Dirty, rotten, lying, stinking people doing mean things to my kid!!

In case the title to this post didn't give it away, I am PISSED! I try not to get too involved anymore in certain aspects of Nick's life because he is 18 and about to graduate but when someone hurts him? I want to kick some major ass.

My boy has been working at a local supermarket now for almost 2 years. The only time he has ever missed work is when he had Mono. He comes in when they ask, he stays late when they need him. He is friendly and personable and people have actually complimented me on his work ethic.

When the economy was really tanking last year, they cut his hours from 28 to 6. He stayed. When it was time for his review and raise, they told him that there was a freeze on raises and so he would get one the next go-round. He didn't. Back in November they started praising him and hinting at getting him in to their management program. They encouraged him on ways to really make him look good to corporate and what not. The boy took it all to heart, improved his scan time and worked like a beast.

For nothing.

There was no promotion. There are no raises. There is no management program for him. They just wanted him to improve and work harder for THEM! So my child has learned that adults lie, they manipulate, that management doesn't care and that basically it is okay to not validate someone for a job well done.

I stopped shopping in his store because whenever I went in there, someone in management wanted to tell me the things that he was doing wrong. I mean, I get it, they want me to help make him a better employee and whatnot but he is now an adult and it is not my place to be interfering with his job. He is an individual and if they have a problem with him, then they should talk to him. Now after hearing what they did to him and how they lied, I see that this company just sucks and doesn't have a clue on how to manage their employees. I feel bad for him. I know that we've all had jobs that sucked and where we refer to as places that we never want to work at again but I was hoping that it wouldn't happen to Nick.

He's a good kid and a good worker and he deserves to be respected. We're on a mission now to find him another job where he will be appreciated and actually prosper. Wish us luck!!

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