Finally, a reason to have Verizon...

I'm not a fan of cell phones.  Sure, they are convenient, but personally, I don't have a need to be on the phone everywhere I go.  I don't text.  Basically, all I want is a phone that I can use when I absolutely HAVE to talk to someone.

We have a family plan with Verizon.  It cost a small fortune.  Now, I know, I know, I could probably find a better deal but most of our family are on Verizon so there are those perks and really, I'm locked in to my contract.  

So that brings us to today.  Frank came home this morning after driving Michael to school and told me that his phone died.  It literally had fallen apart.  So we go to the Verizon store and find him a phone that with the mail-in rebate would be free.  Sweet.  Now, Nick's phone is also falling apart (again, literally) and so we find him a phone that would have been $30 after the rebate.  The salesgirl tells me that she'll give it to me for $1.00 after the rebate because someone just returned theirs and it was hardly used.  Sweet, again!  

Now the deal with the rebates is that they are mail in so you have to actually PAY for the phones.  So our total today was $75 and change but once I mail in the rebate forms, we will get $100 in rebates.  

So I just MADE $25 for getting two new phones.

Sweet, indeed.

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