Buckling Down...Getting Serious...

Okay, so it is back to work tomorrow and back to my on-line classes and I have decided that if I am ever going to get published, I have to get serious and THINK like an author.  

Having said that, I am going to start prepping my query letter (even though I have a class on that starting up on the 21st) and I am starting to plan and design what will eventually be my author website.  So here's a question for the masses:  Pen names?  Love them?  Hate them?  Think they're silly?  I'm serious, should I stick with my own name (which I will just state for the record that I do not like very much) or do I create one that sounds good but not frilly,flowery, and stupid - you know, like the picture of me with that name would include a heaving bosom, a fan blowing my hair back...maybe a feather boa...think Glamor Shots gone wrong!

I also took the initiative with Frank too and we're doing things to get his business going because seriously, things are not going well here and he HAS to get work NOW.  I am honestly scared and freaking out and we have to get aggressive and get him work of some kind ASAP.

So we're getting serious around here.  I am determined that 2011 is going to be the year Stace gets published and the year that Frank gets steady work and leaves the house for 8 hours at a time...while making money.  

It's good to have goals...

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