Another day, another miracle...God is good

Today was a weird day.  I was doing my thing, being kind of lazy and I had this overwhelming urge to call a specific friend.  We don't talk on the phone much and we hadn't seen each other in a while but I felt strongly about having to call her RIGHTNOW!

So I call, we talk, I share with her all that's been going on and by the time we were done, I felt like I had some direction.  She is a very Godly woman and I mean, she said a LOT of stuff, too much to write here, but let's just say that she said EXACTLY what I needed to hear.

I showered, got dressed, went food shopping (had a NASTY encounter with a deli lady), came home and was just doing my thing.  There was nothing remarkable about any of it.  

Then I got a call from the North Carolina Real Estate Commission.

I had e-mailed them about our situation and basically it all came down to this:  Legally, we cannot withhold rent even though the landlord owed us money.  I knew it, but I didn't WANT to know it.  We still had a great case that would go in our favor and I know we could win in court.  When Frank got home, I told him what I'd learned and we agreed to pay the rent today - thanks to the money we were blessed with yesterday.  He did NOT want to go down and deal with the landlord again so I said that I would.

Well, I was shaking like WILD on the 30 second drive over.  I rang the bell several times before he answered.  He invited me in and we...talked.  Well, actually, we yelled a LOT for the first 20 minutes and then...God gave me an amazing sense of peace.  We both calmed down, we talked, we cried, we asked each other for forgiveness.

Bottom line, he paid more than he wanted to and we accepted less than we wanted and now, the slate is clean.  There have been many misunderstandings over the years and we cleared the air on all of it.  As I was leaving, I actually hugged him and told him how I felt like for the first time in 15 years, we actually talked and got to know one another. 

We shared our faith and actually it was one of the most spiritual moments of my life!  I felt like I was flying when I left.  I didn't realize how much tension and stress I was carrying with me!  You know, I've had people say that in certain situations they have felt a super-natural kind of peace and the God gave them the words.  I truly felt that today.

So God is not only a God of the heavens and the earth, he is also a God in petty disagreements between tenants and landlords; he is the God of peace and love.  This was an amazing lesson and I am just offering my praise to Him for it.

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