Sometimes it pays to open your mouth...

So I ended up making the call to the Xbox people yesterday.  Nick got home and was so frustrated and so I was like "I'll call!" and I did.  

Two things come to mind.  One:  These people are idiots.  I mean, I followed like 27 prompts on the phone, they clearly knew who we were, had us on the big computer screen along with all of our info and then when I finally get a LIVE person on the line, I have to repeat it all again.  Fun.  So after explaining everything to this guy Dwayne, he tells me that he has to transfer me to an account specialist.  Of course you do.  Then, he comes BACK on the line with what I'm sure he thought was an "AH-HA!" moment and was like "Well, it looks like your system was returned to you because it's out of warranty".  

Deep cleansing breaths...


Awkward silence...

Hold please...

Now, I am transferred to not only an accounts specialist but then an escalation specialist.  Clearly they could tell that my patience level had ESCALATED from having to deal with a bunch of idiots!  Twenty minutes and much venting of my frustration and reminding them of how unacceptable all this was, I am soon to be the proud owner of a brand spanking new Xbox, with an Xbox Live membership.

We'll see...

Today's endeavor came in the form of a response to a complaint that I sent to Staples when a super nasty little girl behind the counter made me want to reach over the counter and slap her two weeks ago.  Everyone has a bad day; I know that, I get it.  But sometimes the way that they express that to the customer is just more than unnecessary...this was one of those times.  So I wrote a complaint to the store about it and today I was sent a $20 coupon for my next purchase.  Did I do this in hopes of getting a "reward"?  No.  I did this because I have worked in retail for most of my life and you know what?  You have to have some self control and no matter what you have to at least TRY and be pleasant.  This girl was rude before I even got to the register and that is not acceptable.

Manager's beware...I guess I'm a not-so-secret-shopper...and I've got some time on my hands...

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