Chick Flick Friday - The Goodbye Girl

I'm feeling a little bit retro again and I just wish I could actually GET this movie on DVD - although I'd settle for VHS at this point. Neil Simon's "The Goodbye Girl" stars Marsha Mason a a single mom with rotten luck/taste in men and Richard Dreyfus as the man she ends up being roommates with.

Paula McFadden (played by Marsha Mason) and her way-too-smart-for-her-own-good 10 year old daughter Lucy (played by Quinn Cummings) are abandoned in New York by Paula's boyfriend. In the true form of the rotten and spiteful ex-boyfriend, he also sublets the apartment they share to a young actor, Eliot Garfield (played by Richard Dreyfuss). They agree to live together even though they hate each other. And naturally, they fall in love.

It's your typical romantic comedy but in all honesty, I had a really hard time with Richard Dreyfus in the role of a romantic lead. I mean, the man is a wonderful actor but I just don't find him believable as a lead in a movie like this. His comedic timing is wonderful and Marsha Mason was adorable if not whiney at times.

All in all, it really is a cute movie and again, sweet enough that it is not gratuitous in any way, shape or form. Enjoy!

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