Is it rude or honest?

With technology that astounds me, I am sitting here watching and listening to my 11 year old play his Xbox while talking on a headset to his friend who lives six miles away and they are playing the game together.  WILD!

Their games get pretty intense and there have been time where they have argued while playing that I have had to step in and tell Michael to tone it down or to just shut off the game.  Honestly, I remember when playing a video game meant laughter, not yelling.  So today he is playing the game and he gets a phone call from a different friend. He (meaning Michael) was clearly annoyed that this boy was calling him and so I stood by and listened to the conversation.

Basically Michael told him to stop calling and messaging him so much because he was playing another game with another friend and could not play with him right now.  Apparently, this boy had been trying to contact him via the Xbox for a while and Michael wasn't responding because he was already involved in a game.  He then went on to tell this boy to not spend so much time playing the game and obsessing about it because that's not a good thing to do.  I was kind of impressed with that statement and then dumbfounded because HE spends way too much time obsessing about this game!

I guess even at 11 they get the concept of "Do as I say, not as I do".

He was firm with this boy and brutally honest but there was a part of me that thought that I would be devastated if someone spoke that bluntly to me.  Actually, I HAVE been devastated by someone speaking that bluntly to me.  Then I have to remember that I am a girl and that maybe boys talk and respond differently.  

I so still don't get the whole boy thing...I think like a girl and that's all there is to it!

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