Mr Biggs In The City (Book Review)
mera curiosidade?
The Stocked Kitchen (Book Review)
Summertime Adventure With Dinosaur Train
Sobre o eventual protesto dos lagartos...
P.S.: Paralaxe é a mudança aparente na posição de um objecto observado causada por uma mudança na posição do observador.
Summer Scholastic Reads (4 Book Reviews)
Wordless/Wordful Wednesday - You are of more value.
Quick Note Regarding New Giveaways!
2 Days Away!....The Freedom Giveaway Hop (July 1-7)
JPOP - Single - KARA - GO GO サマー!
【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)
UMCK-9435 (初回限定盤A / CD + DVD)
UMCK-9436 (初回限定盤B)
UMCK-9437 (初回限定盤C)
UMCK-5333 (通常盤)
專輯名稱:GO GO サマー!
商品編號:UMCK-9437 (初回限定盤C)
其他資料:4th Maxi Single
出品商:Universal Music K. K.
スーパースターへと一気に駆け上がった"KARA"待望のニュー・シングルが完成!! 夏にピッタリなキュートでダンサブルなKARAの代表作となるヒットチューン! C/W「ガールズ ビー アンビシャル!」はKARA出演のダリヤ「Palty」CMソング!
01. GO GO サマー!
作詞:Yu Shimoji/作曲:Han Sang Won、Lee Sang Ho、Kimzart/編曲:Han Sang Won、Lee Sang Ho、ArmySlick
※ LG Electronics「Optimus bright L-07C」CMソング
02. ガールズ ビー アンビシャス!
作詞:PA-NON/作曲.編曲:Hwang Seong Je
※ ダリヤ「Parlty」CMソング
03. GO GO サマー!(Instrumental)
04. ガールズ ビー アンビシャス!(Instrumental)
05. TO ME (韓国語)
作詞.作曲.編曲:Joo Young Hoon
CD - 試聽下載:
JPOP - Single - miwa - 441
【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)
SRCL-7665~SRCL-7666 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)
SRCL-7667 (通常盤)
商品編號:SRCL-7665~SRCL-7666 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:6th Maxi Single (CD + DVD)
出品商:Sony Music Records
miwaのニュー・シングル!! 初回限定盤はDVD付き。カラートレイ仕様。 「鋼の錬金術師 嘆きの丘(ミロス)の聖なる星」ポスター絵柄ステッカー封入 (※通常盤と同じ絵柄)。 ※初回限定盤と通常盤でジャケットが異なります。
01. 441
02. Chasing hearts
03. 春になったら ~Acoustic Version~
04. FRiDAY-MA-MAGiC ~instrumental~
CD - 試聽下載:
Desespero de negociações
Ao olhar para os nossos rivais internos, nomeadamente fcp e scp as transferências são rápidas. Entre a notícia e a oficialização poucos dias passam o que dá um ar profissional ao negócio e impede a especulação negativa em torno do clube e do jogador que invariavelmente sai desgastado da situação.
Actualmente vivemos num impasse negocial com Fábio Coentrão onde aparenta estar tudo concretizado para a sua saída rumo ao Real Madrid, no entanto, o jogador continua a treinar no Seixal, sem cabeça para o fazer, desgastando ainda mais a sua imagem e inibindo a contratação de um jogador para a lateral esquerda sendo que neste caso quanto mais tempo passa mais difícil se torna a aquisição de jogadores de qualidade para uma posição em que a oferta não abunda.
Começamos igualmente a assistir à novela Danilo cujo desfecho se antevê demorado e o destino do jogador parece-me que se distancia da Luz, assim como Dede.
Se juntarmos estes casos ao de Di Maria, David Luiz, Aimar, Falcao, Maxi Pereira, Salvio, etc…, começo a achar que nestas matérias algo não corre bem e em vez de evolução nota-se uma regressão significativa até porque invariavelmente as vendas não são sucessos evidentes e as compras nem sempre se fecham com sucesso. No mundo dos negócios existem muitas variáveis que podem influenciar o seu desfecho, mas connosco parece que existem ainda mais.
Who knew picking a headboard could be so hard? (A post)
Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 6/28-7/5)
How fun is this??
BIG NEWS!! :We're Moving AND....
Winners for Blog Bash 2011 and 6/25
CLOSED:Blog Bash 2011 (A 220$ #BlogBash11 #Giveaway)
Excuse the Profanity, but...
Team Umizoomi DVD (+Giveaway)- 3 winners
LIfe is full of changes...
I had a revelation of sorts the other day. This is the first time since 1995 that I have worked in an office environment. Since that time, I have worked with kids or in a kid-centered environment. I've done in-home childcare, I've homeschooled, I've taught homeschool kids, I've worked in a homeschool bookstore, I've worked at MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) so really, being back in an environment where there are NO kids and getting to talk to other adults all day has been awesome.
I have made a great new friend who is like my soul-sister - like we were separated at birth. She has made me laugh and been a true encouragement to me during this transition in to the new job and I thank GOD for her. She has made me feel less incompetent during this on-going learning process.
So now it's like I have "work friends" again. It's weird! I have my friends, my girls... then there's my homeschool friends, our band friends and now my work friends. Why I feel the need to categorize, I don't know, but that's what I do. I'm looking forward to getting to know the girls in the office and doing things with them because it's completely different than going out with the homeschool friends where we talk about the kids. Honestly, I was about the kids for so long that I really almost cringe when someone mentions theirs.
Bad mom move, I know, but there it is...
It's fun learning about other people's lives and what's going on with a whole fresh start. I love all of my friends equally, but right now, it's kind of nice to have a clean slate with a new group of people. It certainly keeps me busy - Friday night I'm going out with work friends, Saturday we're doing stuff with the band, Sunday is church and church friends, Monday night I am doing stuff with my Disney girls, Wednesday I am spending the morning with my girl Danette (who is a class all by herself!) and on and on it goes.
It's nice to know that I'm not too old to make new friends and that I can diversify a bit...
Embracing Summer with DownEast Basics (+Giveaway)
Mandato desportivo
Agora, que se inicia o último ano do presente mandato de Luís Filipe Vieira, o "mandato desportivo", convém olhar para o que cada modalidade fez nas duas primeiras temporadas.
Deixo as análises para quem quiser comentar. No entanto, registo as seguintes observações:
- Melhoria face a mandatos anteriores;
- Esta época foi péssima mas lutámos pela vitória em todas as modalidades excepto no futebol;
- Tenho confiança num excelente 2012.
A camisola é linda
Adoro esta camisola!
Já há algum tempo que circulava na net a possibilidade de ser esta a nova camisola do Benfica e, felizmente, as expectativas criadas não saíram defraudadas. Vermelha e branca, como deve ser, sem um azul parvo a manchá-la.
Adoro esta foto!
Javi Garcia - Um estrangeiro identificado com os valores do Benfica;
José Augusto - Uma das estrelas maiores de sempre do nosso clube, bicampeão europeu assim como o Ângelo e o Mário João;
Ruben Amorim - Este sim, um benfiquista em campo com lugar no plantel, sócio poucos meses depois de ter nascido.
Rúben Pinto - Representante da aposta na formação, agora sim, com a integração de jogadores formados no Benfica no plantel.
Agora cabe-nos a nós recompensar o Benfica por, finalmente, neste domínio, ter conseguido aceder às pretensões dos adeptos... Como? Comprando camisolas! Vamos fazer desta camisola a mais vendida de sempre no Benfica!
Wordless/Wordful Wednesday - Encouragement (@SeaWorldTexas)
A Case of Prejudice...
Last week a former student of mine forwarded me some information on a writing contest that was open to high school writing teachers. I have taught creative writing, literary essay writing, research paper writing as well as more specialized writing classes to high schoolers for years. So I went to the website and started my application.
And didn't finish it.
Why? Well, they wanted to know what school I taught at. So, being that I teach in the homeschool community I had to stop the application and I contacted them and asked how I should proceed. I got a response fairly quickly and they want my writing credentials. Honestly, I did not go to school for this. I went to school for art and business. I started teaching to homeschoolers in a co-op setting and it took off from there.
I love writing. I love to teach writing. I am comfortable with it and I think I am pretty good at it. Heck, I have been doing it for quite some time. I don't use any one specific curriculum, I made up my own that works. The on-line classes that I am teaching right now are of my own making from the things that I have learned over the years. But because I do not (once again!) have a piece of paper that says that I sat in a classroom, I am not eligible for the contest.
I'm a little peeved at that.
I understand their reasoning, I really do, but I don't LIKE it. I work just as hard as a public school or private school teacher but they have the benefit of someone choosing the curriculum and having it all laid out for them and then teaching it again and again year after year. I never found any one curriculum that I liked so I made my own. I adjust it with each class because I have to get to know the students and find out what works for them.
I'm bummed...I probably wouldn't have won the contest but it would have been nice to have been allowed to enter.
JPOP - Single - SHINee - Replay -君は僕のeverything-
【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)
TOCT-40350 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)
TOCT-40351 (通常盤 / CD + DVD)
專輯名稱:Replay -君は僕のeverything-
商品編號:TOCT-40350 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:1st Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:EMI Music Japan
5人組スーパー・ボーイズグループ ”SHINee” 、ファン待望の日本デビュー作がついにリリース!
JONGHYUN (ジョンヒョン)、MINHO (ミンホ)、TAEMIN (テミン)、ONEW (オンユ)、KEY (キー)の5人組スーパー・ボーイズグループ、SHINee (シャイニー)。
そんな無限の可能性を秘めた輝く SHINee が、ついに日本上陸!!
「Replay」・・・韓国にて2008年に発表した SHINee のデビュー作であり、ファーストミニアルバムのタイトルにもなっているこの楽曲は、"So Much In Love" で有名なAll 4 OneのJamie Jonesが所属したサウンドクリエイティブ"The Heavyweights"と韓国を代表する作曲家ユ・ヨンジン、キム・ヨンフといった最高のミュージシャンらが合作して誕生した名曲である。その歴史の一歩を刻んだ彼らのデビュー楽曲に日本語詞を乗せた2011年版”Replay”によって SHINee は日本デビューを果たす!
01.Replay -君は僕のeverything-
03.Replay (Korean ver.)
04.Hello (Korean ver.)
CD - 試聽下載:
JPOP - Single - AAA - No cry No more
【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)
AVCD-48059/B (初回限定生産盤A / CD + DVD)
AVCD-48060/B (初回限定生産盤B / CD + DVD)
AVCD-48061 (通常盤)
專輯名稱:No cry No more
商品編號:AVCD-48061 (通常盤)
其他資料:28th Maxi Single
出品商:avex trax
2011年第1弾シングルは、AAA節全開の爽快アッパーチューン! 「No cry No more」「タイトル未定2」とそれぞれのInstrumental+「タイトル未定3」の全3曲5ヴァージョン収録予定。「No cry No more」は、イトーヨーカドー"ボディクーラー""ホワイトビズ"TVCMソングに決定!
01. No cry No more
作詞:Tetsuya_Kumuro、Mitsuhiro Hidaka/作曲:Tetsuya_Kumuro/編曲:Tetsuya_Kumuro、Cozy Kubo
※ イトーヨーカドー「ボディクーラー、ホワイトビズ」CMソング
02. ID
作詞:Yusuke Toriumi、Mitsuhiro Hidaka/作曲:Miki Fujisue/編曲:Army Slick
作詞:Delicatessen/作曲:Hyoutan (Delicatessen)/編曲:Hyoutan (Delicatessen)、Yoji Uesugi
04. No cry No more (Instrumental)
05. ID (Instrumental)
CD - 試聽下載:
#BlogBash11 Spotlight 1- ebeanstalk
#BlogBash11 Spotlight 2- Wonderforge
#BlogBash11 Spotlight 3- Nick Jr
#BlogBash11 Spotlight 4- Color Me House
#BlogBash11 Spotlight 5- Melissa & Doug
Mais fácil sem Villas-Boas? Nem pensar...
On-line class update...
I almost had to cancel the class because no one had signed up but suddenly, the morning class was scheduled to begin, I got three students! It's not much but it was a start. Since then two more joined so now I have five and it made for a nice supplemental income when things are so tight.
Basically, they are four-week workshops. They are $25 each. I had five for this month's workshop and so far I have three confirmed for next month's. I still have to get out the reminder for the next one so I am hoping for a few more. Six would be nice.
I haven't heard back from the RWA chapter on teaching the workshop with them but that would really be a cool thing. One of my students sent me a link to a writing contest geared to high school writing teachers but because I am a homeschool teacher with no real "school" to associate with, they are unsure if I am eligible. Kind of sucky considering the fact that I have been teaching writing to homeschoolers for like ten years. I'm not giving up yet but it doesn't seem good.
Now I am trying to come up with one more workshop idea so that I will have three of them that I can teach in rotation throughout the school year. The first one was on character development (within a fiction story) and the second one is on dialogue writing.
Any suggestions??
Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 6/21-6/28)
Israel Gets A King! (+What's In The Bible DVD 5 - Giveaway)
#Win fun Cars 2 goodies with Kimberly-Clark
Winners for the I LOVE MY DADDY Giveaway and 6/18
A minha opinião é esta - deixar sair dois (ou mesmo só um) jogadores de classe mundial como Aimar e Saviola seria uma enorme estupidez. Não encontro outro adjectivo mais adequado.
Pessoalmente, a acontecer, destruiria em mim definitivamente toda a confiança que ainda tenho (e já não é muita) na liderança do futebol do Benfica - Vieira, Rui Costa e Jesus. Todos eles, sem excepção.
Welcome Hank! (An Interactive Dinosaur Train Character Giveaway)
CLOSED: Colossal I Love My Daddy Giveaway - 4 Winners will #Win4Dad (June 15-19)
Okay, so we're on the way to a friend's house today for a BBQ when my cell phone rings. "Do you have a minute?" my friend asked. I really didn't because we were pulling in to the driveway of our BBQ peeps and I had a boatload of stuff to bring in but Frank and Michael stepped up and took care of it because they sensed that something was up.
So okay, I hang back in the driveway until the guys go inside and then go back to my phone conversation. Long story short, my friend called me because she was planning on surprising her mom this week. You see, it's her mom's birthday and she was going out of town to celebrate and my friend made reservations at the same place and was going to surprise her mom by being there. The only problem was that her mother was going with her sister (my friend's aunt) and so just to make sure that she had all of the details of the resort (dates, times, etc) correct, my friend called her aunt and let her in on the surprise.
BIG mistake.
Apparently, the aunt was not on board with the whole thing and essentially told me friend that she was not welcome and not to come! Now this made me a little mad (and I'm not even directly involved!) because there have been too numerous to count situations where this aunt has brought her daughter to places that no one wanted her and where she was a disruption and made a spectacle of herself and she has the nerve to tell my friend that she can't come! I was speechless!
So we talk a little and I'm like "Just cancel the reservation" but she can't. She booked it through some travel site and essentially you have to cancel 7 days out or you lose your money. Now this wasn't an exceptionally expensive trip but she's still looking at about losing $500! I know I couldn't afford to lose that kind of money and I know that she can't either! So I'm like "Call your mother and let her know what's going on" and she doesn't want to because she doesn't want to cause any conflict between her mom and aunt during their trip. I thought that was mighty nice of her and a lot nicer than I'd be if it was my aunt telling me to take a hike and lose my money.
So what do you do? How do you fix this situation? I mean, my friend can still go on the trip and just hide behind potted plants when she sees her mom but that just seems a bit ridiculous. Or she can just go on with her plans and surprise her mom and pretty much tell her aunt to kiss her butt OR she can lose her money.
What would you do??
"Totoplayer" dos milhões
Celebrating Fathers....I have a Maker (TSMSS)
We must have done something right...
Starting last Friday, Nick has been in "Ultimate Big Brother Mode" and I have to tell you, I have LOVED it. When Michael's best friend ruined graduation night, Nick swooped in and saved the day. Then he went and helped us out by picking Michael up from camp all week and brought him home and had lunch with him every day. One day, he even treated Michael to McDonald's.
Then, tonight, when we should have been at a track meet celebrating the last night of camp, Michael decided that he really didn't want to go. I have learned not to push these things because had we forced him to go, he would have made us all miserable and he would have put in zero effort in any of the events. So when Nick brought Michael home at lunch time, he walked in first and gave Frank and I a heads up about how Michael was feeling and how he (Michael) was afraid that we were going to be mad.
Armed with knowledge, we were prepared to talk to him and not force him in to anything that he didn't want to do. We decided, as a family, to take tonight to just have a nice family night and relax. I was all for that considering my crazy schedule lately and the fact that I had to work 8-5 today and how I have to be in work at 7 a.m tomorrow - staying in tonight was a blessing. So at dinner time, Nick came back, armed with the X-box and we had dinner together and just hung out and enjoyed our family time. After dinner, Beckah joined us and you know what? It made our family night seem complete.
I feel very blessed indeed to see my son growing up and maturing and putting the needs of his little brother first. It's a proud parenting moment...
Today = Epic Fail
All of which were shot to hell.
As I was crawling in to bed around 11 last night, the phone rang. It was Frank. He was jamming with the band and unfortunately, he is in a cluster migraine cycle and one hit him while with the band and he was in a panic. Now, this is not a new ailment. He's been dealing with them for close to 35 years. I am sympathetic to a point. I cried while I was on the phone with him, not so much because I felt bad for him but because I was not feeling well at all and was crawling in to bed with much pain myself and now I had to handle his, too.
Woke up at 7 a.m. to the same damn thing and it was downhill all the way after that. Frank STILL had a headache and I had plans to meet my Disney girls for breakfast. Now, please keep in mind that I did not wake Frank up, the headache did.
I just got the blame for waking him up.
So I got up, showered, dressed, got Michael up and ready, drove him to camp and then went to meet my girls. It was kind of a depressing get-together for me because up until a week ago, we were ALL going to Disney in September. Now, I am the only one NOT going. So I got to sit and listen to their excited comments while I cried on the inside.
I was quite depressed and having a pity party on the drive home when I called Frank (who should have been at work) and he was still at home. Sleeping. Honestly, I thought I was going to lose my mind. I got home, he was getting ready to leave and he could tell that I was upset and when I told him how his behavior earlier was upsetting and then topped with my sadness about my trip he was just like "So you hate me again?"
Yes. Yes I do.
Then I go to work. I have to say, I'm really liking my job. It's challenging and I still don't know a whole lot but today I was feeling kind of confident and sassy and then...
I was heading in to the boss' office because I had a MAJOR screwup.
Not a good feeling...
By the time we were done talking, and he was VERY nice and VERY fair, I still felt like a colossal failure and wanted to cry. There was no way to UNDO what I had done and essentially I cost the company about $500.
Again...not a good feeling.
So now I leave work (phones were ringing but it was 5:01 and I was so DONE) and I get a text from Verizon stating that we are $60 over due to Nick's minute usage. We have a family plan w/700 minutes because that is all we can afford and he has used so far this month, like 350 of them himself and our cycle doesn't end for another week. Now I have to figure out with the Verizon guy what in the world I am going to do because I can barely afford the damn cell phone bill as it is!!
I'm driving and I'm driving and I finally get home and...No Michael. He is not there. He's supposed to be there, but he is not. Now I'm like "Listen, Mr. Verizon man, my young son is M.I.A and I have GOT to go. Send me the details via e-mail..." and I hung up. I am outside SCREAMING for Michael, looking for any sign of him and there is none! I freaked out and then I called Nick. "WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER???"
Do you see where this is going? Nick had him. He was doing a great big brother thing but no one bothered to let me know of the change of plans. By this time, I am a quivering mass twitching on the floor.
So let's recap: Felt crappy and woke up to a crabby husband whose pain was CLEARLY more important than mine. Was reminded of my canceled dream trip, had to deal with a STILL crabby husband who should have been long-gone to work, screwed up at work, owe Verizon a kidney, nearly lost a child and then got to end my day with cooking dinner, doing dishes and washing clothes for the people who really don't seem to give a damn.
Am I living the dream or what???
À procura de confiança
Neste momento o que me preocupa são as decisões de contratações por indicação de Jorge Jesus. Nestes dois anos, excluindo os jogadores que entram para a época que se avizinha, JJ indicou a contratação de 12 jogadores, destes, apenas Gaitan se afirmou no plantel e constitui-se como uma mais valia. César Peixoto, Jara e Jardel têm sido escolhas habituais para os jogos mas a sua valia no plantel não é consensual, na minha opinião, apenas Jardel poderá ser opção mas não como titular. O resto: Weldon; Júlio Cesar; Filipe Menezes; Eder Luis; Airton; Kardec; Fernandez e Roberto, não são opção, uns nem sequer oportunidades tiveram, outros não se vislumbra qualidades suficientes para jogarem no nosso clube. Se a percentagem de acerto se mantiver, considerando os sinais de desmantelamento da equipa campeã em 2010 (Di Maria, Ramirez, David Luiz, Miguel Vítor, Sidnei, Airton, Quim, Weldon, Nuno Gomes, Fábio Coentrão, Kardec, Aimar (???), Saviola (???), Cardozo (???)) aguardando de forma ainda mais paciente o rumo da novela Maxi Pereira, o futuro próximo não se afigura risonho.
Como futebol é desporto e rico em surpresas, principalmente porque pequenas coisas poderão significar grandes feitos as nossas hipóteses continuam intactas, contudo os sinais que emanam de dentro do clube, o estado anímico dos adeptos, as suspeitas em torno de algumas negociatas, as questões Fábio Coentrão, Nuno Gomes e quiçá Maxi não auguram nada de bom. Confiança precisa-se e estas tricas não ajudam nada.
#Win4dad Giveaway Feature #7- Baskin Robbins
E eu que nem desconfiava...
E afinal, o que aconteceu? A equipe técnica do Benfica acha que o Nuno Gomes não tem um lugar condigno no plantel do Benfica. (sobre as opções destet treinador e o que penso de muitas delas já escrevi que chegue, e não vem ao caso; é o treinador, estas decisões são suas). A Direcção entende não renovar com un jogador com um passado de peso no clube apenas para ele fazer figura "de corpo presente" no balneário. É-lhe proposto um lugar na estrutura de futebol do Benfica.
O Nuno Gomes acha que pode jogar mais uma época, provavelmente com esperança ainda de ir ao próximo europeu. É um direito legítimo que lhe assiste. Como tal, decide recusar o convite e continuar a carreira noutras paragens.
Onde é que está aqui a falta de respeito, a porta pequena, e outros disparates? Um grande jogador entende que quer continuar a jogar e não prosseguir para já numa carreira de dirigente; um Grande Clube entende que como jogador ele já não o pode servir. Cada um segue dignamente o seu caminho. As portas que deviam ficar abertas, abertas ficaram.
Quanto a mim, é só isto. Caro Nuno Gomes, obrigado, boa sorte e, se tudo correr bem, até breve. Continue a ser Benfiquista, e os Benfiquistas continuarão a recordá-lo como um grande jogador e um grande capitão que passou pelo Benfica.
Wordless Wednesday- A Penguin encounter in Texas!
#Win4dad Giveaway Feature #6- Olive Garden
Suddenly it's 1987 and all I want to do is point and laugh...
So, about a year ago on Facebook I had someone friend request me. We knew each other in high school - she had stolen my boyfriend. My FIRST boyfriend. I was devastated, she was a year or two younger and a huge slut. See, mean girl coming out. So she stole my boyfriend, and tried all-the-damn-time to be my friend so that she could feel better about the whole thing.
It didn't work.
My favorite pay-back memory was when she tried out for the kickline and I was one of the judges and my friends had my back (including the coach) and we all just GLARED at her during tryouts. It would have made for a great scene in a John Hughes movie...but I digress. I was so devastated by this whole event and the flaunting of their new love that it made for a miserable couple of months of my senior year. And then I met someone and all was well with the world.
Then the best thing happened...slutty girl broke up with my ex graduation night. Oh, it made for the BEST graduation present to watch him crying at a party we were all at. I was like "Serves you right, Jerk!" and I was happy.
So back to slutty girl on she friend requests me and I accept because I have matured and moved on (and that is SO obvious by this post, right?) and since that time, I have noticed that she gets dumped a LOT. Her status' are either "I'm so in love" or "I can't believe he broke up with me" and the mean girl in me just has a field day with it all, all over again. I have actually laughed out loud a couple of times.
See? Mean Girl...
Renovar com o Nuno Gomes? Obviamente, não!
Nuno Gomes, o símbolo do Benfica
O que é um símbolo do Benfica? A resposta a esta questão permitirá aferir se o Nuno Gomes merece tal epíteto ou se, sendo o avançado, de facto, um símbolo do Benfica, que conclusões devemos daí retirar.
Houve, na história, vários Benficas. E, como tal, vários símbolos desses Benficas. Grosso modo, já tivemos o Benfica em formação; O Benfica em afirmação nacional; O Benfica europeu e dominador a nível doméstico; O Benfica enorme, ainda líder mas já sem a pujança das décadas anteriores; O Benfica depauperado e, mais tarde, a saque; O Benfica em recuperação.
Para azar dos benfiquistas vivos, nomeadamente os mais novos, o Benfica depauperado e, mais tarde, a saque, começou no início dos anos 90. Infelizmente, o Benfica em recuperação - que já vai demorada e carece de confirmação desportiva – teima em não regressar ao ideal de Benfica que todos partilhamos: O do Benfica dominador.
Para azar do Nuno Gomes ou do Benfica e dos benfiquistas, o capitão é um dos símbolos maiores da última década. Nos seus 12 anos ao serviço do Benfica, o palmarés é o seguinte:
- Campeonato nacional
Campeão – 2; 2º - 4; 3º - 5; 4º - 1
- Taça de Portugal
Vencedor – 1; Final – 1; Meias-Finais – 2; Quartos de final – 1; Eliminação anterior aos “quartos” – 7
- Supertaça
2 Vitórias em 4 presenças (Jogou em duas edições, venceu uma)
- Taça da Liga
3 Taças da liga
- Competições europeias
De relevante, considero uma presença nos quartos de final da Champions, duas presenças nos quartos de final e uma nas meias-finais da Taça Uefa/Liga Europa
Nuno Gomes, o goleador
O Nuno Gomes é o 9º melhor marcador e o 19º jogador com a melhor média de golos de sempre no Benfica considerando as seguintes provas: Campeonato nacional, Taça de Portugal, Taça da Liga, Supertaça e competições europeias. Tal proeza bastará, certamente, para o respeito e admiração que considero que os benfiquistas devem ao capitão da nossa equipa.
Claramente se percebe, como é natural dada a sua idade, que o Nuno Gomes é um jogador em decadência. Mais se constata que a sua produtividade, em golos, baixou para quase metade nas primeiras 5 épocas após o regresso da Fiorentina e quase um terço nos últimos 4 anos comparativamente com as suas primeiras três temporadas ao serviço do Benfica.
Mas quero ir um pouco mais além na análise…
Diz-se, com razão, que os grandes jogadores aparecem nos grandes palcos. Nos anos em que o Benfica foi campeão com o Nuno Gomes ao seu serviço, 2004-05 e 2009-10, em 36 jogos, marcou 10 golos. Na Taça de Portugal conquistada em 2004, participou em 3 jogos não marcando qualquer golo. A saber:
2004-05 (23 jogos – 20 a titular – 7 golos)
2º melhor marcador da equipa (Simão 15). Marcou 13,5% dos golos da equipa. Participou em 13V, 6E, 4D. O Benfica ganhou mais 6 jogos sem a sua utilização. 18 jogos em branco.
Sporting 2 – Benfica 1 (1-1); Benfica 4 – Boavista 0 (2-0 e 3-0); Moreirense 1 – Benfica 2 (0-1); Nacional 0 – Benfica 1 (0-1); Benfica 4 – Marítimo 3 (1-0 e 3-1);
2009-10 (13 jogos – 1 a titular – 3 golos);
Marcou 3,8% dos golos da equipa. Participou em 13V, 3E. O Benfica ganhou mais 9 jogos sem a sua utilização. 10 jogos em branco.
Benfica 8 – Setúbal 1 (8-0); Benfica 6 – Nacional 1 (5-1); Olhanense 2 – Benfica 2 (2-2);
A título de curiosidade, esta época marcou 5 golos em 7 jogos. A saber:
Benfica 4 – Naval 0 (4-0); Aves 0 – Benfica 4 (0-3); Benfica 1 – Portimonense 1 (1-1); Paços de Ferreira 1 – Benfica 5 (1-4 e 1-5)
Época 2003-04 – Taça de Portugal
Foi utilizado em 3 dos 5 jogos. Não marcou qualquer golo.
Época 2004-05 – Finalistas da Taça de Portugal
3 golos em 5 jogos. Um golo à Oliveirense e dois ao Estrela da Amadora. Em branco na eliminatória com o Sporting e na final com o Setúbal, além do jogo com o Oriental.
Melhores prestações europeias do Benfica com o Nuno Gomes
Época 2005-06 – Quartos-de-final da Liga dos Campeões – 8 jogos – 0 golos
Época 2006-07 - Quartos de final da Liga Europa e fase de grupos da CL – 14 jogos – 4 golos
Época 2009-10 – Quartos de final da Liga Europa – 6 jogos – 1 golo
Época 2010-11 – Meias-finais da Liga Europa e fase de grupos da CL- Não participou
Nuno Gomes, o portador da mística
Muito sucintamente, o Nuno Gomes chegou ao Benfica em 1997. Da última equipa campeã, em 94,sobrava apenas o João Pinto. Se não houve jogadores que lhe passassem a mística, que mística passa ele aos companheiros? A que viveu? Olhe-se para o seu palmarés e a sua importância nos poucos títulos conquistados…
Com a devida vénia e agradecimento pela carreira que teve, sobrevalorizada mas, mesmo assim, muito boa, não, não e não! E o critério é apenas um: Já não joga, nem tem potencial para jogar, ao nível do que pretendo para o Benfica. Para suplentes, quero jogadores que, no futuro, possam ser titulares e, no presente, representem uma mais valia. Para suplentes dos suplentes, quero jogadores que, no futuro, se evoluírem, possam ser titulares.
O Benfica é nosso...
Mas, definitivamente, não é só daqueles que julgam que é deles porque cantam que é seu.
CLOSED: Cars 2 races into theaters on June 24, 2011 (+ Gift Pack Giveaway)
JPOP - Single - 大国男児 - Love Bingo!
【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (120天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (90天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)
SRCL-7657~7658 (初回生産限定盤A / CD + DVD)
SRCL-7659~7660 (初回生産限定盤B / CD + DVD)
SRCL-7661 (通常盤)
專輯名稱:Love Bingo!
商品編號:SRCL-7657~7658 (初回生産限定盤A)
其他資料:2nd Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:Sony Music Records
日本デビュー・シングルの「Love Power」に続く、待望のセカンドシングル。前作以上に底抜けに明るくPOPな楽曲、ダンスで日本の音楽シーンに旋風を起こすこと間違いなし! 一目見ただけで強烈なインパクトを残すダンスは必見! [初回生産限定A]のDVDには、「Love Bingo!」(Music Video)、スペシャル特典映像を収録。豪華ブックレット付。イベント参加券封入。
01. Love Bingo!
作詞:Kaori Moriwaka/作曲.編曲:KEN for 2 SOUL MUSIC, Inc.
作詞:Kiyoshi/作曲:Cube Juice/編曲:CHOKKAKU
03. 夏の記憶
作詞:Hidefusa Iwata/作曲:Motoi Okuda/編曲:Wataru Maesuchi
04. Love Bingo! -instrumental-
CD - 試聽下載:
Indefinição a 8 dias
Estamos a 8 dias do 1º treino da época 2011/12, para mim este dia funciona como barómetro, é um indicador como qualquer outro sobre o rumo dos acontecimentos. Gosto que esse dia seja encarado com profissionalismo e gosto muito que o plantel esteja definido (não digo fechado mas perto de). Neste momento conto 41 jogadores no plantel. Espera-se a entrada de um central (afigura-se Dede) e o jornal “ojogo” fala com insistência na possibilidade da entrada de Danilo (visa colmatar uma lacuna identificada com a saída de Ramires). Coentrão deverá sair e entrar outro jogador para o seu lugar havendo a possibilidade do negócio originar a entrada de mais um jogador. A confirmar-se tudo ficaremos com um plantel de 43/44 jogadores o que é um perfeito exagero. Deste número identifico de forma rápida e fácil 14 jogadores para saírem (empréstimo e/ou venda) que importa resolver nos próximos dias, ainda assim restam 29/30. Não creio que JJ queira trabalhar com este n.º, admito que possa ficar com 26 e nestes três ou quatro que poderão sair estará o perigo.
Da formação do plantel que podemos aferir neste momento, parece-me que está iminente uma alteração no sistema de jogo. A evolução para um 4-3-3 em detrimento do actual 4-1-3-2, só assim faz sentido a saída de Airton e a contratação de Matic. Neste contexto Saviola perde espaço e poderá ser uma peça importante a sair, sendo que tenho um feeling que outro jogador que poderá sair chama-se Carlos Martins (um erro tremendo na minha opinião), ficando em aberto um terceiro jogador – Nuno Coelho (não entendo a contratação); Ruben Amorim (se não apresentar condições físicas e assim já entendo o Nuno Coelho); Nelson Oliveira ou Rodrigo (se o sistema for o tal 4-3-3 é aceitável); Aimar (infelizmente parece-me que existem possibilidades).
Temos cerca de uma semana para resolvermos estas indefinições, não é muito tempo mas na minha opinião seria de vital importância que dia 22 se apresentassem no máximo 29/30 jogadores dos quais pelo menos 25 constituirão o plantel para lutar pelo título.
Plantel: Moreira; Júlio César; Roberto; Artur; Maxi; Wass; Fábio Coentrão; Carole; Luisão; Jardel; Miranda; Miguel Vitor; Leo; Dede(???); Fabio Faria; Javi Garcia; André Almeida; Ruben Pinto; Ruben Amorim; Nuno Coelho; Miguel Rosa; Danilo (???); Matic; César Peixoto; David Simão; Carlos Martins; Aimar; Gaitan; Bruno César; Filipe Menezes; Nolito; Perez; Fernandez; Balboa; Cardozo; Saviola; Kardec; Jara; Mora; Rodrigo; Nelson Oliveira; Derlis G; Nuno Gomes.
#Win4dad Giveaway Feature #5- Ebates
Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 6/14-6/21)
#Win4dad Giveaway Feature #4- Applebee's
#Win4dad Giveaway Feature #3- Plow & Hearth
Winners for the giveaways that ended on 6/11
Don't go to the movies if you have PMS...
Okay, so we get there, get out tickets, our popcorn and drinks and head in to the assigned theater of the multiplex. Everyone's comfy, everyone's happy and when exactly did they start showing actual commercials in the dang movie theater??
Anyway, commercials end and previews begin. Does anyone other than me remember when they did three previews and then let the movie you paid to see begin? Eight previews later...
Now as you all know, Nick graduated last year and has since moved out of the house. Michael, my baby, JUST graduated elementary school. To say I'm having trouble adjusting to all of the growing up around here would be an understatement. So the very LAST thing I needed (being hormonal on top of it all) was to see coming attractions for...Winnie the Pooh.
If you are a mom, you probably know what I am talking about. I mean, Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the freakin adorable cuddly little chubby all stuffed with fluff...Winnie the Pooh. I found myself smiling through the whole dang preview and thought it was just enchanting and then it hit me...
There is not one single person in my family that will go and see that movie with me.
And with good reason, of course, but hurt.
Then there was the Kung Fu Panda movie itself. I won't give it all away but let's just say that Po is wondering about where he came from because, well, his father is a goose and he is a panda so clearly, something's up. As the movie goes on and you learn that history, as a parent, it just made you cry.
So I leave the theater some two hours later wanting to just squeeze my children and never let them go, turn back time so that one of them would want to go and see a damn movie about a stuffed bear, my eyes were puffy and red from crying and I felt sick from all of the popcorn and M&M's...
It will be a long time before I opt for a movie on a Sunday afternoon, I can tell you that!
Time Warner Cable is the WORST!!!
We had a storm last night. It hadn't rained here in quite a while and somewhere around 8:30 pm, the sky got weird. By 9 pm we had a wild storm going on. The thunder was booming, the lightning was kind of magnificent and the rain was torrential. Fifteen minutes in to the storm, the living room cable went out.
Yes, just the living room.
And the phone.
See, about 6 weeks ago, in an attempt to lower our monthly bills, I switched over to a bundle deal with Time Warner where I get my home phone (digital) with unlimited local and long distance, my internet and digital cable. It was going to save me $65 a month. Sweet deal, right? I was feeling the same way. We had a clearer picture on our new HDTV, we had more channels, our internet was faster...other than taking some time to get used to the complex remote, things were good.
First storm we have and the box gets fried.
I am NOT impressed.
We had no phone for FIFTEEN HOURS. Ironically, we had internet. Last night, about two hours in to the outage, I went on-line to tech support. She tried to reboot everything from her location and basically, there were outages due to the storm. Okay, fine. She was very helpful and I understand that things are sometimes beyond our control. By 10:30 AM when things still weren't working, I went back on to online chat and this guy...not so helpful. He tried rebooting the system twice. We got the phone back but with quite a bit of static and after multiple attempts, we realized that the box was fried.
All of the TWC offices close at 1:00 on Saturdays and by the time I got done with the online guy it was pushing noon. So I called what I THOUGHT was the local office and it turns out (after being on hold for TWENTY FIVE MINUTES) that that local office closed two weeks ago.
I got a very nice woman on the line and she worked it out that we will have a technician here at the house on Monday morning between 7 am and 9 am to replace the box and get it all up and running again. AND she offered me the solution of bypassing the cable box so that we can at least watch the TV with our basic cable. I wish someone on the online chat could have mentioned that option earlier.
So over the course of this whole thing, we lost cable service on the ONE TV with the cable box and phones BUT had cable on the bedroom TV's. I had to do two online chats, five cable box reboots, moved furniture to get to all of the cable wires and modems and was without phone service for 15 hours while Michael was out in the storm (oh, and our Verizon cell phones were out for a while too during the storms) and here I am sitting here and having to wait until Monday morning for repair because ONE STORM FRIED THE BOX.
No, no, let me re-state that, the FIRST STORM to hit fried the box. That doesn't make me hopeful for our future relationship with TWC...and basically, I think they suck.
When Friends are Jerks...
Back in April I had started planning his graduation party. I mean, I realize that it's only elementary school graduation but for him, this is a milestone. So I had made lists, plans and found myself getting excited. We were going to buy him an X-box and have pizza and ice cream and his best friend was going to sleep over.
Well, with Frank's dry spell at work, not being able to pay most of our bills, all party plans went down the drain but at least we could still splurge on the pizza and his best friend could sleep over. So all week, Michael has been trying to get said friend on the phone but the kid never seemed to be home. Today he finally was and there was my boy, totally excited that it was his last day of school and he could have all that he loved the most to celebrate - pizza and his best friend. didn't happen that way. When Michael extended the invitation, completely full of hope and confident that all of his plans were going to fall in to place, and his friend (who has been his best friend since kindergarten) told him "No. I just want to be by myself" and HUNG UP!
Jerk, jerk, jerkity jerk.
My heart broke for my boy. I mean, here we were unable to give him the celebration that I wanted and now his best friend crapped all over him. Luckily, my son swooped in and saved the day. He and HIS best friend Alex came over and played video games and had pizza with us and then - and this is the cool part, even though Nick had plans, Alex invited Michael to come back to their house and play MORE video games. Quality guy, my adopted son, Alex.
The little jerk friend could learn a LOT from these two...
#Win4dad Giveaway Feature #2- Lenox
#SeaWorld #SanAntonio here we come!
Será que é assim?
Confesso que a celeuma do momento na vida do nosso clube me tem causado alguma estranheza. Tenho lido e ouvido alguns argumentos acerca das situações de Fábio Coentrão e do Nuno Gomes e não chego a uma conclusão concreta sobre a opinião dos adeptos pelo que resolvi fazer uma analogia das situações à vida empresarial e/ou ao nosso dia a dia enquanto empregados para ver se fico esclarecido:
Na empresa onde trabalhamos temos um funcionário (ou somos o empregado) que nos últimos anos apresenta um rendimento/produtividade excepcional. Esta produtividade resulta de uma capacidade de trabalho muito superior à média e também de uma entrega em termos de brio, crença e motivação verdadeiramente assinaláveis. Fruto dessas características recebe proposta de emprego para ir desempenhar tarefa similar à actual para uma das melhores empresas do mundo com vencimento 3 ou 4 vezes superior ao actual. O referido empregado vê que o presidente e restante administração começam a por entraves à sua saída, e não querendo perder esta oportunidade pressiona, não da melhor forma, a sua actual empresa para o deixarem sair. Perante este cenário os accionistas desesperam, pondo em causa o profissionalismo do empregado criando uma cisão que poderá por em causa as boas relações até então existentes que impedirá, não só, um hipotético regresso como a imagem da própria empresa junto de todos os trabalhadores (internos e externos ou potenciais).
Enquanto isso, na mesma empresa existe um funcionário em idade de reforma que no passado se revelou um excelente trabalhador, contudo de há uns anos a esta parte pouco ou nada rende. É pouco produtivo, raramente acrescenta algo à equipa de trabalho onde está inserido, no entanto dá um bom ambiente de trabalho, e funciona como um cicerone à chegada de novos elementos uma vez que conhece bem os cantos à casa e como pouco trabalha sobra-lhe tempo. A Administração da empresa pretende dar-lhe um cargo mais consentâneo com as suas qualidades e propõe-lhe um lugar como consultor em part-time com vencimento compatível com a sua produtividade. Os accionistas não concordam, acham que se deve premiar este trabalhador, quiçá, promovê-lo.
É isto?CLOSED: Natural Oral Care with The Natural Dentist (+ 50$ Gift Bag Giveaway)
In case you've been living under a rock...
One of the many wonders of the internet is that people can talk to other people electronically and even send pictures. Yes, yes, I know, it's incredible. But did you also know that you can not only send pictures, not just to your friends, but also to EVERYONE on the World Wide Web??
This is some serious stuff, right!
So when you want to take naked pictures of yourself - whether you are married or dating, do the whole freakin world a favor and DON'T photograph it! I mean, how many times does this have to happen before you people catch on? And the outrage? Really? If you are stupid enough to take provocative pictures of yourself and then send it electronically to someone else, then you deserve to have the whole flippin world see your stupidity.
Between Facebook, Twitter and just the internet in general, NO ONE should be doing this. And then you know what happens?? Impressionable little teenagers start doing the same thing and then wonder why they can no longer show their face at school...or why they get suspended.
What is this world coming to where this is happening with such frequency and no one is seeing that it is a bad idea???
#Win4dad Giveaway Feature #1- RedEnvelope
#Win with Kolcraft's 65th Anniversary Sweeps
CLOSED: Learning to read with Bob Books (+ Giveaway)
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- Time Warner Cable is the WORST!!!
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