How about a little help here!!

I may live in North Carolina now, but I grew up on Long Island. This past weekend they were hit with a really wild storm up there and there was much destruction and people have been without heat and electric for days.

Now, I don't know about you, but if I were living in such a place where this was going on around me and I KNEW people who were without heat and electric - especially someone elderly - and I, personally, HAD electricity and heat, I would invite these people in to my home. Even if it were just to take a shower or have a hot meal, I would let them in. If they could not come to me, I would go and GET them...or maybe bring them some extra blankets and some food.

What I would NOT be doing, is talking to them about how much fun I am having and how lucky I am to have electricity.

Do you see the problem here?

I am shocked that there are people who just refuse to open their homes or hearts to their friends, neighbors or relatives. And you know what? You can try and call it whatever you want but the bottom line is it is SELFISHNESS!!! You with the electricity and heat can candy-coat it anyway you want to ease your own soul-less conscience but the bottom line is that you are selfish and SHAME ON YOU!!

Nuff said.

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