Things I Miss From My Childhood...

I really don't know why kids think that growing up is so great. Sure there have been perks, but for the most part, I find myself longing for the things, the feelings, the places of my childhood.

I miss my Lazy Dazy doll. She was old and I was forced to give her up. I found one on E-bay and bought her but it wasn't the same.

I miss sitting on the porch swing and holding hands with my grandpa. He was the BEST. I wish my kids could have experienced even one day with him.

I miss the innocence of running around the neighborhood with my friends, riding bikes, playing ball in the field...all without adult supervision. My kids have never lived in a time where that was possible.

I miss big family get-togethers. When I was growing up, my dad's family was always around. They had a cousin's club that got together often. I don't know where most of my cousin's even live and I've never met any of their children.

I miss cooking with my Nana. Again from my dad's side of the family, we used to be at her house with my aunts and uncles and we'd make homemade pasta and it was amazing!!

I miss my Cabbage Patch doll. She's being held hostage and against her will in my ex-stepfather's attic and he won't give her back!

I miss Bugs Bunny cartoons. You know, the good ones.

I miss hearing the ice cream man - Mister Softee - and running to get a Mickey Mouse cone or a chocolate milkshake.

I miss swimming in the pool at night.

I guess what I miss most of all is the naivete
that went with being a child. You didn't know that people couldn't be trusted or that those who you love would never really love you back. I remember thinking that we were all equals and that we would always be happy. It didn't take long for that bubble to burst.

I long for the days when life was simple, relationships were simple and you were safe and secure in the knowledge that you were loved.

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