It's Here! It's Here! It's Here!!

Honestly, this is the most exciting thing to happen to me in a long time.  

The van is here!!!

It took a LOT of time and effort to get it in to our driveway, but it is there and right now Frank is outside getting ready to put in a new fuel pump.  Then...I get to wash it (and yes, I actually ASKED to do that) because it is filthy and then, the very best thing gets to happen...

I get my car back.

All mine.

All the time.

But first I'll have to power clean it to get rid of the painter debris that is ALL OVER IT!  

I'm giddy!  This is like the best news I have had in a long, long time!  And you know what?  None of this would not have happened if I did not have people praying for us and one friend in particular who made it all happen - he actually FOUND the van, checked it out for us, helped us get it moved here to the house AND removed the old fuel pump so that Frank could install the new one today.

So to our dear, wonderful, awesome friend are my hero!!!

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