Being Productive...I guess

So on Sunday I got up, went to church, greeted the masses, listened to a very touching sermon, cried through "Amazing Grace", left, came home, did dishes, made lunch, folded laundry, took Michael to finish up his school shopping, came home, did more laundry, organized all of Michael's new binders, folders, pencil case, etc., labeled all of his stuff (including his PE uniform), washed all of the bedding in the house, had Frank go through every piece of clothing Michael owns and got rid of anything that no longer fit, cooked dinner, made all of the beds, folded the rest of the laundry, cleaned up in general around the house and got the boy to bed by 10.

On top of that, I sent out a follow up e-mail to Harlequin about my submission that I sent to them THREE MONTHS AGO and contacted unemployment because there is the possibility of getting those last two weeks that they owe me.  The nearest unemployment office is 20 miles away so there is no way that I want to drive all the way down there for nothing.  At least if they e-mail me back, I can find out what I need to do BEFORE making the hike.

Frank still isn't working and I have to admit, I am having a REALLY hard time with it at this point.  I mean, I have great RAGE towards him.  He was supposed to start a job this week on a full exterior paint job but because we had bad weather last week, the other contractors that were supposed to do some work before him, never showed up.  Now we wait.  And you know what?  We cannot afford for him to sit around for another week without bringing in a paycheck.

My new online class that I am teaching started this week and on Sunday I got two more students!  That makes seven!  I was psyched about that.  My online class that I am TAKING (on synopsis writing) is slow going mainly because I don't have the time to really focus on it and don't even get me started on National Novel Writing Month!  I have maybe 4,000 words done...only 46,000 more to go by the end of the month.  

No problem...

I need another ten hours in a day and I need for my prayer for work for Frank to be answered.  We need three solid months of work to get us out of the whole that we are now in and even then, I don't know what will happen.  All I know is that I LONG for a couple of hours alone to just write...for pleasure, not because I have to.

Pray, pray, pray...

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