A Little Bit of This...A Little Bit of That...

Okay, so update on the whole unemployment thing:  In the state of North Carolina (I'm thinking of moving) when you go on to extended benefits, it is a requirement that you be seen IN PERSON, every 4 weeks.  Lucky, lucky me.

I'm taking a class right now on how to create and teach an on-line class.  So far I am LOVING it!  Tonight I had to create a lesson plan/course outline for one of my topics.  I thought it was going to be really, really hard but once I sat down to it, the ideas were just flowing like wild.  We had the choice between a one, two, three or four week class and I thought I would have a hard time creating a one-week class and ended up with enough for a 4-week one!  I am seriously hoping that by the end of next week I will have enough knowledge to actually set this up!

I am struggling with all of the church stuff that I mentioned here the other day and I shared with a friend how I was feeling and how no one listens when I do say that I don't want to do something and so we were talking tonight and the topic of some church event came up and she asked if I was going and I said no and she was like "Why?  I think you should go!  You'll enjoy it..."

REALLY?  Did we just NOT have this conversation???  Again, no listening.

My 30+ years divorced parents are going to a wedding together.  It's a little bizarre to me.

Nick got a promotion at work but no one seems inclined to discuss a raise with him even though the new position requires more responsibilities!

Such is a day in the life around here...

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