Barney Live In Concert - Birthday Bash!
Afinal não ficou
É muito dinheiro para um central mas a verdade é que estes valores (a confirmarem-se) não me satisfazem. Sinto-me como na altura em que vendemos o Simão, era muito dinheiro mas para o que perdemos desportivamente não foi o suficiente.
HWL Spotlight Feature #6: Sumo's Sweet Stuff
Sorry, Entrecarders!
So needless to say I did not get very much done in the way of dropping on Sunday and apologize! It seems like it's all up and working again today so long may it last!
HWL Spotlight Feature #5: A Little Indulgence
Para ti, Coluna!
PS - Espero que não leves a mal esta brincadeira, em tons de provocação. Para ti e para mim, o Benfica está sempre acima de tudo.
Tiny Prints....It's All About Love (Review Only)
CLOSED: Little Green Books (+ A Green Pack Giveaway) - 5 winners
Winners for the giveaways that ended on 1/29
Which Peanuts Character Are You?
You Are Linus |
You are an optimistic and open minded person. You believe that everything will work out in the end. You are very kind and forgiving. You're always willing to give someone another chance. You are highly creative and innovative. People sometimes just don't get what you're doing. You are brainier and smarter than people realize. You are always thinking, plotting, or dreaming. |
Friday Randomness...
I was on the phone with my sister this week and she was telling me about this yoga class she was trying. It was called "Hot Yoga" and yes, it is exactly what it says - yoga done in a really, really hot room. She said it was the most intense workout she's ever had and that you sweat like a fiend. I am so proud of her for doing it but let me just say that I could NEVER do it! Yoga is not my thing to begin with but to do it for 90 minutes in 120 degrees? No thank you. So you keep it up, sister!
I am getting bored with Entrecard. No, nothing funky has happened to my computer since I came back to e-card dropping but I am just bored with having to do the drops. It takes an hour, which isn't bad, and I'm enjoying the traffic to my site but really, i can think of other things I could do that I'd enjoy in an hour.
Monday I am going out with Nick's girlfriend Beckah to get our hair done and then do lunch. Can I just say how excited I am about this? It will be like having a daughter for the day! Seriously, I am giddy about this. I get a little girl time AND hopefully get a sassy new haircut.
I am back to my Coca Cola addiction. I mean, all I want, all day long is a fizzy, ice cold glass of coke. This is not a good thing...
CLOSED: Zutano....C.T.Q. Clothing for Children. (+ 75$ Gift Certificate Giveaway)
HWL Spotlight Feature #4: Leila and Ben
Fica, não fica
- O Económico, será certamente um rombo para as nossas contas a falta de encaixe financeiro que a transferência proporcionaria;
- O desportivo, neste aspecto ficamos a ganhar por manter um jogador que motivado, focado constitui uma grande mais valia.
Aguardemos serenamente por segunda-feira pois tudo pode acontecer.
HWL Spotlight Feature #3: Moss Pink
HWL Spotlight Feature #2: Mandy Jane Boutique (Custom Hair Bows)
HWL Spotlight Feature #1: Monkey Inspired
Dear Mother Nature:
I have family up in New York and they are getting SLAMMED with this winter weather. It is unbelievable. I watch the images on the news every morning and cannot believe the amount of snow there is or the temperature! If anything like that happened here we would all be dead! No one here knows how to deal with the snow and ice. We get stuck at home for DAYS when only a few inches of snow falls.
Which leads me to ask another question: Why, oh why, can the meteorologists, the WEATHER MEN, give us an accurate forecast where snow is concerned here in the south? I mean, when a New York weather man says "Hey, expect 8-10 inches of snow", you know what they get? 8-10 inches of snow! Here, when there is even a CHANCE of snow, they cannot predict it with any degree of certainty and it puts everyone in a state of panic.
So please, for my poor family and friends up in New York, could you please stop the snow for a little while? Just let some of it melt before sending any more their way! And for me? Please find us a weather man who can actually tell us with some degree of accuracy how much snow we can expect.
Thank you!
Handmade With Love Winter Giveaway: February 2-6 (A Giveaway Explosion!)
CLOSED: Jason Crabb's "Trusting God to Get You Through" (+Book Giveaway)- 2 winners
Over 1000$ in Prizes...Charity Raffle to Help Emily
This awesome giveaway is being hosted by Fabulous Family Reviews and Giveaways
to help little Emily.
As you know, Shannon's (Coupon Mommy of 3) three year old
Dead is not the same as being on vacation!
We fed him.
He didn't leave.
Granted, our landlord does not allow us to have indoor pets so the cat became an outdoor cat and he was fine with that. He likes roaming the neighborhood and we came to understand that we were not the only "home" he had. Actually, one of the times that he went on an extended "vacation", the boys were young and they were upset that the cat had disappeared. So I put them in the car and we drove all around the neighborhood yelling "Fluffy! Fluffy!" in hopes of finding him. Yes, his name is Fluffy. Actually, it's Fluffy Meowington. So Frank came home and we're all near tears. "The cat's gone!" Well, Frank stepped out on to the porch and looked around and yelled "Cat!" and the darn cat came strolling out from the yard across the street and was like "Hey, how'ya doin?"
Damn cat.
Frank refused to call him Fluffy. He thought it was a stupid name and degrading for the cat. Sure, like the cat has an opinion. Anyway, long story short (sort of) the cat has been MIA for a few weeks now and I have a feeling that this is no longer a "vacation" but that he may be dead. He doesn't normally stay away this long and tonight it was just me and the boys at home and I'm like "Has anyone noticed that the cat's been gone for a while now?" And they were both very blase about the whole thing and Nick was like "Oh, he's probably off on one of his vacations". Michael went out and put some food in the cat's bowl in hopes that he'll return.
I'm a little sad. As I said, I'm not really a cat person and actually, I'm a bit allergic to cats so I was never particularly close to Fluffy but it would make me sad if he's actually gone. I wish that the boys actually had a little bit more feeling about the whole situation.
I'm about ready to get in the car and start driving around...
CLOSED: Sophistication and Elegance....the Winterthur Store (+50$ Gift Certificate Giveaway)
Bom negócio?
Ao que tudo indica David Luiz será vendido ao Chelsea ainda na presente abertura de mercado. Não se sabe muito bem os contornos do negócio, especula-se que serão 25 milhões de imediato mais um jogador ou clausulas relacionadas com a performance que poderão originar um valor total na ordem dos 34 milhões de euros.
Por norma sou contra a grandes movimentações no plantel em Janeiro. Aceito uma ou outra contratação que vise suprimir evidentes lacunas (como aconteceu com Nuno Assis no tempo de Trapattoni) e em termos de vendas por muito bom que o negócio seja sou contra. Num passado não muito distante vendemos Ricardo Rocha em Janeiro, financeiramente seria um excelente negócio, em termos desportivos foi um descalabro que impediu a equipa de lutar pelos seus objectivos o que naturalmente se fez sentir em termos financeiros (receitas de bilheteira e merchandising) .
Na questão David Luiz existem questões que importa ter em consideração. O Brasileiro efectuou uma época fabulosa atingindo o pico máximo da sua valorização. O mercado está complicado, o dinheiro não abunda e a capacidade de clubes cometerem loucuras por determinados jogadores, especialmente centrais cujo potencial de valorização é inferior ao de um avançado, tem-se reduzido de forma significativa. A performance desportiva de David Luiz nesta época, apesar de ter vindo a melhorar nos últimos tempos, não tem sido muito famosa (em comparação com os desempenhos da época transacta), em termos Europeus poderá mesmo dizer-se que foi uma desgraça, a cada jogo que fazia o seu valor caia de forma vertiginosa.
A proposta do Chelsea é de desespero, devido às constantes lesões de Alex a equipa não tem centrais à altura e precisam urgentemente de contratar um central de qualidade, adaptado ao futebol europeu que lhes dê uma resposta imediata. Aquilo que oferecem hoje dificilmente terá repetição em Maio/Junho, pelo que estamos perante um negócio difícil de recusar.
Em termos desportivos naturalmente terá o seu impacto na equipa. Sidnei tem potencial e a jogar com regularidade melhorará as suas exibições, ainda que não seja o bastante para atingir a performance de David Luiz penso que para consumo interno (em 95% dos jogos) cumprirá. Convenhamos que o campeonato está há muito inquinado, não me parece que a APAF permita uma recuperação dos 8 pontos que nos separam do fcp, e para as taças terá que ser o suficiente (por muito que nos custe ainda não temos arcaboiço para a Europa com ou sem David Luiz).
Resta ainda saber que jogador virá como moeda de troca, se for Paulo Ferreira, então colmatamos a nossa evidente lacuna ao nível das laterais (direita e esquerda) que está apenas entregue a Maxi de um lado e Coentrão do outro (manifestamente curto para os jogos em falta).
CLOSED: Nickelodeon Favorites: Sisters and Brothers (+ DVD Giveaway)- 3 winners
The Highchair I Heart! : Joovy Nook (Review Only)
CLOSED: Wubbzy Be Mine DVD (+ DVD & Candy Giveaway)
JPOP - Single - スキマスイッチ - さいごのひ
【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)
AUCL-20014~20015 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)
AUCL-54 (通常盤)
商品編號:AUCL-20014~20015 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:14th Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:Ariola Japan
スキマスイッチ史上最も壮大なバラード楽曲が完成! 恋愛を綴った歌詞ではあるが、恋愛という感情以上の"人間愛"を感じるメッセージ性の強い楽曲。「どうして僕には君しかいないんだろう」・・・恋人、家族、友人、子供等大切な人を思わずにはいられない! またカップリングには、前作同様インディーズ時代の楽曲をリメイク。さらに新たな試みとして友人へ宛てたポエトリーリーディング楽曲を収録。 初回生産限定盤は、「さいごのひ」(Video Clip)、Diary of Studio Works 2010.11.18 at San Siro st. (どのような過程を経て楽曲が産まれるのか2人だけでの楽曲制作)を収録したDVD付。
01. さいごのひ
02. 電話キ
03. Human relations
04. さいごのひ (backing track)
CD - 試聽下載:
Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 1/25-2/1)
Just keep writing...just keep writing...
I am also taking on a new position with; I am no longer the local homeschool examiner but am now the Books examiner. I will be writing on womens fiction books. I'm kind of excited about that because I am always reading and now I can write about them.
I also just got approved to write for Suite 101. I haven't submitted anything to them as of yet, but that will start this week, too. I am also in the process of submitting blogs posts to the Mouse for Less Guest Blog. They are a great community of Disney fanatics (like myself) and they are offering some awesome incentives to writers who contribute over the next three months. You can read one of my first posts to them by clicking HERE.
This week starts up the entry period for Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award. I will be submitting to that. Maybe. Hopefully.
We'll see.
I was sitting here watching the "Sex and the City" movie and I sort of sat here thinking that I wouldn't mind being Carrie Bradshaw. Not the slutty part of Carrie Bradshaw but the writing part of her. I'm not looking to be the next Nora Roberts or anything (although that would be nice) but I wouldn't mind having a column that was my own that I was making money from and maybe having a book made from it. That would be a nice gig. in the meantime I've got a big binder full of my articles, a blog with almost 1000 posts, several completed manuscripts, multiple (many, many multiple) partial manuscripts and onward I trudge.
Or type...
CLOSED: Progresso Souper You (+ A Souper You Debut Pack Giveaway)
Winners for the other giveaways that ended on 1/22
Winners for A Blogtastic Extravaganza
Thank you, Lola! I had writer's block!
1. SURFER GIRL : “I have watched you on the shore, standing by the ocean drawer, do you love me do you surfer girl”
Were you ever interested in someone (other than a celebrity) who did not return your interest? Absolutely! That's part of the teenage years, right?
Looking back, how do you feel about your high school days? I went to two different high school's because we moved but I LOVED my second high school. Those were some of my favorite memories...
What was the worst punishment you received as a teenager?
Where did you go on your last long trip?
What do you do to cheer up after a personal tragedy such as a lost job, power outage or broken relationship?
Where are the best boys found?
What is the worst trip you’ve ever been on?
What is your biggest wish?
What is your favorite thing about your own personal room or space in your home/office?
When was the last time you told a significant other or close relative that you loved them?
When do you get good vibrations?
What is your favorite warm weather destination?
If you could go back in time and gather up your school friends, what would you do again?
Oh, that's easy and we've actually discussed it...we'd get together and have a Sunday softball game like we used to do every weekend.
Is it rude or honest?
Their games get pretty intense and there have been time where they have argued while playing that I have had to step in and tell Michael to tone it down or to just shut off the game. Honestly, I remember when playing a video game meant laughter, not yelling. So today he is playing the game and he gets a phone call from a different friend. He (meaning Michael) was clearly annoyed that this boy was calling him and so I stood by and listened to the conversation.
Basically Michael told him to stop calling and messaging him so much because he was playing another game with another friend and could not play with him right now. Apparently, this boy had been trying to contact him via the Xbox for a while and Michael wasn't responding because he was already involved in a game. He then went on to tell this boy to not spend so much time playing the game and obsessing about it because that's not a good thing to do. I was kind of impressed with that statement and then dumbfounded because HE spends way too much time obsessing about this game!
I guess even at 11 they get the concept of "Do as I say, not as I do".
He was firm with this boy and brutally honest but there was a part of me that thought that I would be devastated if someone spoke that bluntly to me. Actually, I HAVE been devastated by someone speaking that bluntly to me. Then I have to remember that I am a girl and that maybe boys talk and respond differently.
I so still don't get the whole boy thing...I think like a girl and that's all there is to it!
CLOSED: A Blogtastic Extravaganza (Jan 18-22): NOW 15 WINNERS!
Frank is still sick and so this morning it was up to me to get Michael up and ready for school and drive him there. So I got up, got ready and was going out to start the car when Michael was like "I don't feel so good..." So I'm like "What's the matter?" Well, long story short he felt like he was going to throw up.
Needless to stay, he stayed home from school today and I put my jammies back on and went back to sleep.
I felt kind of sluggish about the whole thing but it felt so good. Now, here I sit at ten p.m. and really, I could go to sleep right now.
Ever have a sluggish day like this??
Pergunta do dia
aguarda-se com interesse...
And I got up early, why?
I had been freaking out about this appointment and made sure that all of my files were in order and that I had everything that I was going to need. In the letter that was sent to me, it merely asked for my job search records for the "previous" weeks. I took that to mean two...basically I just brought everything from January.
So I get there 30 minutes early and get on line. I was definitely in the minority - I was the only person there that was actually DRESSED like I wanted a job! I was a bit shocked. There were already twenty plus people in line and when I got up to the desk, I showed the receptionist my letter and she directed me to an office to my left. I walked over to it and there was one guy sitting at a desk. That was it. He told me to come in, we shook hands and he held up a piece of paper for me and said "Have you ever filled one of these out before?" I'm like "No" so he explains to me that I need to fill in two job searches for each week listed and they go back to mid-December. I explained that I only brought January with me and he's like "You're a smart girl, you'll remember".
He asked me, then, to go out to the waiting area and fill it out. So I did. I left the week between Christmas and New Year's empty because, honestly, I did not look for a job that week and the info for the week before is pretty vague because I had no idea where I applied to. So I go back in to his office and he looks at the form and slides it back over to me. Then, he leans in pretty close and whispers "You see that there, Stacey?" Meaning, the week I left blank. "You're gonna want to go back out there and cross that out and put something in." I told him that I didn't look that week and he's like "Yes you did" and I'm like "Um...No, I didn't" and he's like "I'm sure you go fix that."
Are you as shocked and dumbfounded by this as I am???
Let's just leave it at I left three minutes later...
CLOSED: Precious Moments Storybook Bible (+ Giveaway)
Faleceu Vítor Vasques
Não foi, portanto, um sócio qualquer. E não entendo como é que é possível que, às 16:34, não haja uma menção ao seu falecimento no site do Benfica.
Actualização: Tarde, muito tarde, lá saiu a notícia no site.
I'm buying stock in Lysol...
Now, wives, I'm sure you'll make LOUSY patients. So I got him moving and got him to the Urgent Care by 8:45 a.m. While I was there with him, I had the doctor check out my eye which was in quite a lot of pain this morning.
Long story short, no strep for Frank and they were unsure of the flu. But basically, the doctor said that if it was the flu, too bad, so sad. Seriously. He refused to give Frank the Tamiflu and his reasoning was that they only give that in cases of people with special needs. We, apparently, did not meet that criteria. Although, to be honest, the last time Frank had the flu (like 3 or 4 years ago) we got the Tamiflu (at $100 for the script!) and it NOTHING for him. He was in bed, moaning for 2 weeks. So I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that they didn't give it to him.
As for me, the doctor gave me a prescription for a steroid eye drop and when I went to the pharmacy to get it filled, the pharmacist was like "You know this is $120, right?" I almost had a heart attack! Luckily, we have short-term medical coverage so I got it for $3.00. Quite the difference!
But for now, I am stuck at home with a husband who CLEARLY is not going to be an easy-going patient. Although he has volunteered to sleep on the couch because I have to get up early and leave early to go to my unemployment review in the morning. So I guess I can cut him some slack for now and be a nice wife.
For now...LOL!
Uma vitória à Benfica
Quem viu a final da Taça Hugo dos Santos que o Benfica venceu no passado Domingo, perguntou-se por que razão houve aquelas discussões todas entre os jogadores no final da partida. A dúvida seria ainda maior porque, aparentemente, o jogo decorreu sem quaisquer problemas.
Porque discutiram então?
A seguir ao almoço de Domingo, e antes das equipas saírem para o pavilhão, o hotel foi invadido por cânticos da claque do porto. Mais particularmente, o cântico que mais gostam de cantar: Filhos da puta... Filhos da puta... SLB. Ao mesmo tempo, ouviam-se murros nas paredes (a comitiva do porto estava dois andares abaixo da nossa equipa).
A comitiva do Benfica, antes do jogo, decidiu não apresentar qualquer queixa à federação ou confrontar a direcção, equipa técnica ou jogadores do porto. O pensamento que norteou a comitiva benfiquista foi só um: "Vamos ganhar o jogo e depois falamos".
Ganhámos e falámos. Justo será dizer que não se sabia ao certo quem teriam sido os autores da "brincadeira". Todos os jogadores do porto pediram desculpa ao mesmo tempo que diziam não ter culpa do sucedido.
Os jogadores foram unânimes na acusação. As músicas e batidas na parede vinham do quarto dos treinadores adjuntos.
Mas é no campo, e não nos quartos de hotel, que se mostra a fibra de que se fazem os campeões. E nós, mais uma vez, mostrámo-la. Viva o Benfica!
Esta lesão constitui um golpe tremendo que importa corrigir ainda na presente abertura do mercado. Se o reforço para a lateral esquerda era para mim prioritário, neste momento deixou de o ser, a prioridade agora é no lado direito.
Finally, a reason to have Verizon...
We have a family plan with Verizon. It cost a small fortune. Now, I know, I know, I could probably find a better deal but most of our family are on Verizon so there are those perks and really, I'm locked in to my contract.
So that brings us to today. Frank came home this morning after driving Michael to school and told me that his phone died. It literally had fallen apart. So we go to the Verizon store and find him a phone that with the mail-in rebate would be free. Sweet. Now, Nick's phone is also falling apart (again, literally) and so we find him a phone that would have been $30 after the rebate. The salesgirl tells me that she'll give it to me for $1.00 after the rebate because someone just returned theirs and it was hardly used. Sweet, again!
Now the deal with the rebates is that they are mail in so you have to actually PAY for the phones. So our total today was $75 and change but once I mail in the rebate forms, we will get $100 in rebates.
So I just MADE $25 for getting two new phones.
Sweet, indeed.
Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 1/18-1/25)
Medical Drama Monday...
Anyway, I got up yesterday morning and my right eye felt irritated but nothing out of the ordinary. I got ready for church and left. Well, 90 minutes later, my eye was actually in pain. I got home and looked in the mirror and could not believe how red my eye was. So I peeled my contacts out and had Frank look at my eye and he's like "You need to get that looked at."
Just great.
Here it is a Sunday and I go over to the CVS Minute Clinic. Now, I don't know if any of you have ever used them but I actually love the Minute Clinic. Very efficient, fairly inexpensive. So I sign in electronically and when you do that, there is no place to write what you are there for. I wait for a few minutes and my name gets called and the nurse practitioner has her back to me when I walk in and she starts introducing herself and took one look at me and was like "So what's up with that eye?"
Yes, it looked THAT bad.
So...I have pink eye. What am I, 6? I don't know ANY adults who get pink eye. Just me. Twice in six months. How crazy is that?? Now, I cannot wear contacts for 7 days, I'm stuck in my glasses and I don't like it.
Today I woke up and my eye still hurts, is still irritated and is just generally uncomfortable. I was hoping for a quick recovery but obviously that is not going to be the case.
So this is me...with pink eye...eating way too much birthday fettucine and cake.
Is January over yet??
A.B.E. Spotlight Feature #7: Plastic Jungle
o futebol perde um cómico,...
Quando um grande artista se despede dos palcos a forma calorosa emotiva e excepcionalmente afectiva brinda a pessoa com mimos de todo o género, e foi isso que aconteceu no Sábado farto do bilhar pequeno em Alvalade o grandioso JEB dirigiu-se para o bilhar grande, abriu a porta dos fundos e saiu. Cansou-se do terrorismo, das pedradas, dos insultos, tudo coisas normais numa massa associativa da mais refinada nobreza, algo que nós, gente do Povo, dificilmente poderá aspirar.
Neste momento em que a cortina se fecha, e que se guardam os lençóis e as toalhas de mensagens em Alvalade e se volta a guardar a roupa no móvel lá de casa até o próximo ano, não duvidem que me irei lembrar com nostalgia de todas as frases que o Bettencourt disse, na minha opinião um benfiquista não teria dito melhor para picar os seus adeptos, estratégia estranha e complexa que só poderia sair ou da cabeça do Bettencourt ou do José do Eduardo.
Quem não se lembra daquela frase directa e intelectualmente trabalhada: “Tá calado pá”, ou do “Paulo Bento Forever” mas melhor que isso foi a tirada dos cretinos e dos terroristas apoiada por sportinguistas os ditos anormais ou herri batasunas lá do sitio.
Eu tenho amigos sportinguistas, e acho que nem eles mereciam isto, é que dá pena, dá pena mas é engraçado, cada vez que o homem abria a boca sabíamos que íamos rir, e é assim que uma pessoa com talento e com tanto para dar ainda a um País cinzento e mergulhado em problemas se vai embora ele que tanto tinha para dar ao futebol ao País e sobretudo ao sporting. Vou ter saudades daquelas fotos em Nova Iorque, a passear com o chapéu de chuva na mão e aquele olhar confiante de estrela de qualquer coisa que agora não me lembro, aquela forma peculiar e elegante de tocar maracas. Foi pena o sporting não ter percebido o valor de um presidente que disse que o estádio dos azulejos, que até são uma bonita forma de arte, não era uma referência e que o Sporting não era um clube vencedor, quem conseguiria fazer melhor? O croquete? o batatinha? Não se vislumbra ninguém melhor que o cotonete, mas é assim, o futebol perde um cómico, a Banca ganha um humorista.
Tarde mas ainda a tempo
A este respeito é com enorme prazer que se saúda a inversão na politica de comunicação do nosso clube, o primeiro foi Jorge Jesus que brilhantemente pôs o dedo na ferida (arbitragem) sem desvirtuar e assumir as próprias culpas e ontem uma declaração curta mas directa e entendivel para qualquer analfabeto.
A.B.E. Spotlight Feature #6: The Usbourne Lift The Flap Atlas
De pequenino se torce o... lagartinho
A.B.E. Spotlight Feature #5: Snikiddy's Natural Snacks
A.B.E. Spotlight Feature #4: Oompa Toy's Alphabet Matcher
A.B.E. Spotlight Feature #3: Neat Oh! Backpacks
The Festivities are Finally Coming to an End!
Tonight I am taking my wonderful husband out to dinner. We are going with friends and I am just excited to be going out with other adults. Michael is out with friends (thank you A.D.!) and Nick is out podcasting. Tomorrow we will have the big birthday hooplah that will start with McDonald's for lunch (No school, so that was Michael's choice for lunch), followed by a party with our Disney friends (aka the Mouseclub) in the afternoon and then a big birthday dinner!
Between all of the carbs, cake, cookies...I am going to be on overload! Thank God I just got a treadmill because I am so going to be starting that up on Tuesday morning!!
Mais um Caneco...
Este ano e com um figurino diferente (4 equipas em estilo todos contra todos...) aquele que seria o jogo esperado como 'A Final' ficou para o ultimo dia de prova...
E como esta equipa já nos habituou, nos momentos decisivo não falha, e desta feita arrumou com a andradagem e trouxe a Taça Hugo dos Santos para a Luz. Nos último segundos , o marcador estava empatado (75-75), e até já se es+erava o prolongamento, mas uma falta levou o Heshimu Evans para a linha de lance livre, de e o Heshimu marcou apenas um dos lançamentos...o suficiente para ganharmos o jogo!!!
No Benfica, destaques inidividuais para o Miguel Minhava (15 pontos, 7 ressaltos e 2 assistências) e Heshimu Evans (13 pontos, 7 ressaltos e 2 assistências), mas acima de tudo, destaque para toda a equipa e todo o grupo onde se lncui equipa técnica, médica, direcção e jogadores!!
Mais uma Taça...este ano já é a segunda!! Agora venha o campeonato...não vai ser fácil, porque já tropecámos mais vezes do que seria de esperar. Mas como também já disse atrás, esta equipa quando é a sério não falha...hoje não falhou, e no Campeonato também não vai falhar!!!
Uma vez mais PARABÉNS a Todos!!!
A.B.E. Spotlight Feature #2: Bob, Fireman Sam, Barney and Thomas
A.B.E. Spotlight Feature #1: Playskool Explore 'n' Grow Musical Gear Center
Winners for the giveaways that ended on 1/15
I miss my Felix the Cat Slippers...
With our Netflix on demand we found some episodes of the Felix the Cat cartoon and that had me remembering my slippers which, in turn, had me missing them. Hard to believe that I'm a grown up, right?
And you know what's worse? I cannot FIND them anywhere! I know, right? How could this popular item NOT be available at stores everywhere! I found this picture on line but not the slippers.
Sigh...Childhood memories are a good thing...
Sing out loud!!
I don't hum well.
I don't really even whistle.
BUT...I sing in the car.
When we were still living up in New York and before we had kids, I would be driving around, doing my thing and my sister's first husband would always tell me that the places he saw me driving and how I was singing - emphatically - in the car.
Yes, emphatically.
I put some emotion in it. There are hand gestures, facial ordinary sing-a-long, I can tell you that.
So today I'm in the car and flipping through the stations and I land on Alanis Morisette's "You Oughta Know" and I'm sorry...ladies, should you EVER need to get out some aggression and anger, sing along to THAT song. A world of tension left my body by the time I was done.
Ah, nothing like a good angry-woman song to make you feel better.
CLOSED: My Baby Clothes Boutique...Everything Baby! (+ 25$ Gift Certificate Giveaway)
CLOSED: Resolve to be Ready with NYC's OEM (+ 25$ Target Gift Card + Emergency Pack Giveaway)
A Total Ausência de Vergonha
NOTA 2 - 17 JAN - A notícia não se confirma. Que se terá passado? Deixo ficar o post, se não já como protesto para com a falta de vergonha da fpf, então como portesto pela falta de vergonha do "jornalismo" que vamos tendo.
O conselho (?) de disciplina (??) da fpf acaba de castigar o nosso Treinador de Futsal com um mês de suspensão.
Porquê? Por algo que aconteceu em Janeiro de 2009 (!), quando Paulo Fernandes era ainda treinador do sportém (!!), mas cujo caso apenas começou a ser apreciado em outubro de 2009 (!!!) e foi concluído agora, dois anos depois dos factos!!!!
Ou seja, sabendo nós que estes castigos penalizam o visado mas penalizam sobretudo a sua equipa, temos o Benfica na prática castigado por um acto cometido há dois anos pelo treinador de um dos seus principais rivais!
Incrível? Não, é o futebol (e futsal) português no melhor da sua sanha anti-Benfiquista.
Já não é há muito uma pouca-vergonha; é uma vergonha nenhuma! Não é mesmo possível irmos jogar para Espanha? Ou até para o Burkina Faso, se calhar. Qualquer coisa é melhor do que isto.
PS - por uma conjugação de castigos, jogamos hoje com a fundação j antunes em casa emprestada, em Mafra, e sem treinador no banco.
Unemployment Interview
Has anyone ever had to go to one of these? I am unsure what to expect. I have my log of information on places that I have inquired at or submitted applications to but I guess what I am more interested in is what exactly the interview itself will be like.
The appointment is first thing in the morning so I am hoping that will work in my favor - that the unemployment "agent" will be in a good mood because no one has argued with them yet. Does that make sense?
So if you've experienced this interview, can you let me know what to expect? thank you!!!
CLOSED: H-E-B's Eat Better America Initiative (+20$ Gift Card Giveaway)
Os jogos deles têm sido fracos e a queda está para breve, ACREDITEM!
05/12/2009 | SA | J15 | Juventus | 2-1 | Internazionale | Serie A 09/10 | D | |
13/12/2009 | SA | J16 | Atalanta | 1-1 | Internazionale | Serie A 09/10 | E | |
20/12/2009 | SA | J17 | Internazionale | 1-0 | Lazio | Serie A 09/10 | V | |
06/01/2010 | SA | J18 | Chievo | 0-1 | Internazionale | Serie A 09/10 | V | |
09/01/2010 | SA | J19 | Internazionale | 4-3 | Siena | Serie A 09/10 | V | |
16/01/2010 | SA | J20 | Bari | 2-2 | Internazionale | Serie A 09/10 | E | |
24/01/2010 | SA | J21 | Internazionale | 2-0 | Milan | Serie A 09/10 | V | |
07/02/2010 | SA | J23 | Internazionale | 3-0 | Cagliari | Serie A 09/10 | V | |
10/02/2010 | SA | J22 | Parma | 1-1 | Internazionale | Serie A 09/10 | E | |
14/02/2010 | SA | J24 | Napoli | 0-0 | Internazionale | Serie A 09/10 | E | |
20/02/2010 | SA | J25 | Internazionale | 0-0 | Sampdoria | Serie A 09/10 | E | |
28/02/2010 | SA | J26 | Udinese | 2-3 | Internazionale | Serie A 09/10 | V | |
07/03/2010 | SA | J27 | Internazionale | 0-0 | Genoa | Serie A 09/10 | E | |
12/03/2010 | SA | J28 | Catania | 3-1 | Internazionale | Serie A 09/10 | D | |
20/03/2010 | SA | J29 | Palermo | 1-1 | Internazionale | Serie A 09/10 | E |
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