I'm not political, but...

So I'm watching "Last Cake Standing" last night while playing around on the computer.  Yes, I have no trouble multi-tasking.  It had been a good night, reality TV-wise; I caved and watched "The Amazing Race" and cheered LOUDLY when the Goth couple left and then on the cake show, the chef I liked the least went home.

I was feeling pretty good, happy even and somewhere around 10:30 I was on Facebook when all hell seemed to break loose.  Osama Bin Laden was dead.  I wasn't sure if I was reading all of the messages right so I turned on Fox News and there was Geraldo, laughing and cheering as he read the report.  A little unprofessional but we'll let that one slide.  

So I tune in for a bit and then start surfing the other news channels (to find a "real" news anchor who wasn't bouncing in their seat) and make sure that what was being said was true.  It appeared to be.  The story broke that this mission had happened a week ago and NOW they have confirmation that it was, indeed, Osama Bin Laden.  GREAT!  Three cheers for our military!  Three cheers for USA!

And then there was this morning...

According to the news this morning, this all happened YESTERDAY and in that short time, we got DNA confirmation AND buried him at sea per HIS religion!  I'm sorry, but this all just seems a little too...weird to me.  For several reasons.  First, when the hell did this happen?  Last week?  Yesterday?  As far as I had ever heard, DNA testing was not like a pregnancy test.  You have to WAIT for the results - for more than a day.  

NEXT up that really burned me, perhaps more than anything, was that we showed this man respect by following his religious beliefs and burying him within 24 hours!  Really???  Because, if memory servers, there were over 2,000 people on September 11th that didn't wish to be buried in a pile of rubble in the remains of the Twin Towers!  Why did our government allow this to happen?  Why was a known TERRORIST granted this decency?

AND, while we're at it...Mr. Obama?  You had NOTHING to do with this!  You were not scoping out the area.  You did not FIND this location yourself.  You may have given the order but do NOT take credit away from our troops who did all of the work and what a coincidence that you happen to have this happen (and take all of the credit) just as your re-election campaign starts and most of the country is not finding favor with you.  


Are we going to see Bin Laden's body?  I mean, we saw Elvis in the casket, we saw John Lennon in the morgue, we've seen JFK's autopsy photos, and Sadaam after the hanging, why haven't any pictures been released of Bin Laden's body just so that we can cheer a little louder?  

It all seems a little weird to me and just more proof that even while we as a country are celebrating this morning, that our government's behavior is just a little off...

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