I'm actually finding my happy place...

Okay, so yesterday I had my 4 1/2 hours of "me" time.  I spent a large part of that on the phone because I didn't unplug it in time.  Believe me, I've learned my lesson.  

Then, believe it or not, I went food shopping.  I actually get a perverse kind of joy out of this task because I LOVE to hear how much money I have saved with my coupons.  The store I went to was doing super double coupons so between those deals, coupons and the store specials, I saved over $90!!  I was actually a little bit giddy as I skipped out of the store.

Back at home, I ate my lunch (don't be grossed out but I ate a frozen pizza for one and one cup of that Easy Mac stuff - comfort foods) and watched an episode of "Psych" and then did some reading AND some writing.  All in all, it was a good day.

Today I had the pleasure of staying in my jammies until around dinner time.  I would have stayed longer but I was grossing myself out and needed to shower and get changed.  Of course, I just changed back in to a clean pair of jammies and did what I had been doing all day - vegging.  It feels so good.

Tomorrow we are having to get up early and head out of town to visit one of Frank's cousin's who had a stroke this week.  She's pretty young and we're all pretty upset about it.  I'm kind of selfishly glad that I had a couple of days to chill so that I can be a pleasant person tomorrow.

Now excuse me while I go and bake some chocolate chip cookies and make my house smell yummy and make my tummy happy...

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