Suddenly it's 1987 and all I want to do is point and laugh...

Okay, I'll admit it, sometimes my inner mean girl comes out in full force and today's edition has me being QUITE childish but hey, it happens and I'm dealing with it.

So, about a year ago on Facebook I had someone friend request me.  We knew each other in high school - she had stolen my boyfriend.  My FIRST boyfriend.  I was devastated, she was a year or two younger and a huge slut.  See, mean girl coming out.  So she stole my boyfriend, and tried all-the-damn-time to be my friend so that she could feel better about the whole thing.  

It didn't work.

My favorite pay-back memory was when she tried out for the kickline and I was one of the judges and my friends had my back (including the coach) and we all just GLARED at her during tryouts.  It would have made for a great scene in a John Hughes movie...but I digress.  I was so devastated by this whole event and the flaunting of their new love that it made for a miserable couple of months of my senior year.  And then I met someone and all was well with the world.

Then the best thing happened...slutty girl broke up with my ex graduation night.  Oh, it made for the BEST graduation present to watch him crying at a party we were all at.  I was like "Serves you right, Jerk!" and I was happy.

So back to slutty girl on she friend requests me and I accept because I have matured and moved on (and that is SO obvious by this post, right?) and since that time, I have noticed that she gets dumped a LOT.  Her status' are either "I'm so in love" or "I can't believe he broke up with me" and the mean girl in me just has a field day with it all, all over again.  I have actually laughed out loud a couple of times.

See?  Mean Girl...

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