's gonna be all the craze!

Okay, so I'm getting back on the bandwagon (again) and working out.  I have my trusty treadmill, I have the original Power 90 DVD workout and I have the Walk Away the Pounds series.  With a little luck, these three things will get my big ol' butt in shape and help me drop some pounds.

So I was talking to a friend today at church who has lost a LOT of pounds and I asked her how she did it and she said walking.  Then she was power walking and now she runs.  I'm never going to be a runner and I'm okay with that.  When I mentioned that I have a treadmill she said how boring she found it and so I told her about my innovative new workout technique with the treadmill that helps me get it done.


Yes, you read that right, TREAD-dancing.  While bee-bopping along on the treadmill to my favorite 80's disco, I have also choreographed some awesome arm-work to go along with it.  All those years on the kickline using the pom-poms has FINALLY paid off!

In all seriousness, I like to do something other than just swinging my arms and this was more fun.  Can you imagine a room full of people on the treadmills at the gym doing this?  And I'm not talking about a routine like those guys who were the YouTube sensation a couple of years ago who choreographed an entire dance routine with 8 treadmills, I'm just talking about arm movements that go with the music (think "Greased Lightning" from "Grease").  It's fun...I'd have to lose about 20 pounds before I'd do it in front of a mirror or other people but it keeps the treadmill workout from getting too boring.

And really, isn't that what exercise is all about???  Look for this at a gym near you in 2012.

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