OMG...LOL...BFF's...and Facebook

I know, I know...I spend WAY too much time on Facebook but finally I feel like it is paying off.  Yes, I've gotten all of the high scores on some of my favorite games.  Yes, I have gotten in touch with people I never thought I'd see or speak to again.  And yes, I have surpassed Nick in the number of friends I have.  All of these are great accomplishments but today...TODAY...well, here it is...

OMG...One of my all-time favorite authors (Susan Mallery) has a Facebook page that I, of course, "liked".  I have had the opportunity to write on her wall and actually have her answer me.  For a book nerd like me, this is HUGE!

LOL...She's actually quite funny.  She makes me smile daily with her little blurbs and things that she posts.  I was already on her newsletter list from her main website but it seems a bit more personal on Facebook.  Weird, I know.

BFF's...Susan has a new book coming out on September 28th "The Best of Friends" and so today she asked on Facebook "Why should we be BFF's?" and we had to post a picture of ourselves along with an answer on her page.  So of COURSE, I had to do it.  The winner of the BFF thing will get their picture Photoshopped with Susan doing all kinds of fun things that BFF's do.  Silly, yes, but it would still be cool.

If you are a reader of contemporary chick-lit, check Susan out.  "Finding Perfect" came out earlier this month and is the third in a trilogy that is amazingly good.  "The Best of Friends" comes out next week and I'm sure it will be a huge hit, too.  If memory serves, she has over 100 titles to choose from and is a New York Times Best Seller.  Sweet!

All I can say is that I know to some people it may seem lame or ridiculous, but it is kind of a thrill to interact, even through Facebook, with someone whose work I adore.  As I told her in my BFF bio, I would consider it a huge honor to have my name even once listed in the same author category as her.  I bow to the master...

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