Cause Baby We'll Be...

So I'm sitting here on the computer tonight and I sort of mindlessly cruise the internet and I see a news story about Brett Michaels of the rock group "Poison" (and currently on "Celebrity Apprentice") has had a massive brain hemorrhage and is hospitalized.

Now, I don't know this man personally, but I have seen him in concert a few times, I've enjoyed his music and have a lot of great memories because of his music. It makes me sad because really, celebrities are just regular people too. Bad things happen to them just like the rest of us.

My beautiful step-mother died after a brain hemorrhage - but after 8 years of living with the results of it in a nursing home. I would not wish that on anyone. I find myself sitting here, almost as if I'm expecting the phone to ring with news - just for me! Weird, right?

So to any of you Brett Michaels fans, say a little prayer for him right now. Pray that someday soon he'll be making music and singing for us again. I have some of the greatest memories of time spent with my friends while the album "Look What the Cat Dragged In" played on in the background. It wasn't a party unless Poison was playing.

Get well, Brett!

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