The blessing's in crisis...

Okay, so things have gone from bad to worse. Frank finally sat down with the landlord about being paid for doing the bathroom reconstruction/renovation and when he went there, the guy pretty much told him that he's not paying him.  Well, that's not 100% accurate, he WILL pay him, just less than HALF of what Frank billed him for.  Essentially, two weeks of back breaking labor is only worth minimum wage.  Go figure.

So Frank told him that he wasn't paying rent then until the bill is cleared (meaning, our rent is the money that he needs to pay us) and the landlord said that he would take us to small claims court.  BY ALL MEANS PLEASE DO!  For starters, it would save me the $70 filing fee.  Next, I can then tell everyone what a giant jackass you are!  

But I digress...things are clearly not getting better there, Frank still doesn't have steady work, I've had to go and apply for food assistance (NOT something that I EVER want to do again) and the bank account is near the single digits.  So I go and get the mail today and there's the usual bills and flyers and then there was an envelope addressed to me and Frank.  There was no return address.  On the outside of the card was printed:  "Encouragement:  Helping a friend to see a difficult situation from God's point of view."  And then below it "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" Isaiah 55:9.

Inside the card was handwritten.  "Be not afraid, neither be dismayed for the Lord thy God is with your wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9 and then "The Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11. Where a signature would be, it said "The Lord loves you and is watching out for you."

Inside that card beside the encouraging words was $500 in cash...the EXACT amount of money that we laid out on materials for the renovation that the landlord has not reimbursed us.

He is a mighty God; a mighty God indeed...

Quem não se sente não é filho de boa gente!

Nesta semana foram lançadas nalguns blogues benfiquistas, supostas repito supostas ligações entre o Presidente do Benfica e do Atlético de Madrid, não sei se é verdade, o que eu sei é que quem não se sente não é filho de boa gente, e estas informações encontram-se acessiveis na internet, na qualidade de sócio do Benfica eu gostaria que estas supostas ligações fossem cabalmente esclarecidas, é que se assim não acontecer, vai ficar no ar matéria que eu considero gravissima. Se fosse eu queria que tudo fosse esclarecido cabalmente, é que negócios com o Atlético de Madrid ainda não ficámos a ganhar em nenhum.
O Benfica tem um director de comunicação que é pago para esclarecer situações, é essa a sua função. Niguém está acima do Benfica, porque o Benfica somos todos e há valores que nunca se poderão perder, e se toda esta panóplia de factores for falsa, como acredito que seja, facilmente se prova que se tratou de uma calúnia. Mas para isso precisamos de saber a outra versão!

JPOP - Single - miwa - chAngE

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SRCL-7357~SRCL-7358 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7359 (通常盤)

商品編號:SRCL-7357~SRCL-7358 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:3rd Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:Sony Music Records

早くも3枚目のシングルをリリース! アコギからエレキにchAngEした今作は、サビ始まりの疾走感あふれるサウンドに仕上がっている。アニメ『BLEACH』オープニングテーマ。 初回限定盤は「chAngE」ビデオクリップを収録したDVD+カラートレイ+BLEACH書き下ろしワイドキャップステッカー付き。 ※初回限定生産盤と通常盤ではジャケット写真が異なります。

01. chAngE
※ テレビ東京系アニメ「BLEACH」オープニング・テーマ

02. you can do it!

03. あまやどり

04. chAngE~instrumental~

CD - 試聽下載:

Ao ritmo do novo Mantorras

É incontornável falar de Roberto quando se analisa o estado actual do Benfica ou simplesmente se quer falar do último jogo que disputámos, dando a impressão (mas errada) que tudo o que acontece tem como epicentro o Roberto. Perdemos porque Roberto deu 2 frangos ou ganhámos porque Roberto defendeu um penalty. Na realidade a verdade é que na Madeira Roberto contribuiu (significativamente) para a derrota, assim como a defesa da grande penalidade contribuiu para a vitória diante do Setúbal, contudo não convém menosprezar que o Benfica fez um grande jogo, pressionando o adversário no seu meio campo não o deixando jogar, o que contribuiu para a ausência de oportunidades de golo na nossa baliza e isso constituiu uma grande diferença em relação aos jogos anteriores.
Não obstante estas minhas últimas palavras, está criado um fenómeno em torno do Guarda redes, se fosse uma manobra de Marketing diria que era uma das mais bem sucedidas de sempre, mas infelizmente é apenas um jogador de futebol do nosso clube. Aquilo que se vive e se assistiu em torno do G.R. no Estádio da Luz é só comparável ao Mantorras. Na sua entrada (aqui compreende-se) e cada vez que tocava na bola, por mais simples que fosse a sua intervenção (e foram todas), originava uma histeria colectiva com aplausos e incentivos vários na minha óptica completamente despropositados até porque são reveladores do constrangimento que a sua presença em jogo causa. Infelizmente a comparação de Roberto a Mantorras não cessa neste pormenor, é que ambos foram caros e os dois não têm condições para jogar no S.L.B., um por razões físicas e outro por razões psicológicas ( e creio que não só).
Para aqueles que pululam em defesa de Roberto com argumentos que afinal o rapazinho tem qualidades, e em especial para os responsáveis do clube, ACORDEM, seguem-se 4 jogos muito difíceis e de extrema importância cuja perda de pontos, em função do que vai acontecendo nos jogos do fcp, irremediavelmente nos afastará do titulo. Já perdemos tempo, pontos, um titulo com esta "palhaçada", já chega.

Great Emmy Intro!

I have to admit, I don't watch "Glee" but last night's opening to the 2010 Prime Time Emmy Awards was just flat out hysterical.

Makes me want to crank up the Boss' version of "Born to Run"...

Today's post is brought to you by the number "1"...

...Because it's the loneliest number.

(Insert pitiful, sad music here)

I am telling you, today was the WORST day!  I know, I know, I've been saying that a LOT lately, but it is so dang true today!  Why?  You'd think I'd be happy with my new bathroom and the fact that someone actually called Frank about some work.  But no...that would be too easy.

After two weeks of waiting for my landlord to clean up the yard (which he has told me FOUR TIMES that he is sending someone over) we went outside to do it ourselves.  Now, Frank had a hissy-fit with the boys, telling them that they better be careful because there were nails in the wood, wear good shoes, pay attention, blah, blah, blah and then guess who steps on a nail?  FRANK!  So on the same foot as the spider bite, now he has a puncture wound from a rusty nail.  His tetnus shot is up to date so he's fine but really?  Spider bite AND rusty nail??

We fought with Nick because he went out and bought HIMSELF lunch and never bothered to ask anyone if they wanted anything.  So when he came home and Michael asked if he could have some of the pizza, Nick was like "NO...I bought this with MY money!"  Again, are you kidding me???  We fought on THAT one for like 20 minutes.

We pack up the back of the van TWICE with debris in the yard from the bathroom renovation and my landlord does a drive by and is like "You're not throwing out the things I want, are you?"  REALLY???  Can someone PLEASE give me a break!  We threw out stuff that was rotten, covered in nails and mold and do you know that bastard got out of his truck and dug through the dumpster and pulled some random pieces of wood out?  

So we get through the yard clean up,  I mow the lawn, we fought over lunch, we fought over another disagreement that Frank and Nick had, I finally convince Frank that TODAY we are going to fight for our rights face-to-face with the landlord and I go to sit down and type up our bill for labor and... the computer froze and would not work.

That was it.  I was done.  I literally had a breakdown.  I crawled in my bed and cried for like an hour.  My head still hurts 7 hours later I cried so hard.  I just cannot believe the crap that is going on here.  I feel like we are in the fiery pit of hell and it just keeps getting worse.  Everyone is walking on eggshells around me and I just ate like a dozen Enteman's chocolate chip cookies and feel sick.

If I had someplace to go, I would so get in my car and just be by myself for like a week.  I totally need someplace peaceful with no one around me to feel human again. 

You can't make this crap up...the random edition

Yesterday morning, Frank was getting Michael ready for school and he was like "Man, something bit's so itchy and it has a blister".  He was very non-chalant about the whole thing so I didn't give it another thought.  Well, this morning he makes a comment about it again and I happen to SEE the blister and was like "OH MY GOD!!!"  It was HEINOUS!  We went to the Minute Clinic...they don't treat these things.  We went to the local Urgent Care/ER here in town and waited two hours to find out that yes, it is a spider bite, no, they don't know what kind it is and basically he has all kinds of medication to treat it.  Very EXPENSIVE medicine.  

Fabulous.  Just what we need right now when we are broke...more bills.

Have you been watching the news lately?  Okay, so Levi Johnson (whose main I claim to fame is knocking up Sarah Palin's daughter) has taken back his apology to Sarah Palin.  GASP!  Say it isn't so!  Really?  Who cares?  Why is this person getting top billing on any news show?  He's some little fame whore who is trying to stay in the spotlight but he hasn't done a decent thing to earn it!  Knock up your girlfriend?  Don't marry her.  Need money?  Pose for Playgirl.  I mean, really?  Does anyone think that Sarah Palin is losing sleep over his non-apology?  I honestly hope not.

Octomom should NOT be on "Dancing with the Stars" and if she is, I refuse to watch.  

Why does the USA network put on like a thousand episodes of NCIS and Burn Notice but barely shows great shows like Psych?

Is it wrong to eat Hostess Cupcakes for breakfast?

I'd be willing to sell a kidney right now to NOT have to cook dinner.

Last night I was cutting Michael's hair (he's 10) and he stopped me mid-way and was like "Look, don't cut it as short as you did the last time...I had to wear a hat to school because I was so embarrassed."  REALLY???  You're TEN!  And a BOY!!!  

It took me two HOURS last night to get Frank to wake up and move to the other side of the bed and to get UNDER the blankets.  Seriously, by the time he finally did, I was no longer tired and didn't sleep well the rest of the night.

Clearly, I have issues.

Tristes e chateados? Esmaguem o Setúbal !

Ninguém gosta de perder, e perder com esta capacidade com este talento ainda custa mais.
Mas o que nos resta? Chorar sobre o leite derramado? Correr os argumentos de ponta à ponta à espera de respostas? É uma possibilidade... pouco geradora de proveitos mas uma hipótese como muitas outras. Relembro que faltam 4 dias para o fecho das inscrições, e não creio que se consiga agora alterar a programação de uma época inteira que só termina em Junho.
Há um mês atrás todos estávamos contentes e felizes ainda que pudessem ter saido jogadores basilareas, por isso se os jogadores eram bons não deixaram de ser.
Muitas pessoas gostam de encontrar os motivos, os acontecimentos, no fundo a tentativa de entender e bem as causas que levaram a estas derrotas. Mas não creio que seja altura para isso pelas razões que apresentei anteriormente.
Missiva para os jogadores:
Estão aborrecidos? Chateados? Macambúzios? Olhem para o simbolo que levam no coração e para o escudo que ostentam no braço, o tal que tanto suor vos custou, o que foi ganho com justiça garra e coragem por vocês no campo, dentro das quatro linhas, Caramba, VOCÊS SÃO OS CAMPEÕES !!!
Amanhã vai ser um lindo dia, tão bonito como aquele em que vocês arrasaram o Setúbal na época passada, é hora de ganhar, é hora de demonstrar a nossa força.
Amanhã começa nas bancadas e no campo, estaremos unidos como o nosso lema, e renovação do titulo começa amanhã, levem o vosso orgulho ferido e esmaguem, mas esmaguem o Setúbal!

Defining moments...

Okay, so the afterglow of having some time to myself in a completed bathroom has faded and life officially went back to sucking today.  

Aren't you glad you stopped by?

So I'm on the phone with my mom today and we were talking about how I'm doing and I'm like "you know...I'm just disappointed".  In what?  Well, right now pretty much everything.  I look around me at my friends who have a different kind of family than I do.  I mean, I have always known that my family was "different" but it never bothered me until now.  Mom and I talked on that a bit and it's kind of wild that we can both pick the moment that changed our lives (and we were on the same wave-length as to what that moment was).

Without getting in to a bashing session, we both agreed that the moment was when my dad left.  Life changed in that moment and it was never the same and it hasn't been the same since.  Yes, we've all grown up and moved on but ...well, did you ever see that movie "Sliding Doors" with Gwenyth Paltrow?  Well, the story is about a woman who's life is defined by one moment:  She is on her way home and at that point the movie splits to show how her life would have been if she actually caught the train home and the other side shows what happened because she didn't catch the train.  It's sometimes as simple as that.

If my parents hadn't split up, mom wouldn't have worked three jobs to support us.  My sister and I wouldn't have been left alone so much to fight.  Dad wouldn't have gone through his party phase and ...well, let's just say that the family would still be benefiting from that.  

I'm jealous of my friends who have families that can HELP them.  I'm envious of my friends who have parents who take them on vacation or just want to spend time with them.  I realize that I am 600 miles away from both of my parents and that was my decision to move.  But at this point in my life when things are so low, it is scary to not have anyone to help us.  Actually, I hate that we even NEED help, but we do.  

Tonight, before Frank left for band practice, we had a talk that I think is going to be a defining moment in our situation.  I have always supported Frank and encouraged him to make choices to do what he wanted career wise.  Well, tonight I pretty much lost my mind and became the anti-cheerleader and told him what I (and that is a bold and emphasized "I") NEED him to do.  I think it's a good thing that he went out after that so that it can sort of sink in and it's nice for me to have a little reflective time, as well.

Fact is, friends, I'm scared and freaking out about our finances.  I know we are not alone and that the majority of the country is struggling but I am selfishly focusing on us.  If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times, God has never left us without a roof over our heads and food on the table.  But  you know what?  This time, it just FEELS different.  It's a little too close to the fire, if you know what I mean.  


Do barulho à peixeirada

A transferência de Roberto tem sido tema largamente discutido entre Benfiquistas. O burburinho em torno das motivações que originaram a sua contratação tem-se alastrado para níveis que roçam a peixeirada e que em nada dignificam o Sport Lisboa e Benfica.
Admito que tenho ouvido sensível e se barulhos de fundo me causam alguma confusão e impressão, berros e alarvidades várias deixam-me à beira de um ataque de nervos. A recente “especulação” dando nota das motivações pessoais do nosso presidente para justificar a compra de um jogador, até para mim que não morro de amores por LFV, parece-me parvo, despropositado e totalmente fora de contexto visando algo que nesta data não fará qualquer sentido ainda para mais numa altura difícil para todos nós.
Assim em vez de sermos criativos na maledicência, como a memoria é curta importa contextualizar a contratação de Roberto:

Benfica sagra-se campeão nacional após uma época soberba. Importa capitalizar esse sucesso e uma das correcções a fazer é na baliza. Para a grande maioria dos adeptos Benfiquistas salvo honrosas excepções Quim é um guarda-redes razoável. Era unânime a necessidade de se contratar alguém que defenda bolas impossíveis dando uma dimensão ainda maior à nossa equipa e que signifique pontos a nosso favor. Estamos em Maio/Junho, período pré-mundial e estuda-se o mercado. Não sou grande conhecedor do mercado mas Guarda-redes que preencham os requisitos exigidos com possibilidades de virem para o nosso clube não abundam, estou mesmo em crer que as possibilidades existentes foram todas afloradas pelos média, falo de Amélia, Doni e Eduardo. Como se sabe o primeiro foi para o AC Milan, o Doni joga na Roma presumo com um salário incomportável para as nossas cores já para não falar que deixou de jogar no seu clube e selecção não sabemos muito bem em que condições se apresenta, sobra Eduardo. Hoje é fácil dizer que Eduardo era a melhor opção, mas à data, não existia unanimidade no seu nome, muitos torciam o nariz pois achava-se que era um Quim ligeiramente mais novo, acrescia o facto de o Braga não estar interessado no negócio o que dificultava as coisas num processo que prometia arrastar-se no tempo, e presumo eu, com excepção de Jesus a restante estrutura também não acreditava muito no rapaz (e só o mundial é que alterou este cenário, mas volto a frisar estamos no período que antecipou a competição).
É neste enquadramento que surge ou ressurge o nome Roberto. O G.R. já tinha sido equacionado em Janeiro, segundo os entendidos tratava-se de alguém jovem com um potencial enorme que tinha efectuado seis meses magníficos no Saragoça. Pelo meio J.J. dispensa o Quim numa entrevista, salvo erro, à RTPN (primeiro tiro nos pés) e começam a surgir ecos do interesse de vários clubes na contratação de Roberto. Perante a ausência de alternativas e na eminência de se perder o concurso do jogador convictos do potencial do rapaz, LFV parte para Espanha com único intuito de o contratar. Acabou por fazê-lo ao preço e nas condições que todos conhecemos. Foi um erro? Até foi mas será assim tão criticável, neste enquadramento, ao ponto de se por em causa a idoneidade do nosso presidente?
No jogo com a Académica em conversa com um consócio este dizia a respeito da falhada contratação de Wesley (que acabou no Bremen) “Quando queremos contratar um jogador não podemos de forma alguma entrar numa espécie de Leilão, se o fizermos dada a capacidade financeira de outros clubes muito provavelmente perderemos o negócio, temos que chegar lá e comprar”. Eu concordo e foi o que fizemos com Roberto e muito provavelmente por causa disso não o fizemos com Wesley.

Não quero com esta lenga lenga toda desculpar o gritante erro que se cometeu, contudo não me parece que o maior erro esteja na base que levou à sua contratação mas sim na insistência da sua titularidade (que espero ver corrigida no sábado apesar de achar que tal não ocorrerá).

It's the little things...

So this morning, Frank took Michael to school, came home and then got ready to go to WORK!  Yes, it's a small job, only a day or two, but he is GOING TO WORK.  Yeah!

Next, we both got ready in our new, improved BATHROOM!  Yes, it is finished.  Finally.  There is now room enough for both of us to get ready without bumping in to one another or having to stand on the toilet.  Life is sweet.

Nick went to work at noon.  Michael was at school.  Frank was at work.  I was at home, all ALONE!  I just really enjoyed some time by myself...I read a book, I talked to some friends on the phone and just in general, enjoyed the peace and quiet of being alone in my house.

Right now with life being so sucky, it is nice to find some joy in the little things.  Long may they last...

JPOP - Single - 中島美嘉 - 一番綺麗な私を

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AICL-2164~AICL-2165 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

AICL-2166 (通常盤)

商品編號:AICL-2164~AICL-2165 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:31st Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:Sony Music Associated Records

2010年1月、日本中の涙をさらった「ALWAYS」(中山美穂主演映画『サヨナライツカ』主題歌)のヒットから約7ヶ月の沈黙を破り、稀有な存在感を放つ歌姫中島美嘉がいよいよ始動! 美しいピアノのイントロが誘い出す中島美嘉の声が、「もしもあなたと出会わなければ・・・」と切なげに物語を語り始めた瞬間、聴く者の心を一気にのめり込ませる。今回、中島美嘉とタッグを組んだのは、ソングライターの若き才能・杉山勝彦! 繊細なメロディーワークが中島美嘉のボーカリゼーションと相成り、中島美嘉ファンのみならず全音楽ファンの心を虜にする作品! TBS系金曜ドラマ「うぬぼれ刑事」挿入歌決定。 また、カップリングにはラバーズロックの名手、REGGAE DISCO RODKERSによるREMIXを収録! 初回限定盤はDVD付き。

01. 一番綺麗な私を
※ TBSテレビ系金曜ドラマ「うぬぼれ刑事」挿入歌

02. 一番綺麗な私を (Reggae Disco Rockers Remix)
作詞.作曲:杉山勝彦/リミキサー:Reggae Disco Rockers

03. 一番綺麗な私を (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

The Mommy Diaries...

As a parent, sometimes you look at your kids and think "Dang, I did good".  Other times you want to pound your head against the wall and cry "WHY?"  Parenting has been rough lately with this renovation going on.  

Nick has essentially been M.I.A. throughout most of this.  He has found other places to stay and hang out when he's not working and he's slept out a couple of times but for the most part, he had very little to do with all of the craziness that was surrounding our family.  

However, he had drama of his own.  For starters, there was the Xbox.  Hopefully that will get shipped out soon.  Then his car broke down.  Again.  This is the third time since we got it that it has refused to start.  We are blessed to have a dear, dear friend who is a mechanic who actually found out what the problem was and was able to fix it for free.  Sweet.  But...the boy had been without a car for five days - and he spend a LOT of those five days wanting to use MY car.  

Then...there was the iPod.  Oh...the iPod.  If you are a mother who is reading this, you are either going to sympathize or want to reach through your computer and smack me.  Nick and I have an ongoing issue with the laundry.  I will DO his laundry...I really don't have a problem with that...but he refuses to empty his pockets and honestly, I don't check.  Numerous times I have gone to take the clothes from the washer and found them covered in wet paper from things he has left in his pockets.  I gripe, he essentially says "Too bad" or the ever famous "Oops", I vow to never do his laundry again and then a few days later, there I am washing his clothes.  

Then...there was the iPod.  Are you seeing where this is going?

Last night I took the clothes from the washer, put them in the dryer and heard "clank, clank, clank".  When I sorted through the clothes, there, in his jeans pocket, was the iPod.  The 30G iPod.  The 30G iPod that the boy uses like it was a lifeline.   Well, that baby is flatlining, let me tell you!

So, as the mom of an 18-year old person (man, child, take your pick), should I have to go through his pockets?  Isn't the fact that I wash the clothes enough?  Or how about the fact that I have been living in bathroom renovation HELL for two weeks and have hit my limit of bad stuff happening around here!!  
I have to admit, I feel guilty.  I feel really, really bad.  I didn't MEAN to kill the iPod.  It sucks that Nick has to suffer for making a bad decision and not listening to me on top of already being without his Xbox AND car.  

Bad mommy moment...

My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Finale!

Well, she is back for the FINALE!!  That's right, my mom's work is going to be featured AGAIN on "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera"!  How exciting is that??

This week's episode is the "Greek Goddess Bride" and mom did her table numbers, seating cards and her famous seating board - which we HOPE will actually be SHOWN in this episode!  I so wish that I was up on Long Island with mom to celebrate with her.  I mean, this is BIG.  She hasn't received any calls or orders from these shows yet, but she recently updated her website to include the pictures from the Purple Princess Bride episode and when she does wedding shows around the island, her signage and advertising will all include this wonderful achievement.  


Actually, it's funny because here in North Carolina, they do not do weddings like they do up in New York so I cannot even try and be the Printing with Panache South part of her business because it just wouldn't fly here.  I'm kind of bummed about that because what she does is just so cool.  If we were still living up there, I would totally want to be working with her - she's just completely creative.

So tonight at 10 p.m. be sure to tune in to the finale of "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera" and watch and listen for him to mention Printing with Panache and remember, hey, that's Stace's mom!!!

Há guarda-redes que valem pontos!

Hoje na Choupana houve 2 guarda-redes que valeram pontos! Só há uma coisa a fazer e é óbvia, antes que seja tarde de mais. Acorda Jesus!

A minha preferência vai para o Júlio César.

Nine Questions

Okay, so I totally stole this from Vicki at Frugal Mom Knows Best but the questions were quite intriguing so I decided to swipe them!  :)

1. What are you superstitious about?
I'm not really a superstitious person but I will admit, I get a little twitchy if a black cat crosses my path!

2. What’s the story behind one of your scars?

I have a pretty massive scar down the center of my chest from having open heart surgery when I was four years old.
3. What are three things that you would rather be doing right now?

First, I'd rather HAVE a bathroom that I could use, next I'd rather have someone else making my dinner and lastly, I'd rather be reading a novel that I published rather than someone else's!

4. What do you do when you're bored?

Eat...I know, shocking!

5. What's your favorite thing to do? Why?

Read...I could read all day long and just chill because it totally relaxes me and takes my mind off of all of our troubles.

6. What do you do when you're lonely?

I call a friend!

7. How do you measure the passing of time in life?

I have a TON of scrapbooks.  I'm big on taking pictures.

8. What would constitute "the perfectly lived day" for you?

Oh, that's the dream!  It would include not having anyplace in particular to be and to be surrounded by my husband and kids sharing laughter and just having fun being together.  There would be no worries about finances or anything else; it would just be a time of enjoying our time together.

9. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you do in your final days?

I would want to spend every moment with my children and my husband.  I would want to just TALK to them and hear about their plans for the future and tell them all of the ways that I have LOVED them.  I would write each of them a letter that they can always have from me that told them the same.  In that time frame I would want to create as many positive memories as possible for them and do with them all of the things we said we'd do but never did.

The X-box story....

Christmas sister bought the boys an Xbox for Christmas.  They were THRILLED to say the least.  It was a refurbished one but it had a limited warranty and it worked beautifully.  The memory on it was huge - way more than you get when you buy the standard Xbox new.  They got HOURS of fun out of the system until...

The red ring of death...

Yes, this apparently is a heinous thing that can happen to your Xbox and although Microsoft is aware of it, the older models are pretty much sure to have this happen.  The boys were devastated when it happened...Michael was playing it when it did so Nick, naturally, blamed him.  This was a great source of grief in my house.  

So on graduation weekend while my nephew was here, he helped Nick "fix" the Xbox.  There are a great many sites on line that show you how to do this - something about wrapping it in a towel and overheating it or something like that.  Well, it worked, Nick went out and spent a FORTUNE of his graduation money on new accessories and games for the system and was happy as a clam until...

The red ring of death...part two.

Now there is MUCH yelling, screaming, crying...oh, the drama!  Finally, Nick had had enough and decided to spend the $100 (since the system was out of warranty) and get it fixed.  Microsoft will fix it for the $100 when it's out of warranty - it's free if it still has one.  So we get our ticket number, print out our UPS packing slip, I take it to the UPS store and deal with Beavus and Butt-head (remember them?  Seriously, that's who was working in the UPS store), pay my $11 for shipping and off it went.

It came back today.

Still broken.

Now there was much MORE yelling, screaming and now cursing was added to the mix while Nick FREAKED out.  But he pulled it together long enough to call Microsoft and demand that something be done.  I was so proud of him!  He told them the whole story, how they have our money and we still have a broken game system and how that is not acceptable.  By the time he was done, they were going to accept the system back, fix it, give him a gold membership with Xbox live and perhaps a free game.  Not too shabby.  Oh, their reason for not fixing it?  They sent a letter saying how it wasn't under warranty...uh, duh!  We told them that when we submitted the repair ticket!  And that the system looked tampered with.  Um...we got it USED...I'm sure somewhere along the way someone tampered with it.  

So long story short...Xbox will be shipped out on Monday and in two weeks we'll probably have a new and improved one with new things to play with.  Not that this really effects me in any way, shape or form because I don't play the game but at least there will be some peace between brothers once again.

At least for a short time...

Mandem também o Reyes!

Ler o jornal a Marca e os comentários que os leitores fazem só pode servir para uma coisa rir, mas rir a valer. Os espanhóis quando algum jogador do clube deles se vai embora fica-se com a sensação que é o pior jogador do Mundo, são comentários ridiculos despropositados e de maldade pura. Mas como não conheço os jogadores, costumo ler as opiniões dos ditos é que entre tanta alarvidade de vez em quando existe alguém de bom senso que opina.
Relativamente ao Sálvio espero que Jesus faça o mesmo que fez com Di Maria, ou seja o que Quique destrói, Jesus reconstrói e aumenta exponencialmente. Com Quique todos os jogadores eram vulgares, por isso tenho esperança que este seja mais uma vez polido e que possa demonstrar o seu real valor.
Que o Sálvio seja um Javi Garcia, um Saviola ou um Pablo Aimar, eu como benfiquista ficarei muito feliz. E já agora se não querem o Reyes que o mandem também que nós agradecemos e de que maneira!

Eating in the closet...the new normal

So I have been stressing lately.  Clearly.  I had to quit Weight Watchers and have not been keeping to the plan at all even on my own.  The first night that we had to spend at the hotel I was like "Sweet!  Vending machines!" and ate some Famous Amos cookies.  The breakfast buffet was a carb-fest with bacon.  Seriously.

On Tuesday, Frank asked me to go to Home Depot for him.  So I'm like, sure, okay, no problem. what do we need?  He then proceeds to draw me a picture of some sort of metal thing that he needs that will protect the wiring in the wall so that no one can drill in to it.  I'm like "What's it called?"  he says "I don't know".

I wanted to cry.

So I asked him to just GIVE me the picture and he says "I can't give you that!  They'll laugh at you if you show them that!"  Okay, so to re-cap...I have to get a metal THING that protects things in the wall, we don't know the name or in what department it would be in and your sending ME a non-building-renovation-illiterate WOMAN to the Home Depot to scope it out.  Super.  I get to the HD and start my search.  I find and employee, I describe what I am looking for and he directs me.  Sort of.  I walk, I metal plates.  Kay, fine, look for second employee.  She directs me and I go and Voila!  metal plates.  None of which even remotely resemble Frank's diagram. 

Now I am ABOUT to cry.  

Employee number three comes up as I am dialing Frank's number and between the three of us, we FIND the metal plate.  Score!  So what does all of this have to do with eating in the closet?  Well, I left Home Depot feeling all kinds of emotional and just FED UP with all of this renovation nonsense and drove right over to Dairy Queen and got myself a Blizzard.  I didn't get anything for any other member of my family.  I got my Blizzard and I ATE IT in the car!  How pitiful is that?  Oh, and not only did I eat it in the car WHILE driving, I discarded the evidence so that no one would KNOW that I ate it!  I'm sick!

Yesterday, I went to Walmart to get - surprise, surprise - some things for the bathroom, and did a really super-small food shopping.  While going down the snack aisle for Michael's snacks, I snagged a bag of Milano cookies.  I got home, I HID THEM in the cabinet that no one uses and felt pretty damn good about it.  Nick was out, Michael was at school, Frank was burrowed in the bathroom mudding the drywall.  I took out some cookies, poured myself some milk and sat in the corner of my dining room (where the computer is) and was just about to take the first bite of cookie when Frank walks in and is like "Oh, so you got yourself cookies?  Did you get any for me?"  

SON OF A B....!

Really, like I'm cowering in the corner, trying to soothe myself with some food and it's like he sniffed them out!  I told him (okay, so I blatantly lied) that they were for "us" and he's like "I don't like those...I like the other Pepperidge Farm know, the crispy ones".  Seriously, I should have smacked him.  So we establish that these cookies are mine, I'm a bad wife, blah, blah, blah...

Today I take out some cookies to eat.  Again, Frank is in the bathroom, Michael is intently building with some Lego's and I just sit down and all of a sudden, Michael's like "Hey, where'd you get the Milano's?"

Okay SERIOUSLY family...give me a break!  Let me eat a snack in peace otherwise I'm putting a lock on the closet door and hiding out in there and will no longer cook ANYTHING for anyone!!  Can't a stressed out mom binge in peace?

Poder negocial

“O segredo é a alma do negócio” ditado antigo e absolutamente verdadeiro. Num ano em que por diversas vezes foi discutida a capacidade negocial dos nossos dirigentes (na sequência do negócio Di Maria) aí está a principal pecha (pelo menos a conhecida) envolvendo o processo negocial desenvolvido pelos responsáveis nas transacções de jogadores.
Por mérito dos jornalistas (algumas vezes, diria poucas) e pagamento de favores prestados (publicação de noticias a pedido) as negociatas do Benfica são acompanhadas ao minuto pelos média (especialmente o jornal “ABOLA” e mais recentemente o Record) com os resultados sobejamente conhecidos. Tudo o que o Benfica cheira acaba por interessar ao FCP e das duas uma, o negócio não se concretiza ou torna-se mais caro do que seria expectável. Se repararmos as contratações que foram bem sucedidas só foram conhecidas após concretização ou já muito perto do fecho (Roberto, Gaitan, Jara, Saviola, Javi Garcia, Airton, Rodrigo, etc…), as restantes acabam por falhar e mais grave do que isso acabam por reforçar o nosso rival mais directo (Alvaro Pereira; Falcão; James Rodriguez). É tempo de aprender com os erros e salvaguardar a nossa posição.

Alan, e porque não?

A minha filosofia de ver o futebol leva-me a pensar que a formação deve servir na grande maioria das vezes para debelar as pechas da equipa principal e se não fôr possivel deve-se tentar contratar jogadores jovens que possam dar o seu contributo durante vários anos. Esta é a forma que eu considero ideal e indicada para se planificar o presente e o futuro. Mas por vezes existem condicionantes de dificil resolução e que requerem respostas práticas e imediatas. Eu como vocês sou benfiquista e quero o melhor do nosso clube, e ainda que possa não ser a solução ideal eu penso que esta solução seria objectiva e potenciadora de frutos a curto prazo.
Alan, é um jogador com muitos anos de campeonato e que tem rubricado grandes exibições nas últimas temporadas o jogo de ontem foi mais uma prova disso, tem 30 anos pois tem mas tem uma grande garra e tecnicamente e tácticamente é um jogador precioso, poderá não ser uma aposta de futuro mas poderá valer um campeonato por a sua forma de se entregar ao jogo. Poderá não poder jogar na Liga dos Campeões, mas 1,5 milhões por um jogador desta qualidade e adaptado ao nosso campeonato é quanto a mim um bom negócio, um negócio bem melhor que o de César Peixoto que tinha a mesma idade e menos qualidades que este.


Um dos grandes problemas das Organizações está na comunicação (interna e externa), quanto maior for a estrutura mais complicada se torna a tarefa, se tivermos a falar de um clube da dimensão do SLB é um desafio enorme e de gestão complicadíssima. Têm sido notórias as dificuldades sentidas pelas sucessivas direcções do clube, assim como se nota a sua preocupação com esse aspecto (os vários directores de comunicação que têm passado pelo clube). Quando o clube ganha tudo se torna simples e eficaz (mesmo que a realidade não seja essa) quando os resultados não aparecem surgem os problemas e evidenciam-se as lacunas (mesmo que ténues sejam).
O clima que se vive hoje no nosso clube, para mim que não tenho informação privilegiada, o que penso e escrevo resulta apenas da leitura de jornais, blogues e conversas com adeptos também estes comuns e ávidos do “diz que disse”, faz-me muita confusão. O burburinho que se levanta e tem inundado e preocupado a mente de muitos Benfiquistas é preocupante, estranho e pouco compatível com a realidade ainda recente de sucesso desportivo. Este eco, que não sei se é verdadeiro, seria facilmente eliminado com uma comunicação rigorosa, séria, atempada e a uma só voz, acima de tudo respeitosa com os profissionais que nos representam e que nos representaram. Limitava-se a oposição interna, abafava-se os egos (sedentos de protagonismo) e geria-se as massas (atenção que falo de comunicação e não gestão para o povo), ou então ganha-se os próximos 29 jogos.

Sorry for the delay...

Okay, so I haven't been around too much lately because I have been deeply entrenched in the bathroom renovations.  They are getting better, I'll admit, but this has been insanity.

So we spent the weekend at the local Holiday Inn.  There was a lot of driving back and forth, trying to do laundry while rummaging through the debris that is in every room, on every surface of my house.  Michael was irritable and did not find staying at the hotel as much fun as he used to.  He was bored, I was exhausted, he wanted to play, I wanted to draw the curtains and curl up in the fetal position.

THEN on top of that we had to deal with the landlord AND his brother.  I'll save that post for another day.  We checked out of the hotel Monday afternoon and by Monday night, we had a toilet and a tub.  The sink will be installed tomorrow.  But we can shower, we can pee...all without driving anywhere.  

So I'm home, Frank is still working day and night to get this done without hardly any help.  We were blessed because we had some awesome guys show up here on Sunday to give Frank a hand...thank you Brian!  Thank you Joe!!  You guys rock!

A Propósito Dos Que Não Estão Cá

Não gosto de chorar sobre o leite derramado mas o Diário Económico, na sua edição de hoje, tem um artigo muito interessante sobre os jogadores que saíram da Luz, nomeadamente Di Maria, Ramires e Quim. Eis os principais factos desse artigo:

• Ramires e Di Maria garantiam 26% das assistências
• ................................................ 24% dos remates
• ................................................ 44% dos cruzamentos
• Quim foi decisivo em nove jogos e apenas num foi mal batido
• Dos três grandes, o Quim teve a melhor média de defesas decisivas por jogo (1,4), contra 0,7 e 0,9, efectuadas por Helton e Rui Patrício, respectivamente
• Ramires tinha a melhor média de recuperações no meio campo adversário (1,2 por jogo)

É claro que estes números não traduzem a influência da capacidade de explosão e irreverência do Di Maria, ou o equilíbrio defesa/ataque que Ramires proporcionava. Apesar de parecerem ser significativos não deixam de ser enganadores.

Analisando estes números mais friamente podemos chegar às seguintes conclusões. Não individualizando os jogadores, até porque não tenho acesso a essa estatística, e não contando com o guarda-redes, em média os restantes 8 jogadores de campo efectuaram, cada um, 9,25% das assistências, 9,5% dos remates e 7% dos cruzamentos gerados pela equipa. Se multiplicarmos estes valores por dois jogadores não andam muito longe das percentagens apresentadas no artigo, à excepção dos cruzamentos, o que é natural tendo em conta que estamos a falar exactamente dos dois alas da equipa.

Eu não vou dizer que estes dois jogadores não eram influentes mas houve jogos em que jogamos sem eles (o Ramires, por exemplo, teve ausente alguns períodos significativos) e não foi por isso que perdemos a tendência vitoriosa e a dinâmica de ataque. O Gaitán é diferente do Di Maria mas creio que dos reforços deste ano é o que tem melhores condições para se afirmar mais rapidamente e fazer esquecer, em parte, o Di Maria. O Ruben Amorim, friso, EM FORMA, pode perfeitamente fazer de Ramires e garantir maior equilíbrio à equipa (contudo, não deixo de mencionar que esta posição é a que mais necessitávamos de reforçar de momento, um box-to-box rápido e de qualidade). Agora, se o Benfica não entrar com a dinâmica, frescura física e atitude para decidir o jogo nos primeiros minutos, como acontecia o ano passado, o que não se verificou neste último domingo, é que não vamos lá. Partilho algumas das preocupações que o meu amigo TC referiu no post anterior mas as coisas não são assim tão negras, é uma questão de trabalho e mentalidade.

PS - Sobre o Quim, tirem as conclusões que acharem.

JPOP - Single - AAA - 負けない心

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AVCD-31901/B (初回限定生産盤A / CD + DVD)

AVCD-31902/B (初回限定生産盤B / CD + DVD)

AVCD-31903 (通常盤)

商品編號:AVCD-31903 (通常盤)
其他資料:25th Maxi Single
出品商:avex trax

AAA25枚目のSINGLE!! Executive produced by masato"max"matsuuraによる第5弾! 小室哲哉、復帰作第2弾。 「負けない心」はテレビ朝日系ドラマ『崖っぷちのエリー ~この世でいちばん大事な「カネ」の話~』主題歌に決定! カヴァー曲 (楽曲未定)も追加した3曲5ヴァージョン収録予定。

01. 負けない心
作詞:Kenn Kato、Mitsuhiro Hidaka/作曲:Tetsuya_Komuro/編曲:ats-
※ テレビ朝日系ドラマ「崖っぷちのエリー ~この世でいちばん大事な「カネ」の話~」主題歌

02. Day by day
作詞:Tetsuya_Komuro、Mitsuhiro Hidaka/作曲:Tetsuya_Komuro/編曲:Shinya Saito

03. WOW WAR TONIGHT ~時には起こせよムーヴメント~

04. 負けない心 (Instrumental)

05. Day by day (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

Será da tinta para o cabelo?

O problema do endeusamento das pessoas está na sua relação com o sucesso. Jorge Jesus parece um pavão e arrisca-se a ficar depenado. Após uma época de sucesso foi dada carta branca ao treinador para escolher reforços e definir plantel, reduzindo o peso de uma estrutura no processo de decisão a uma única pessoa com os perigos que daí advém. Os “reforços” foram caros e visam o futuro e não o presente, Roberto, Gaitan, Rodrigo, Jara, Fábio Faria, são acima de tudo jogadores para o futuro e não para o presente, perante a perca de duas pedras nucleares como foram Di Maria e Ramires o nosso treinador entretém-se e entreteve-se na pré-epoca a dar entrevistas parvas e narcisistas e a escolher e preparar a equipa enquanto pintava o cabelo de louro. Os resultados estão à vista de todos, uma sombra do Benfica, uma equipa sem velocidade, sem ideias e organização. O treinador inventa, está nervoso e perdido, ele também já percebeu que fez porcaria, resta saber se sabe dar a volta ao texto. Eu acredito que é possível, confio nas suas capacidades, mas tem que descer à terra e começar a trabalhar com seriedade, disponibilidade e realismo.
Faltam duas semanas para o mercado fechar, muita tinta rolará, e muitos nomes aparecerão na imprensa como potenciais jogadores a adquirir, uns com verdade, outros patrocinados e indicados pela direcção para aparecerem, e outros fruto de um empresário qualquer que quer valorizar determinado jogador. Espero que a existirem contratações que estas sejam cirúrgicas e pensadas por toda a estrutura, que não resultem apenas de visualização de 2/3 jogos às 3 da manhã no PFC, ou que sirvam para nos mandar areia para os olhos, eu uso óculos e já não me lembro do que se passou o ano passado, sou daqueles que diz – fomos campeões - e não – somos campeões.

Novo Campeonato, O Mesmo Sistema

As exibições não têm sido as que gostávamos. O Guarda-Redes ainda não provou o seu valor. O onze ainda não estabilizou, etc. Estou totalmente de acordo mas também existe outra verdade que com pena minha alguns benfiquistas preferem colocá-la em segundo plano. Vejamos, entre o clube do poder a sua sucursal de Lisboa e o Glorioso ninguém se exibiu de forma absolutamente convincente. Estou até convicto da nossa superioridade argumentativa, estatisticamente falando, da justiça para vencer o respectivo jogo.
A diferença dos resultados esteve na sorte variável incontrolável (exemplo o segundo golo da Académica) e nos artistas dos apitos. Na luz o careca que nos calhou na rifa permitiu todo o antijogo possível e imaginário. Não falhou qualquer livre favorável à Académica e nunca teve dúvidas nos inúmeros lances ocorridos na sua grande-área ou zonas limítrofes (excepção a uma claríssima falta sobre Carlos Martins).
Em Paços os lagartos de nada se podem queixar que não de si próprios.
Na figueira da foz o filme de sempre na dúvida sempre a favor do mesmo e quanto mais perto do fim pior.
Em resumo à 1ª Jornada a classificação é uma mentira e MAIS UMA VEZ COM O NOSSO SILÊNCIO QUE POR TÃO PERSISTENTE SE TORNA CÚMPLICE.
E com o passar do tempo e da dinâmica de vitória oferecida se constroem os Mourinhos desta vida.

My Fair Wedding with David Tutera...Here's What was Missing

So if you remember, my mom did some work for "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera" and the first episode aired about two weeks ago.  We were all so excited and watched the episode of the Purple Princess Bride on the edge of our seats.  Now my mom had done a rather exquisite seating board, programs and menus.  As we watched the episode we noticed some issues.

On the plus side, David Tutera slowly spoke the name of my mom's company and showed off the menus - which were lovely.  Then...well, we were disappointed.  After mom had printed up all of the programs the show called her and told her that the bride and groom had CHANGED THEIR NAMES!!  I'm serious, they changed their names.  Their FIRST names.  Okay, whatever, so the programs were not used in the episode (or at least they were not shown).  As much as the camera scanned the entire reception area, the seating board was never shown either.  This was most perplexing because this was the item that Mr. Tutera's people GUSHED over. 

Needless to say, mom was devastated and called the people at the show to find out what went wrong.  Apparently, there comes a point in post production that things are taken out of their hands and this was one of them.  Who knew?  So, to give her the attention that she truly deserves, here are some pictures of mom's work for My Fair Wedding and the Purple Princess Bride (compliments of photographer Jennifer Roper):
 The name of mom's business is Printing with Panache.  She is located on Long Island but as you can see from this particular wedding which was held in California, she can ship stuff anywhere!

Blog Award Time!!

I am so excited!  I haven't gotten a blog award in a long, long time!  Leigh over at Inside My Head blessed me with this one and I am most appreciative.  It's been a rough's nice to feel the love.

The rules for this award are as follows:
1.  thank and link back to the person that gave you the award.
2.  share 7 things about yourself.
3.  pass the award to 7 fellow bloggers that inspire you.
4.  let them know about the award. things about me:
1.  I am a bit obsessed with Hagen Daaz Chocolate Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and can easily eat the entire thing in one sitting
2.  I have 27 partial books/manuscripts in binders in my room.  Someday I hope to finish and publish them ALL!
3. I am not opposed to slapping mean old men
4.  I sabotage myself a LOT
5. I would rather not have cable TV or a cell phone if it meant getting to go to Disney
6.  I get bored fast in a bubble bath
7.  Nick and I can have a 30 minute conversation with nothing but quotes from "Friends"
Oh, and a bonus one...It is my ultimate dream to have a real professional make over with a make up artist, hair stylist, wardrobe...the works!

Okay, so who am I passing this cute little award on to?  Hmmm...who to pick, who to pick?

Check these great blogs out...I get great joy from reading them.

To Bi or not to Bi

O campeonato já começou e o Braga parece que quer manter a bitola do ano passado, com um jogo tremendamente eficaz na primeira parte com 2/3 remates à baliza e 2 golos. Estando presentes na Liga Europa ou na Champions a história pode ser outra mas contem com este Braga.
Porto e Sporting entram hoje em acção. O Porto tem sangue fresco no banco de treinador. Infelizmente, começou bem a época oficial, vamos ver como reage à perda do Bruno Alves e à eventual saída de Raul Meireles, mas tal como o nosso treinador disse é o nosso principal adversário, quer no campo, quer fora dele como já vem sendo habitual. Quanto ao Sporting, as maçãs podres já saíram mas ainda paira para lá um cheirinho apodrecido. Pior do que o ano anterior é impossível mas penso que, à imagem do treinador, teremos uns lagartos mais aguerridos e capazes de andarem mais perto dos lugares cimeiros mas num patamar inferior. Juntamente com o Benfica estes serão os 4 candidatos ao título mas com diferentes níveis de favoritismo (Benfica e Porto à cabeça).
Em relação ao resto das equipas, existirá um grande bloco nivelado por baixo com, creio, Guimarães, Nacional e Marítimo num patamar intermédio.

Relativamente ao nosso clube, o nosso presidente já deu o mote – “Verdadeiros campeões não ganham só uma vez”. Diria que se o Benfica mantivesse o nível do ano passado não teria problemas em revalidar o título mas, olhando para este Benfica de hoje, não me parece que tenha o equilíbrio do Benfica da época passada. O guarda-redes ainda não transmitiu confiança, os reforços ainda estão a integrar-se, perdeu-se velocidade, fundamental, com as saídas de Di Maria e Ramires e o Coentrão só não chega. A equipa parece nalguns momentos partida em blocos, criando desequilíbrios. Com o regresso do Maxi, uma das soluções mais óbvias que poderá trazer o tal equilíbrio é avançar o Ruben Amorim para o lugar deixado vago pelo Ramires. Outras das coisas menos positivas é o esbanjamento de dinheiro que se verifica, com a saída iminente do Ramires não teria sido preferível gastar caroço no seu substituto em vez de um possível futuro craque a avançado (Rodrigo).

O nosso clube quando ganha deslumbra-se. É natural tendo em conta a sua dimensão e emoção que gera mas esse deslumbramento nunca pode entrar para dentro do clube. Infelizmente acho que houve alguns sinais de deslumbramento neste início de época na estrutura de futebol, a começar pelo nosso próprio treinador. Quando ganhamos os últimos campeonatos não soubemos manter esse espírito de vitória, está na altura de trabalhar e corrigir esses erros do passado, a Supertaça foi um bom wake up call. O Benfica é o seu “próprio inimigo” e deve-se preocupar consigo mesmo, só assim será mais forte.

Como o João Tomaz já disse, a Liga dos Campeões é para ir o mais longe possível e fazer boa figura mas mais importante que isso é revalidar o título, senão não voltará a haver Champions.


Eu acredito que chegaremos ao Bi-campeonato se corrigirmos algumas lacunas e para começar temos de conseguir uma coisa que já não fazemos desde a época 2004/2005, ganhar a primeira jornada do campeonato.

The Love You Take Is Equal to the Love You Make...

Okay, so this is probably one of my ALL TIME favorite skits from SNL.  I find that we refer to it a lot because of Chris Farley's final question to Paul McCartney when he asks him if the phrase at the end of a song on Abby Road which states "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" is true.

Whenever I hear people complain about nobody calling them or nobody coming around it's like hey, do YOU call anybody?  Do YOU help anyone out when they need it?  We have an acquaintance that literally sucks the life out of us.  They are extremely demanding with what they expect from others but really, they do NOTHING for anyone!  Don't call me and tell me what I have to do or how disappointed you are that no one comes around when you need help because you don't do anything to make anyone want to help you!  Does that make sense?

Would you go out of your way to help someone move if they never once showed you any consideration?  Would you loan someone your car if they never once called to just see how you are?  It would be weird, right?  You know, we are going through all of this nonsense with the bathroom and I put a plea out on Facebook essentially BEGGING for help.  I have 575 friends on Facebook and only TWO people responded and they both live 600 miles away.  They weren't joking around and saying that they'd be here, but they were genuinely sorry that they couldn't help.  At first I was pissed that no one responded or came to help but then I had to stop and think of how many times have I gone and helped someone.  I mean, I do help others but not as much as I could or should.  

The thing is, I KNOW this about myself and don't go around throwing guilt trips about it...well, not a lot, anyway!  :)  But I get annoyed with the entitlement that people throw around.  How everyone has to do something for THEM.  Sorry, it's not all about you and really, to quote the Beatles one more time "And in the end...the love you take is equal to the love you make"

Remember that one and think...when was the last time you picked up the phone and called someone just to say hi?  Have you returned all of your phone calls/messages?  Do you have a friend in crisis that could maybe just use five minutes to laugh?  Is your e-mail inbox full of messages from people who want to know how you are?  Have you responded?  No one is going to think about you when you don't think about them.

Think about that...

Somebody call the Waaambulance....

Okay, so things were moving right along here today in bathroom renovation land.  There was a large portion of the exterior of the house removed and re-framed and a whole lot of work done on.  There were two guys plus Frank doing the work while my landlord sat in the shade and looked on.

Now, things had been going well.  Everything was getting done and for the most part, no one was in my way at all.  I had to drive to a friend's house to use the bathroom and then later go back to shower but while at home, I was okay.  We got the tub that we wanted and everyone was behaving themselves.

Until 5:00.

By that time, the two helpers that my landlord had gotten had left and apparently it was the witching hour because "crazy landlord" was back.  He was bitching and moaning about how much this is all costing him in materials and he's not done yet.  Sorry, not my problem.  He got the tub at a $100 discount but then bought the more expensive fixtures.  Not my problem.  We looked at linoleum for the floor, he wants something "sturdier".  Not my problem.  There is sagging in extensive parts of the floor in the area of the bathroom that requires permanent jacks.  Not my problem.  So he went a little coo-coo-for-cocoa-puffs at Frank over all of these things and that got Frank upset and I had to remind him that we didn't ask for all of this!  We picked a tub that was clearance! The LANDLORD chose the upgrades and higher quality stuff, not us!  We didn't go out and spend his money and submit the bill, HE went to the store and got it all!

I don't get why people feel the need to lay blame on someone else for their decisions.  I mean, I just wanted a bathroom that was safe.  I didn't want to fall through the dang floor while showering or using the potty and have to have the emergency squad come and dig me out of the debris!  That is not too much to ask, is it?  So I had to listen to Frank rant for an hour after the landlord left and I'll tell you what, he is 100% entitled to do it but MAN I could not wait for him to stop!

Tomorrow morning will begin with a very cheery landlord...and the cycle will continue...

Raro exemplo a seguir

Tudo o que vem dos nossos vizinhos da 2ª circular é para mim sinal de repulsa ou no máximo significará algo a não seguir, contudo por vezes ainda que raríssimas, existem medidas que, pasme-se, são de aproveitar. A proibição de vuvuzelas no estádio é uma medida que aplaudo e que gostaria de ver copiada pelas nossas bandas. Com o devido respeito aos aficionados deste objecto mas se o querem usar façam-no no recanto do lar e não aos meus ouvidos. the Flinstones...

A friend of mine recently moved back to her home town to marry her high school sweetheart.  He was adding an extension on to his home to make room for her and her children.  He was making their dream home.

When she got there, it wasn't so much the dream.  There was no plumbing and there had been several snags in the plan and we joked about it being like living in Bedrock.  Well, now, I live there!  

We are day three in to the renovations and all I can say is WAHHHHH!!!!  The tub is out, the surround is out, the sink is out, half of the floor is out.  Only the potty remains (Thank GOD!) but that is temporary.  While sitting on the throne you get a view of the dirt of the ground below the house, a clear opening to view the boys closet AND in to their room and now, the exterior wall is getting ready to come down so I have a view of the side yard.  This morning Frank took down the siding and unfortunately, he has to stop because he doesn't have any helpers to do the really heavy stuff that he needs but hopefully will tomorrow.

I have had to go and shower elsewhere, the boys have showered elsewhere.  I have to admit, brushing my teeth in the kitchen sink is NOT living the dream and even though I still have my toilet, it's not exactly indoor plumbing.  We are taking a break tonight and the boys are going to see a movie, Frank is going to play with the band and I am going out with my ladies bible study group.  I will get to use a REAL bathroom!  Geez, listen to me, it's been three days and already I'm acting like I've been living in the jungle for years!  

I know, I know, it will all be over soon and I will love how it looks, blah, blah, blah...but realize that I am not an adventurous type of woman.  I don't camp, I don't hike, hell, I don't even like being outside for any extended length of time!  So for me, THIS is roughing it!  Years ago, I think back in 1996, Hurricane Fran came through here and we lost power.  Luckily, my grandmother was living down here too and she did not.  So we packed up when the coast was clear and went to her house BUT we had been here without it for 24 hours.  Longest 24 hours of FRANK'S life!  I am not easy to live with.  I don't ask for diamonds, a big wardrobe, or a big house but for the love of it, give me my plumbing!!!

E recomeça a dança

Estamos em Agosto a pré-epoca começou em Maio (3 meses), pela primeira vez em vários anos mantivemos a estrutura, o presidente, “responsável” para o futebol e treinador são os mesmos, a base da equipa mantém-se com duas honrosas mas fundamentais excepções sendo que para uma delas já estaria contratado substituto desde Fevereiro (Gaitan) e podemos afirmar hoje que a saída de Ramires estaria apalavrada e encaminhada. Os jogos de preparação foram andando com algumas indicações preocupantes mas com resultados satisfatórios, inclusive em determinados jogos demos espectáculo (Aston Villa).
Chegou o primeiro jogo oficial da época, as indicações preocupantes elevaram-se e confirmaram-se, perdemos um jogo que ninguém antevia perder de uma forma inimaginável e estalou a preocupação e constatação da necessidade de reforços. Todos os dias são noticiados potenciais reforços pelos média numa dança patrocinada pela direcção (!!!).
Entre os adeptos discute-se Roberto e começa-se a sentir algumas reservas e preocupações para a 1ª jornada que se avizinha (Luisão está lesionado, David Luiz no Brasil ao serviço da selecção – logo cansado, Miguel Vítor foi dispensado) e paira no ar até 31 de Agosto a cruel possibilidade de David Luiz e Coentrão poderem sair a troco de uns camiões de dinheiro.

Não havia necessidade…

Parabéns David Luiz - O Benfica também está de parabéns

O Benfica já teve 65 jogadores brasileiros ao seu serviço, houve vários que foram internacionais pela selecção A do Brasil (a bold) mas nunca um deles havia sido “feito” no Benfica como o David Luiz. É uma grande honra, para o Benfica e os benfiquistas, que um dos nossos ídolos tenha sido chamado à selecção. Parabéns David Luiz!

Jogadores brasileiros no Benfica:
Ademir; Aílton; Airton; Alcides; Aldair; Amaral; Anderson; André; André Luís; Argel; Beto; César; Chiquinho; Clóvis; Cristiano; David Luiz; Derlei; Donizete; Edcarlos; Éder; Éder Luís; Edilson; Elzo; Everson; Felipe Menezes; Fellipe Bastos; Geovanni; Gustavo; Isaías; Jamir; Jorge Gomes; Júlio César; Júlio César (GR); Kardec; Keirrison; King; Léo; Leónidas; Lima; Lúcio Wagner; Luís Gustavo; Luisão; Manduca; Marcel; Marcelo; Marlos; Moretto; Mozer; Nivaldo; Paredão; Paulão; Paulo Almeida; Paulo Campos; Paulo Nunes; Paulo Pereira; Ramires; Ricardo; Roger; Ronaldo; Sidnei; Valdir; Valdo; Wando; Weldon; William.

JPOP - Single - BENI - Heaven's Door

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

專輯名稱:Heaven's Door
其他資料:9th Maxi Single

BENIのニュー・シングル!! 今作はウエディング・ソング! ミディアムテンポの楽曲にのせた、聴くだけで幸せな気持ちになれるナンバー! "Rouge de BENI"イメージソング。

01. Heaven's Door
作詞:松尾潔/作曲:川口大輔/編曲:Dausuke Kawaguchi
※「Rouge de BENI」イメージ・ソング
※ TBSテレビ系「CDTV」オープニング・テーマ

02. I like it
作詞:BENI/作曲.編曲:Daisuke "D.I" Imai

03. ギミギミ♥ (DJ HASEBE REMIX)
作詞:Shoko Fujibayashi/作詞.作曲:Daisuke "D.I" Imai/リミキサー:DJ HASEBE

04. Heaven's Door (Instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

Happy Birthday, Grandma...

Yesterday would have been my grandma's birthday.  It was weird because things were so chaotic yesterday that I didn't remember.  This morning when I was driving home from taking Michael to school, I was thinking about all that was going on with the bathroom and the renovations and thought to myself "I've got to call grandma and tell her about this..." and then I remembered....

I saw this on Facebook a while ago and it just seemed appropriate today.  So to my sweet Grandma, who I miss so much, Happy Birthday.

"I wish that Heaven had a phone so I could hear your voice again...I thought of you today, but that is nothing new; I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.  I think of you in silence, I often speak your name, all I have are memories and pictures in a frame.  Your memory is a keepsake, from which I'll never part.  God has you in His arms, and I have you in my heart."

And this is why I am not a candidate for any HGTV show...

 Okay, so no slap was necessary because Sybil, I mean, my landlord, came by today as sweet as can be and was most agreeable to anything and everything that my husband wanted to do.  

SOOOO...demolition was on!  First we ripped off all of the trim around the tub surround.  No problem.  Then we ripped off the tub surround.  (Insert dramatic music here).  There was nothing but black, rotting wood as far as the eye can see!  I mean, it was NASTY.  Frank pulled off as much rotted stuff as he could and then covered it in plastic so that we could TRY and not smell the nastiness.

Now, our house was built in 1945 so it is OLD.  The tub is the original cast iron tub so it weighs about 350 pounds.  It required ripping out the wall that was between the bathroom and the boys' closet.  Which required dismantling and emptying OUT the boys closet.  Not a task I ever want to do again.  So next came the task of finding someone to help my husband get this monstrosity out of the bathroom.  Most of his friends were at work or not able to help him because of physical limitations so I picked up the phone and called my dear friend Carol whose son is a lean, mean, muscle-pumping machine.  Hee-hee, he'd get a kick out of that one!  Actually, I told him that we were searching from someone with mind-numbing muscle ability and he liked that title!  But alas, the boy was not available but I was fortunate enough to find his older brother in town.  Gotta love a boy/man (I keep forgetting that he is almost 23!) who is willing to help out some family friends while on vacation!

Anyway, he came over and he and Frank hit the wall (literally) and could not quite get the tub jacked up to where it needed to be before the boy had to leave to meet up with friends.  BUT...being a quality young man, he told us that he would be back here in the morning (with his mind-numbing muscle bound brother) to help Frank remove the tub! have raised an amazing young man and you should be proud!

Since that time, the tub got jacked up way more and is sitting on said-jack in the bathroom.  I can see the dirt below my house and in to my children's closet from the comfort of my toilet!  Oh, and can I just say thank GOD that Frank is doing everything possible to not remove the toilet!!  We did have to re-assemble the boys closet so that they had room to move in their room and the whole house is clean and trash free.  Not too shabby for day one of demo.

But here's the's day ONE and I am so ready to be DONE!  I mean, I know it is all going to be worth it, it will look beautiful, blah, blah, blah...but in the meantime I get to have a moldy smelling bathroom with a view (and I say that sarcastically).  Tomorrow morning I will drive Michael to school and then go to a friend's house to shower (Bless you, Danette!).  Life is a little complicated to say the least.  This morning I was watching "My Big Amazing Renovation" on HGTV, actually, I watched TWO episodes.  Episode number one had a couple re-building their home and more than doubling their square footage.  It took 3 months during which they lived in a 450 square foot studio apartment and had a baby.  Episode number two had a family of 6 rebuilding their home and they had scheduled it for a 6 month time frame and it actually took a YEAR and $700,000!  What the WHAT??  While their renovation was going on, they lost the lease on their rental house and had to fit 6 people in a single hotel room!  

So yes, THOSE are people that have the right to complain.  I'm in day ONE of a tiny bathroom fix-up and I'm ready to have a mini breakdown.  If the camera crew were on me right now I'd be like " just (sob, sob)...I just thought that things would go quicker (sniffle, sniffle)...I mean, I just hope this thing comes in under budget..."  Then those real women from the HGTV show could just come over and slap ME!!!

Jogámos tão mal e o Jorge Jesus esteve tão irreconhecível...

... que nem sequer falamos do penalti roubado, o da falta do Sapunaru sobre o Fábio Coentrão, e que o João Ferreira ainda teve a lata de mostrar um cartão amarelo ao nosso jogador. Nós fomos campeões, não somos campeões. Essa porcaria desse cântico deveria ter terminado por volta de 12 ou 13 de Maio. Não quero um Benfica amorfo com vénias ao público no início dos treinos. Não quero um Benfica amorfo resignado com uma péssima exibição, um péssimo guarda-redes e uma péssima construção do plantel. Jorge Jesus, analisa os teus erros, que também os cometes, e corrige-os. Se o ano passado soubeste corrigi-los, este ano também o saberás. Mas é preciso que os corrijas. Mesmo que tenhas que dar a mão à palmatória. Onde é que estão as caneleiras nos treinos esta época? O ano passado até treinaram de calções com 10 graus negativos... Treinos à porta aberta? Com vénias e cânticos? Acordem pá! Limitem as entrevistas que dão à Benfica TV. A Benfica TV, se não tiver material, que repita jogos dos juniores de basket ou dos infantis do hóquei da época passada. Já estou farto de ver o Jara a dizer que gosta muito de Lisboa e que só terá saudades da família. Nós fomos campeões, não somos campeões. E, entretanto, olhem para a história e percebam, de uma vez por todas, que a liga dos campeões é para andar lá e ir o mais longe possível mas, atenção, SEM HIPOTECAR O CAMPEONATO! O Aimar chama-se Pablo, não é Andrea. A baliza do Benfica não é um centro de estágio e o Fábio Coentrão, já que o reinventaste, não o estragues. Será assim tão surpreendente que, com um ano de avanço do contrato assinado, o Ramires tenha saído? Plano A, plano B?!?! Tenho saudades da nota artística. Andámos a brincar à pré-época, foi o que foi. Nós Fomos campeões. Eu quero ser bi-campeão. Com um guarda-redes a sério, nunca uma bola que vai contra o seu peito, bateria nas suas mãos e entraria na baliza. Nunca terias que jogar com a defesa mais recuada nem haveria tanta sofreguidão nos cortes do David Luiz ou do Luisão. Quero ver-te a berrar no campo. Quero ver-te a encostar jogadores como encostaste o Nuno Gomes e o Mantorras no ano passado. Quero que sejas tu, quero que acordes. E quero, acima de tudo, que te lembres que, no campeonato nacional, se preparares a equipa para a Champions, vais fartar-te de empatar jogos. E ao insistires no erro Roberto, quando deres por ela, estás a jogar com 8 avançados para tentar empatar um jogo porque o rapaz teve o "azar" de sofrer mais um golo numa bola "indefensável". Bem sei que sofrer um golo aos 3 minutos não ajuda mas o que eu me pergunto é porque é que este ano já aconteceu tantas vezes? É que qualquer escritora de literatura de cordel sabe que não há coincidências... Acorda! Acorda-os!
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