Nineteen years in thirty seconds...

Today, my boy turned 19.  If possible, I was more emotional about it than I was about 18.  He requested an Italian feast for dinner (as usual) and so I spent most of today and part of last night cooking, baking and preparing.  Tonight after dinner, I took out his first baby book to share with his girlfriend and it was a bit surreal to sit and look at the baby and then look up and see the man.

Back in June when he graduated and there was the slide show that showed his entire life in 30 seconds, it really represented how fast time flies.  Then Frank had to go and mention that one day our 10 year old would be 19 and I almost flew over the table to smack him.

First, I am sad that time has gone so quickly and that there are no more of those sweet moments like there were when the boys were little.  Now the moments are different - not always sweet and usually quite annoying.  I am sad that this phase of my life is over - I'm no longer the mom to little boys, I have a young man, an adult.  Maybe that is selfish to make it about me but really, it feels strange to know that I am old enough to have an almost 20 year old son!

I don't want to be 20 again, mind you, but it might be nice to not be THIS old!

But enough about me...Happy Birthday, Nick!!!

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