Chick Flick Friday - You've Got Mail

Remember when Meg Ryan was America's sweetheart? This movie was during that era and honestly, I still love watching it even though it is severely dated. Remember when there was only dial up connections for the computer?

Anyway, Meg Ryan stars as the owner of a charming little bookstore that is having to close its doors because of a major mega bookstore is opening up right up the street. Tom Hank's is the owner of said mega-store. Unbeknown to each other, they have met and have a relationship on-line.

Tom Hanks' character, Joe Fox, figures it out soon enough, but because Meg Ryan's character hates him so much because he destroyed her business, he decides to keep it to himself and pursue a relationship with her without the help of the internet.

It's sweet, it's sappy, it's totally predictable but it's another totally feel good, easy-breezy type of movie that is just good to watch with a pint of Ben & Jerry's. While wearing fluffy slippers and your hair up in a pony tail with a scrunchie.

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