Next time we'll test that theory...

So last weekend when I was up in Blowing Rock on the women's retreat I was very excited to find a Corelle outlet center. I desperately needed new dishes and I figured I'd get a good deal at the outlet.

On Saturday afternoon, we went shopping during our free time and because my husband is so NOT in to flowery things, I settled on plain white dishes. I purchased 12 of them and four of these really deep cereal bowls. Loved them. I grabbed a few other odds and ends and when I was checking out I asked the cashier, "So these won't break, right?" I was assured up one way and down the other that Corelle dishes do NOT break. The cashier went on to tell me that they even offer customers the opportunity to test that theory and throw plates on the floor. I laughed and declined that option mainly because I knew it to be true. Corelle doesn't break. does.

A lot.

So not kidding.

In less than a week, one bowl has completely shattered and two of my plates are chipped. I am so not amused right now. I spent almost $70 on this stuff and it is not what it is billed to be. I just sent a complaint letter to the company via their website. Luckily I saved my receipt. I told them that I want these pieces replaces. Although, God love her, my sweet little friend Danette already replaced my bowl for me because she knew how much I loved it. :)

So now I wait. I'm unsure if they'll replace the pieces or not but I figured that it couldn't hurt to ask. I'll keep you posted!

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