No Domingo À Noite Recordem Este Momento

Em Junho anunciei assim a previsivel chegado do Messias



Lista dos melhores marcadores de sempre

Golos em jogos do campeonato nacional, taça de Portugal, supertaça, taça da liga e competições europeias. Se alguém tiver melhor informação, que a disponibilize por favor!

Domingo há jogo?

Atendendo ao que por aí (gente do fcp) se vai dizendo estou desconfiado que domingo não há jogo. O Benfica vai ganhar e os tripeiros apenas estão preocupados com a festa.

Chick Flick Friday...Sort of

Okay, so normally on Friday's I talk about a chick flick that I enjoy. Well today I am doing something equally "chicky" just not "flicky".

In the mail on W
ednesday, I finally got book three of Nora Roberts Bridal Quartet series "Savor the Moment". I had waited nearly four months for this installment and it did not disappoint. If you are a Nora Roberts fan and have not started this series, you are definitely missing out.

This series follows four childhood friends who have started a very successful wedding planning business with each of the friends managing a different aspect of it: Parker is the overall event planner, Mac is the photographer, Emma is the florist and Laurel is the baker-extraordinaire. Each book focuses on one of the ladies for the most part but throughout the book, it is their friendship that comes across almost as much as the romantic storyline.

Book one, "Vision in White" was Mac's story. Book two, "Bed of Roses" was Emma's. Book three, "Savor the Moment" is Laurel's. Book four is not due out until November and I'm already mad at myself for reading through book three so darn quick. I got it Wednesday and was done by Thursday afternoon.

Anyway, it is a great romantic series but also a wonderful tale of friendship. I highly recommend it and would LOVE to see Lifetime or WEtv do a movie out of them. Just my suggestion!

Quac, Quac, levar banhada de bola e nós banho de campeão

Depois duma caminhada tão bonita como curta, porque ver este Benfica jogar sabe sempre a pouco, vamos acabar por fazer a festa no terreno do Dragon é um pouco como ir almoçar ao Tavares Rico e acabar o café no WC. Mas pronto festa é festa e ela teria que ser feita em qualquer lado. Nós sabemos que são pessoas com poucas ideias, não muito esclarecidas mas verdade seja dita e o que é verdade deve ser dito, os tripas conseguiram inovar, todas as formas de corrupção e as suas múltiplas variantes são fruto ou fruta como se quiser dizer dum trabalho monetário muito bem viajado pelo Brasil, Cancun e outras OFF Shores. Ser campeão ali também acaba por ser importante, desde que o César Brito lá marcou os 2 golos que não vêm um clube neste caso quase campeão que não seja corrupto, já mereciam, temos de lhe dar esse prazer, taditos, dizia eu que com a pouca clarividência para inventar com decência sobra-lhe a maldade e como também gostam das más companhias se o Benfica for campeão vai acontecer como no jogo do Inter Barcelona e vão ligar os aspersores de rega mas não tem problema nenhum. Esta informação é em primeira mão, acabo de encomendar bóias para todo o plantel por causa da água que vai jorrar após sermos campeões, assim podemos divertir-nos nos vários lagos que se irão formar nós no banho eles com a banhada. Na impossibilidade de contratar o frango que já nessa altura era gordo, que o Nuno Espirito Santo arranjou no Algarve devido a sofrer de problemas de obesidade, contratei um pato que não é bravo para mostrar o modelo a utilizar.
Todos os patinhos sabem bem nadar, sabem nadar….

Três horas à Benfica

Já tenho bilhete para o Benfica-Rio Ave, depois de resistir a três horas de espera pelo acto da compra no Estádio da Luz e, mais tarde, na Casa Viola, no Colombo.

Cheguei à Luz, às dez horas, altura em que as bilheteiras abriram, deparando-me com uma fila que já tinha várias dezenas de metros. Esta afluência demonstra a grandeza do Benfica, e a percepção de que a conquista do 32º campeonato é, cada vez,mais, um sonho perto de estar realizado. De qualquer maneira, não deixei de ficar surpreendido com a presença de milhares de pessoas, mas a vontade de ver Benfica acaba por se sobrepor aos horários de trabalho ou de faculdade e à crise.

Depois de meia-hora no Estádio da Luz, apareceu um senhor com bilhetes comprados na Casa de Viola. Apesar de um euro de comissão, valeu a pena mudar de local porque a fila era menor, embora tivesse de aturar mais duas horas e meia de espírito de sacrifício, atenuadas com a boa disposição de uma prima minha, que se filiou no Benfica em 72.

No Colombo, havia organização, segurança, mas depressa correu a informação de que o sistema informático estava bloqueado, impedindo, por isso, a venda célere dos bilhetes. "Modernices. Isto, antigamente, não era assim", afirmavam alguns sócios. Algumas pessoas passavam por nós e não percebiam a razão de tamanha fila numa casa que vende lotaria e outros jogos de sorte e azar. Houve, ainda, quem julgasse que se vendia bilhetes para o jogo no Dragão.

A normalidade foi reposta e, entretanto, ficámos a saber que Olegário Benquerença vai arbitrar o jogo de Domingo. Esta informação é só uma curiosidade, porque o Benfica tem de ganhar independentemente de o árbitro ser bom ou não. Por exemplo, em Marselha houve uma das piores arbitragens desta época e a equipa não deixou de vencer.

Com o bilhete na mão, espero ou, melhor, esperamos festejar o título na casa dos tripeiros e continuar a celebrar esta proeza, numa época muito especial, frente ao Rio Ave. Viva o Benfica!

Guess Who's Two Years Old?


Yup, this blog is officially two years old. I still cannot believe that I've kept it going and how much fun I've had doing it. I LOVE having some place to go where I can just talk, rant, rave and let loose whenever I want to. Some of us need that release.

I want to thank all of you who have stopped by daily, weekly or whenever. You guys ROCK! I wish I was like some of those fancier blogs that host giveaways and whatnot, but I'm just not there yet.

So thank you, again, my friends. It has been an awesome two years and I'm looking forward to many, many more! Have a blessed day!!

Done with Entrecard! Good-bye!

Tonight was the final straw in my saga with Entrecard. I was doing my drops and all of a sudden, when I had ten sites up, my laptop went crazy and was infected with all kinds of stuff.

So to Entrecard...YOU SUCK! To the pathetic losers out there who do this stuff to their sites for sport...YOU SUCK EVEN MORE!

I have no idea how to fix my NOT EVEN SIX MONTH OLD LAPTOP!!!

I'm so done.

Será que sou só eu

Bem sei que os últimos anos têm sido difíceis, as desilusões são imensas e a angustia em função da expectativa criada é enorme. Desde o inicio da época a abordagem dos adeptos tem sido muito cautelosa, justificadamente cautelosa o que acabou por se revelar decisivo. Não embandeirámos em arco mas estivemos presentes num apoio constante.
Nesta altura denoto ainda muitas cautelas, muito receio nos Benfiquistas em especial na abordagem ao próximo jogo. Meus amigos:
- temos 2 jogos para fazer 1 ponto;
- Somos melhores mas muito melhores que os 2 adversários que ainda temos que defrontar;
- A pressão está no Porto que precisa de ganhar para ter esperanças no segundo posto;
- Nós vamos para jogar sabendo que se não for ali será mais tarde;
Não só acredito que vamos ser campeões no Domingo como penso que vamos ganhar o jogo. Passaremos por enormes dificuldades, estaremos num ambiente hostil mas sairemos vencedores.

I'm Addicted To...

Flip Flops.

There, I've said it. I've mentioned before that I am so not a girly girl. I don't have a ton of clothes. I don't get in to shoes and make up and all that. But for some reason, flip flops do it for me.

No, I'm not talking about basic flip flops, I'm talking about pretty, decorative ones. I went to the mall last night and went to Sears (because they have the BEST selection of them) and bought THREE PAIRS! Really? Does anyone need that many pairs? They are beaded and have wedges and really, they were on sale for $8.99 each! How was I to refuse?

I got home and put them in my room in my shoe basket and seriously, all that is in there are decorative flip flops!

I think I have a problem...

A honestidade de Quim

Não costumo contestar os posts deste blog, mas, desta vez, vou abrir uma excepção, esperando que o Forte i Feio respeite a minha opinião.

Temos de ver que a admiração por Vítor Baía foi feita em circunstâncias especiais, ou seja perante uma jovem plateia, que precisa de ter nos mais velhos referências, e saber que podemos ter jogadores preferidos em clubes rivais. Além disso, o Quim é patrono da escola e se admirava Baía, quando era jovem, não podemos censurá-lo, até porque se trata de um ex-jogador do FC Porto e seria pior se ele dissesse que tinha Helton, Beto ou Nuno Espírito Santo como ídolos.

Aliás, deve haver muitos benfiquistas que, por exemplo, admiram jogadores como Falcão, Álvaro Pereira ou Christian Rodriguez, apesar do uruguaio estar, esta época, felizmente, longe do que fez na Luz. Portanto, não é por isso que nós ou Quim, com esta afirmação, estamos a colocar em causa a capacidade de vencer do Benfica.

Força, Forte i Feio, continua a "malhar" no blog.

Quim, o que é isto?

Numa semana onde se joga o campeonato com o porto uma declaração destas é sinal de pouca inteligência, devido à semana e ao jogo que se aproxima deixarei o post que há muito quero fazer para outra altura.

Weight Watchers Update - Again

Okay, so I am cranking along on Weight Watchers but I have to admit, I've been slacking in a lot of ways. I haven't been on the website to track my food in WEEKS. I felt like I was getting a bit obsessive and I wanted to try and learn how to eat properly WITHOUT a cheat sheet.

So as of yesterday, I am down 19 pounds. I'm pretty excited. I still have another 20 that I want to lose but I know I'm going in the right direction. The thing is, I don't seem to understand what is up with my body. ON the weeks that I exercise a lot and watch what I eat, I lose, but not big. Last week, it was a FOOD FEST around here (as I stated in an earlier post) and yet I still went on to lost 2 pounds. I mean, I ate BROWNIE BITES for breakfast! I am SO not a good spokesperson for Weight Watchers with that one. Not my proudest moment.

The quest continues. I have 5 weeks until the graduation. I have to buckle down and get serious so I can be fabulous and sassy on graduation day. But then, what angle should I take? Do I buckle down and start tracking and exercising like a maniac or do I keep on relaxing and see what happens? I just don't know!

I still want a brownie bite...

Épico, Súblime. Mas há mais modalidades para vencer!

O jogo de ontem foi memorável, um longo caminho para conseguir esta vitória, mais uma vez contra uma arbitragem péssima conseguimos demonstrar a força que têm os campeões. Foi merecidissima, a partir dos 10 minutos de jogo o Benfica dominou, criou oportunidades mandou um sem número de bolas aos ferros e deu espectáculo, há um lance do Ricardinho que é fabuloso embora o colectivo tenha sido a grande arma, a união, o espirito de grupo, fantástico não consigo encontrar palavras para esta noite. Campeão Europeu de remontada como dizem os espanhóis no Pavilhão Atlantico com um público fantástico vibrante que levou inclusivamente o técnico do Interviu a dizer que não tinham conseguido lidar com o ambiente criado e com o público. Esta equipa tem um curriculo fantástico mas ainda assim o Benfica conseguiu aguentar 5 minutos em que estes jogaram sempre com 5 jogadores tentando chegar à igualdade. O espirito de sacrificio dos nossos heróis foi inexcedivel. Parabéns.
Gostava de relembrar que vem aí um jogo importantisimo do vólei que pode ser o último, a Taça Cers em Torres Novas em que poderemos encaixar mais um troféu europeu para o hóquei, o basquetebol o futsal o futebol. Estamos em muitas frentes mas precisamos de estar presentes, encher o pavilhão, no vólei estivemos a perder 2 - o em sets na Luz e no 3º set o resultado chegou a estar em 6 - 12 mas mesmo assim com o apoio do público o nosso Benfica venceu, lembrem-se que esta época poderá ser carregada de titulos mas precisamos de nos unir e apoiar.


Next time we'll test that theory...

So last weekend when I was up in Blowing Rock on the women's retreat I was very excited to find a Corelle outlet center. I desperately needed new dishes and I figured I'd get a good deal at the outlet.

On Saturday afternoon, we went shopping during our free time and because my husband is so NOT in to flowery things, I settled on plain white dishes. I purchased 12 of them and four of these really deep cereal bowls. Loved them. I grabbed a few other odds and ends and when I was checking out I asked the cashier, "So these won't break, right?" I was assured up one way and down the other that Corelle dishes do NOT break. The cashier went on to tell me that they even offer customers the opportunity to test that theory and throw plates on the floor. I laughed and declined that option mainly because I knew it to be true. Corelle doesn't break. does.

A lot.

So not kidding.

In less than a week, one bowl has completely shattered and two of my plates are chipped. I am so not amused right now. I spent almost $70 on this stuff and it is not what it is billed to be. I just sent a complaint letter to the company via their website. Luckily I saved my receipt. I told them that I want these pieces replaces. Although, God love her, my sweet little friend Danette already replaced my bowl for me because she knew how much I loved it. :)

So now I wait. I'm unsure if they'll replace the pieces or not but I figured that it couldn't hurt to ask. I'll keep you posted!

Of all the Stupidity!!!

Okay so my Sunday night routine consists of me watching the Amazing Race while working out and then moving on to Undercover Boss (and possibly STILL working out). So tonight I got in to my sweats, got out my little yoga mat and weights, turned on the TV, caught the recap of the last episode and then...

"We interrupt this program for breaking severe weather..."

Now when this normally happens, they tell you what's going on, give you some details and tell you that they'll come back in from time to time. NOT TONIGHT! Ninety minutes of LIVE weather coverage for what? There was a tornado/funnel cloud spotted 50 miles away from here...that went away. Seriously. The funnel cloud was spotted, it didn't touch the ground, there was no damage.

So for ninety minutes, they kept LOOKING for the storm and narrowing down where it MIGHT reappear! One person came on and said she had some damage in her yard but really, if she's on the phone with the TV station, she's okay. Did I need to miss the Amazing Race for this?


So they finally get off the air and shut up and guess what? No Amazing Race. No, they decided to skip that so that the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie could air. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

So mad right now. So, so, so,so mad...

Reis da Europa

A equipa de futsal do Benfica conseguiu hoje a proeza mais significativa desta modalidade, ao derrotar, por 3-2, o consagrado Interviú, detentor de currículo notável e proveniente de um país que é uma potência mundial.

Não foi, naturalmente, fácil, o Benfica esteve a perder, recuperou com os golos de Joel Queirós e Arnaldo Pereira, mas os espanhóis reagiram e já no prolongamento Davi tornou-se no grande herói da partida.

Notável tem sido o percurso de André Lima, com campeonato e este troféu europeu, conquistados quando ainda não totalizou duas épocas como treinador.

Já me sinto campeão

O Benfica ficou impossibilitado de festejar hoje o 32º título de campeão, uma vez que a Naval foi incapaz de, pelo menos, empatar com o Sp. Braga.

Por isso, o primeiro lugar irá ficar garantido no Dragão, com uma exibição que tem marcado esta época : futebol de alta qualidade, aliado a uma capacidade demolidora no ataque, tal como aconteceu, por exemplo, frente ao FC Porto na Taça da Liga. O Benfica pode nem sequer precisar de ganhar, mas uma vitória concludente dará mais categoria à nossa conquista. Além disso, temos de contribuir para afastar, em definitivo, o FC Porto da Liga dos Campeões.

Antes do jogo com o Olhanense, previ, em pleno jantar do nosso blog, que Cardozo iria festejar um "poker". Ficou-se pelo "hat-trick", provando, novamente, que marcar golos lhe é tão natural como respirar. Di Maria foi, mais uma vez, um dos heróis do Benfica, com duas assistências e um golo marcado com o...pé direito!

I know it's petty but...

We've been friends for a long time with someone with a substance abuse problem. In the past we had opened our home to this person and did all that we could to try and help. At some point, we became the enemy and the last I heard from them, I got a nasty e-mail and was "unfriended" by them on Facebook.

Well, now they are clean and sober after almost a year in rehab. I am thrilled that they are on the mend and getting their life back together. They had too much going for them to be in such bad shape. So here's where my pettiness comes in: this person has gone on to reconnect with a lot of people - people they were never close with before - and offer apologies and friendship. Have we heard anything from them?


I am feeling a little slighted here. I mean, I don't need all kinds of pretty words or hearts and flowers, but you know, just an acknowledgment of what a jackass they were for writing us a nasty letter would be nice. We did nothing but show concern for this person's well-being, offer them a place to stay and for whatever reason, we seem to be the only ones NOT worthy of an apology.

Like I said, I know it's petty. The main thing is that this person has their life back together, right?

Cause Baby We'll Be...

So I'm sitting here on the computer tonight and I sort of mindlessly cruise the internet and I see a news story about Brett Michaels of the rock group "Poison" (and currently on "Celebrity Apprentice") has had a massive brain hemorrhage and is hospitalized.

Now, I don't know this man personally, but I have seen him in concert a few times, I've enjoyed his music and have a lot of great memories because of his music. It makes me sad because really, celebrities are just regular people too. Bad things happen to them just like the rest of us.

My beautiful step-mother died after a brain hemorrhage - but after 8 years of living with the results of it in a nursing home. I would not wish that on anyone. I find myself sitting here, almost as if I'm expecting the phone to ring with news - just for me! Weird, right?

So to any of you Brett Michaels fans, say a little prayer for him right now. Pray that someday soon he'll be making music and singing for us again. I have some of the greatest memories of time spent with my friends while the album "Look What the Cat Dragged In" played on in the background. It wasn't a party unless Poison was playing.

Get well, Brett!

Chick Flick Friday - Private Benjamin

I know, I know, I'm late with this. And I know that I seem to be going way back in time with my movie picks but in case you haven't noticed, I am SO not a girly-girl when it comes to my picks for chick flicks. I'm not in to Jane Austin (except for "Emma") and I don't enjoy crying much - I have to really be in the mood for that.

e Benjamin" stars Goldie Hawn as Judy Benjamin - a spoiled, JAP (Jewish-American Princess) who becomes a widow on her honeymoon and in a depressed stupor, ends up joining the army. Upon her arrival at boot camp, she is shocked and tells her commanding officer (played BRILLIANTLY by Eileen Brennan) that she joined the army, but she joined a different army; you know the one with the condos and the swimming pools. Classic! Watching her try to do even the simplest of tasks is a riot.

But the story is more than just her fumbling through basic training; it's the story of how the woman who, for the most part, has never worked a day in her life and has other people take care of her, really come in to her own. It's a real women's empowerment kind of movie. Not your typical first-choice for a chick flick, but definitely one that is fun to watch and one where you can totally relate to the characters.

Enjoy and Happy Chick Flick Friday, Everyone!

É o Futre? Messi? Di Maria? Não, é Nicolás Gaitán

O Benfica pode, ao que tudo indica, estar interessado na contratação de Nicolás Gaitán, jogador de 22 anos, esquerdino, que actua no Boca Juniors, dando, assim, sequência à aposta no mercado argentino.

A A Bola compara-o a Futre, cuja última grande época fulgurante aconteceu no Benfica, mas, também, apresenta características que o aproximam de Di Maria, Aimar e, como descai para o lado direito, a conceituada Four Four Two compara-o a Leo Messi, enquanto Diego Maradona já se rendeu ao seu talento.

O clube argentino garante que há oferta do Benfica, tendo Ajax e Barcelona como concorrentes do Benfica, numa passe avaliado em 10 milhões de euros. Nunca o vi jogar, mas , a julgar pelos vídeos do You Tube, parece, de facto, que é craque.

De qualquer modo, o Benfica, ao contrário de outras épocas, está bastante activo na composição do plantel, tendo garantido, para já, as vindas de Jara e Fábio Faria.


Estranho apoio

Que o presidente do Benfica se disponha a ouvir todo e qualquer candidato a presidente da Liga de Clubes parece-me bem. Mesmo que se trate de um portista. E nem vejo problema em que o encontro conte também com a presença do presidente do Sporting. Que apoie desde já um candidato já se me afigura estranho. Sobretudo tratando-se de um portista. Há posições que têm de ser muito bem explicadas. Esta acima de todas.

Eduardo quer Benfica e o Benfica quer Eduardo?

Não sei se o interesse do Benfica em Eduardo, e vice-versa, é autêntico, mas se for, parece que é preocupante, mas não muito, porque com o caudal ofensivo que esta equipa tem e, esperamos nós, continuará a ter na próxima temporada, até eu posso estar na baliza, sem que isso comprometa as vitórias do clube.

Até consigo perceber que haja interesse na contratação de um guarda-redes, mas só admito que venha alguém que seja claramente melhor do que o Quim, com o nível dos inacessíveis Buffon, Júlio César (o do Inter) ou Cech, porque senão não vale a pena estar a "inventar" com a vinda do Eduardo, que não me parece nenhum fora de série, nem que seja superior ao nosso "número 1".

Todavia, há, pelo menos, um dado nesta história que pode originar, pelo menos, as negociações com o guardião do Sp. Braga: as suas qualidades são apreciadas por Jorge Jesus. Voltando a Quim, considero que tem estado bem esta época, devia ter sido titular em Liverpool, e estranho que, ao que tudo indica, não haja ainda acordo para a sua renovação de contrato.

Desejo para o fim de semana

Aproxima-se a 27ª jornada, percebe-se que andamos todos ansiosos com a realização de jogos e principalmente com a confirmação da nossa vitória. Naturalmente os nossos desejos confluem para uma cabal vitória frente ao Olhanense para depois aguardarmos serenamente pelo jogo do Braga na Figueira da Foz. É neste particular que me distancio dos demais adeptos e eventualmente dos jogadores (fazendo fé que nas palavras de Weldon subsiste um sentimento de balneário), é que no domingo (se ganharmos o nosso jogo) torcerei pelo Braga. Espero sinceramente que o Braga ganhe o seu jogo, essa vitória implicará uma menor possibilidade do fcp chegar ao 2º lugar, logo, a um lugar de acesso à Liga dos Campeões e principalmente permitirá que o Benfica festeje o seu titulo onde merece e onde efectivamente o ganhou - no relvado.
Ganhar em casa não tem o mesmo sabor e esta equipa (jogadores, staff, dirigentes e adeptos) merecem uma festa ainda maior que a registada em 2005.

Verdade da mentira

A aproximar-se o final de época começará o festival de eventuais reforços para o nosso clube. Atendendo à fabulosa época que temos vindo a fazer os media vão-se divertindo nesse capitulo com o Sporting mas a seu tempo a dança começará. Exemplo disso foram as noticias do eventual interesse em Eduardo guarda-redes do Braga. Confesso que por diversas vezes já ouvi falar do seu nome pelo que não me espantei com a noticia, mas o que me impele a escrever foram as novidades que me contaram hoje a esse respeito. Segundo pude apurar as noticias sobre Eduardo foram encomendadas pelo fcp com intuito de desestabilizar o Braga na perspectiva do segundo lugar. Isto não me admira principalmente vindo de quem vem, o que me apoquenta é se a noticia é realmente encomendada ou se haverá algum fundamento nesse interesse é que para os mais distraídos guarda-redes com contrato para a próxima época temos apenas o Júlio César.

Total Randomness...

Okay, so I'm at this meeting the other day where childcare is offered and the gal who was watching the babies comes out of her room, pale as can be , and is like "I have a baby in there that is COVERED in bruises!" Naturally, we are all shocked and have to wonder what in the world to do. I mean, the first reaction is to find the mother and shake her and demand to know what she is doing to her baby. But we didn't go that route. Things were discussed (amongst those leading this particular meeting) and then someone was picked to approach the mom, diplomatically, about what the caretaker saw. It turned out that the baby has Mongolian spots. I have to be honest with you, it's pretty brutal looking. Everyone calmed down afterwards, but just the sight of this large bruise/marking on this tiny baby made me cry.

I signed up to take an on-line class on romance writing. It's a 6-week course offered by a local community college. I'm pretty excited about it and hope that I can learn something from it that will actually help me. It was only $65 so I'm not feeling totally put out.

We planned Nick's graduation party that we are going to have with his girlfriend and her family. I can only wish that everyone could have such ease when planning a large party. I mean, we talked, we laughed, we ate and in less than two hours, we had everything planned and figured out who was paying for was a thing of beauty. SO unlike the plans for the ceremony itself.

I have been in the mood for a hamburger for almost a week now. Over the weekend when we were eating out all over the place while on the retreat, I could not get one because I like my burgers rare. In North Carolina you are not allowed to get a rare hamburger. Can I tell you how bummed I was?? So no burger all weekend and then I remembered that some of the local places here by me have made me rare burgers. I took Nick out to lunch the other day in hopes of getting one such burger and they would not allow it. COME ON!! So tonight, I am cooking my own damn burger and having it MY way - rare. Red. Juicy. I cannot wait!

I'm ready for the weekend already. I just need one morning where I don't have to be up before the sun. Is that too much to ask? I mean, I would like to sleep until I am done. No alarm clocks, no schedule...just me, sleeping in peacefully.

What do you do when someone complains that you aren't there for them or that you never hang out with them but really, the problem is that this person never responds to your invites? How do you graciously tell someone that you would love to hang out with them if they'd stop being rude and ignoring you? Just curious for your thought.

I'm off to cook my burger now...

Number One!

I never thought I'd see this I had to take a screen shot to prove it! For the first time (I think) since I've been using Entrecard, I am number one in my category! YIPPEE!!!

Já que falamos em gozar...

Não pude deixar de notar na fina ironia da contratação do novo treinador do Sporting, reparem no nome. Enganei-me, afinal o JEB até é um tipo coerente.

Paulo Bento Forever!

Entretanto, existe mais uma razão para os nossos adversários (não) gozarem connosco, o Benfica tem boas hipóteses de ser o melhor campeão do milénio. Pouco me interessa se conseguimos esse objectivo, o que me interessa é o caneco mas o brilho seria outro!

Stop the eating machine, I want to get off!!!

Okay, so you know how I just got back from a weekend retreat to the mountains? I was so NOT thinking Weight Watchers for the majority of the weekend. I drank soda, they were giving us chocolate every time we turned could I resist?? Plus, I didn't work out at all - just the walk to and from the cabin to the main lodge. So I went to my Weight Watchers meeting on Monday morning and gained .8 pound. I mean, it's less than a pound, but still, a gain.

So Monday afternoon rolls around and I have 15 people over for our monthly Disney fanatic meeting (or Mouseclub) and I made all sorts of yummy stuff because my Disney girls are skinny! So there were chocolate chip cookies, brownie bites with Mickey shaped marshmallow designs, cheese, pepperoni and crackers...and grapes. I sampled EVERYTHING!!

THEN because THAT wasn't enough, Tuesday morning I was a little bit stressed and ate the last 4 brownie bites for breakfast. I felt like crap. I took Nick out for lunch and we went to Chili's. I had a BBQ pork sandwich with steamed veggies and only ate half of the bun. I thought that was good...then came home and ate 3 chocolate chip cookies!

I mean...WHAT IN THE WORLD????

I'm sitting here right now watching the Biggest Loser eating some dark chocolate. I may need to get my jaw wired shut. Soon.

Gozar com o Benfica não é fácil...

Acabei de ver um grupo no Facebook chamado qualquer coisa do género "Os lampiões não se esqueceram que uma vez ficaram em 6º lugar".
O objectivo é gozar connosco mas o que não compreendem é que não nos esquecemos mesmo porque uma classificação dessas, para nós, mais parece um pesadelo que a realidade.
Mas já que se fala em classificações, deixo umas estatísticas (não incluem esta época)...

I've Got a New Blog!

Because clearly I have too much time on my hands, I decided to start a new blog. People who know me and know my love of Disney and know that I blog, automatically think that this blog is a Disney blog. Why? I don't know. I mean, I've talked about Disney here, I've talked about my trips, but for the most part, this blog is purely about me and the stuff swirling around in my brain.

SOOOOOO......I have started "The Poor Mom's Guide to Disney" which is my blog where I talk about the ways to go to Disney with your family for a vacation and not spend a fortune and stick to a budget and still have a wonderful experience.

You can go and check it out. I'm having so much fun with it. Today I had my Disney friends over and unveiled it. I plan on having them contribute some posts, as well, being that we are all HUGE fans of all-things Disney. We actually helped some friends of ours plan their first trip to "the World" today. Very exciting.

Now I want to go on vacation!!

Os túneis azuis têm mais samba e alegria, são mais fofinhos….

O túnel da Luz é muito frio, um sitio algo inóspito e desinteressante pintado a branco e vermelho, com stewards educados e profissionais, onde cheira a limpo invés de cheirar a bagaço como de outros, claro que o pessoal do porto e nomeadamente o corrupto mor, pedante e peidante mais conhecido por pinto da costa sente-se desconfortável, afinal de contas não há aqui desavenças, confusões, um guarda Abel qualquer que possa agredir cobardemente só porque não gostou da dobrada ao almoço, não há emoção nenhuma, os animais sentem que com um espaço destes há que dar aqui uma certa animação e já que não conseguem dar espectáculo no campo que haja uma certa confraternização cá fora. Nos últimos 2 anos os flatulentos liderados pelo monstro verde com cabeça de tubarão martelo agrediram e cuspiram nos seguranças que se limitavam a fazer o seu trabalho quase impunemente. O Túnel do Marquês acaba por não ter grande interesse comparado com isto, a não ser quando o Benfica lá festeja os campeonatos, mas é muito cimento muito betão e é por isso que o porto teve ao longo destas décadas a lucidez de tornar os túneis mais humanos mais quentes e sobretudo mais palpáveis. Devem estar a achar que pirei de vez , mas não isso já foi há uns anos atrás, dizia eu, pinto da costa teve a visão de conseguir ganhar campeonatos estabelecendo pontes, sim foi um dos primeiros a esbater diferenças entre as comunidades luso brasileira, e o que faz o cheirosinho? Um árbitro vai apitar um jogo, vai stressado com receio, o que é que ele faz? Manda um túnel para o árbitro, mas não é um túnel de tijolo, não, ele manda um túnel perfumado, fofinho, gostosão, mas atenção não são túneis para entrar ao pontapé como o caso do fernando que enfiou um bico no toldo quando vinha com a cabeça e não só cheia, são túneis muito evoluídos, tecnologicamente falando claro, designam-se por anti-stress e não têm limite de velocidade como o de Lisboa, pode-se dar fogo à peça à vontade mas com jeitinho, existem em muitas variedades com sabor a chocolate a fruta e até café com leite. Foi através destes túneis acolhedores que pinto da costa ganhou tantos e tantos campeonatos, neste caso é caso para dizer com estes túneis todos os campeonatos iam dar ao porto.

ps: o post abaixo deste é excelente.


Let's Talk About Sex, Baby...

Okay, so I'm back from retreating and I have to say it was a WONDERFUL weekend. I know I said that I'm not a "retreat-y" type of person, but it really was a good weekend.

We were up in Blowing Rock, North Carolina, and it is just beautiful up there. We got a little lost on the ride up (stupid Yahoo Maps!) and ended up driving the Blue Ridge Parkway just a wee-bit longer that we were supposed to. It was a beautiful scenic drive but I was glad when we were finally exiting it.

So we arrived around 4:30 in the afternoon, checked in, unloaded out stuff in our cabin (we had a cabin that slept 6 and there was only 5 of us) and then drove in to town to get something to eat. Blowing Rock is not huge and the little "mom and pop" type places were really expensive so we ended up at The Outback (my personal favorite place to eat). We had our first session Friday night and really, the main focus of the retreat was sex and relationships. The Friday night session was not too-heavily sex-themed, but Saturday? It was wild.

We were all sitting and talking and waiting for the worship team or one of the speakers to come up and get us started when all of a sudden there was music playing and three of the ladies were up in front with baseball caps, dancing and lip syncing to Salt 'n' Pepa's song "Let's Talk About Sex, Baby"! It was HYSTERICAL! For those of you unfamiliar with this, here is a small sampling of the lyrics (now keep in mind, this was rapping from the 90's):

"Let's talk about sex for now to the people at home or in the crowd

It keeps coming up anyhow
Don't decoy, avoid, or make void the topic
Cuz that ain't gonna stop it
Now we talk about sex on the radio and video shows
Many will know anything goes
Let's tell it how it is, and how it could be
How it was, and of course, how it should be
Those who think it's dirty have a choice
Pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off
Will that stop us, Pep? I doubt it
All right then, come on, Spin"

I guess you never know what's gonna happen at a Christian women's retreat, right? It was a GREAT talk and all of the sessions were very informative (some more than others!) and I think that really, a lot of women were blessed this weekend because of the honest teaching of the women from my church. I know there will be stories told of this weekend for a LONG time to come. Totally glad I went!

Já só faltam 4 pontinhos...


4 é o nosso número mágico de hoje.

Depois de mais um fim de semana, em que o nosso clube espalhou toda a sua classe num estádio em Coimbra, eis que ficamos apenas a 4 míseros pontinhos de alcançar aquele que é o nosso maior objectivo da corrente época - sermos (muito merecidamente, diga-se) campeões nacionais.

Não foi um jogo fácil (como não vai ser nenhum até ao final), contra uma equipa que parecia "estranhamente" motivada (vá-se lá saber porquê), num campo/relvado difícil, contra um treinador que precisa de óculos - deve ser mais um que deve ir para o CRAC ou para o Braga. Mais uma vez, um erro do árbitro, permitiu que a Académica empatasse o jogo...

Mas o mais importante foi conseguido. Mais três pontos, e mantivemos a distância relativamente ao segundo lugar.

O Braga, esse continua a ganhar - mas não sabe muito bem porquê... nestes últimos jogos, os pontos parecem cair do céu. Não faz para ganhar, mas ganha... que aborrecido. E lá vamos ter que ouvir com o Domingolas a desejar que o Benfica perca - felizmente não lhe temos feito a vontade.

O FCP viveu ontem um belo momento. No dia em que matematicamente disse adeus ao título desta época, recebeu a taça pela vitória no campeonato anterior - ironias do destino.

No próximo sábado temos todos que ir ao estádio apoiar o nosso Benfica, para que consigamos ganhar a uma equipa que na primeira volta nos fez a vida negra. Esse biltre, que já foi jogador do clube regional do norte, vai de certeza, com a ajuda do quarteto amarelo, tentar de tudo para nos lixar. Mas a nossa equipa, com o nosso apoio, vai ter a força suficiente para ganhar!!! Mesmo contra 14!!!!



Permitam-me vir aqui dizer umas coisas....

Há muito que para além do sócio, do cativo e das idas quinzenais á o Benfica dia-a-dia como se fosse meu. Nunca deixei de marcar presença nos bons momentos, e muito menos o fiz nos momentos menos bons, em que inclusivamente o clube esteve perto de (quase) ser destruído! Sempre o fiz e sinceramente, faria tudo da mesma forma...

Desde há pouco mais de um ano para cá, passei a viver o dia-a-dia do clube ainda mais de perto! Se já ia ao Estádio de quinze em quinze dias, passei a faze-lo diariamente...8, 9, 11, 12 ou até mais horas diárias...isso não me fez sofrer mais nem menos. Não me fez acreditar mais ou menos neles todos...simplesmente passei a ter uma confiança nunca sentida até então; uma segurança e uma tranquilidade sem igual!

Hoje foi apenas e só mais um desses casos. Desde o primeiro minuto nunca senti a pulsação a bater acima do nível 'normal'. Nunca tive necessidade de roer as unhas nem de me enervar. Nunca senti que os 3 pontos não viessem de Coimbra no Autocarro juntamente com aqueles SENHORES!!!! É com esta calma e com esta segurança que vejo todos os minutos de qualquer jogo em que o Benfica entre...

Nem o Bardaxistra hoje me conseguiu tirar do sério....nada o consegue!!

Senão for daqui por uma semana, será na semana seguinte! Se (por qualquer acaso) não for aí, será na outra a seguir. O Título a nós ninguém nos tira...por muita azia, raiva e sentimento de 'anti-benfiquismo' que ponham no ar, no fim somos nós que nos vamos rir! Seremos nós a festejar...seremos nós a sentir que apesar de tudo o que fizeram (ou tentaram fazer), afinal de contas o crime não compensa e o 'bem' irá vencer! O Benfica mereço...todos nós merecemos que por uma vez no nosso país e no nosso Futebol a Justiça leve a melhor!!!!

Por tudo isto, uma vez mais agradeço...só assim, muito simplesmente obrigado!!!! Obrigado!!!!

(PS...festejarmos o titulo no próximo fim de semana tinha outro sabor porque pode ser um FDS histórico para o clube: O Voleibol a uma vitória do título, o Futsal com oportunidade de conquistar o maior troféu de clubes da Europa, e o Futebol a conseguir o tão merecido campeonato!!! Era só por isso....)

Computer Craziness - Part 3

Okay, so now I have two computers - a desktop and a laptop. The laptop has never been the same since that whole virus thing and so I guess I shouldn't be surprised but yet...I am.

So two computers, same house, same internet. The desktop really does not allow me to do my E-card dropping in bulk (pulling up 10 sites at a time) like my laptop does. If I want to go and click on or pull up one at a time, I'm good, but more than one and it's like the whole thing just freaks out. The laptop cruises through the whole 300 drop process without missing a beat.

My desktop is GREAT for my writing - whether it's in Word or writing here on my blogs or on Examiner. The laptop has a tendency to just erase what I'm writing and I have no idea why. I mean, I'll be typing, I'll have a paragraph or two, and then it's gone. SO FRUSTRATING!! I'm like "What am I hitting and how do I stop???" So the other day I'm on line with my sister and she had to reply to my e-mail like three times because hers kept sending without her hitting "send". So I finally called her because really, the whole e-mail thing was getting frustrating. We have the same computers and so I was glad to hear that mine isn't the only one that does funky things like that.

I can no longer install any programs on the desktop which is frustrating but the ones that I want to use are too frustrating to do on the laptop because of the mystery-of-the-moving-cursor-moving-or-deleting-my-stuff-thing.


Electronics really complicate my life. Oh, and my microwave died. Not really computer related, but it annoyed me, too!

Are you going to wear white, too?

So I've mentioned some of my frustrations with putting together this whole homeschool graduation thing. I'm heading up the committee and I have been shocked by the behavior of some of the moms.

At our last meeting, in the opening prayer, I said "Lord, please help us to remember who this day is about and who we are doing this for." As the meeting went on, my goal was to really let the kids/the graduates have a voice and a say in THEIR graduation. We talked a bit and I placed the kids up in the front and let them voice their thoughts and concerns about how we were handling THEIR graduation.

Well, it was sort of going okay but we had one mom who was rather emphatic about the fact that NO, this was HER day! Seriously? Are you kidding me? She's like "I got him here!" "I taught him!" "I homeschooled him!" She yelled at Nick while he was trying to explain his displeasure with how things were going and then came up to me after the meeting to express - again - how this was really more HER day than her son's.

THIS is the woman who is going to wear a while gown on her son's wedding day and want to stand at the altar with him in an attempt to keep the focus on HER! THIS is the woman who will be in the delivery woman when her first grandchild is born and keep the doctor talking to HER about her own ailments rather than letting him focus on the woman in labor.

I'm sorry but we, as the parents, all HAD our graduation already. We should take pride in the fact that our children were taught by us and that we had the opportunity to be able to homeschool them. But then we should be willing to let them, our children, be in the spotlight for the day!

If I could, I would SO totally pull the plug on her mike the day of graduation so that she can NOT have her say and steal her son's thunder!

Chick Flick Friday - Beauty and the Beast

"Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the Beast". Yes, I know, it's a Disney movie but hey, some of the greatest love stories are. There are so many things that I love about this movie, it's almost impossible to list them all.

The sto
ry of Belle coming to the Beast's enchanted castle as his prisoner and ending up breaking the spell cast upon him and returning him to a handsome prince...sigh. This story is just so entertaining that I can watch it again and again. The entire cast of characters are entertaining and the music will have you singing along.

Nick and I laugh the most at the Gaston character because he is just so ridiculous in his pursuit of Belle and his extreme ego. When Belle is cornered by Gaston and says "Gaston, you are positively Primeval!" and he says "Why thank you, Belle!" Good stuff.

Young or old, we can all relate to this story. Belle isn't your typical Disney princess - she is an ordinary girl, with real intelligence and even a little bit of attitude. So either grab your daughter, niece, granddaughter or just a bowl of popcorn and enjoy being a kid again for a little while because really, don't we all enjoy a little "beastliness" from our men while we play the beauty?

Ready to Retreat!!

I swore that I would never do one again. It's really not me at all. But, as you read this I am preparing to go on a womens retreat with my church. I know, I know, I will have a good time and all that. I can certainly use a break. The last retreat I went on was probably 12 years ago and we went to the beach. It was lovely, and all, I am just an odd little bird who has issues.

Okay, first, I don't want to share a bed with anyone other than my husband. I don't want to be in a double bed with a pal and somehow end up spooning in the middle of the night. SO NOT MY THING! Second, I am the type of person that needs my space. I don't want to be scrapbooking or doing bible studies until the wee hours of the morning. I want to be able to go to bed and have some quiet when I need to. Picky, right? And finally? I just have a hard time doing a whole weekend of Kum-ba-yah, you know?

This year's retreat is up in the mountains and looks to be beautiful. Since I am seriously back at church and involved in a small group, I thought that it would be a good thing to go. Say a prayer for me that the weekend goes well. I hope all of you have a great weekend!

So disappointed...

As I've mentioned in the past, I love to read. I am a sucker for a good romance and some chick-lit. I have several author's that I love and the other day I got the latest title from one of them. I won't mention her name here because this is so NOT going to be a flattering post.

So anyway, I got the book and sat myself down and was looking forward to just relaxing and reading...and then I wanted to peel my own skin off. This particular author's books tend to all follow the same formula - it seems that in most cases, she almost just changes the names - and yet I can't stop myself from reading them. Some are better than others but this one was - BY FAR - the worst.

There was no real story line, a LOT of conversation about characters from other books in the series, and way too much attention spent on the Halo video game series. I mean, I had a 187 page book that I seriously only read half of because I had to keep scanning to get beyond the boredom!

Seriously, REALLY bad book!

Read at your own risk...

The other day I had a friend ask me how to find my blog. She knew I had one but had never been here. I hesitated for a nano-second because, well, let's just say that I am a little more "blunt" here on the blog.

Face to face I am a little bit more...shall we say, polite. This blog is my space where I rant, vent and just generally say EXACTLY what is on my mind the minute it is ON my mind. I'm the first to admit that it has caused problems in some relationships because people got offended but as my mother always tells me "It's MY blog where I get to vent. If people don't like it, then don't read it."

I'm not writing to try and offend anyone. The thing is, most of us don't have nice, happy, cheery thoughts all the live-long day. If you've read this blog for any amount of time, you know that I certainly do not. I started this blog almost two years ago and you know what? I am a happier person because of it! I get things off of my chest in my writings rather than keeping it bottled up inside, making me sick. This is my therapy. Sometimes I have something to say, other times it's random nonsense. Either way, I LOVE to write so this is my creative space.

It's sort of like that guy last week who left the nasty comment - if you don't like what I'm saying, don't read. Honestly, I won't be offended if you don't want to be a follower. Thanks for stopping by.

So what about you, fellow bloggers? Is your blog a creative outlet for you where you don't have to be politically correct all the time or do you still reel yourself in?

Ten Percent!!

It's official! I'm on the wall! My name, the date, it's all there.

I had my Weight Watchers meeting this morning. I actually played hooky last week because I was PMSing and had made some BAD eating decisions - meaning I ate my fabulous FRIED chicken parmesan with spaghetti and a big fat brownie for dessert one night and drank a gallon of full throttle Coke. Anyway, I went to my meeting this morning and lost THREE POUNDS and now have reached my 10% goal and got to sign my name on the big 10% Club board.

I have to admit, it's a small accomplishment, but I'm pretty proud of me.


It's almost here...

Okay, so today we are going to take group senior pictures with the homeschool group in their caps and gowns.


I know that this day was coming and it's a good thing but there was something sort of ...smack-you-in-the-face-with-reality feel to it all when Nick came out of his room in his cap and gown. Suddenly, he looked so grown up. He looked about a foot taller and I felt kind of old. He was wearing a pair of Frank's dress pants and shoes and it made me think about how he'd put on Frank's work boots when he was maybe 2 years old or how he'd wear Frank's work hat.


I know that this is a good thing and this is all a part of life but there was a little part of me today that wanted to hold that 2 year old again.

I Won!! I Guess Now I Have to Go!

Okay, so you all know my obsession with all things Disney, right? Well, I enter a lot of Disney-related contests in hopes of actually winning a trip. It hasn't happened yet, but I keep getting close.

Kingdom Magic Travel is a great website/travel agency and their owner, Rick Howard, does a weekly video blog about all things Disney called Travel with Rick. I LOVE watching these blogs because he takes you on a lot of the rides in Disney World as well as Disneyland and also shows some of the resorts and little things that most of us might miss.

So every week I get two e-mails from them - one is from the travel agency and has a trivia question and the other is from the travel blog where you get entered in to a drawing if you leave a comment. Well, this week I won on the travel blog and won a copy of Passporter Walt Disney World by Jennifer and Dave Marx. I'm pretty psyched because I can add it to my ever-growing collection of Disney travel books and ...well, it just may mean that I have to start planning another trip! See, my useless knowledge of all-things Disney CAN pay off!

Actually, I must admit, I have won things from Kingdom Magic Travel in the past. Once I won a $25 Disney gift card, another time I won a 4-day/3-night stay at a Radisson resort right outside of Disney World and I believe I've won a Passporter guide from them once before, too.

Now if only I could win an actual TRIP - all expenses paid! That's the dream!

Chick Flick Friday - Shallow Hal

I LOVE this movie! It is just so ridiculous and funny that you can't help but laugh. Jack Black star as - you guessed it - a shallow guy named Hal.

Hal Larson
is a typical superficial guy whose obsession with physical beauty and how good looking someone is gets in the way of seeing women for who they are on the inside . So Hal and his equally shallow friend Mauricio Wilson - played hysterically by Jason Alexander - spend most of their nights being obnoxious at nightclubs and being shot down. Watching Jack Black dance in these scenes is a riot! By weird coincidence , Hal ends up stuck in an elevator with life coach Tony Robbins who hypnotizes him into seeing people for their inner beauty instead of their external selves. Hal meets Rosemary Shanahan - played by Gwyneth Paltrow. Rosemary is actually obese but appears to him as a beautiful and thin woman due to her kind and generous nature. Used to being overlooked by men due to her appearance, Rosemary initially interprets Hal's interest in her as mocking and insulting, but later realizes his feelings for her are genuine, and the two begin to date.

It is funny how Hal sees Rosemary one way but everyone else doesn't. He can't understand people's weird reactions and he has some of his best lines when defending her. It's a goofy, silly movie but I love Jack Black so this was him at his finest.

Feeling Better Today...Sort of

I had my Chinese for dinner last night and my cry and am ready for the day. I was talking with Frank this morning about all of the things that I've got going on in the next 10 days and now I am overwhelmed!

I have a research paper class today until noon followed by running some errands, meeting someone at 2:00 who wants to borrow some stuff, after school I have to take Michael to Target to get a present for a birthday party he has this weekend. Tomorrow I am taking a friend's daughter out driving, we're going out to dinner with friends, plus I have laundry to do. I'm going to the Y Saturday morning with a friend and then it's off to the b-day party with Michael. Sunday is church and I am working the women's ministry table for sign ups for our women's retreat. Monday is Weight Watchers and some graduation planning stuff. Tuesday is another class followed by a book study group. Wednesday is a yearbook meeting to actually MAKE the yearbook followed by bible study that night. Thursday is another class, Friday I am doing a 3 hour house cleaning job and then leaving for the mountains for the women's retreat which, by that time, I will desperately need.

I'm tired just writing it! And just for the record, the beginning of this week was rough too! Nick's car broke down, we had to have it towed and that was an adventure (one that Nick asked that I NOT share) and then getting ready for my friend to come and visit for the night so I was cleaning like a looney and cooking up a storm.

I need about 24 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Weepy Wednesday

I probably shouldn't be weepy but I can't seem to help it. Last night, my friend Steph came to see us and stayed over night. Remember, I mentioned her a couple of weeks ago? Well she drove here from Florida yesterday on her way to New York and I made myself crazy with cooking and cleaning and prepping and just bursting with excitement at the thought of seeing her after almost 20 years.

She arrived, we ate and we talked and talked and talked and talked some more and it was wonderful. I finally collapsed somewhere near midnight and we were up at the crack of dawn because Michael had school and Nick had to be to work early and so once they were gone, we sat around and talked some more before she had to get on the road.

Now, you have to understand, this woman is like a mother to me. She took me in to her home all of those years ago and just helped me make some sense out of my life. We laughed about old times and got caught up on what we've been doing. She was thrilled to meet my boys (who were on their BEST behavior ever. Thank you, boys!) and to get to know Frank.

As she was leaving today, we walked out to her car and then we hugged and she said "I'm so proud of you!" and I just wanted to cry. Every child longs to hear their parent say that and I had to fight back the tears. I'm crying now as I type this because I am just a big weenie about stuff like that.

So all day I've been home alone kind of moping and then I went on Facebook and Nick's sweet little girlfriend left me a wonderful note saying that she missed me and loved me and I lost it over that too. I'm going out to get some Chinese and then putting on my jammies and just going to let myself have a good cry and get it all out of my system.

I guess knowing that I am loved makes me emotional...

Great Giveaway from "My Kids are my World"!

One of the great things about getting involved with Entrecard was the wonderful blogs I have found. A personal favorite of mine is "My Kids Are My World". Jenn is offering a pretty amazing giveaway this week that you should check out.

Per Jenn's site:
"I am hosting a giveaway for CSNStores! I am sure most of you already know about this amazing online store, and for those of you who don't, you really should check it out. They sell such a variety of products. You can find everything from pots and pans to baby cribs. When they asked me to give away one of their products, I spent hours combing through the store, trying to find the perfect thing. I found lots of things that I would love to have for myself, or for my kids, but I was having a hard time committing to one thing to give to one of you. I mean, just because I loved something, doesn't mean you guys would love it too. Right?

So, I decided it would be best to let the winner pick his or her own prize. Pretty awesome, right? This means if you are the winner of this giveaway, you get to pick something from the store, spending up to $50! That's fifty dollars! I guess you want to know what you have to do to enter, right?
Blog about my giveaway with a link to it! Tell all your readers to come and enter, and I will give you an extra entry for every friend who comes by and mentions they read about it on your blog. There is no limit here, so get your readers motivated! Make sure you leave the url to your blog post, so I can check it out.
and/or Follow her blog (My Kids are my World) publicly.
Easy enough, right? Each of the above will get you one entry, so make sure you leave a separate comment for each thing you do. This giveaway will run until Sunday, April 11, 2010, at 11:59 pm, EST. I will pick the winner sometime Monday, April 12, 2010. Make sure I have an email address for you so I can contact you if you are the winner. If you are the winner, you will have 48 hours to respond, or I will pick another winner. Good luck!!!!! Oh, and don't forget to mention that Stace sent you!!

Soooooo Unnecessary

Saturday night Frank and I went out on a date. I love when we get to do that! First we went to Guitar Center because he had some cracked symbols and when we got our tax refund check, we had tagged money to replace them. So we spent 45 minutes in the store, got what we needed and then headed across the street to have dinner at the Outback.

When we got there, I opened the door while looking behind me to ask Frank something and smashed my foot with the big wooden door. I ripped off half of a nail and some skin and scraped up my pinky toe pretty bad. I was NOT a happy camper. It was all uphill after that because we were seated right away, had an awesome waiter and got a free dessert. I'm not sure why we got the free dessert but our waiter claims he wanted to treat us since we were his last table of the night and he knew we were having a night out without the kids. Who was I to argue? Quality guy. Next we stopped at Walmart for a few things. I got myself some new jammies and I'm telling you, I was in a very good mood.

Then I got home and checked my e-mail.

Can I just say that I look at 300 blogs a day with Entrecard. I don't read them all but I do read a LOT of them. Some are funny, some are not. I agree with what some people write, others I do not. I only leave comments when I have something POSITIVE or HELPFUL to say. Some guy who apparently just started blogging (I know this because I went to his profile) left me a rather mean comment. I rejected it but I'm like, why? Why do people just want to go and leave mean comments? I don't get that.

I've seen some really offensive stuff on blogs and you know what? I just don't go back. I don't feel the need to write something to hurt someone's feelings, I just know to not go back to that site. When I first started blogging I had written a post about my horrendous travel experience with Jet Blue. I mean, it was really bad and it took a lot of time out of my already short weekend trip because of all of their delays. So I wrote this post and some person just left me a very lengthy rant about how I should shut up and stop whining! Excuse me, but who are you and who are you to tell me to shut up?

If you don't have anything helpful to say, then don't leave a comment. I don't comment on your site telling you that you're stupid or that your blog is stupid so how about showing the same courtesy? Honestly, being mean just for the sake of being mean is totally unnecessary.

More ridiculous celebrity news...

I do this to myself so I can't directly blame any of the rich-and-famous for annoying me, but I am.

Okay, first up, Kim Kardashian. Does this woman own any other clothes besides a bikini? I know that this is what sells magazines and whatnot but for the love of it, put some clothes on once in a while. At this rate, apparently THIS is what she is famous for - looking good in a bikini.

Tiger Woods is a liar. Oh...big news. Only now it's his KINDERGARTEN teacher claiming it AND claiming that all of this has made HER sick! She has a lawyer and everything and is demanding an apology from him! Are you freakin kidding me? Apparently Gloria Alred will represent ANYONE!

Lindsay Lohan needs an intervention. Well...duh. She keeps going out drinking and falling down but no one seems to care. She was famous like 5 years ago and not for doing any spectacular roles. Somebody put this chick back in rehab and quit taking pictures of her.

Sandra Bullock finally came out of hiding. Sort of. She came out surrounded by a ton of people, jumped in to a car, all the while wearing a big green straw hat to hide her face. For all we know, it wasn't even her. So the talk shows are wondering if she is making all of this worse by hiding. If she was out and walking around these vultures would be attacking her every step - "Did you know your husband was cheating?" "How does it feel to know that he slept with all of these tattooed freaks?" I wouldn't want to go out and have to acknowledge any of that crap either. Stay in your mansion, Sandra!!

Some stupid singer was walking around naked for a music video in the middle of Dallas right where JFK was assassinated. REALLY? I don't know which part of that I'm offended by more: The fact that she was naked or that she had the audacity to do it in such a place. She is being charged by the police but seriously people, get a clue!

Honestly, these are things that are making news. You can't even make this stuff up. Crazy. Just plain crazy!

Chick Flick Friday - The Goodbye Girl

I'm feeling a little bit retro again and I just wish I could actually GET this movie on DVD - although I'd settle for VHS at this point. Neil Simon's "The Goodbye Girl" stars Marsha Mason a a single mom with rotten luck/taste in men and Richard Dreyfus as the man she ends up being roommates with.

Paula McFadden (played by Marsha Mason) and her way-too-smart-for-her-own-good 10 year old daughter Lucy (played by Quinn Cummings) are abandoned in New York by Paula's boyfriend. In the true form of the rotten and spiteful ex-boyfriend, he also sublets the apartment they share to a young actor, Eliot Garfield (played by Richard Dreyfuss). They agree to live together even though they hate each other. And naturally, they fall in love.

It's your typical romantic comedy but in all honesty, I had a really hard time with Richard Dreyfus in the role of a romantic lead. I mean, the man is a wonderful actor but I just don't find him believable as a lead in a movie like this. His comedic timing is wonderful and Marsha Mason was adorable if not whiney at times.

All in all, it really is a cute movie and again, sweet enough that it is not gratuitous in any way, shape or form. Enjoy!

Any other bloggers having this problem?

Okay, so I have been with Blogger now for two years. I love blogging. I love writing. This place has been my refuge at many times. I've had no real issues with Blogger except for this one and although it's relatively minor, I'm just wondering if anyone else has dealt with it.

I love getting comments on what I write. It's good to know that people read what I write. So lately when I sign on to Blogger and go to my dashboard, it shows that I have unmoderated comments. But when I click on that, there are no messages there. This has been happening daily now for a little over a week. I've gone to the "Help" section on Blogger and posted the question and no one has answered me yet. This is not listed as a known problem.

So here's my question: Any of you other writers with Blogger, have you had this problem?

*Today's article is on CBD's (Christian Book Distributors) Homeschool sale. You can read about it HERE. Thanks!*
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