Happiness is a Warm Puppy...and other things...

Okay, so back when I was little, I had open heart surgery.  I must have gotten every toy that was on the market.  I had every Weebles playset known to man and a good assortment of dolls.  I can remember my grandparents giving me a small/portable black and white tv for my room at home!  Something my kids would laugh at today.

But somewhere around that time I got a book called "Happiness is a Warm Puppy" by Charles Schultz, the creator of the Peanuts.  Now, I was a HUGE Peanuts fan.  My grandfather called me every time there was a Charlie Brown special on the TV and I have to tell you, that is something that makes me tear up to this day!  My kids never got to experience anything like that so Frank and I make a big deal when these specials come on and I probably blather on with the same "Grandpa used to call me" story until the boys want to throw something heavy at me!

Anyway, a couple of years ago I was sitting in this little ice cream shop that was here in the historic district.  There were many little rooms in it and they held parties and whatnot there but in each room there was a small bookshelf with an assortment of old books.  Lo and behold, what did I find but a copy of the old "Happiness is a Warm Puppy"!  I almost cried!!  I was there with a friend and she went to the owner and shared my story and the woman gave me the book!  I cherish that.  

So the other night I am out with the girls and we are in the Hallmark store in the mall and what do I see but a display of items from the "Happiness..." book!  I had no choice, friends, I HAD to buy the tiny little Snoopy!  He was the very first thing that I learned to draw when I was a little girl and I don't know why, but this tiny little stuffed animal just makes me happy.  

Now for something really snarky that makes me happy.  The post couldn't be too darn sweet, could it?  Okay, so I'm on Facebook the other night and someone sends me a picture of an ex-boyfriend of mine.  This is the guy who pretty much dragged me through the pits of hell with his selfishness and arrogance and I thank GOD every day that my mother stepped in when she did (even though I didn't appreciate it at the time) and forced me to not date him anymore.  But here's the funny thing, he was so cocky and arrogant about his looks.  He actually had a swagger.  His hair was his obsession.  Do you see where I'm heading with this?  Well, as of today he is BALD, not at all attractive, he's got some sort of Foo-Man-Chu mustache going on that looks ridiculous, he's on this third wife (who is much younger) and she is fatter than me.  

CLEARLY I am the winner in that breakup!!

Sure, it's petty and childish but you know what, THAT made me happy too!! 

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