Remembering 2010...

Balanços não é comigo...mas este vídeo (com música e letra) está digamos...muito bem feito!!!! :P

My Top Ten of 2010...

In honor of all of the other countdowns going on right now, here is the list of my favorite top ten blogposts from me from 2010.  Read and enjoy!

He's 18

He's in the Double Digits Now

Do Me a Favor and do NOT leave a message...

Be Careful Who You Friend Request

The Bread that Broke the Camel's Back

Shocked...Appalled...and All That Jazz

Step Away from the hot wax

Eating in the Closet...the new Normal

What NOT to do at 2:14 A.M.

Things I Miss From My Childhood

I wish all of you a safe and happy New Year's Eve.  Enjoy the night!!



So I went to the coast today to visit my good friend, the Beeg.  I left home around 9 a.m. to a flat tire.  But before that, I had to deal with leaving a list of instructions for Nick to clean up around the house and instructions for Frank to call the guy who bought our broken down van because he keeps calling and expecting me to go to the DMV with him to register the van.

So I leave the house, put air in the tire, pick up my girl Danette and her son and off we go for the 2 1/2 hour drive to Wilmington.  The weather was good, we got breakfast on the way and were at Michelle's by noon.  We had a great visit, the kids all had a wonderful time and we were heading home around 4:30.  

We stopped for dinner at a Golden Corral and on the way home from there I called my husband to let him know where we were at and asked if he made that call.

He didn't.  

He was also supposed to call the DMV (which was HIS idea) to see if I even needed to be there with this guy.

Didn't do that, either.

I drop off Danette, come home...

To a disaster.

Yep, Nick didn't do hardly ANYTHING around here.  As a matter of fact, one of the items on the list was to empty the bathroom garbage and he did...he just left it on the dining room table.


So I called and yelled at  him and then called Frank to yell at him (since I no longer had an audience like I did in the car) and then had to go about cleaning the house myself after 6 hours in the car for the day!

So thanks, guys.  Thanks a whole freakin lot for NOTHING.  I appreciate the help.

Help Teens with Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Will you help make a difference in the lives of Teens with Bipolar Disorder and Depression?There are over 5 million U.S. youth who live with depression or bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, a very small percentage receive treatment. The Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation (CABF) is hoping to win a $250,000 grant from The Pepsi Refresh Project during December to raise public awareness and

CSN Stores: Rugs-ational!

.With a new year dawning, the adage "Out with the old and in with the new" may be running through your mind as you skim your sight across your living room. Practically it's not financially feasible to get rid of all your furniture and cart in a bunch of squeaky new sofas, is it?So what's the next best option?....Why buy a new modern rug ofcourse!Switch rugs and bring in a change of personality,a

CLOSED: Wheeled Footwear Fun with Heelys New HX2! (A 120$ Mommy & Me Giveaway)

.* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Looking for a unique Mommy-Kiddo activity to do in the new year?Why don't you consider a little wheeled footwear fun with Heelys new HX2 ?! Check out the fun you and the kids can have....Coolio!Heely's latest Hx2 line is testament of its innovative, patented, action, sports-oriented brand.Unlike earlier products, the


Não tenho jeito para balanços nem para grandes introspecções, a única coisa que me apraz recordar é tudo aquilo que contribuiu para que possamos ostentar o escudo na nossa camisola. Foram 6 meses vividos de forma intensa que culminaram numa alegria imensa.
Se puderem repetir!!!

What are your plans for New Year's Eve?

I am a big-fat-party-pooper.

There, I've said it.

New Year's Eve has NEVER been a big deal to me.  When I was a little girl, we used to sleep at my grandma's house and at midnight she'd let us go outside and bang the pots and pans.  She had this bell that I used to like to ring.  I think that was the last time that I actually enjoyed New Year's Eve.

Sure, when I was 17, 18, 19...I would party with my friends.  Actually, scratch that, when I was 18 I was forced to stay home because I had a psychotic ex-boyfriend who my mother and grandmother were afraid was going to hurt me while I was at a friend's house.  Grandma plead her case and I stayed home that year.  God how I miss her!  

When Frank and I started dating we went to some parties but once we had Nick, we were homebodies on New Year's Eve.  Occasionally we'd have friends over or go to a friend's house but really, I just prefer to be at home.  I have no desire to be on the road with the drinkers...actually, I have no desire to be at parties with the drinkers, either!

I make a ton of fancy snacks that Frank and the boys like and we watch movies, play video games and all that until about 3 minutes to midnight and then click on Dick Clark.  And really, can we just let Dick Clark stay at home with some dignity for crying out loud?  That poor man should not have to be on TV in his condition!

After the ball drop, I call my mom and my sister, sometimes my dad (he's harder to get in touch with on New Year's because he always has something going on) and by one a.m. I am asleep.

Anyone have anything exciting planned?

CLOSED: Win 1 of 10 Sportsman Xtreme Lanterns! (An Illuminating Rayovac Giveaway- 10 winners!)

** Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*As you sit in your warm clothing, sipping a cup of hot cocoa let me give you a little nudge...a wake up call to remind you that Spring will be here in just a matter of weeks.Are you all set to take the family on an outdoors expedition?Not that adventurous? Well then, how about a camping trip in your backyard?I'm sure

Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 12/28-1/4)

*(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.)Giveaways ending on 12/31* Ipod-Shuffle & More: A Pepto-Bismal gift pack- 2 winners* Melissa & Doug Wooden Railway Set* 75$ Plow and

CLOSED: Ooh La La...It's a DownEast Basics Giveaway!

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*I'm sure you remember my Down East Basics Christmas Carnival Review last month and I'm sure you've been waiting (and waiting!) for me to announce details of the giveaway.Well the wait ends right here!BUT before you do hop off to enter to win a DownEast Basics pick of choice, here's a big announcement from the grapevine

Winners for the giveaways that ended on 12/25

CONGRATULATIONS!!I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Our family had a busy but very special and memorable week (I guess that explains my silence as I spent quality time with my precious ones) but now I think I'm ready to get back into the swing of things.I have three winners to be announced before I work on anything else so here goes....* Winner of the Masterbuilt Turkey Fryer, Cookbook

Snow days are no longer fun...

So it snowed here in NC.  This is, indeed, big news because it does not often snow in the south.  Granted, we did not get as much snow as they did further north of here, but in my neighborhood, we got eight inches of snow.

And I don't like it.

I grew up in New York and really, three out of the four accidents I was ever in, involved snow.  Because of that, I do NOT like driving in it, or the after-effects of it, for any reason.  Yesterday, I took the boys to Target in the afternoon.  The sun was out so I figured that it would be safe to drive.  It was hard just getting out of my own block!  The main roads are clear but the plowing on the secondary roads was not the greatest.

Then there is after dark.  Black ice.  I'm sorry, but if I do not have to be out on it for an emergency, why risk it?  I was watching the news last night and the first 15 minutes of it was about all of the traffic accidents caused by the black ice!  People, do us all a favor and listen to the newscasters when they say "Stay off the road!"  There's a reason for it!

People assume because I grew up in a place where snow was common that I should have no problem with driving in it, and the truth is, I never liked it.  Sure, as a teenager I was like "What's the big deal?" until I crashed my car in it and had to be picked up by strangers because no one else was stupid enough to be on the icy roads!  Just me!

So needless to say, long story short, and all that jazz, I do NOT like driving during or after the snow.  

Then there's the being stranded in the house. Sure, it's fun for that first day; watching the snow fall, staying in your's fun.  By the third day, I feel like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining".  The walls start closing in and there is nothing that anyone can suggest that sounds fun.  I don't want to eat anything that there is to eat in the house (and believe me, there is a TON of food here right now) but I want none of it.

I wouldn't do well if I was one of those people trapped on a train over night. Or trapped in my car over night.  Claustrophobia is an issue, too.

So, attention Mother Nature...please clear the roads, warm up the temps so that I don't have to go postal on anyone...

Thank you

A Verdade dos Números

Antes de mais, em forma de disclaimer, devo afirmar que não sou anti-Vieira. Reconheço-lhe méritos. Entrou no clube num momento complicado e ao nível dos proveitos do clube, trabalhou-se bem: incremento significativo do número de sócios, patrocínios, merchandising, construção de variadas infra-estruturas, etc. Mas o futebol mudou muito nos últimos 15 anos. Podemos afirmar que a Lei Bosman revolucionou o futebol. O número de transferências aumentou exponencialmente, proliferaram os agentes e os salários dos jogadores dispararam. Ao mesmo tempo, assistimos igualmente a um aumento brutal dos valores dos direitos televisivos, o que alavancou o crescimento destes custos.

Estes diferentes factores, tornaram o futebol português ainda mais periférico e distante dos principais campeonatos.

Serve esta introdução para, de forma inequívoca, afirmar que temos vivido nos últimos anos muito acima das nossas possibilidades. A situação financeira do Benfica não é boa. Pior que isso, é preocupante.

Os últimos números conhecidos indicam um passivo de 400M euros na SAD e cerca de 70-75 M no clube. Portanto, neste momento o Universo Benfica tem um passivo a rondar os 475M. O Benfica gastou muito dinheiro em contratações nos últimos 4/5 anos. A uma média de 30M Euros por época, chegamos a valores a rondar os 150M de euros. Dinheiro que não tínhamos e que o clube não gerou na sua actividade. Os prejuízos acumularam-se e para cobrir os défices, foram utilizadas variadas formas: empréstimos obrigaccionistas crescentes, empréstimos bancários e ultimamente “papel comercial”, ou seja, títulos de crédito de curto prazo.

É uma verdadeira bola de neve. Com o aumento das taxas de juro, é previsível que gastemos no fim da época entre 15 a 20M em juros. Este número é por si só, uma barbaridade, e significa por exemplo que, só nesta componente, vamos alocar 1/4 dos nossos proveitos totais. Sob qualquer tipo de prisma, está muito longe de ser uma gestão responsável, isto para não ser menos “simpático” com as palavras.

E ultimamente, o tipo de retórica utilizada por LFV e DSO para comunicar com os sócios e adeptos não tem sido o indicado e é no mínimo enganador. Desde o “basta vender 2 ou 3 jogadores e pagamos o passivo” a “estes prejuízos resultam de uma opção estratégica” entre muitos outros soundbytes, ficamos com a noção que tudo está bem no reino da Dinamarca. Bom, caros benfiquistas, a verdade é que não está. Este blog não tem uma "agenda" nem pretende ser um editorial da "Bola" e, como tal, serve também para alertar para situações como estas. As contas, que são públicas e que qualquer um de nós pode consultar, são claras e indicam que por exemplo em 2011, teremos compromissos financeiros de várias dezenas de milhões de euros a cumprir. O passivo e respectivos custos financeiros (juros) estão a tornar-se sufocantes e a pôr em causa a governabilidade do clube. Não há outra forma de dizer isto sem o fazer cruamente.

Com os bancos a fecharem a torneira a mais financiamentos e com o aumento dos juros, o “preço” do dinheiro aumentou e muito. Restam-nos o naming do estádio, os direitos TV (somente em 2013 a menos que as circunstâncias obriguem a uma antecipação) e…a venda de jogadores.

A venda das nossas 3 jóias mais valiosas (Cardozo, David Luiz e Coentrão) é, a meu ver, inevitável a curto prazo, não só por causa da pressão do mercado, mas também pela pressão do nosso passivo, dos nossos compromissos e da gestão deficitária.

Simplificando, o Benfica não tem um volume de proveitos que permita ter 40M de salários, 25M de outros custos, 15M de juros e ainda gastar anualmente 30 ou 35 em contratações.

O despesismo das últimas épocas não é sustentável com este nível de proveitos e 400M euros não se escondem com “restruturações financeiras” ou “Project finances”. Há que reencontrar o equilíbrio, rapidamente.

Os nossos vizinhos da 2ª circular já acordaram para a realidade e entraram em processo de “downsizing”. Os últimos meses e a última pré-época foram bastante elucidativos quanto a isso.

A situação deles é mais grave que a nossa (o famoso projecto Roquette foi um falhanço a todos os níveis), mas a nossa não é muito melhor neste momento. A continuar assim é somente uma questão de tempo até a bolha rebentar.

Quanto ao clube de Pinto da Costa, goste-se ou não, é quem apresenta uma situação financeira mais desafogada, fruto da política de valorização e vendas de jogadores que tem feito nos últimos anos. Nesse aspecto específico são um caso de sucesso. São, de longe, o clube que mais facturou no mundo inteiro em vendas, particularmente desde 2004/2005. Estamos a falar de valores que ultrapassam os 300M neste período.

Para concluir, torna-se essencial, enquanto não se assinar o novo contrato de direitos de TV, enveredar por uma situação de maior contenção ao nível salarial e ao nível das transferências, criterizando ao máximo as mesmas (sabemos como isso não tem acontecido ultimamente).

Se tal não for feito não há tvs, nem fundos de jogadores, nem 300.000 sócios, que sustentem um passivo que a muito curto prazo pode chegar aos 500M (clube incluído).

É preciso ser responsável e ter a noção que uma dívida desta magnitude irá pôr em causa o futuro do nosso clube, tal como nós o conhecemos.


Curioso, misterioso, inexplicavel, muitos mais seriam os objectivos para classificar a entrevista de antónio oliveira ao record. Foi este o jornal que divulgou aquilo que o individuo supostamente tinha dito em OFF, para quem não se lembra, oliveira na qualidade de treinador de futebol dos corruptos do porto, disse que lhe apetecia pegar na metralhadora e " F...." uns quantos gajos, disse isto e mais alarvidades que não me lembro agora.
Esta entrevista é um sinal para a massa associativa da agremiação corrupta da disponibilidade desta figurinha para presidente do clube corrupto e também para os presumiveis candidatos que se possam perfilar.
Fulano conhecedor da fruta como o Pinto como comprova o caso Paula, irmão do proprietário da Cosmos, a tal empresa de viagens que oferecia viagens grátis ao México, assim como da Olivedesportos, detentora do monopólio dos direitos televisivos das equipas de futebol.
Depois do Benfica ter apoiado a candidatura de Fernando Gomes na Liga com os resultados catastróficos de arbitragem para as nossas cores, o tal senhor que reservava os lugares no dragon para as deusas ( prostitutas de luxo ), com a tentativa de conquista por parte de Vitor Baia da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol com elogios cinicos ao Benfica, devido à transição da arbitragem da Liga para a Federação, começa-se a perceber o plano tripeiro para continuar a furtar campeonatos.
OS DIREITOS TELEVISIVOS DO BENFICA serão na minha opinião a cereja no topo do bolo, dos Oliveirinhas, e daí poderá depender a nossa independência, não tenho dúvidas que está em marcha um plano das figuras de segunda linha para que a forma de compra de campeonatos se mantenha igual, cabe-nos a nós estar atentos.

Christmas Round Up...Wrap Up...and Clean Up Part 2

Normally I dread Christmas morning because I do not like being woken up for any reason and the boys know not to wake us up before 8 a.m.  But wouldn't you know it, I was awake retardedly 7:15!  So I sat in the bed, staring at the ceiling, counting down the minutes until it was 8:00 and then I could go in and wake the boys up!

What in the world???

So I go in and wake them up and it was just about the funniest thing in the world to see the utter confusion on their faces when they saw me and then looked at the clock.  I'm unsure which caused them the most despair:  the fact that I was in their room waking them up or the fact that it was 8:00 and they were still asleep!  

I went out in to the living room, got my camera ready and then called them out to open gifts.  I LOVE this whole process because really, they just love getting presents of any kind.  Santa got Michael an iPod Nano and Nick got a game for the Xbox.  Their stockings were filled with all kinds of nonsense that had them smiling (including lots of candy).  Within 20 minutes all of the presents were unwrapped and I was sitting on the couch, stunned.  Why?  Well, those of you who are long time readers of All-Stace might remember what happened last year.  For you newcomers, check out this post from last year that tells the story of how my son blew me off for Christmas!

But back to the story...I was sitting there stunned because the boy who ruined Christmas last year actually made this one amazing.  He bought a Wii for the family!!  For me who bought two fitness games for the Wii - "Fitness Coach" and "Wii Active 2 Personal Trainer"!  PLUS...He bought Michael a game for it, the system came with Wii Sports AND he bought two extra controllers for the family.  I mean you could have knocked me over with a feather!

Then there was Frank.  My husband, who I love so much, always puts off shopping until Christmas Eve and there are times that he has bought ...shall we say...awkward gifts.  Ladies, you know what I mean, the kind that say "This was all that was left in the store".  This is the first year that he shopped early, asked me for a list and then actually SHOPPED from the list!  So I got a new photo album, two pads of 12x12 colored paper for scrapbooking, a gift card for Target, and then the 2011 Writer's Market Deluxe Edition and the Writer's Market Guide to Getting Published!  It was EXACTLY what I wanted!!!

We spent the rest of the day in our jammies.  I took a nap from noon to around one, I spoke to my family, we played massive amounts of Wii Bowling AND watched a bunch of "Psych" through Netflix on the Wii because Nick loaded all four of the available seasons on there for me!!  

I made this incredible roast for dinner - it was an eye round that was stuffed with ham, provolone, mozzarella, and baby spinach and then rolled and tied.  It made a fabulous presentation and tasted delicious.  We ate a late dinner - around 8 p.m. - and as I sat down at the table, I just wanted to cry because I was so happy.  I mean, it had truly been a wonderful Christmas and I was sitting with the three people who mean the world to me.  I wouldn't have traded it for anything.  

The snow started somewhere around 7 p.m. and we were just trying to figure out if the weather forecast was going to be accurate.  Unfortunately, it was.  When I woke up Sunday morning, it was still coming down.  We ended up with close to 8 inches of snow!  So even though the snow started late in the day, we can still say that we got a white Christmas.

Just that added little touch of magic for a wonderful day!

Christmas Round Up...Wrap Up...and Clean Up! Part 1

Merry day-after Christmas, everyone!  I hope that your holiday was fabulous.

Christmas Eve at my house was a non-stop event, all day long.  We had some friends from out of town come for lunch.  They brought most of the makings for the meal but I made some stuff, too.  We had a great time visiting and talking and laughing and it was just plain fun.

After they left, I finished getting the house ready and started making our traditional Christmas Eve meal - the seafood sauce.  I have to be honest, I would have given a kidney to NOT have this meal this year, but everyone looked at me when I mentioned making something else like I was trying to ruin Christmas.  So, we had the traditional seafood sauce.  Yippee.  We were blessed to have some very dear friends join us for dinner (who, FYI, do NOT eat seafood sauce) and they had to bring their own sauce to eat with us!  It made for a comical time in the kitchen but a fun memory that we will look back on, for sure!

We ate dinner and finished around 6:30 and the first of the THIRTY dessert guests started to arrive around 6:50!  It was a mad-dash to clean up and set up for the next round of celebrating, but we pulled it off fabulously!  We had people in and out of the house celebrating with us until around 11 p.m.!  Everyone brought a dessert to share and all I can say is that now I have way too much dessert in my house!!

The boys got to open a gift after everyone left and then they locked themselves in their room to watch some TV until they could fall asleep.  Actually, I don't think they lasted that long because Nick (who has no problem keeping people entertained) actually held a "mini-seminar" for any of our dessert guests who were interested, on how to "Mosh to lose weight".

I kid you not.

He is all in to that hard-core, screamo-make-me-want-to-kill-myself-because-it-sounds-so-awful music and when you listen to it, you mosh.  For those of you not familiar with moshing, imagine someone having a spaz attack while having a seizure.  So for the entertainment of our guests, he actually took three individual groups in to his room to demonstrate how one can mosh and how by doing so, you will lose weight.  

Needless to say, most people left in tears...LAUGHING tears!  It was a great ending for our night.  So I am sure that he went to sleep fairly quick and I know that I finally crawled in to bed near one in the morning myself.  

It was a Merry Christmas Eve, indeed!

Assim se rebenta com um grande jogador!

O Fábio Coentrão é um grande jogador, há dúvidas? Não, não há, bem agora não há a 26 de Dezembro de 2010. Lembro-me que há sensivelmente um ano e meio atrás havia muitas dúvidas, se deveria ou não fazer parte do plantel, diziam uns não é jogador para o Benfica, outros diziam que se fosse bom tinha singrado em Espanha, e havia uns artolas como eu que achavam que o puto era bom, e é bom atrás mas também é bom a extremo! Claro que existem agora mil razões para essas observações que alguns fizeram nessa altura, e que agora se penitenciam, porque o jogador já poderia estar a render o que é hoje há mais tempo. Relembro ainda que Quique Flores esse grande perito da comunicação o despachou em três tempos.
Mas não é por isso que estou a escrever, até porque não sou muito de chover no molhado, o que me leva a tirar-vos um bocadinho do vosso tempo é um jogador que ninguém percebe e que anda para trás e para a frente sem eira nem beira, já devem saber que vos falo do URRETA. E se escrevi em letras maiúsculas não foi por acaso, é que me parece que a trajectória deste é parecida com a do Fábio, só que invés de andar entre Portugal e Espanha anda entre Espanha e o Uruguai a sua terra natal.
O Penarol quer o jogador, mais uma vez, e nós pergunto eu ? Vamos deixar o puto ir outra vez para o Uruguai?
Será que ninguém percebe que o puto é mesmo bom, será que alguém se lembra do jogo notavel que fez com o porto e que nos deu três pontos na Classificação, será que ninguem percebe que o talento está lá e basta lapidar a pedra, alguém tem dúvidas que o puto é melhor que qualquer dos argentinos que chegou este ano à Luz, é que eu oiço isto na bancada, na rua nos cafés, mas eu quero saber é o que é que os dirigentes e equipa técnica têm a dizer?

Why Jesus and not Santa is the Reason for this Season!

*I found this awesome piece last Christmas and just had to bring it back again this year as we celebrate the joys of ChristmasWhy Jesus is the Reason for this Season!(Credit: The Jesus site)Santa lives at the North Pole ...JESUS is everywhere.Santa rides in a sleigh ...JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.Santa comes but once a year ...JESUS is an ever present help.Santa fills your

Happy Christmas (War Is Over)

2 more sleeps till Christmas

*2 more sleeps till Christmas!I know I'm such a Late Latif but I'd rather be late than never start a new tradition of baking with my little Bunny girl. We have an ambitious list of goodies we plan to whip up later this evening once Daddy comes home after work. We may not do all we want to but we will do something and have fun with it!I hope your evening will be special, surrounded by family and

Educational Fun with Baby Einstein's Discovery Kits (Review Only)

I remember first looking at a Baby Einstein product before Bunny girl was born and I still remember thinking how smart someone was to think of creating not just toys but DVDs, books and music cds for babies and toddlers. Bunny girl has always loved music right from the time she was in my womb (She'd move every time she heard music) and I've always prayed that Bunny Boo would love music just as

Desejo de Natal

Nesta época Festiva não podemos ser muito exigentes com as encomendas ao Menino porque a crise também chega ao Paraíso. Juntemo-nos todos num único pedido que satisfaça a alegria de ambos, a dele e a nossa:

- Jesus, renova o título de campeão.

Bom Natal

The Chipmunk Song

CLOSED: JCPenney how I love thee...let me count the ways. (+100$ Gift Card Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Hello. My name is Marina and I'm a JCPenney-holic.It's true!When given a choice, I will always opt to buy clothes for our family in a store that has style, quality and smart prices....and the one store that does give my buck a good value's worth is JCPenney.So when I was asked to review the store I didn't need any

Oportunidades de emprego

O sportem procura profissionais para os seguintes cargos: Assessor para o futebol profissional; Secretário técnico para a sportem SAD, Administrador delegado executivo para o futebol; Consultor técnico para o futebol; Sub-director adjunto para o futebol; Director geral para o futebol às 3ªs feiras ...e, finalmente, 18 técnicos de recursos humanos para processamento de salários.

Adam Sandler Chanuka (Hanukka) Song

CLOSED: At Home with Plow and Hearth (+ 75$ Gift certificate Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*It all began in the humble beginnings of a small retail store in Virginia in the year 1980. Today, 30 years later, Plow & Hearth is a trusted national catalog, retail, and internet company specializing in unique, enduring home and lifestyle products that are quality-built and guaranteed to meet their customer's

A Social Network Christmas

*My sweet friend Lana over at I Love My 5 Kids shared this in a post yesterday and I loved every second of the video.(Thank God for creative people in this world!)Do take a few minutes out to watch this. You will be blessed.And as always, here's a loving whisper to remind us not to forget that....JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THIS GLORIOUS SEASON!

Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You

Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 12/21-12/28)

*(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.)Giveaways ending on 12/25*Masterbuilt Turkey Fryer, Cookbook AND Turkey- 200 US$ value* 50$ DaySpring gift certificate * An Old El Paso

É só Bernabés à solta...

Está tudo Maluco!
No passado sábado, fizemos uma das melhores exibições da época e derrotámos o Rio Ave por 5-2. No basket, ganhámos por 2 pontos em Ovar e o porto perdeu em Coimbra. Tal significa que já só dependemos de nós para ficar em 1º lugar na fase regular. Em Hóquei, demos continuidade ao bom campeonato que temos vindo a fazer e continuamos em 1ºlugar. Ainda houve um docinho: O porto levou 9-3 para as competições europeias. Ganhámos em futsal, modalidade em que partilhamos a liderança com o belenenses. Ganhámos em Voleibol e mantivemos o 1º lugar. Até em Andebol ganhámos, o que não tem sido certo nesta época. Devo ainda salientar que vencemos em râguebi e que, nas camadas jovens do futebol, conquistámos 3 pontos nos iniciados frente ao Massamá e 3 ao belenenses em juniores. No dia seguinte parecia que o Benfica havia entrado em estado de sítio. E porquê? Por causa de um número de circo. Tudo isto num sábado!
O Benfica ter conquistado tantas vitórias num só dia foi relegado para 2º plano. Coitadinho do Bernabé, não se faz, tratar mal um homem que tanto deu ao Benfica. O LFV é um bandido. Houve logo quem aproveitasse para se lembrar que o LFV tinha sido o homem que destruiu o antigo estádio. Ai que sacrilégio. Mandou-se abaixo o antigo estádio, acabaram-se as entradas do Mantorras, as meninas já não podem gritar quando o Nuno Gomes se vai pentear para dentro de campo e agora, quo vadis Benfica, tratou-se mal o Bernabé e já não há o show da águia Vitória, o nosso símbolo. Um crime lesa Benfica…
Entretanto, e como os malucos não somos apenas nós, os adeptos, a direcção já se apressou a desmentir publicamente o tratador da águia. Bernabé mentiu, Bernabé agrediu, Bernabé foi malcriado, Barnabé cheira a chulé dos pés, Bernabé tem uma borbulha com pus mesmo na testa.
Mas tantos defeitos, já há muito conhecidos mas só agora convenientemente tornados públicos, não foram suficientes para se notar um mal-estar entre as partes envolvidas nesta história: o tratador e o dono do circo.
O dono do circo só se começou a chatear verdadeiramente quando um dos seus empregados(?) ofereceu os seus préstimos a outro clube que utiliza a águia como um dos seus símbolos. Aí sim, o Bernabé tornou-se intolerável. Mas só um pouco. Deixou-se que ele entrasse no estádio, passeasse a ave e fosse barrado pelo segurança. Mesmo a jeito para comparações com o Hulk.
Por acaso, o presidente do porto considera que o importante é ganhar e, já que parece que finalmente há alguma concórdia no balneário do Benfica, lá veio ele relembrar que o Jorge Jesus é um grande treinador e que gosta muito dele.
Isto tudo enquanto o Benfica se diverte com comunicados a desmentir o Bernabé, essa importante personagem para o futuro do Benfica. Acabou-se o Mantorras e vai-se enterrando o Nuno Gomes. Compreendo! Os sócios do Benfica precisam que a direcção mostre firmeza! Não se brinca com o Benfica.

p.s.: Já li em vários sítios que a prestação de serviços do Bernabé ascendia a 200 mil euros / ano. A ser verdade, e nem é por não ir ao Circo Chen há uns 20 anos que chego a esta conclusão, está definitivamente tudo maluco.

CLOSED: Melissa and Doug Deluxe Wooden Railway Set (Toot! Toot! Giveaway Too!)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*20 years of bringing quality wooden toys to the market...a niche created, mastered and celebrated by the one and only Melissa & Doug. As a Mommy I can say that the Melissa & Doug brand has been one brand I can close my eyes and recommend to parents of children of any age.Our family provides residence to several Melissa

Band Aid - Do They Know its Christmas 1984

It's good to go back in time a bit...

Yesterday I took a 3-hour road trip to visit one of my oldest and dearest friends, Linda.  We have known each other since the third grade and we hadn't seen each other in well over ten years...possibly twelve.

So we left home around 9:15 and we were driving, driving, driving and all of a sudden Frank was like "It's snowing" and I'm like "No, it's not".

It was.

A lot.

Like a blizzard.

In white-out conditions.

Luckily none of it was sticking but it made for some miserable time in the car on the road.  We got to her house a little after noon and then just had a great time of catching up and visiting.  Her mom was in town who, when we were growing up, was like a second mom to me.  We laughed and joked, I brought photo albums with me so that they could see the rest of my family who they all remember.  It was just wonderful.

I have to admit, it's weird to be adults and be friends with people that you knew when you were little because it feels like we're all playing house.  I can remember playing in the snow with Linda and building log play houses in her back yard and now here we are with husbands, kids, adults!  We got a picture of the two of us together and I laughed because to me, we still look exactly the same.

Only prettier...

CLOSED: Family Taco Nights with Old El Paso (+ Gift Pack Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*It's not always easy to whip up a spread for the family during the week but here's a tip....start a "family taco night" tradition one night a week and you will have a sumptuous, quick, easy to make Mexican meal that will have family members smiling with tummies content!Thanks to Old El Paso' s line of products that

CLOSED: A Christmas Present from DaySpring (A 50 GC Gift Card) - ends 12/25

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*There are a few 'brands' that have a special place in my heart and one of them is DaySpring. I've loved DaySpring cards since, hmmm lets say forever! I even still remember the day I found their gift store online...boy, was I like a child let loose in a candy shop!When I think of DaySpring the first word that comes to

How do you help despair?

Last night at 11 p.m. my phone rang.  This is never a good thing. It was for me and I had a conversation with this person about a mutual acquaintance who has a third party...that they are going to kill themselves after the New Year.

Okay.  Fine.  What do you do?  The person in question is dealing with financial dire straights just like the rest of us.  They lost their job, they cannot afford their home.  They have no family near by.  BUT...they have friends.  Friends who have offered their home to this person to ease their burden.  Friends who have invited them in to their home for Christmas.  But at this time of year when the scenario is all too familiar, it's not enough.

This person has children and grandchildren - though none are close by and they are all in tough financial situations themselves so they can be of no help in the way this person wants them to be.  In a nutshell, this person feels total despair and would rather die than continue to live like this.  They've said that they will wait until after the new year to do this so as to not burden the children and grandchildren and ruin their holiday.

So...what do you do?  How do you tell someone to NOT kill themselves when you have no solution as to how to get their life back together?  How do you show them that their family LOVES them when for most of their life, it didn't seem to matter because they really only lived for themself?  How do you be an encouragement when you are 600 miles or 1200 miles away?  How do you MAKE other people go over there and walk in to this emotional nightmare?

I cried all night.  Now I feel despair and I don't know how to help.  I don't know what I am supposed to do.  There are no words coming to me and yet I know if I choose to say NOTHING that I will live with that horror and guilt for the rest of my life.

Pé Frio 2 ?

Não acho que o sorteio da Liga Europa nos tenha sido desfavorável. Uma equipa que tinha ambições de seguir em frente na Liga dos Campeões não pode agora queixar-se da sorte na Liga Europa. O problema é que mesmo contando com um Estugarda teoricamente mais fraco que em anos anteriores (ocupa o penúltimo lugar na Bundesliga), trata-se de uma equipa alemã. Os alemães não nos lixam apenas na economia, no que se diz respeito ao nosso Benfica nunca lá ganhamos, e basta lembrar jogos recentes contra equipas menores como o Nuremberga e Hertha de Berlim. Ok, tivemos uma eliminatória mítica contra o Bayer Leverkusen.

Daí a minha pergunta no título do post. É muito importante "matarmos" esta eliminatória na primeira mão pois a passarmos não temos 2 possíveis adversários tão poderosos assim (Bate Borisov ou PSG).

PS - Por falar em frio, o frio que se arrasta por essa Europa fora deve ter arrefecido todas as bolas no sorteio da Liga Europa para calhar o Sevilha ao Porto. Qualquer das formas, considerando o Sevilha desta época, o Porto deverá seguir em frente.

How Festive Are We???

This was us in Disney for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party.  Aren't we cute?


CLOSED: "Under-Indulgence Be Gone" (A Pepto-Bismal Ipod Shuffle Gift Pack)- 2 winners

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*It's so easy to eat during the holidays but when those scales groan you moan and vow never to over-eat again and then the year whizzes by and its time for the holidays again.Eat or Under-Indulge? ....What a Predicament!Earlier this month Pepto-Bismal has "joined forces" with Ken Jeong and announced their holiday

When my lips are moving, do you hear the words? A wife's rant...

Okay, so it's holiday time and there is a lot going on.  More than usual.  The band that Frank plays with is trying to plan a get together for Christmas.  This has been debated for weeks and it was finally decided upon that the get together would happen the week between Christmas and New Year's.

Now, because of this decision, I have since gone on to make other plans with other people for dates and times leading UP TO the week between Christmas and New Year's.  Are you seeing where this is going?  

This coming weekend we have plans to go and visit friends who live three hours away.  We have not SEEN THEM in ten years.  So tonight while Frank was at band practice, I called to see how he's doing and he's like "Oh, the Christmas get-together is gonna be this Saturday."

Um...excuse me?  Did we NOT have several conversations about the trip to see our friends this weekend?  Have I NOT been yammering on about the length of the drive and how important it is that we both go so that I'm not driving home late for three hours on the interstate with just me and Michael?  Now, I'm SURE that we did but apparently, my voice is merely background noise.  It's probably similar to the noise I hear when I turn the fan on to help me sleep.  

Ladies, do you agree with me?  Men, WHY can you NOT remember ANYTHING?  I am so furious right now and if I were a petty person, I would go to bed and pretend to be asleep.  But I'm too wound up!  I'm really kind of pissed.  When I reminded him of our plans he's like "Okay, whatever, no big deal" and you know what?  I know that he means that - to him, if we don't go to the band Christmas party, he will be just fine.


The point is that we have conversations that don't penetrate your brain!  Why is that?  Gotta tell you, it's annoying!  It's rude.  And really, I don't like it.

There, I said it...

Pé frio

Existe um ditado que diz e muito bem - quando estamos mal parece que todos nos põem o pé em cima - este sorteio é mais um exemplo da veracidade desta frase. As coisas não estão a correr bem como tal os sorteios não ajudam nada, ou então é mais do que isso.

Tiny Rant = Results

So we are in to week two (maybe three) of Frank being home again.  Oh, he has work - sort of.  The job that he is on is behind due to other contractors and so he can't do anything until they catch up.  So he's been home.  

A lot.

All the time.

So yesterday I was out with a friend for a bit and when I got home I had to put dinner in the crockpot and the kitchen was a disaster.  And that is putting it mildly.  You could not SEE the sink it was so full and the counters were littered with all kinds of stuff.  

On my way to the kitchen I pass Frank and Michael sitting on the couch watching TV - an all too familiar occurrence these days - and I just stopped and looked at the two of them and reminded them that I was not the only person who lived here and I don't see why it was only up to me to do all of the cooking, food shopping, laundry AND the dishes.  And then I walked away and DID all of the dishes and got dinner going.

We had a lovely beef stew with biscuits and it was yummy and after dinner I was on my laptop doing my Entrecard drops and Michael comes strolling in to show me his pruney hands.  

"Guess why my hands look like this?" he asked.  I actually had a good idea but I decided to play with him a bit and went through every conceivable explanation OTHER than washing dishes that would give his hands that appearance.  He giggled like a loon and finally he was like "Well, I took what you said in to consideration and went and did the dishes."

I cried.  I actually cried.  It has been SO LONG since anyone in this house has done something without being prompted in loud tones that it just made me cry.

I guess I'm doing okay with this whole parenting thing...

All I Want for Christmas is...

I am beginning to hate that statement.  I don't really ask for anything for Christmas because really, Christmas is about my kids.  Frank is not a big shopper and so I learned early on to not get my hopes up about what was under the tree - sometimes I would just shop for myself.  

So this year, Nick is just about bouncing off the walls with excitement (Just like every other year) and we keep coming back to what do I want for Christmas.  Sigh.  Okay so the fantasy list would include:
     - A 7-day trip to Disney
     - A one-week SOLO trip to the mountains or beach so that I could write
     - A new car stereo (my CD player died)
     - Someone to install the new car stereo
     - A year's worth of professional massages
     - A new digital camera (I think I am killing mine slowly)

But here's the reality list:
     - "Psych" on DVD (any season but 3 because I have it already)
     - A gift certificate to get my eyebrows done
     - A gift certificate for a pedicure (LOVE those!)
     -  Scrapbooking supplies
     - Books, books and more books

It's not much, I know, but it would make me happy - no matter which list it's from.  What about you?  What do YOU want for Christmas?


De há uns tempos para cá tem se vindo a notar algumas diferenças no discurso de Jorge Jesus. Se ouvirmos a conferência de imprensa relativa ao jogo de ontem essas diferenças são abissais e representativas de que algo mudou ou está a mudar:
Um discurso muito prudente, muito protector para com o grupo, vê-se um assumir de culpas, um destacar enquanto líder e enquanto grande responsável pelo que de mau e bom acontece com a equipa, senti reconhecimento pela defesa publica que o LFV efectuou e acima de tudo senti interesse em dar a volta ao texto (a postura no banco já foi mais condizente com o que se conhece dele) com humildade.
Só falta mesmo mudar o nosso futebol, que continua muito fraquinho mas admito que a minha áurea mudou, espero não estar enganado.

Favorite Christmas Specials...

You know, no matter what show is on TV there will eventually be a Christmas themed episode.  Some are good, some, not so much.  There are some great Christmas specials and movies that I simply cannot be without.  What about you?

Okay, there is, of course, the classic "Charlie Brown Christmas".  I simply cannot go through the Christmas season without watching it.  I have it on VHS and have been meaning to get it on DVD.  When Linus gets up on stage and says "Lights please..." That is just good television.

My next favorite special is Frosty the Snowman.  I love that Magician and at the end when at the end Santa confronts him and says "Now you go home and write I am sorry for what I did to Frosty one hundred zillion times..." I crack up every time!

A great classic is "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol".  Oh, how I LOVE Mr. Magoo!  The intro when he goes in to the wrong theater and you hear all of the crashing and commotion and him yelling "Unhand me!"  Very funny indeed!

"Scrooged" with Bill Murray is my absolute FAVORITE Christmas movie of all time.  I can watch that one time and time again (even if it's not Christmas and I find something new in it every time).  It is my favorite adaption of the story of Scrooge and there are just too many classic lines to sum up in one short paragraph.  If you haven't seen it and you enjoy a funny movie, check this one out.

"When Harry Met Sally" will get you in the Christmas spirit no matter time of year you watch it.  Although it is not billed as a Christmas movie, it seems to make you think of Christmas...I'm not sure why.

What are your favorite Christmas movies and specials?  What can't you go without seeing at this time of year?  I'd love to know!!

I'm not as young as I used to be...

Friday afternoon, a friend and I hopped in the car and drove for almost two hours to clean a house for a friend.  The house had belonged to his 90 year old mother who had recently died and hadn't been lived in for almost two years.  We were a bit overwhelmed when we got there with all that had to be done.

We cleaned for three hours - DEEP CLEANING - and then crashed on our air mattresses in this 100 year old house with little to no insulation.  We had heat, but no hot water.  I slept very little and woke up at around 6 a.m. freezing my butt off and too tired to go back to sleep.  Does that make sense? 

We started cleaning around 8:30 a.m., cleaned for three hours and then left to go and get something for lunch.  We had to drive 20 miles to find food!  This house was literally out in the middle of no where!  We ate, we picked up a few more cleaning supplies and then headed back to the house.  When we got back we cleaned for another 4 1/2 hours and were ready to leave.  So really, around ten hours of cleaning and can I just tell you how SORE I am??

I'm not talking like a couple of muscle aches, I am talking intense, unable to walk without crying muscle aches!  Getting old sucks big time.  Oh, to be young and muscle ache free!  It's near 2:00 on Sunday afternoon and I am still in my jammies and even though I slept for 12 hours last night, I could still use a couple of more hours.

Why can't I be 24 again??

Target took ten years off of my life!

I hate shopping.  I seriously do.  I don't find any joy from trolling the mall or anything like that; it's just not my thing.  I have finally joined the masses that don't carry cash - which I HATE - but it just seems easier to do everything with the debit/check card.

So I'm in Target the other day and grabbed a few things and the total was $35.07.  Not a huge amount and I knew, without a DOUBT, that there was WAY more than that in the checking account.  

Target didn't believe me.
I swiped the card and did it as a credit (I like getting my bank reward points) and it was declined.  So the cashier tried it. Declined.  Now I am having a freakin heart attack with 14 people in line behind me and wanting to scream that I have the money in the bank!  Has this ever happened to you?  Now I take the card back and decide to do the transaction as a debit card.

It went through.

What in the world is up with that?  I mean, same card, same amount of money, why in the world do these machines do that?  Actually, that happened to me once before - again at Target - where I used a different debit card (my unemployment one) and it declined it for insufficient funds when there were funds available.

Note to credit card machines at Target:  I'm sending you the cardiologist bill!

An Explosion of Winners from the 29 Christmas Carnival Giveaways

To make things simple for everybody, I've just listed the names of the winners beside each giveaway.(I know, lazy ol' me but with 29 giveaways to close.....whew....there had to be a shortcut somewhere!)Now for the drumroll....Here are the winners for the 29 Christmas Carnival giveaways....Chuggington Training Yard Loop Set - #248 : Qtpies7Dr Seuss Christmas Games Pack -2 winners : #292- Rosannepm

Van Woes...

Remember all of the joy I had when Frank finally got a van?  Remember how giddy I was to be free and have my own car back?  Remember how good life was?

Now?  Not so much.

Honestly, I am beyond frustrated at this point with this van.  I mean, we only paid $1,000 for it but since that time we have put in a fuel pump, a battery, an alternator, it had almost NO oil in it so we did an oil change and NOW he needs a new instrument cluster panel because he has no dashboard lights and can't see anything after dark.  While this is not a huge deal (we once drove another car that had no dashboard lights for YEARS) but apparently it's huge to HIM.  He is making me crazy.

He yanked out the panel and so now the car won't drive at all.  He has been calling places, e-mailing places and this is not a part that you can just walk in to your local auto parts store and get.  It has to be shipped out and repaired.  Of course it does, this is me we're talking about.  Nothing is ever simple!  So while Frank is whining and complaining about all of this I'm trying to suggest that he just wait on it - it's not a catastrophe but apparently to him, it is.  This is his NEW van and he wants it to be perfect.


I'm ready to take the van and pull a Thelma and Louise because honestly, I cannot take any more auto drama!  I just want a little peace and quiet and a day without talk of auto drama!!!

That's not too much to ask, is it??

CLOSED: Tommy Nelson's Christmas Treasures (Christmas Carnival Giveaway #48)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- mid December 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)

David Luiz

Por alguma razão os nossos inimigos, com o “jornal” record como testa de ferro, lançam há meses uma campanha para tentar desestabilizar David Luiz e colocá-lo fora da equipa. Só isso já deveria levar os nossos adeptos a defender este jogador emblemático e que é o terceiro capitão.

David Luiz está bem? Não, não está. Está ao nível da época anterior? Longe disso.

Mas é titular da selecção Brasileira. É um jogador que parece ter um genuíno amor ao Benfica, uma genuína empatia com os seus adeptos. E cuja qualidade é indiscutível.

Nesta época desastrosa que vivemos, é fácil apontar dedos. Mas o facto é que nenhum de nós sabe exactamente o que se passa, e apontamos por apontar (sim, eu também o faço, não sou santo) na esperança desesperada de acertar no alvo.

É por isso que eu, aqui, correndo como todos o risco de estar enganado, venho dizer – acho que David Luiz deve ficar no Benfica, não só neste Janeiro, como no próximo, e no seguinte, e no seguinte.

Nuno Gomes está em fim de carreira, Luisão também não estará muitos mais anos.

Acho sinceramente que David Luiz, se ficar uns anos, será parte importante não só da Equipa mas da Alma Benfiquista.

Holiday cheer, a good pair of jeans and brownie bites...

Last night I had my first Christmas party of the season.  My bible study group of gals came over and my house is all decorated (a week earlier than usual, might I add!) and we each brought a selection of food and for five women, there was a LOT of food.  It was wonderful!  We did an ornament exchange and really, it was just a blessed night...I'm looking forward to more Christmas get-togethers.

Before we left for Florida, I went shopping and was desperate for a pair of jeans.  It's an on-going battle, I know.  But I was cruising through Wal-Mart getting our last minute travel stuff and grabbed a pair of jeans off of the rack and you know what?  THEY FIT!  I mean, they fit and they fit well!  I was a little shocked and pleasantly surprised.  I've worn them quite a bit and my husband was like "Um...again?"  I know but when you find something that fits and looks good, you just want to wear it all the time, right?

Have any of you tried those new Sweet Moments brownie bites from Pillsbury?  OMG...they are tiny and addictive and I may not bake anything else for Christmas and just put those out!  So dang good!  Even my non-chocolate eating son, Nick, likes them!  If you haven't tried them yet, you certainly should.  Believe me, I would NOT lie to you about some chocolate!

I think I am almost done with my Christmas shopping.  I have a few more things to pick up and next on the list is sending out the Christmas cards.  I really gave the photo card a good-long think and although it would be sweet to not have to write anything except for the envelopes, I just can't see putting the boys in front of the tree for pictures.  Does that make me a bad mom?

I hope not...

Start 2011 Organized With Smead.

.In just a matter of less than three weeks we will be saying goodbye to 2010 and hello to 2011. The year ahead brings piles of new projects, opportunities and.....possibly organization worries. Thanks to Smead, you can join the Club Orgonomics program and find ways to make your work area more productive, receive solutions to those organization challenges, embrace new organization ideas and more!

A Colossal Disney Pack: Mickey Mote, Mickey and Handy Manny! (Christmas Carnival Review)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- mid December 2010.
For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'

Just in time for the holidays, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (WDSHE) has rolled

Será um sonho?

Esta semana desloquei-me à Luz para ver o nosso Benfica num importante jogo das competições Europeias. O jogo significava mantermo-nos invictos nos jogos em casa. O nosso adversário era o primeiro classificado do grupo, uma equipa financeiramente muito mais poderosa com jogadores capazes de fazer a diferença na partida.
O que assisti foi uma verdadeira demonstração do que é o "nosso Benfica", os jogadores a correrem, a lutarem, concentradíssimos, demonstrando uma enorme ambição na vitória, defendendo a camisola com um espírito de união e solidariedade assinaláveis. Vi um treinador atento, preparado a demonstrar competência nas suas intervenções, a defender os seus jogadores nas adversidades que foram surgindo. Vi um público contente e orgulhoso do que via, ganhámos o jogo, mas em determinada altura senti que o resultado era quase acessório tal a entrega, vontade e competência demonstrada.
O resultado não foi fortuito, resulta de um projecto de médio prazo liderado por uma estrutura competente, experiente, conhecedora e capaz em que o presidente não interfere limita-se a reunir as condições financeiras julgadas adequadas, em que todos lutam por objectivos realistas, ambiciosos bem delimitados e de crescente exigência (criar bases - ganhar internamente de forma consecutiva - abrir as portas à Europa - ...).
Não, isto não é um sonho, falo da equipa de BASQUETEBOL.

CLOSED: A Veggie Tales Christmas Pack (Christmas Carnival Giveaway #47)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- mid December 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

CLOSED: Celebrations with Radko and Mygofer (Christmas Carnival Giveaway #46)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- mid December 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*If

CLOSED: Mama Mia it's Mia Carina! (Christmas Carnival Giveaway #45)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- mid December 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

Basket - Uma vitória à Benfica!

Com garra, querer, ambição, humildade e muita qualidade!

António Tavares - 18
Heshimu Evans - 20
Sérgio Ramos - 12
Diogo Carreira - 0
Rodrigo Mascarenhas - 0
Miguel Minhava - 7
Ben Reed - 7
Elvis Évora - 2
Gregory Jenkins - 18
Eky Viana - NJ
Cordell Henry - 2

Obrigado Rui Costa

Respondendo ao post do meu amigo TC o que falta é HUMILDADE! Desde o fim do campeonato anterior que não temos humildade. Começando pelo topo hierárquico do nosso clube, passando pelo treinador e acabando nos nossos jogadores. Nota-se nas palavras, na atitude em campo e até nos treinos (segundo pessoas que já assistiram aos treinos desta época).

E por isso é que eu tenho de agradecer as palavras do nosso director desportivo ontem. Ele sim não se pôs em bicos dos pés quando ganhamos o ano passado. Enquanto outros se colocaram num pedestal ele até foi subalternizado pelo nosso próprio presidente. Ontem quem deu a cara foi ele! Aliás no que toca a comunicação ele ensina muita gente, é sensato, humilde e solidário com a equipa e adeptos. Sendo um verdadeiro adepto, compreende a frustração e desilusão dos simpatizantes benfiquistas mas ao mesmo tempo pede-nos para continuarmos a acreditar e manda um recado de exigência para dentro, pois ainda há muita coisa para ganhar. É verdade que o campeonato é difícil, para não dizer impossível (ainda para mais com arbitragens como a de segunda-feira), mas ainda estamos em todas as frentes. E nas competições europeias, embora de forma vergonhosa, os mínimos foram conseguidos.

Infelizmente, tal como o TC, começo a acreditar que estão a preparar a “caminha” ao nosso treinador. É grave, muito grave. Pior ainda quando a protecção dos “nossos” ao nosso treinador não é clara nem é forte. É claro que Jorge Jesus tem uma grande responsabilidade na forma como esta época está a correr mas cometeremos outro erro crasso em deixá-lo cair. Não se arranja melhor, desculpamos os jogadores e voltamos à estaca zero e a outra travessia no deserto, correndo o risco de JJ reforçar um clube rival. Aprendam com os erros do passado e sejam mais exigentes e humildes! E já agora, deixem o nosso director desportivo falar mais e ter mais responsabilidade no nosso futebol.

PS – Parabéns ao nosso Basquetebol que nos deu uma alegria hoje numa vitória inesperada mas de grande mérito. Que o nosso Futebol aprenda com eles como se ganha de forma assídua. Isto sim é que é cultura de exigência e mentalidade vencedora!

PS 2 – Peço desculpa ao Diogo por escrever este post logo em cima do dele mas já estava preparado e ainda faz mais sentido. Respeito a tua opinião mas se deixássemos sair o Jesus cairia o Carmo e a Trindade! A opinião que tenho dele como homem não é positiva (antes e depois do Benfica) mas a mim interessa-me o treinador. E no futebol então é só gente de bem e vertical que anda por aí!

O que está a mais?

Aproveitando a questão lançada pelo TC, vou aqui escrever o que ando há muito para escrever e que representa a minha convicção do verdadeiro problema do Benfica.

Este ano os dirigentes são os mesmos, o treinador é o mesmo e os jogadores são practicamente os mesmos. As ausências de Di Maria, Quim e Ramires não explicam esta diferença. Então!? Qual a diferença?

A diferença é efectivamente Jorge Jesus. Não que ele tenha piorado como treinador nas vertentes técnicas e/ou tácticas, as quais nem vou comentar porque não me reconheço conhecimentos para o fazer.

O problema é o respeito e a disciplina. Quando chegou ao Benfica, o actual treinador demonstrou pulso firme e determinação. Como há muito tempo não se via no nosso clube.

Tem sucesso. É campeão! Jogamos bom futebol! O que faz este "rato de esgoto" de seguida? Aproveita-se do sucesso e ameaça sair para o FC Porto. Coloca a Direcção entre a espada e a parede! O que faríamos nós no lugar do Presidente ou do Rui Costa? Deixávamos sair o treinador para o clube rival? Cedemos à chantagem e pagamos caro (muito caro!)? Qualquer uma das decisões era má (péssima!). Resta-nos agradecer a este mercenário a situação em que nos colocou.

Obviamente que depois disto é inevitável que LFV venha dizer que se dá bem com ele mas têm maneiras diferentes de viver o clube. Que os jogadores pensem: Então este gajo queria sair para o Porto e agora tem a lata de nos dar ordens e falar em garra e amor à camisola!?!?

A minha opinião é que não nos falta nada, neste momento temos uma peça a mais!

And now for another flashback...

At the time, honestly, this was the funniest thing I had ever seen.  Frank and I have spent YEARS trying to find it in re-runs and I happened to take a chance on YouTube yesterday and found it.

You'll have to remember the time it was made:  somewhere around 1990 when "All My Children" and Erica Kane were all the rage.  I hope someone out there gets a bit of a laugh out of this like we did and remember the great Phil Hartman and how much laughter he gave us during his too short time here.

CLOSED: Lauren Playset & Book from Paddywhack Lane (Christmas Carnival Giveaway #44)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- mid December 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Paddywhack

O que falta?

Após o desaire em Israel, a equipa do Benfica foi massacrada por todos os lados. Os jogadores foram postos em causa, assim como os dirigentes, o que obrigou Jesus a fazer um mea culpa, LFV disse umas barbaridades mas acabou por "defender" o treinador, David Luiz deu uma entrevista dando nota da sua felicidade, etc...
A verdadeira resposta surgiu no jogo frente ao Beira Mar em que, durante 70 minutos, fizemos o melhor jogo da época a fazer lembrar muitos dos jogos efectuados na passada temporada. Corremos, pressionámos, apresentámos vontade, dinâmica, e obtivemos uma vitória folgada e justa. Julguei que tinha sido o clic que faltava, julguei que as críticas sofridas tinham tido o condão de unir o plantel e dar a motivação que claramente tem faltado. Seguiu-se o Olhanense e o Shalke, facilmente se percebe que foi sol de pouca dura, mas fica claramente exposto que os problemas deste Benfica não são apenas as falhadas contratações ou as saídas de dois jogadores nucleares, mas sim uma falta de atitude e motivação que roçam o desrespeito. Para mim, ficou claro que os jogadores não toleram Jesus e que estão a fazer-lhe a cama. O exemplo vem de cima.

CLOSED: Find Aurora Gifts for your Stockings(Christmas Carnival Giveaway #43)- 3 winners

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- mid December 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*If you're

CLOSED: I'm dreaming of a Scholastic Top Picks Book Package (Christmas Carnival Giveaway #42)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- mid December 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*If your

JPOP - Single - ステレオポニー - 小さな魔法

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

SRCL-7430~7431 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

SRCL-7432 (通常盤)

SRCL-7433 (期間生産限定盤/テガミバチ盤)

商品編號:SRCL-7430~7431 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:8th Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:Sony Music Records

ステレオポニーの8thシングル! キャッチーでメロディアスなミディアムロックチューン! テレビ東京系全国ネットアニメ「テガミバチREVERS」の10月クールオープニングテーマに決定! 初回限定盤はDVD付き。

01. 小さな魔法
※ テレビ東京系アニメ「テガミバチ REVERS」オープニング・テーマ

02. Everything OK!!!

03. It's a wild world

04. 小さな魔法 -Instruemntal-

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - スマイレージ - 悪ガキッ①

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

HKCN-50148 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

HKCN-50150 (通常盤)

商品編號:HKCN-50148 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:1st Full Album / CD + DVD

インディーズ時代、メジャー・デビュー後の全7枚のシングルを収録 (予定)し、まるでベストアルバムのような内容の濃い1st.アルバムがついに完成した。期間にしてわずか1年半でも、破竹の勢いで成長する彼女たちの変化が十二分に楽しめる一枚! 平均年齢15歳のスマイレージが奏でる歌声は、力強さと儚さが共存しており、収録曲の全てが”今の彼女たちにしか表現できない楽曲”となっている。まるで魔法のように、リスナーを楽しい気分にしてくれるスマイレージからの夢と希望がぎっしり詰まった大注目のアルバム!!

01. 同じ時給で働く友達の美人ママ
02. 踊ろうよ
03. 女ばかりの日曜日
04. 夢見る15歳
05. シューティングスター
06. ○○がんばらなくてもええねんで!!
07. スキちゃん
08. 学級委員長
09. しっかりしてよ!もう
10. オトナになるって難しい!!!
11. あすはデートなのに、今すぐ声が聞きたい
12. ぁまのじゃく

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - BENI - Jewel

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

UPCH-29060 (初回限定盤 / CD + DVD)

UPCH-20217 (通常盤)

商品編號:UPCH-29060 (初回限定盤)
其他資料:4th Full Album / CD + DVD

「Bitter & Sweet」大ヒットからわずか9ヶ月でリリースした2ndアルバム「Lovebox」がオリコンアルバム総合で週間1位を獲得! たたみかけるリリースでディーバとして君臨するBENIの3rdアルバム! 今作も豪華プロデューサーが布陣。松尾潔/Daisuke"D.I"Imai/3rd Productions/STYのお馴染みの顔ぶれに加え、HIRO (ex: 倖田來未)も初起用(予定)。初回限定盤はDVD付き。DVDには、Heaven's Door含む2曲のミュージック・ビデオ、BENI "Lovebox"Live Tour 2010の舞台裏とインタビュー、約30分の特典映像を収録予定。

01. Jewel Intro

02. 2FACE
※ 日本テレビ系「ハッピーMusic」エンディング・テーマ

03. トキヲトメテ

04. 大好きなのに

05. Lovin' U
06. Heaven's Door
※「Rouge de BENI」イメージ・ソング
※ TBSテレビ系「CDTV」オープニング・テーマ

07. See U Again

08. First Time

09. Heartbreaker

10. Don't Let Go

11. Smile
※ 東建コーポレーション「ホームメイト」CMソング

12. 君となら

13. 忘れないでね

CD - 試聽下載:

A little too much 80's retro...

So we're watching TV the other night, flipping through the channels and I end up on VH-1 Classics.  I actually really enjoy that channel.  Well "Behind the Music:  Remastered" was on Duran Duran.  If you were a girl growing up in the 80's I can guarantee that you would be sitting right beside me watching this. 

I wasn't a HUGE Duran Duran fan, but I did like their music and they were quite enjoyable to look at.  What could be better than good music by a good looking band, right?  So I sat for an hour and watched the past history of the band, listened to the music and saw what they were up to now and can I just say, WOW.  These men aged nicely.

So what's the downside to all of this walking down music memory lane?  I have not stopped singing to their music for days!  I've got it on my iPod!  I've got it in my head!  It won't leave!  Not that it's a bad thing, I guess.  It did almost get Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You" out of my head.

Too bad I can't really sing...I might not mind hearing myself sing along if my voice was something that anyone wanted to hear.  The 16-year old me, has enjoyed looking back and all I'm going to say is that Roger Taylor was yummy looking in the 80's and yummy looking still.


Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 12/8-12/14)

(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.)

The Christmas Carnival 2010 is packed and running over. I'm trying to squeeze in some giveaways


Em tempo oportuno escrevi o óbvio. E infelizmente a realidade não o desmentiu. Não vou perder tempo a dissecar cada incidência dos diferentes jogos que justificam o quadro. Apenas vos digo
para uns basta jogar a 50% para nunca perderem e a 75% para ganharem sempre porque contam com 14 em campo a somar à falta de comparência de alguns dos adversários amigos, confiram os convocados da U. Leiria frente ao clube do sistema.
Para outros se a performance for inferior a 120% não têm certeza de vitória, abaixo de 100% o empate será o prémio maior e a menos de 75% é derrota certa.

Viva o nosso futebol e o Génio do Vilas Boas.

E um especial agradecimento a todos os Benfiquistas que ajudam a branquear tão escandalosas evidências.

Assalto à mão armada no Dragão

Ainda a procissão vai no adro, ou neste caso a meio e já o futebol Corruptos do porto foi beneficiado por um penalty que só o árbitro percebeu, assim é fácil, é engraçado que neste Penalty Fantasma nem os próprios jogadores dos corruptos perceberam o motivo do apito. Roubo escandaloso.
Enquanto isso o locutor da TVI critica o desempenho do Setúbal. Conclusão: Só a roubar conseguiram chegar ao golo, mesmo jogando com uma equipa tão fraca.

So let me see if I've got this straight...

This will be my last (hopefully) unemployment rant...

Okay, so I lost my job a year and a half ago because of the economy.  I think that most of us would agree that it was LARGELY the fault of the banks that gave out money to anyone and everyone and paid themselves with HUGE bonuses that caused the most damage and little businesses like my sweet little bookstore paid the price.

So, fast forward to today where there is a large percentage of the American public unemployed and unable to find jobs - through NO FAULT of our own - and we are being told that our extended benefits are no longer coming.  Gee, so maybe we should bend over AGAIN and take it for the sake of the banks and government.  I mean, the banks got bailed out.  Executives are still getting their bonuses and people like me, essentially, are screwed.

I am over-qualified for the places that are hiring and don't have the computer skills for others that are.  So basically, I am un-employable at the moment and while the bank executives got to keep their jobs and their salaries, I have nothing.  

So congress and all of the politicians who HAVE JOBS get to tell me, "Sorry, even though we screwed up you have to pay the price".

Thanks.  Thanks a whole lot...

Winners for the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop


Over 200 blogs participated in the big Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop.
A big thank you goes out to Simply Stacie for organizing this colossal event and all the generous sponsors that made it worth the while to blog hop. I'm sure none of you can wait for the next one!

(Wish I'd been able to hop over to all the giveaways. Next time, though, I'm going to be more organized and
RGB Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Chile, Colombia, Germany, New Zealand, Mexico, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Sweden, Viet Nam, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Greece.United Kingdom, United States

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