Another Weight-Watchers Update

So last week I was ready to quit. I had had enough. I was constantly obsessing about every little thing that I ate. I felt horrible. My stomach hurt all the time...I mean, it just wasn't worth it to me.

I called about quitting but since I do their monthly pass and they had already done the charge for the month, I could not quit just yet. I mean I could, but I would still be paying. Monday morning I got up and went to the meeting. I figured, I'm paying, I might as well go.


I almost did a happy dance right there on the scale, but there was a line, I felt a little weird, so I just did one in my head. I'm almost at eight pounds and I have to tell you, I don't see it. I mean, everything still fits the same. I wear the same outfit that I did for that very first weigh-in so that I'm consistent and it still fits the same! Well, the pants may be a little looser but not that much. When I lose two more pounds I will hit 5% of my goal and get a special star. Yeah!

So I'm gonna stick it out for a little bit longer. I am exercising. I didn't do it consistently last week and ended up doing a 3 hour workout in one day and believe me, my body complained BIG TIME. Note to self: spread out the workouts - you're not as young and bendy as you used to be!

I'm off to find the Advil now...

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