas Carnival Giveaway #18)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.
For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

This Christmas if you're

It's Here! It's Here! It's Here!!

Honestly, this is the most exciting thing to happen to me in a long time.  

The van is here!!!

It took a LOT of time and effort to get it in to our driveway, but it is there and right now Frank is outside getting ready to put in a new fuel pump.  Then...I get to wash it (and yes, I actually ASKED to do that) because it is filthy and then, the very best thing gets to happen...

I get my car back.

All mine.

All the time.

But first I'll have to power clean it to get rid of the painter debris that is ALL OVER IT!  

I'm giddy!  This is like the best news I have had in a long, long time!  And you know what?  None of this would not have happened if I did not have people praying for us and one friend in particular who made it all happen - he actually FOUND the van, checked it out for us, helped us get it moved here to the house AND removed the old fuel pump so that Frank could install the new one today.

So to our dear, wonderful, awesome friend Joe...you are my hero!!!


Aproveito para anunciar que começarei, brevemente, a recolher assinaturas para propor, em assembleia geral, a alteração do nome do nosso clube para "Clube dos Amigos do Nuno Gomes".
Sinceramente, que palermice. Então o Benfica dá 4-0 com dois grandes golos do Gaitán e tem, no seu Guarda-Redes, outrora tão posto em dúvida, um dos grandes artificies desta vitória, e a malta reduz o jogo ao golo do nosso capitão?
Mas que mania esta. Ainda por cima, um golo aos 87 minutos, a ganharmos por 3-0 contra a pior defesa, incluindo Arouca, que jogou no Estádio da Luz esta época. E sem contar que foi um golo surgido de um mau atraso de um defesa contrário seguido de uma perda de bola do GR fora da área. Dar mais jogo ao Nuno Gomes? Tenham paciência.
O Nuno Gomes é um símbolo do Benfica e o 10º melhor marcador de sempre de águia ao peito. Infelizmente, um símbolo de um Benfica perdedor, embora a culpa não seja (só) dele. Marcou 0,4 golos por jogo ao longo da sua carreira. Antes de ir para Itália, em 3 épocas, marcou 76 golos. Entretanto, desde que regressou, já são 9 épocas de águia ao peito e marcou 86 golos. Nas últimas 3 épocas marcou 22... Jogar mais? Enfim...

A visita

Depois de ter concordado integralmente com as 10 razões para os 10 pontos de atraso que o Glorioso11385 avançou esta semana e de já ter referido grande parte delas em Agosto e Setembro, seria incoerente se não compreendesse, agora, a indignação dos sócios do Benfica face ao desempenho da nossa equipa de futebol esta época. Compreendo-a, sinto-a e nem sequer me surpreende que tenhamos chegado a este ponto em Novembro.
O que não compreendo é a ligeireza com que se está a tratar que um grupo de sócios se junte e, numa acção claramente intimidatória, interrompa um treino da equipa para, em pleno relvado, conversar sobre o momento da equipa com o treinador e jogadores.
Não será por achar que os jogadores devam estar num pedestal para que ninguém lhes chegue e onde somente sejam adolados. Não será por considerar que um treinador do Benfica esteja acima de quaisquer manifestações de crítica. E muito menos será por entender que o Benfica deverá ter castas de sócios onde apenas alguns poderão contactar directamente o poder instituído ou os ídolos.
Recordo-me, ainda no estádio antigo, antes de um treino quando jogava basket na formação do Benfica, de ter entrado nas bancadas com dois colegas para ver o treino à porta fechada da equipa de futebol. Passados uns minutos, um dos treinadores apitou em direcção a nós e gritou que teríamos que sair. Éramos putos, não éramos 100 e não pertencíamos à claque. O treino parou à espera que saíssemos e ninguém conversou connosco sobre o desempenho da equipa nessa altura.
Agora, constato que a conversa ocorrida ontem se tratou de uma "situação normal". Tão normal como aquela ocorrida há uns anos no Olival. Sim, essa mesma que todos gozámos na altura por se tratar do porto e da sua claque organizada.
Por apoiarem e acompanharem a equipa nos jogos fora, o que, refira-se, não é exclusivo da claque, parecem julgar-se detentores de direitos próprios, aliás, como já se havia verificado numa assembleia-geral, há uns dois anos.
Foi um acto inadmissível, mesmo que a violência física, que não existiu, nunca sequer tenha sido equacionada. E fico pasmado que o nosso presidente se cale, o director de comunicação desvalorize e o treinador quase justifique esta acção de alguns associados do nosso clube.
Estive no dragão a época passada e senti a adrenalina de ver a nossa claque, e muitos outros adeptos, a apoiarem a nossa equipa num ambiente muito adverso mas todos, sem excepção, estavam lá porque gostam do Benfica e porque quiseram. Tal não lhes confere direitos especiais e seriam bom que o compreendessem. O Benfica é um clube democrático que, dos seus sócios, necessita de participação activa e apoio. Não precisa de braços armados ou milícias. Isto não é o porto nem o sportem. E gostaria de pensar que, ainda assim, os no name boys não são os super dragões ou a juve leo...

Vans, Sunday school and stuff...

Okay, so no sitting in the van Saturday night because we could not pick up the van.  I have to admit, I think I was more upset than Frank.  It's like these people are holding the key to my prison cell and they are not willing to let me out!  I know that is not really the case but that's what it feels like.  So the plan is to pick up the van some time today in the afternoon.  I am hoping that it will be while it is still light out so that he can actually get the fuel pump off and just have to put the new on on on Monday morning.  

I'm having Sunday school issues.  I have to be honest, I have been a Christian for almost 15 years and until this last year, I have NEVER gone to Sunday school.  I go to church, I listen to the sermon, I go to a small group once a week...Sunday school is just not my thing.  This time last year, I had signed up for a Sunday School on the book of "Hebrews".  I was excited about it but the teacher was just awful.  I mean, he was a bit condescending and he apparently was used to teaching seminary students because he used a lot of "As we all know..." or "As I'm sure you've memorized..."  You know what?  I did NOT know and I had NOT memorized and he made me feel like an idiot and so I did not go back to the class after the first two.  

This time around I was excited about the class I signed up for and while the topic is great (Tough Questions), the way the class is run is not.  The teacher breaks us up in to discussion groups to go over his outline.  I know this is going to sound stupid and picky, but I do NOT learn well in a discussion setting.  When there is a lot of noise going on around me, I cannot hear what is being said in my group and I get overly confused and end up hearing bits and pieces of everyone's discussion.  I end up getting frustrated and annoyed and just wanting to leave.  

The main problem is that my entire small group goes to this school and I don't want to be the Sunday school drop out but really, I'm at the point where I'm just going to be seen by them.  So do I stay or should I go??  I just don't know!

I haven't written anything for NaNoWriMo in DAYS!

I had a donut from Dunkin Donuts the other night WITH a chocolate milkshake.  Is that wrong?

I have the best friends in the world.  I had an awesome girls night on Friday night and it was just exactly what I needed.

Hopefully, today will go as planned and by Monday, there will be a working van in my driveway and I will be driving my own car again.
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