So close...

Okay so remember how back in November I participated in National Novel Writing Month? And how I completed it? And how I can get a free, professionally printed and bound copy of my book? Well, like so many other things in my life right now, that's not going well.

I finally finished the editing stage, I designed my cover and was ready to submit. Well I typed it up as a Word document, they want it in a PDF format. Okay, fine, I found a free website that converts it. So I convert it and submit. Not good enough. Apparently the trim sizing is off and they will not accept it. My copy that I converted is formatted for 8.5 x 11 and my book size is 5 x 8. I have NO IDEA how to change this. No one knows how either, apparently.

So I sent an inquiry to CreateSpace who is handling the whole thing and they don't ANSWER technical stuff like that. I was told to refer to the help manual that came with my software! What manual? What software? I went back to the converter website but that's all they do is convert! I am so BEYOND frustrated right now that it's not even funny.

From what I can gather, it seems to me that I am supposed to BUY some sort of software that does this and let me just say how that is NOT happening right now with Frank still out of work. I don't know how we're going to pay bills this month let alone purchase some stupid software because of a minor technicality!

GGGRRRR..... I just want to hit something. I mean, really, really hit something. I mean, I am doing all that I can to bring in money and it's still not enough. The weather won't cooperate and my husband is slowly sinking in to his own kind of madness and depression because of the time off. Not a good combination to have us both home alone feeling this way. One of us is gonna crack soon and I think it's going to be me.

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