CLOSED: It's A Meaningful Life DVD (+ Christmas Carnival Giveaway #1)

This post is a 'Christmas Carnival' feature...The Carnival of Giveaways (or should I say Christmas prezzies?) on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports from November 1- December 5 2010.For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The Christmas Carnival Center'* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*There's nothing like watching a good movie with a 'take home'

The 30 Day Giving Challenge...Will You Join Us? (Day 1)

This morning in church we sang a beautiful worship song that talked about each of our life's songs and that made me think, "Lord, what does my lifesong sing?" and right then, I knew in my heart, that I really wanted my lifesong to put a smile on the LORD's Face.My darling Bunny girl's prayer, just before she went to bed confirmed to me that I so wanted her desire to be real in my life too. Her

Winners for the giveaways that ended on 10/30

CONGRATULATIONS!!This weekend has been crazily busy! Bunny Boo, I think, has begun teething and as a result was fussy... AND had a bad bout of the 'loosies' the past two days...whew!Today we had a beautiful morning at church and a blast at our church's Fall Festival. (No we don't celebrate Halloween. Our church gets together and we enjoy each other's families, the company of new friends, gorge on

My dignity is in tact but my wallet is in question...

Okay, so I went to the eye doctor and had a pretty decent visit.  I got all my little tests done, got the puff of air in each eye, got my pupils dilated (sort of) and finally convinced the eye doctor to give me a different brand of contacts.

So after my appointment last year when they went on and on about my glasses, I ordered a new pair from Zenni Optical for a big, whopping $8.  Best money I ever spent.  As soon as I told them that I had new glasses they were darn near giddy for me.  It felt good to not have the sales pressure this time around.  The thing is, I might not have gotten the big sales pitch but I did kind of get screwed in to paying for something that I did not want.

Normally, at least at any other eye exam I have EVER gone to, I was asked if I WANTED to get my eyes dilated.  Every couple of years I would say yes because I felt like I had to, but it was my choice.  Well today, while going through all of the tests, I was taken in to an office for them to do another test with a new machine that lets you see inside your eye.  Sounds cool, right?  So I wasn't thinking much of it and just thought it was another gadget  of theirs - I mean, what do I know about eye exams, right?  Well it turns out that THAT is the way that they dilate your eyes now and it cost almost an extra $100!!  I was not informed of that fact and so while last year I paid $165 for my eye exam and a trial pair of contacts, today's visit cost me $249!!  I almost died!

I was talking with the receptionist and telling her about our NO insurance, NO job and all of our financial struggles and you would THINK that common decency would have them either offering some sort of discount or payment plan or just not doing tests that you may not want!  I was disgusted!  Needless to say, I will NOT be ordering my contacts from them and will be looking for a new practice for next year.  


Mourinho, um Carlos Castro do nosso futebol.

Mourinho é um vencedor todos sabemos que o número de titulos que conquistou são invulgares para os anos de carreira, mas o facto de se ganhar nem sempre significa que a grandeza do homem é do tamanho dos titulos, e este é um caso paradigmático. Claro que para a grande maioria dos nossos compatriotas o facto de ganhar lhe dá o direito de mandar os bitaites que quiser.Mas não é assim que eu penso.
Existe na personalidade de Mourinho um lado alcoviteiro, a cuscuvilhice faz parte do seu dia-a-dia, debaixo da cabeleira ruça existe uma velha com a lingua afiada, que julga e opina sobre a comunidade, na aldeia do futebol não há assunto que a senhora não domine. A milhares de quilómetros de distância, ou na terra do salmonete, a garganta funda está sempre pronta para debitar análises para os meios de comunicação social.
Hoje vem dizer que o Benfica o decepcionou, fala de costinha, do porto, do sporting, em suma do futebol nacional, estará preocupado? Eu também estou há cerca de 25 anos, desde que o Pinto da Costa passou a comprar titulos em casas de alterne, como o de 2003-2004. Este carácter "carlos castriano" tem dado frutos e sobretudo euros, mas como disse Cruyff, a propósito de Mourinho "falta-lhe comportamento serenidade e respeito".

Off to the eye doctor...

So I am up pretty early for me on a Saturday and getting ready for an appointment with the eye doctor.  I am NOT looking forward to it, mainly because the last time I went I felt like they took not only my money, but my dignity.  For that story check out my post "That will be $165 and your Dignity" from June of 2009. 

It's not that I mind going to the eye doctor, I mean as far as doctor appointments go, it is the easiest.  Although, when they put that big "Thing" in front of your face to figure out your prescription it can get a little wild because the differences in 1 or 2 sometimes don't seem to HAVE any differences and so you have to make a snap decision and I always feel like I'm going to pick the wrong one and end up with a screwed up prescription.

I have to drive there while wearing my glasses and it's not that I don't like my glasses, it's just that, well, I guess I really don't like wearing my glasses.  I like my contacts.  I need my sunglasses on a sunny morning such as this and so I will have to wear my sunglasses OVER my glasses.  My eyesight it TERRIBLE and so there is no way I could just do the sunglasses.  I'd never make it to the  appointment alive and I'm sure I'd take people out along the way.

My hope is that they are NOT going to make me feel like such a loser this time around.  My fingers are crossed, my prayers are being said.  

We'll see...(no pun intended!)


Há golos que valem pelos títulos conquistados e que nos fazem explodir de alegria, o golo do Luisão contra o Sporting em 2005, os golos do JVP contra o Sporting no 6-3. Outros que nos enchem de orgulho, como o golo do Simão em Anfield, e depois há aqueles que estão noutra categoria. Do jogo ninguém se lembrará, não foi brilhante, foi sofrido mas há um momento que nos deixa pasmados, com um brilho nos olhos e que nos faz recordar porque é que gostamos de futebol, a obra-prima do Aimar! São daqueles golos que não vemos todos os dias, só ao alcance de alguns predestinados, de um verdadeiro DEZ! Aproveitem pois se calhar tão cedo não voltaremos a ter um DEZ desta categoria.

Maradona faz 50 anos e teve uma excelente “prenda” de um dos seus melhores discípulos. Esta é para ti Maradona!

It's been a good mom week...

Seriously, it has.  And I think that it is all due to the power of prayer.  Last week at bible study I had vented my frustration with Nick and this whole car situation and this week he has been the model child.  


I mean, I am feeling serious LOVE here where it had not been in a long, long time.  He has been super considerate, super loving, AND...he did chores!  I kid you not!  And I'm not talking little things like taking out the trash.  Today he (brace yourselves) mowed the lawn, cleaned out the shed (it's 12x16), cleaned and mopped the kitchen, cleaned his room AND the closet and cleaned up the dinner dishes.  


This is like a total change from ...well, I can't actually REMEMBER the last time he was this agreeable.  Yesterday, he actually told me that the car was OUR car.  Seriously, I almost cried.  Don't get me wrong, I was in the process of putting MORE gas in his car and I still want my own car back but it was nice to hear it.  

Long may it last...

Vaseline How I Love Thee....Let Me Count 10 Ways!

Vaseline Petroleum Jelly is one product every Mom has heard about, used on their babies, on themselves or even around the house. As a child growing up, I remember my grandfather used it ever so generously on his hair as his 'hair gel' alternative. So, for a very long time, I thought Vaseline was 'hair gel'....till I became 'Mommy 101'!Here are 10 tested and tried uses for Vaseline.....(That's

A pluralidade de opiniões no Benfica

O Pedro Ferreira, da Tertúlia Benfiquista, perguntou, há dias, se, no Benfica, é mais o que nos une ou o que nos separa. Veio esta pergunta a propósito das "opiniões extremadas (concordantes ou discordantes) sobre as decisões da Direcção da SAD e dos Órgãos Sociais".
Curiosamente, o jornal A Bola, hoje, e muito bem, assinalou a efeméride dos 10 anos da vitória do (Benfica) Manuel Vilarinho contra o Vale e Azevedo com uma entrevista em que o nosso antigo presidente fez algumas declarações interessantes e lembrou as dificuldades que o Benfica sentiu no período pós-Vale.
Entre os benfiquistas, no seu mandato, rapidamente se chegou à conclusão que a eleição do Manuel Vilarinho representou a salvação que o Benfica necessitava mas muitos, pouco tempo antes dessas eleições, não a reconheciam.
Após dois anos de mandato, pese os maus resultados da equipa de futebol, continuou a ser um presidente inquestionavelmente admirado e merecedor dos agradecimentos e elogios dos sócios do Benfica. Um dia, no Casal Vistoso, a direcção presidida pelo Vilarinho propôs, em assembleia, uma ideia já antiga do presidente e que, na sua opinião, ajudaria a viabilizar o Benfica enquanto clube: O desinvestimento quase total nas chamadas modalidades amadoras.
Pois bem, como se sabe, a proposta foi chumbada por larga margem. Além disso, o sócio António Figueiredo não lhe poupou o vexame de propor à assembleia a votação da criação da quota suplementar das modalidades que foi aprovada com uma larga maioria (com a minha abstenção, diga-se).
É este o Benfica que eu admiro. Um Benfica que, não obstante o enorme reconhecimento pela dedicação e acção de um presidente, não se escusou a recusar uma das suas propostas, por emblemática que fosse para ele.
Respondendo à pergunta:
Tudo nos une no mesmo objectivo - Tornar o Benfica cada vez maior e mais glorioso. Os caminhos para lá chegar é que diferem. Felizmente, sempre foi assim no Benfica.

Seriously, I'd smack them...

I went out to lunch today with a friend.  She came and picked me up and treated me to lunch.  So sweet.  I have awesome friends.  Anyway, we're out at a local restaurant that she and her family go to quite often because her husband has done work for the owner's so they get a discount. 

As we were getting out of the car, she turns to me and says "Let's see if we actually get any attention" so I'm like "Why?"  Well, it seems like her husband gets a LOT of attention from the female staff.  A LOT.  While his wife is sitting with him.  While his children are sitting with him.  The waitresses come and sit WITH him, talk TO him and pretty much ignore my friend.  So at this point it's like, clearly, they must know who she is; they come here often.  But you know what?  

Not ONE female member of the staff acknowledged her!  Or me!  We got a male waiter who was BEYOND rude and gave us attitude when she went to pay with her gift card.  I have to admit, the whole thing seemed a little bizarre.  

You know, I am a friendly person.  I can relate more with guys than girls and always have.  BUT...and I mean a serious better damn well be prepared to be slapped if you are being overtly attentive to my husband - especially when he is RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!  And if you really are THAT friendly - as I'm sure these waitresses believe themselves to be - make sure that you pay attention to the WIFE and the family. 

Otherwise you just look like a hoochie...

CLOSED: More Fun at H-E-B with the new H-E-Buddy Game (+Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Bunny girl has loved shopping at H-E-B ever since she was introduced to the H-E-Buddy game placed behind the checkout counters. As a toddler, Hubby would help her maneuver the crane to pick up high scoring plastic balls and she'd watch with excitement as the plastic balls would drop into the collection counter for her

A confiança dos mercados...

Dei-me ao trabalho de verificar a variação diária do índice PSI-20 em 2010 e constatei que o dia em que houve a maior variação positiva foi a 10 de Maio. A confiança dos mercados, nesse dia, representou uma subida de 8,91%. Mais 5,25% que a 2ª maior subida de 2010... Ah, foi a 2ª feira seguinte ao Benfica ser campeão...

As palavras de AVB não se devem desprezar

As conferências de imprensa de André Vilas Boas são surpreendentemente elucidativas em relação ao estado do futebol Português. Não sei se por parvoíce, inexperiência, arrogância ou simplesmente falta de vergonha o treinador do fcp tem assumido em directo muitas situações nebulosas que assomam a nossa liga e que têm sido o garante de pontos para as suas cores.
No rescaldo do jogo que opôs fcp e a equipa B da União de Leiria, AVB afirmou que a vitória começou a ser construída no dia anterior. Estou certo que se referia às manobras que resultaram na convocatória efectuada por Pedro Caixinha, e que importa relevar.
Outra situação que deve ser relevada foi a própria conferência de Imprensa do treinador do Leiria quando instado a comentar sobre a ausência de vários titulares, demonstrando incomodo, mau estar e acima de tudo desconforto. Só faltou virar-se para alguém e perguntar – isto não estava combinado, como é?

We settled the whole Halloween costume thing.  I went to Walmart today and picked out two costumes that Michael had actually considered a couple of weeks ago.  I bought them both so that he can check them both out and decide which one he wants to wear on Sunday.  Manipulative?  Maybe.  But now I won't mind walking around trick or treating with him

I find it funny when you tell people that you are mad at someone and they tell you to just get over it and make up.  Sure, that's an easy thing to SAY.  But it's funny to me that the person in question could be a mutual acquaintance that THEY do not speak to.  So, why is it okay for YOU to not let this person back in to your life but not okay for me?  Just sayin.

I had joined the focus group thing about 6 months ago.  I never seem to qualify for anything that they are "Focusing" on...until today.  Today I could have made $100 for a two hour gig sitting in and giving my opinion on underwear.  Did I?  Oh, um, no.  Why?  BECAUSE I HAVE NO CAR!!!

I have been cooking some AWESOME dinners lately.  I don't know why, I don't know what's up.  All I know is that my dinner's have been yummy and that makes me very happy.

I think that my back thing is actually a kidney/UTI thing.  I'm thinking that I'm going to have to go to the doctor.  Totally not happy about that.

Two months ago, I applied for Medicaid for us.  We have no health insurance at all and normally the boys get covered but never me and Frank.  Well, this time we were pitiful enough in the earnings department to qualify.  I got a notice saying we were approved.  Then I got a notice saying, no, wait, we need a bank statement.  So I give them the bank statement.  Okay, you're approved.  No, wait, we need Frank's birth certificate.  Okay, I get them the birth certificate.  Then...nothing.  So I went to their office today and I want you to keep in mind that we were all listed on ONE application.  So far I am approved, Frank is pending and the boys coverage will expire on Sunday.  


Okay, now I know that they have been BOMBARDED with people needing help.  I get it.  I know it.  But seriously?  Four people on the same application and we're all not entered at the same time?  Maybe they wouldn't be so overwhelmed with backed up paperwork if they actually FINISHED one application at a time BEFORE moving on to the next one.  Now I have to go BACK to the office and Friday and talk to someone and figure out what in the world is going on.

Seriously, SO NO HAVING FUN!

CLOSED: Moody Mamas New Arrivals (+Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*If you're expecting a baby, Moody Mamas has some chic 'Mama-to-be wear' that honestly won't look like you've thrown a burlap sack over your precious bump. I've published several Moody Mamas posts over the past year and I know several readers who've said they're so glad they've been introduced to their elegant, sleek

CLOSED: Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer (+ Book Giveaway-3 winners)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Joyce Meyer is one preacher I enjoy listening to. Her sermons are short, practical, packed with humor and simple. Joyce doesn't mince words and just delivers the Word of God as it is...filled with Truth and bursting with Power.I have read a few of her books and though I prefer listening to her messages versus reading

JPOP - Single - Kylee - Everlasting

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

DFCL-1692~1693 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)

DFCL-1694 (通常盤)

DFCL-1695 (期間生産限定盤)

商品編號:DFCL-1695 (期間生産限定盤)
其他資料:3rd Maxi Single

2010年大注目! 16歳の"変幻自在ガールPOPアイコンKylee(カイリー)"待望ののサードシングルは『機動戦士ガンダム UC episode 2 赤い彗星』主題歌に決定!! 期間限定生産盤は、描き下ろし『機動戦士ガンダム UC』赤い彗星スペシャルパッケージ仕様。別冊ブックレット、描き下ろしジャケット絵柄ステッカー付。 ※2010年12月末日までの期間生産限定

01. Everlasting
作詞:Akiko Watanabe、Kylee/作曲:Carlos K.、龍/編曲:Naohisa Taniguchi
※ バンダイビジュアル配給アニメ映画「機動戦士ガンダムUC episode 2 赤い彗星」主題歌

02. The Luckiest Girl in the World
作詞.作曲:Matthew Tishler、Robyn Newman

作詞:Naohisa Taniguchi、Kylee/作曲:Kouta Okochi/リミキサー:STUDIO APARTMENT

04. Everlasting (MOVIE Version)
作詞:Akiko Watanabe、Kylee/作曲:Carlos K.、龍

05. Everlasting (Less Vocal)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Single - 飛蘭 - Last vision for last

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)


專輯名稱:Last vision for last
其他資料:6th Maxi Single
出品商:Lantis Record

TVアニメ 『百花繚乱 サムライガールズ』のオープニング主題歌リリース!! 飛蘭の新境地とも言える渾身の1曲。

01. Last vision for last
作詞:畑 亜貴/作曲.編曲:上松範康 (Elements Garden)
※ TVアニメ『百花繚乱 サムライガールズ』オープニング・テーマ

02. しずかな蜜より赤い蜜
作詞:畑 亜貴/作曲.編曲:藤間 仁 (Elements Garden)

03. Last vision for last(off vocal)

04. しずかな蜜より赤い蜜 (off vocal)

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - RAM WIRE - Beautiful World

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

專輯名稱:Beautiful World
其他資料:1st Mini Album
出品商:Sony Music Associated Records


01. Beautiful World
※ アヤナチュールCMソング

02. 暗号~光が意味するもの~

03. 暁

04. Chain Lyrics

05. 秘密
※ ショウゲート配給映画「恋愛戯曲~私と恋に落ちてください。~」主題歌

CD - 試聽下載:

JPOP - Album - 中島美嘉 - STAR

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

AICL-2188~2189 (初回生産限定盤 / CD + DVD)
AICL-2190 (通常盤)

商品編號:AICL-2188~2189 (初回生産限定盤)
其他資料:11th Full Album / CD + DVD
出品商:Sony Music Associated Records

45万枚を突破した前作『VOICE』から約2年振り、中島美嘉待望の通算6枚目となるオリジナルニューアルバム! 本作は、ヒット曲満載の充実の一枚。2010年最初の涙をさらったバラード「ALWAYS」(中山美穂主演映画『サヨナライツカ』主題歌)をはじめ、自身の出演で話題沸騰中のドラマ『うぬぼれ刑事』挿入歌「一番綺麗な私を」、新リプトンリモーネTV-CMソング「Over Load」、もはや中島美嘉の使命とも言うべき星をモチーフにした歌「流れ星」(ハウスメイトCMソング)、レディースウェアブランドとのコラボで話題となったTシャツ付きシングル「CANDY GIRL」まで、全てのシングルを網羅した大傑作! 初回限定盤はDVD付。三方背BOXスリーブ仕様。

※ 映画「サヨナライツカ」主題歌

02. 一番綺麗な私を
※ TBSテレビ系金曜ドラマ「うぬぼれ刑事」挿入歌

※ ロッテガーナミルクチョコレートCMソング

04. Over Load
※ 新リプトンリモーネCMソング

05. GAME
※ カネボウ KATE TV-CFソング






11. Memory

12. 16

13. 流れ星
※ ハウスメイトCMソング

※ TBS系全国ネット「森のラブレターII」テーマソング

CD - 試聽下載:

Toy Story 3 ...On Blu-Ray & DVD...Releasing Soon! (Review Only)

The movie that has critics raving and kids leaping will finally be out in the market on November 2, 2010. That's right, Toy Story 3, the #1 Animated Film in box office history and Walt Disney Company's second biggest film of all time will be selling like hot cakes in just a few days time!

Even if you haven't watched Toy Story 1 and 2, this release will entertain with Pixar's fabulous detail to

Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 10/26-11/2)

*(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.)Giveaways ending on 10/30Snapware Gift Pack Anne Geddes latest book-Beginnings-autographedSweetpea Beauty- a Veggie

Would you allow it?

Okay, so first let me say that I HATE Halloween.  Always have.  Always will.  When Nick was little, he wasn't all that impressed with it and so for several years, on Halloween, we would rent a movie, go out to dinner, something fun to do while everyone was out trick-or-treating.  

Michael LIKES Halloween.

A lot.

Last month when the costumes first came out int he stores, we went and looked to see what was available and nothing seemed to thrill him.  As the weeks passed by, we went out and still, nothing appealed.  All of a sudden it's like "Oh, my gosh!  It's almost Halloween!" and so today we went out to find a costume.  

No.  Such.  Luck.  Except...Jason.  Yes, Jason from "Friday the 13th".  I'm sorry, but NO.  Not going to happen.  Now Michael's pissed, we have no costume and Frank is mad at me because I am "sabotaging" Halloween.  Really?  I don't think that a TEN YEAR OLD needs to dress up like a freaky murderer from a series of horror films.  I'm not on board with it, I don't like it and quite honestly, I refuse to take him out dressed like that.

So what do you say parents?  Would you let your ten year old dress like Jason?

CLOSED: Bob & Larry sing the 80's (+Veggie Tales Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*If you thought Bob & Larry couldn't get wackier, then think again! The veggie duo have paired up to bring you Bob & Larry sing the 80's!The CD holds ten finger snappers from the 80's (with a Veggie twist ofcourse!), namelyGourds just want to have funLa BambaEverybody have fun tonightWalking on sunshineFootlooseThat's

Your Christmas Carnival Center

Make sure to keep coming back to this page to find the updated list of giveaways. Thanks to the Christmas Carnival Center you will never have to worry about missing out on any of the awesome giveaways! (November 1- mid December 2010)FOR THE KIDS!BOOKSCLOSED: Zonderkidz Christmas pack (11/27)76$ Klutz Activity Pack (12/4) A Baby Bible Christmas Storybook (12/15)3 Tommy Nelson Christmas Books (12/

CSN Stores: Ottomans, Ottomans, Ottomans Galore!

If you've been following my blog you know I'm crazy about certain things and if you say the word 'ottoman coffee table' you can be sure that you will have me hanging on every word you say especially if they look as gorgeous as this piece.If you're looking for functionality to go with style, I would think this would look great.Not only is this a storage ottoman but it's also designed to serve as a


Taça de Portugal enguiçada

Há 2 anos foi o Leixões fora, quando esta equipa estava em forma. O ano passado foi o osso duro de roer do Guimarães. Este ano o fortíssimo Braga. Já há algum tempo que estas primeiras eliminatórias da Taça de Portugal estão enguiçadas. Está na altura de quebrar o enguiço, espero que o JJ apresente a melhor equipa nesta eliminatória pois temos de voltar ao Jamor!

Di Maria, el ventilador de Mou

Não, não é para chorar outra vez por este jogador, é para elogiá-lo porque é um fora de série, ao contrário do que muitos julgam. O nosso compatriota Cristiano Ronaldo conseguiu um poker mas um dos grandes obreiros da vitória gorda do Real Madrid foi o "nosso" Di Maria. Vi o jogo e ele fez um partidazo, assistências, rabonas, penalty sofrido, e acabou a defesa esquerdo! JJ fez o crescer, Mourinho vai aprimorá-lo e até os nossos vizinhos espanhóis estão rendidos como se pode verificar neste excelente artigo do El Mundo.

Cartões amarelos

O Benfica vai jogar contra o Porto daqui a 2 jornadas. À partida para este jogo tínhamos 2 jogadores em risco para o próximo desafio (Luisão e Javi), agora temos 4 pois o Carlos Martins e o Maxi Pereira apanharam mais um cartão amarelo, diga-se de passagem bem mostrados, atingindo os 4 cartões amarelos cada um. Chamem chique espertice ou não, mas não saber gerir esta situação revela pouca inteligência. É claro que mais importante do que ganhar ao Porto é ganhar os 2 jogos antes, mas o ano passado lixamo-nos neste capítulo das suspensões sempre que jogamos contra o Porto, para variar.

Share Your Milano Moment (For Susan G Komen for the Cure)

Pepperidge Farm's Milano cookies have been making people smile with just a few bites but now here's something more to smile about. Pepperidge Farm is doing their part to help Susan G Komen for the Cure by donating 50 cents to the 'Cause' each time someone posts a personal 'Milano Moment' on their Facebook page. (Max. 50 word limit)My 'Milano Moment' is in connection with the breast cancer


Ao fim de 8 jornadas de campeonato e 3 de Liga dos Campeões, já podemos tirar algumas conclusões acerca do real valor da equipa.
A primeira parece-me óbvia. Estamos mais fracos que o ano passado. Nada como relativizar as coisas para percebermos o impacto das perdas do Ramires e do DiMaria. Basta analisarmos o seu rendimento nas equipas para onde foram. Pode dizer-se que "pegaram de estaca". São indiscutivelmente jogadores de nível europeu.
A perda destes dois jogadores teve consequências claras: perdemos criatividade e imprevisibilidade no ataque e consistência e versatilidade no meio campo.
Basicamente, estamos menos seguros a defender, menos pressionantes e a criar metade das oportunidades de golo que criávamos o ano passado.
2ª conclusão: os reforços estão longe de o ser, embora o Roberto comece a justificar o investimento, tenho que reconhecer. Quanto aos outros, não trouxeram ainda nada de novo. Como principal desilusão, destaco o Jara. Pensei que por esta altura já tivesse demonstrado muito mais.
Faço aqui um pequeno parêntesis. Penso que embora ainda não tenha demonstrado o seu real valor, o Gaitan tem um grande potencial. Acho que o JJ ainda não percebeu muito bem qual a melhor forma de retirar o melhor rendimento deste jogador. Quanto a mim, terá que ser o nº 10 do Benfica, indiscutivelmente.
Quanto ao resto, tenho que sublinhar o mau momento de forma do Maxi do lado negativo e do lado positivo o reconhecimento que temos hoje no nosso plantel, um dos melhores defesas esquerdos da Europa.

Se tudo correr normalmente, este plantel chegará para o 2º lugar no campeonato. Há que admitir que o fcp está mais forte que nós este ano e que dificilmente teremos hipóteses a esse nível. Somente uma vitória no dragão permitiria alterar o rumo das coisas, mas parece-me extremamente improvável.

Quanto à Champions, é outra conversa. À priori não escandaliza ninguém perder em Lyon. Muitos dos melhores emblemas europeus já lá caíram. O que me chateou foi a incapacidade de discutir o resultado, de ser perigosos no ataque, de ver tão expostas as vulnerabilidades do plantel. E é nestes jogos que se vê a diferença. Com a qualidade dos jogadores presentes, é inevitável que se sofram golos nesta competição, seja contra quem for. A diferença está na capacidade de criar dificuldades ao adversário. Tendo nós um ataque lento e previsível, temos sido pouco mais que inofensivos, principalmente nos jogos fora, onde é essencial ter jogadores rápidos e incisivos nos contra-ataques e ataques rápidos. E aqui há que responsabilizar quem planificou o plantel para esta época. Pode ser que nos expliquem porque é que o Urreta não faz parte das escolhas, ou porque é que num "11" com défice de velocidade o Weldon não jogue mais vezes, particularmente em jogos fora.

Concluindo, é o plantel que temos. Cometeram-se alguns erros de casting e planificação de plantel. Claro que não é mau. Mantivémos uma importante base do ano passado. Mas também percebemos que não é bom, particularmente para a Champions e comparando por exemplo com um fcp que se apresenta muito forte este ano. É...qb.

Be careful who you friend request...


Honestly, I love Facebook for many reasons but sometimes bizarre stuff happens and I end up feeling like "Really?  What in the world???"  Today was one of those days.

I was Facebook friends with a cousin of mine who I haven't spoken to since 1999.  Seriously.  She stole from me, she lied about stealing, she stole from my grandmother and my aunt and then left them high and dry and took off to wherever.  I was curious to see what she was doing with her life because there was talk in the family about what she was doing and so Facebook seemed like a harmless way to see. 

Every once in a while she would send me a little "Hey, how are you" message and I'll be honest, I didn't respond.  Well, for whatever reason, today was the last straw for her and she was sending me hateful messages demanding that I talk to her because she has been working her butt off to get people to forgive her.  Really?  Then I guess my apology was lost in the freakin mail because I have seen NO attempt to make right all that she did wrong.  Last I heard, she stole from someone else.  

It started with the harmless "Hey" comment, then went in to a "Read This!" comment and then finally I responded to the "ANSWER ME!!!" comment because it was time to put this all to rest.  I answered.  Believe me, I answered.  She de-friended me and now, I blocked her.  I don't want this contact with her at all.  I don't NEED this kind of craziness, thank you very much.  She tried to guilt me in to talking to her by "reminding" me that I am a Christian and what "that church of mine" teaches.  Yeah, okay.  I never claimed to be a perfect Christian and I am willing to deal with God when that day comes over this little incident.  

The thing is, I hope that she does turn her life around.  I hope that she gets some professional help and STOPS stealing from people and lying about it.  I hope that she finds a job that makes her happy.  I just won't open my door again to that kind of situation.  It may not be the right decision biblically, but it's all I can do right now.  

As for Facebook, this is the second time that I've had someone go a little psycho on me and I'm beginning to re-think staying on there.  Be careful who you accept friend requests from because they just may go a little crazy on you, too!

Winners for the giveaways that ended on 10/23

CONGRATULATIONS!!((YAWN!)) Up early to close the giveaways. I'm hoping to type really fast and then hop back into bed before both my little sunbeams 'arise'!Oh and don't forget... the Christmas Carnival 2010 begins on November 1, 2010....just a week away. (SQUEAL!)Post the 'Christmas Carnival' Giveaway Button on your blog, tweet about the Carnival, post the scoop on your Facebook wall.....

The bread that broke the camel's back...

I guess I am stressing more than I realize because tonight all hell broke loose here over...bread.  Yes, bread.  Not bread as in money (sorry, I'm channeling the 70's) but actual bread.

I was at the church all day for a women's ministry event.  Frank drove me and I had a friend bring me home because Frank had to work.  Well, as it got closer to dinner time, I had an idea for what I wanted to make but I was missing a main ingredient - the bread.  So by the time Frank got home, we were discussing dinner and I told him my idea and I will admit, I was a bit snippy and was like "Well, I would have LIKED to have made the skillet BBQ chicken sandwiches but I didn't have a car to go and get the bread!"  He offered to go to the store for me and GET the bread but I was in a mood and that wasn't good enough.  Why?  Because clearly, he would have gotten the wrong bread.  

I'll admit, too, that I am a bit fussy about my bread.  I am spoiled because we grew up in New York where there is GREAT bread.  Here in North Carolina?  Not so much.  It's all white bread in different shapes.  It's starting to get a little bit better but I knew the EXACT bread that I wanted and at 6:30 at night, chances were slim that the store was going to have any.  So Frank's like "Well, I guess you'll just have to have the bread that you don't know...sacrifice."


You want to talk to ME, the woman who has no damn car because I had to sacrifice it for the sake of work about sacrifice?  ME...who has to sacrifice by freedom and be STUCK AT HOME all the dang time because I don't have a car!  ME...who has to bum rides from people to even accomplish the smallest of errands.  ME...who has had to sacrifice most of my income to our son for GAS for the few times that I get to borrow his car.  ME...who isn't allowed to make any plans for ANYTHING because you keep changing your work schedule.

So really?  Seriously?  If I want the special damn bread from the stupid store that I like and don't WANT any other kind of bread, DO NOT tell me that I cannot have it and have to settle for something less that I DON'T like because really, that's all my life is full of right now.

I took the car.  

I got bread that was CLOSE to the kind that I wanted.

It was good.

Entrecard Review...

Okay, so for those of you who have been following me for a while, you know that I have had a rollercoaster ride with Entrecard.  From cruising through the blogosphere, I know that I am not alone.

Since coming back to it after a hiatus, I have to say that I am pleasantly pleased with the results.  Maybe they got the hint because there seemed to be a mass exodus from what I read but no matter what the reason, things have been going smoothly.  Yeah!

So if you don't know what Entrecard is, essentially it is FREE blog advertising that brings traffic to your blog.  Seriously.  My little known blog that maybe got visited by my friends way back when, now gets close to 200 hits a day.  I love that!  Now, are all these people actually READING my blog?  Who knows. 

When you join (and it's free to join) you create a widget for your blog/site and you earn advertising credits by clicking on other blogs/sites that are part of the Entrecard network.  You can click on or visit up to 300 sites per day and you get one credit per site so that is 300 credits per day that you will spend to place your ad/widget on somebody else's site.  

Right now Entrecard is running a contest to all of its members and asking them to write a review about their system.  You can read about the contest HERE.  So what is my review?  Well, honestly, I don't run Entrecard or its toolbar on my desktop anymore because it's old and runs slow so dropping/visiting 300 sites per day was VERY time consuming.  I do this on my laptop now and I am done in an hour.  Not too shabby.  I have found a lot of great sites and have made many friends while using Entrecard and really, if it hadn't been for that nasty period of time where they had sites that were putting viruses and whatnot on my computer, I never would have left. 

If you are looking for a way to get traffic to your blog, it is definitely worth a try.  Just be sure that your virus protection/malware protection is on and up to date.  

Sobre Gaitán e não só

Não gosto muito de me armar em “treinador de bancada”, mas gostava de dar aqui a minha opinião sobre algumas questões que me preocupam da observação que fiz dos nossos jogos.
Parece-me que Nico Gaitán, para poder acrescentar valor à nossa Equipa e justificar os mais de oito milhões pagos, terá de começar a ser utilizado noutra posição. A extremo não só não rende o máximo, porque não tem velocidade nem características de flanqueador quando a equipa ataca, como se torna mesmo um perigo para nós pela sua total inabilidade para defender – algo que Di Maria por exemplo aprendeu com o tempo, tempo que agora não temos.

Acho que a posição natural de Gaitán é a de Saviola, podendo ser uma válida alternativa nas ausências deste ou até para já como titular, dado o fraco rendimento que o génio vem demonstrando.

Essa opção levaria a que o Benfica tivesse duas duplas de avançados com características semelhantes dois a dois: Cardozo – Saviola titulares, Kardec – Gaitán alternativas (não gosto do termo “suplentes” a não ser quando aplicados a jogadores que efectivamente poucas hipóteses têm de jogar a titulares).

Já Nuno Gomes, Weldon e Jara seriam alternativas sempre que fosse necessário recorrer a jogadores com características diferentes das duas duplas referidas, mudando ou não o esquema táctico.

Nuno Gomes tem uma invulgar capacidade de entrar em tabelas a partir de trás, criando espaços para ele próprio ou um companheiro aparecerem na área a finalizar.

Weldon tem como sabemos a velocidade com e sem bola como sua principal arma, útil em jogos onde se privilegie o contra-ataque.

Já Franco Jara pode trazer à equipa uma capacidade de luta e de disputa e recuperação de bolas na zona de ataque, bem como poder de choque na área, que nenhum outro dos nossos avançados tem.

E o flanco esquerdo, então, se Gaitán de lá sair?

Em primeiro lugar, Gaitán poderia continuar a ser utilizado nessa posição sempre que o seu concurso não fosse necessário no que eu acho ser o seu lugar natural, e em jogos onde defender não seja muito importante.

Temos ainda o César Peixoto, que é uma alternativa válida se for colocado a médio-esquerdo sem que se lhe peça uma grande dinâmica; Fábio seria sempre o primeiro responsável pelo vai-vem em todo o flanco, e César ficaria como seu primeiro apoio, primeiro tampão quando defendemos, guardião das costas de Fábio quando este sobe sempre que atacamos.

E temos ainda a possibilidade de testar Sálvio na esquerda; não seria a primeira adaptação com sucesso de um destro ao lado esquerdo, como sabemos. E Sálvio é mesmo um extremo, ao contrário de Gaitán.

E para o ano espero que se recupere o Urreta. Se Jesus não gosta dele, aprenda a gostar, pelo menos o suficiente para o jogador ter oportunidade de se mostrar e podermos perceber quem tem razão, e se efectivamente o jovem uruguaio é ou não jogador para o Benfica.

Percebo que um treinador deve ter o direito de escolher com quem quer trabalhar, mas também acho que deve haver da sua parte alguma flexibilidade, olhando para os interesses globais do Clube e não se deixando arrastar por teimosia para decisões emocionais que nada ajudam os objectivos comuns.

CLOSED: Funny Bone Readers...Character Builders for Kids (+Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*50 years of experience in writing books for children is nothing to look casually upon.The Red Chair Press has made writing for children a passion and with their Funny Bone Readers they not only entertain our children through their books but also help build their 'character' inner-man.We had the opportunity of looking

Which would you choose?

So I'm driving Nick to his girlfriend's house today so that I can have the car this afternoon and I was telling him that Frank has a lead on a van.  Praise the LORD!  Well,last night at bible study we were talking about God's plans for us and how we should not make plans without praying about them and I said "Well, I guess God wants us to stay in this house because now that we have to buy a vehicle, we can't move."

This prompts a discussion where my son (gotta love him) tells me that he would GLADLY let me use his car WHENEVER I wanted it if we would move now and let Frank keep using my car.  Really?  Whenever I wanted?  So like, tomorrow, when you have someplace to be but I want the car, can I have it then?  How about the next time you want to go to a concert but I want Starbucks?  Can I have it then?

I think it all sounds well and good but really, the reality would be very different.  I mean, as much as I would LOVE to move from this house, every time we try, something comes up and something happens and here we still are.  So that tells me something.  Personally, after living without a car for the last few weeks, I would gladly STAY in this house if I could just drive my own dang car and not have to maneuver, manipulate, beg, borrow and STEAL someone's car just so that I can go and get some milk!  It's crazy!

Car or house?  Sadly, I choose car.

Dissonância entre a forma e o conteúdo

Os resultados do Benfica na Champions têm sido fortemente marcados por pormenores. Erros individuais de jogadores e do treinador têm condicionado os nossos jogos e acima de tudo têm ditado os resultados. Se sobre os jogadores não me quero alongar muito, são situações que acontecem e que têm de ser trabalhadas para serem minimizadas já sobre o treinador importa escalpelizar, analisar e se possível corrigir.
Por muito que custe a interiorizar a grandeza do Benfica situa-se ao nível da reputação e na sua massa adepta, em 90 minutos de futebol a jogar na Europa não é bem assim. Shalke e Lyon têm condições económicas e jogam em ligas muito mais fortes, logo têm acesso a jogadores de qualidade e experiência que infelizmente nós não temos, temos que adaptar estratégias de jogo que nos permitam contrariar essa qualidade. O Lyon é uma equipa muito forte em todas as zonas do campo e demonstra isso mesmo há vários anos com performances assinaláveis nesta competição milionária. Jesus ontem penso que acertou na forma mas falhou completamente no conteúdo, ou seja, consciente que Javi Garcia era manifestamente curto para a luta do meio campo, principalmente quando a equipa não tem capacidade de circulação e retenção de bola, nem efectua pressão alta condicionando a construção de jogo do adversário, alterou o sistema com a inclusão de um duplo pivot no meio campo (no caso Javi e Carlos Martins). Se concordo com a ideia, não posso deixar de condenar a escolha dos intérpretes, Aimar foi “encostado” à direita (quando Martins está mais rotinado nessa tarefa), Carlos Martins na função de fechar o jogo mais atrás também não tem rotinas e isso sentiu-se, penso que teria sido mais indicado a inclusão no jogo de Airton em detrimento de um dos elementos de construção, Carlos Martins, Aimar ou mesmo Saviola (até porque estávamos a privilegiar um jogo mais directo e de contra-ataque). Com um golo e 10 minutos de atraso acabou por efectuar a substituição que se impunha ao intervalo, desta feita acertou no conteúdo mas falhou na forma, a jogar com 10 penso que teria sido mais benéfico para a equipa avançar Fábio no terreno em detrimento do marido da Diana Chaves.
O jogo já estava entregue quando passámos a jogar com 9, saiu um desinspirado Aimar para entrar Jara (faz-me espécie que não constitua opção para um jogo da taça de Portugal frente a uma equipa de segunda e seja opção para a Champions). A partir desse momento era só esperar pelo apito final, ficando apenas na retina a entrega dos jogadores nos minutos finais.

A ambição de Jesus tem sido traída pela inépcia em dar a volta ao texto que ele próprio escreveu. Insisto que Gaitan não é extremo e dificilmente será e não existe no plantel ninguém que ofereça a estabilidade táctica que Ramires dava ao nosso jogo, pelo que é tempo de adaptar a táctica aos jogadores e não os jogadores ao treinador/táctica.

E sobre o jogo em Lyon...

Em duas palavrinhas, Mise...Rável!!!

A New Class...

Okay, since clearly I don't want to commit right now to a 4-year university and am unsure about going back to school in general, I decided to try another approach:  On-line classes.

Many, many years ago, Nick had taken an on-line college course on Theme Park Engineering.  This was when he wanted to be an Imagineer for Disney.  It was through and I have to tell you, it was a GREAT course.  Back in the Spring I had taken a course through them on Romance Writing.  It was a 6-week class, 2 lessons a week, very informative.  I got a certificate when I was done.  Well, I decided to go back and see what what being offered now and going along with my dream of really wanting to get published, I signed up for "Beginner's Guide to Getting Published".  

The classes are not free; each one is about $65.  Being that this is the area that I am struggling in (getting published) I thought that this could be helpful.  Tonight is the first lesson and I am so excited about it!  I wish that it gave more than a certificate but at least I am getting INFORMATION and being that I have to take a test on each lesson, I should thoroughly KNOW what I have learned.  

I'm a fast reader.  I tend to "scan" more than read sometimes and miss out on some important information because of it.  By having to take a test, I have to be a little bit more thorough with my studying.  So off I go, to read my first lesson and see if I can actually comprehend it.

Wish me luck!

CLOSED: Oransi's Ionic Deodorizer Air Purifier with Night Light (+Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Remember the effective Oransi Refrigerator Air Purifier I introduced you to (that still works great in our fridge!)? Well Oransi has another product that has been designed to cut the odors in a room and also serve as a night light.The Ionic Deodorizer Air Purifier with Night Light is different from other deodorizing

Onze sem invenções

Já temos onze e agrada-me que não haja surpresas nem invenções.

Roberto; Maxi, Luisão, David Luiz, Fábio Coentrão; Javi García; Carlos Martins, Aimar, Gaitán; Saviola e Kardec

É o primeiro passo para se conseguir algo na Champions, não inventar e manter o equilíbrio de uma equipa, principalmente quando jogamos contra uma equipa teoricamente mais forte.

Continuo é a achar que uma equipa que apresenta apenas Javi Garcia no seu meio campo como um jogador puramente defensivo e rotinado em movimentos defensivos não é uma equipa totalmente equilibrada, pelo menos ao nível da Champions (por muito que o Carlos Martins e Aimar se esforcem).

Que o céu caia em cima dos Gauleses!

Sobre o Belenenses*

Os benfiquistas padecem, habitual e recorrentemente, de uma certa ternura paternalista pelo Belenenses. Justo será reconhecer que nada nos foi pedido neste sentido pelos adeptos do Belenenses pois são eles os primeiros, se relevante na sua ainda resistente ideia de rivalidade connosco, a recusarem qualquer indício de boas relações com o Benfica e os benfiquistas.
Também eu me tendo a esquecer deste pormenor. Felizmente, frequento o Restelo quando lá jogamos. Aí, recordo-me sempre do "ódio" que sentem por nós. Ao Belenenses, desejo muitas e agradáveis passagens pela 2ª divisão. Eles merecem-na. Pena tenho somente que, assim, o esforço que o sportem tem feito em se aproximar deles se torne inglório. Acontece tudo ao sportem. Até o Belenenses os impede de alcançarem um dos seus objectivos.

*Comentário a mais um magnífico post do Gil Vicente no Coração Encarnado onde são abordadas algumas ridicularias do nosso futebol

Facto verídico - O sportem é um clube de palhaços!

O sportem é um clube de palhaços!

Mais detalhado aqui.

Prazo de validade

Se dúvidas restassem quanto à utilidade do Nuno Gomes no plantel no Benfica, a resposta foi dada esta semana pelos adeptos através de uma relativa indiferença ao anúncio do seu abandono do clube no final da presente época.
Foi um anúncio natural face ao percurso do jogador no nosso clube que, desde a época passada, tem tido um papel mais observador que participativo nos jogos. Tudo bem, não há aqui qualquer questão.
O que eu não entendo é que tenha sido utilizado frente ao Arouca. Então não era uma boa oportunidade para dar algum jogo ao Jara?

CLOSED: The Vault of Walt by Jim Korkis (+ An Unofficial Disney Book Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*There's a lot of fun one can have at a Disney themed park but if you stop for a second and really think about the attraction you're on, you will realize that a lot of thought, planning and vision went into making it what it is right now.There are so many official documents, articles and books about the legendary Walt

CLOSED: A Community of Hope...Pink Together (+Giveaway Pack)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*When you go through life's battles, hope is what gives you the grace to take those heavy steps ahead.This month symbolically reminds us of many who fight the clutches of breast cancer and encourages us to help make a difference in the research that is being conducted to help detect this cancer early and fight it till

JPOP - Single - KOTOKO - Loop-the-Loop

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)

GNCV-0025 (初回限定盤 / CD + DVD)
GNCV-0026 (通常盤)

商品編號:GNCV-0025 (初回限定盤)
其他資料:18h Maxi Single / CD + DVD
出品商:Geneon Universal Entertainment

KOTOKO16枚目のシングルはTVアニメ「もっとToLOVEる-とらぶる-」OPテーマに決定! KOTOKO節満載の歌詞は必見! 「ToLOVEる-とらぶる-」の世界観が存分に発揮されているメロディにも注目! POPでCute、I'veサウンド全開のポップチューン! 初回限定盤は、本人出演のPVを収録したDVD付き。

01. Loop-the-Loop
※ MXTVV他アニメ「もっとToLOVEる-とらぶる-」オープニング・テーマ

02. 雷鳴が鳴く頃
作詞:KOTOKO/作曲:KOTOKO/編曲:C.G mix

03. Loop-the-Loop (instrumental)

04. 雷鳴が鳴く頃 (instrumental)

CD - 試聽下載:

Is it back pain or kidney pain?

No one knows.

Seriously, I have had this weird back pain for a week now and it is getting to the point where I am freaking out.  Last Wednesday night I had the ladies over for bible study and we were sitting around the table talking, eating, praying for a couple of hours and when everyone got up to go, I stood and was like "OH!  That hurts!"  My lower back was killing me.  By the next morning it hurt to move.  
Well, the pain started to subside and then over the weekend it kicked up again but now only on the right side and the pain radiates up and wraps around to my side.  It's honestly, making me want to cry at times.  I'm not sure what to do.  Frank rubbed my back last night and he said that it felt tighter on that side so maybe it's a muscle thing but there are other things going on.  I just don't feel...well.  Does that make sense?  It's like something is just off.  I'm queasy a lot and tired and really, it's just a miserable feeling.

Could this be a kidney stone?  Is it just a muscle spasm?  All I know is that I need some relief.  Fast!

Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 10/18-10/26)

*(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.)Giveaways ending on 10/2350$ gift certificate to ATG Stores JELL-O's Mousse Temptations Indestructibles books for

CLOSED: Shalom Sesame- DVDs 1 & 2 (+Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Israel is one place I'd love to visit and each time we read a story from the Bible, our desire to visit only builds up. Bunny girl has always asked so many questions about Israel that it only seemed fitting to introduce her to the place through the eyes of furry, wacky but lovable Grover from Sesame Street and his

Winners for the giveaways that ended on 10/16

CONGRATULATIONS!!The past three weeks have been busy but fun with my Pop-In-Law here. Sadly he leaves in a few days and we will miss him lots.I guess enjoying our priceless 'family time' will explain my sporadic posts but don't enjoy the breather from entering all the giveaways for too long because I have a long list that's waiting to be typed up!Oh and don't forget... the Christmas Carnival 2010

Gearing up for NaNoWriMo!

I think I've got that title right...

Anyway, November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  I found out about this last year about 3 days in to the competition but did complete it in time.  Basically you have 30 days to write 50,000 words.  I work well under pressure apparently.  I completed my novel in November and then...did absolutely nothing with it.  

I really need to work on that...

So, November is fast approaching and this time, I am going to be better prepared with an outline written and some plot direction ahead of time.  I tend to start writing and NOT have anything plotted out and somewhere around chapter five realize that I have forgotten my main character's last name or physical description.  Bad writer!  I am hoping to learn from these past mistakes and totally kick butt on this new project.

Maybe this year I will actually SUBMIT this book to a publisher...maybe...

Um dia bem passado... no Estádio da Luz

À tarde, uma vitória folgada frente ao CAB na primeira jornada do campeonato de basquetebol. À noite, uma goleada a uma equipa que está no meio da tabela na 2ª de honra. Pelo meio, fui a casa e vi o andebol, pela BenficaTV, dar uma tareia. Ganhámos em Hóquei e pena foi que a nossa equipa de Voleibol tenha perdido nos Açores em casa de um dos candidatos ao título.
Só agora soube do resultado do Voleibol e do Hóquei. Ao abrir o site do Record, na secção de hóquei, a notícia em destaque era a seguinte: "Sportem continua imparável". E não é exagero pois só tem vitórias no campeonato. É certo que é na 3ª divisão mas pronto, estão imparáveis. Como eu gosto de constatar que o Benfica voltou aos tempos em que é competitivo em todas as modalidades e que, no futebol, jogar contra uma equipa da 2ª de honra é sinónimo de obrigação de dar uma tareia. E damos.

Helping make and store baby food...Annabel Karmel (Review Only)

It's like Infantino knows when Bunny Boo is in the next phase of his growth and development. Believe me when I say that I haven't made them work the Mom Central campaign around my child.....honest!I was excited with the test products that came in Phase 3 of this campaign......Annabel Karmel's food making accessories. Perfect timing as we've just begun to introduce my five and a half month old

Promises One By One (Then Sings My Soul Saturday)

I love that God stands firm on His Word.What He says He will do, He WILL do!Keep trusting in His Promises for you irrespective of how the present circumstances stand.All His Promises for you ARE Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20) in Him.He who parted the Red Sea and fed 5000 with just 5 loaves and 2 fish, is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than you can ever think! (Ephesians 3:20).Be

Whose car is it anyway??

Another day, another day without a car.  I am hating this.  I know, I know, it's not all that bad, I have my health, blah, blah, blah.

Yesterday I had to borrow Nick's car because I had a parent/teacher conference with Michael's teacher.  Okay, fine, it worked out well because Nick had to be in work at 4 and the conference was at 4:45.  Perfect.  Well, on the way to dropping him off at work I notice that the car is on "E".  Not close to "E" but ON "E".  So I'm like "Dude..what in the world??"  He tells me that he had to pay his car insurance, he hasn't had a lot of hours at work, whatever.  The point is that now I have to put gas in his car again after putting $35 in it last week.  

When I asked what his hours were gonna be for today he's like "9-3".  Perfect.  I can borrow the car while he's at work and it won't inconvenience him, I'll already be up to take him to work, no problems. was.

I fell back to sleep this morning and rather than waking me up because he knew that I needed the car, he left for work and left me a note.  A note!  In a nutshell it was all "Oh, I didn't want to wake you up...I'm at work...after work I'm coming home but going right back out."  Essentially he could have just written "Screw you...I took the car and don't even THINK you'll get to use it later".  I was devastated.  Seriously.  

A friend called me because she said she was thinking of me and I burst in to tears while on the phone with her.  She came right over because she was so concerned and then I felt like an idiot that I am CRYING over this situation!  But really, here's the thing.  My grandmother wanted Nick to have this car.  She made that point abundantly clear before she died.  When she did die, WE paid for Frank to fly up to New York to get the car, HE (Frank) paid for the gas and whatnot to get it here, I paid to have it registered and to have plates, WE paid to insure it for the first six months or so, WE have paid for MOST of the repairs that the car has needed, OUR friend (who is a mechanic) has done work on it for Nick for no charge and as of recently, I have been putting gas in it.  The car is in MY name, should I NOT be allowed to drive the darn thing without attitude?

Um...I think so. 

CLOSED: Sweetpea Beauty....Truly Beautiful! (+ Veggie Tales Giveaway Pack)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*It's a scary world out there if you honestly sit back and think about the way corporate giants publicize products and create shows to target young girls but not necessarily build up their self worth or inner beauty. The focus ever so often is on physical beauty and nothing else....but thank God for Christian

Uma pincelada sobre o comentário desportivo

Não me vou alongar. Deixo apenas a recomendação aos jornalistas portugueses que se dêem ao trabalho de ver o programa "Redacção", no PFC, que todos os dias, às 19 horas portuguesas, falam sobre o que se passou, no dia anterior, no futebol brasileiro.
Um moderador, um comentador residente, 1 ou 2 jornalistas convidados e um convidado que poderá ser um treinador, jogador ou qualquer outro agente do futebol.
Surpresa das surpresas, falam de futebol e dizem o que pensam sem subterfúgios e sem se escusarem a dar a sua opinião, doa a quem doer. Se é para elogiar, elogiam, se é para criticar, criticam. Sobre as arbitragens, limitam-se a referir se a arbitragem foi boa, aceitável ou má, referindo um ou outro exemplo demonstrativo dessa opinião.
Outro exemplo do bom jornalismo desportivo é a forma como reagem aos discursos vazios ou contrários à realidade. Por exemplo, se o Paulo Sérgio tivesse dito que o Benfica - sportem foi equilibrado no Brasil, este programa, no dia seguinte, seria em grande parte dedicado a mostrar a falsidade dessas declarações.
Mas o mais importante, sabendo que neste programa se diz o que se pensa sobre futebol, foi ter ouvido hoje elogios rasgados à carreira que o Eder Luís tem feito no Vasco da Gama (ainda ontem marcou o 1º golo frente ao Corinthians). Quem? Sim, o Eder Luís, aquele 2º ponta-de-lança de 25 anos, comprado pelo Benfica em Janeiro, que o Jesus deu poucas oportunidades, sempre a extremo, que "demonstrou não ter força psicológica" e que este ano foi recambiado para o Brasil para dar espaço à grande contratação, por 5M€, do Jara. Em poucos meses, leva 8 golos em 18 jogos pelo Vasco da Gama.

Serviço público com N no fim

Actualmente não vejo programas de debate sobre futebol, considero que os representantes do Benfica não estão preparados para uma defesa cabal dos nossos interesses e os restantes opinadores com moderador incluído têm como único intuito da sua existência o ataque ao nosso clube, contudo a questão Rui Moreira no programa Trio de Ataque e sua substituição por Miguel Guedes originou em mim curiosidade (bela manobra de Marketing). Primeiro para me aperceber da evolução de Vasconcelos depois porque tinha alguma consideração pelo vocalista dos Blind Zero, pela musica que toca (para mim tem alguma qualidade) e pelos seus conhecidos gostos musicais (Pearl Jam e Bruce Springsteen).
O programa começou segundo a temática Selecção (o que fazia sentido), cabendo ao novo petiz a interpelação inicial. Em vez de falar sobre o tema em discussão preferiu efectuar uma declaração inicial, género apresentação escrita e pensada calmamente antes do programa (o que agrava a coisa), de imediato fiquei a perceber o porquê do Sr. Cantar em Inglês, ficou claro que em Português não se sente muito à vontade, a parvoíce foi um tónico do seu discurso e foi o que baste para desligar a televisão, ou seja, fez-se serviço publico deixei de perder tempo com um mau programa de televisão e fui confraternizar com a família.
Ainda assim quero aqui evidenciar uma ideia do Sr. que não pode passar em claro e é no meu entender elucidativa da qualidade do discurso apresentado, um dos motivos elencados para aceitar o convite formulado pela RTPN está no facto do nome do canal acabar com a letra N (bem revelador do provincianismo que assola esta gente). Consta que a CNN e a própria SICN estão atentas a este pormenor.

Where on Earth is my head at??

You know, I don't know!  It's like without a vehicle, without my little SUV, I can't seem to remember anything!  It's crazy.  I mean, what should a car have to do with remembering things?  But seriously, I sit here at home in a daze.  I barely know what day of the week it is for crying out loud!

I have really been trying to have a positive attitude about the one-car thing but this morning, Frank and I were talking and basically, he's working all weekend and the band got a gig for Saturday night!  I'm like "When were you going to tell me?"  He's like "Well, it's been in the works for about a month".  Thanks.  Thanks for letting me know.  I won't be able to go and see him play because he'll be working all day and going directly to the bar to play.  I'm a little bummed about that but really, I have no place for Michael to go and I can't take him to a bar!

Then, on top of that, he'll be working Sunday which means missing church again.  Sorry, I'm not letting that happen again.  I missed it last weekend and you know what?  My week has been crap.  I feel it all week long now when I miss a Sunday.  I know that may sound weird to people but it's true.  So I had decided to try and rent a car for the weekend.  Is it the ideal situation?  No.  Is it in the budget?  No.  Is it worth my sanity?  YES!

I called a friend who is renting a car this weekend for an out of town trip to see where she found the best deal and she was so gracious and wonderful and offered me her car for the weekend.  PRAISE THE LORD!!  I mean, I honestly am blown away by her generosity and I (and my bank account) thank her!

Just knowing that I will have a way to get around this weekend has cleared the fog from my head a little bit.  I really find it hard to wrap my brain around the fact that I feel this disconnected by not having my car.  I know people who don't drive who do just fine.  My mother-in-law NEVER drove. My father-in-law drove her everywhere.  Now that they are retired down in Florida, they are in a "golf cart community" and she drives a golf cart. It's sweet to see but clearly, she never had issues with not driving and she's functioned just fine.  It's crazy how we get used to something, a certain way of life, and once it's not there...well, it's almost like losing a limb.

It's messing with me and I don't like it!!

Sábado há taça

Acabei de ler um artigo patético no site da Bola.
Dizem eles que o Jesus vai apostar forte na taça por três razões:
- Frustração pela eliminação precoce nesta competição na temporada passada;
- Carinho do treinador pela competição;
- Faltam dois títulos nacionais ao Jesus ("além do sonho internacional que é a Champions"): A supertaça e a taça.

Mas que raio. O Jesus tem que apostar forte na taça porque é a taça de Portugal, uma competição maior, e a equipa que ele orienta é a equipa do Benfica. É preciso mais alguma razão?
Só espero é que, este ano, não se lembre da palermice de meter o Moreira porque é um gajo porreiro que merece uma recompensa pela sua dedicação... Eu, que sou sócio há 33 anos e alguns meses, vou à bola desde os três e adoro ir ao Jamor, é que mereço ser recompensado. Eu e todos os benfiquistas que olhamos para um Benfica que se pretende vencedor e que delega a solidariedade na sua fundação, já que a criou. Não peço muito. Apenas e só que encaremos seriamente uma competição onde temos pergaminhos e que sempre nos prestigiou.
Já é tempo de nos voltarmos a dedicar à Taça de Portugal!

Christmas Carnival 2010 (Begins Nov 1 2010)

I've had several readers write in asking me if I'd be doing some fun giveaways this Christmas and before I pop with excitement here's the buzz....WHAT? A Christmas Carnival exploding with awesome Christmas prezzies for you and your loved ones. You won't want to miss out on any giveaway because there is something for everyone you know!WHEN? November 1-December 5 2010THE BIG BUZZ? December 1-5 will

A pergunta que ontem me ocorreu

A questão do guarda-redes marcou de forma incontornável o início desta época em especial por causa das barracas de Roberto. Esta questão está amenizada até porque o Espanhol está mais confiante e deixou de estar intimamente ligado às nossas derrotas inclusive já ajudou a ganhar pontos. Não estou ainda completamente descansado mas já não penso muito no assunto, o que é positivo. O que me lembrei ontem foi de todos aqueles que defenderam a contratação de Eduardo para a nossa baliza, será que ainda acham que era a melhor solução?

CLOSED: Anne Geddes 'Beginnings' (+Book Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Anne Geddes, the extremely talented award winning photographer has received countless accolades for her gift in visual storytelling. Her eye for the unique makes every photograph she takes stand second to none.Anne Geddes' books have sold over 19 million copies worldwide, have been published in 83 countries and

10 Bunny girl tested tips to incorporate fun and play into daily activities

My Bunny girl is now 4 years and 7 months old. (Why does time fly by so fast?)As my first child she has been my little guinea pig when it comes to trying out new things, games, food and what not.As our first preschooler at home, I think it has been an adventure trying to incorporate fun and play into her daily activities and with the latest Twitter Moms prompt, courtesy of The Hub I figured I

JPOP - Album - 倖田來未 - ETERNITY ~Love & Songs~

【檔案格式】:320k CBR MP3 (日文ID3 Tag含CD封面)
【分享空間】:Uploading (45秒等候) / i-FileZ (60秒等候) / Freakshare (60秒等候)
【存放時間】:Uploading (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / i-FileZ (60天沒下載記錄自砍) / Freakshare (120天沒下載記錄自砍)


專輯名稱:ETERNITY ~Love & Songs~
其他資料:15th Cover Album
出品商:rhythm zone

今年10周年を迎える、倖田來未の特別企画カヴァーALBUM。70年代~90年代の歌謡曲/J-POPの王道ヒットソングを選曲し、その分かりやすさを最大限にアピールしつつ、シンガーとしての実力を証明する豪華収録内容。アレンジについても最新のHIP HOP、エレクトロ、じっくり聴かせるアコースティックものまで幅広いユニークな仕上がりでバラエティーに富んだ内容!!

01. TATTOO (中森明菜)
02. ラヴ・イズ・オーヴァー (欧陽菲菲)
04. 言えないよ (郷ひろみ)
05. 0時前のツンデレラ (misono)
06. め組のひと (ラッツ&スター)
08. 小さな恋のうた (MONGOL800)
09. ワインレッドの心 (安全地帯)
10. I Love you,SAYONARA (チェッカーズ)
11. Swallowtail Butterfly ~あいのうた~ (YEN TOWN BAND)
12. さよならの向う側 (山口百恵)

CD - 試聽下載:

O presidente escreveu-me

LFV dirigiu uma carta a todos os sócios reforçando o repto deixado em comunicado para ausência de adeptos nos jogos fora do nosso clube. Confesso que se trata de uma medida que me deixa dividido. Se por um lado se trata de uma forma diferente de luta, que pressiona os clubes até aqui coniventes com o sistema a pensarem duas vezes nas suas decisões, por outro pergunto-me se essa ausência não será uma facada na nossa condição de clube maior que permite aos nossos atletas sentirem que jogam em casa em praticamente todos os campos do país. Com quem festejarão os golos e as vitórias?
Como medida de fundo também me pergunto, será que a ausência de uma receita de bilheteira é mais importante que a permanência na 1ª liga (que é o que está em causa para muitos clubes)? Ou, será que todos os clubes merecem esta decisão?
Sinto que uma onda de adeptos que catapultasse e carregasse a equipa ao colo, a pressão dos adeptos junto dos árbitros e do Conselho de arbitragem teria mais dividendos, mas a verdadeira medida é ganhar, ganhar contra tudo e contra todos de forma consecutiva e isso só será possível unidos e com muito trabalho.
Para já vou acatar este pedido, ainda que dividido e não convencido estarei apenas nos jogos em casa, mas pondere-se alternativas pois esta...!!!

Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 10/12-10/19)

*(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.)Giveaways ending on 10/16Wahl Color Pro hair cut kit Austin gift basket Trading Phrases wall decal Mac N Cheese Deluxe Packs A

Where's Fred Sanford when you need him?

I don't know if I mentioned this last week but Frank's van died.  The transmission went on the van and honestly, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.  The van is old.  I mean really, really, REALLY old.  It's a 91.  So while it was old and had 219,000 miles on it, the very LAST thing that we need right now is to have to buy a vehicle.  

I put the van out on Craigslist.  It ran fine until the transmission went and so really, if someone knows something about cars or knows someone who can do transmissions cheap, it would be a good thing.  For us?  Well, Frank has been saying for a long time that he needed another vehicle.  But because of this, I have had to sacrifice my nice, clean Santa Fe to him to get back and forth to work.  I know that I should not look at it that way, I mean, he IS working and I am not.  But man, oh man!  I am HATING being stranded.  I mean hating it to the point that I am a heinous person to be around.  

In all fairness, Nick has let me borrow his car while he is at work and while I greatly appreciate it, I am a little too old to get in and out of a car that rides so low to the ground.  I love my SUV and miss it desperately.  

So what does all of this have to do with Fred Sanford?  Well, since I put the van on Craigslist, it has occurred to me that people may actually want to come and see this van.  Now remember, this was Frank's work van.  Imagine, if you will, that you built a small city while living in your van and THAT is what the inside of his van looked like.  I opened the doors and almost cried.  I had Michael come outside with me and it took the two of us TWO HOURS to get it done and to be honest, it looks...okay, not great but okay.  I think it's the cleanest the van has been in YEARS.  

I pulled tools, lumber, empty cigarette boxes, empty water bottles, half-full water bottles, half eaten food, paint cans, paint brushes, nails, rags, loose was endless.  By the time we were done I was just about ready to drop. the end I did a nice thing for my husband.  Not really because I wanted to but because I had nothing else to do because I was stuck at home.  

I guess I need to work on my attitude, huh?

CLOSED: Think Snapware! (+ Gift Pack Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Need a storage and organizational solution for your Home? Then think Snapware!This 16 year old company has high quality and innovative cases, boxes, canisters and jars to help you get those odds and ends into ship-shape order and your kitchen looking pretty again, minus those plastic packets and bags.I love their Snap

Winners for the giveaways that ended on 10/9

CONGRATULATIONS!!God has been so good this past week, actually these past few weeks...oh wait....make that the past several months....oh scratch that all off...He has been good ALL the time. Just had the 'joy bubbles' and had to share it with you this beautiful Sunday.Oh yes winners! Haven't forgotten!!....* Winner of the 50$ GC to the Executive Gift Shoppe is #203- Won* Winner of the

Excuse me while I straighten my "dunce" cap...

So I'm thinking about going back to school.  Why?  Because I cannot get a job.  I have a friend who is helping me and you know what I have discovered?  I don't WANT to go back to school.

I know that if I want to ever have a job where I won't have to say "you want fries with that?" will require me to get some training but honestly, at my age, I have NO desire to jump through the financially wasteful fiery hoops that schools want you to jump through.  I have a house and kids to take care of...I want to write, why would I waste my time taking modern dance or astronomy?  It's stupid!  AND I have to pay for it!

Some people enjoyed school, getting a higher education was something that they WANTED to do.  Really, I didn't.  I never enjoyed school.  I was a social person, I enjoyed being social and being in the clubs but academia was so NOT my thing so to think that I have to do it all AGAIN at 41, makes me want to cry.  I have people looking at me like I am crazy, like why wouldn't I want to do this?  People like THAT liked school.  I seem to be surrounded by them.  I feel like an idiot because it's just not my thing.  Am I crazy?  

I can barely get through my days as they are now without getting overwhelmed or falling behind on something else.  Throw in four hours of classes a day and you might as well start looking for a cemetery plot for me because I won't survive it.

So what do I do?  How do I go about getting a job when I am too stupid to get one and not interested in going back to school?  I should just call it quits right now because in this world, there is no place for me!  I'm not homeschooling any more so there's no need for me to be at home, we don't make enough for me to be a stay at home mom and really, my kids aren't at home anymore so there's no one for me to be at home for so what's left?  I have to take some demeaning, loserish job so that by society's standards, I am productive.  Well that just sucks.  

Seriously, sometimes it's just too damn painful to get up out of bed....

CLOSED: Smallfrys! Smallfrys!...Hot off the Worshop. (+Giveaway-5 winners)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*We love Build-A-Bear and the child focused experience in the stores but the brand gained my escalated respect after I heard Maxine Clark speak at the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration 2010 earlier this year. It's not wonder the brand is popular with kids and adults alike....there's heart behind the company!Early

You Are God Alone (Then Sings My Soul Saturday)

Irrespective of what your situation is today, know that our God IS on the Throne.He IS in control.You ARE UnchangeableYou ARE Unshakeable.You ARE Unstoppable, my LORD.I stand in the assurance of Your Love.Join in the meme initiated by the 'Signs, Wonders and Miracles' blog, post your favorite video and visit the other links.

O comunicado

Acabo de ler o comunicado que o SLB lançou em resposta ao pseudo-senhor pinto de sousa, e assim de repente, a única coisa que me passa pela cabeça, é que esta é das melhores respostas vindas do Glorioso nos últimos anos. Curta e grossa! tenho dito

CLOSED:The Fogless Shower Mirror....Honestly! (+Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*Okay, I'll admit it! When I saw all the claims Toilet Tree makes about its Fogless Shower Mirror I did think it was a bit much.I mean honestly, in a hot shower how do you expect any mirror not to fog up, right?I even watched the video promo before we tested out the product and.....I'm bowled over!The video claims DO

High Fructose Corn Syrup....What's It All About?

I'm not one of those mothers who always check the labels on the food stuff I buy.In our home, canned food, sodas, candy et al are not stocked or stashed away in the pantry. Thankfully Bunny girl detests anything fizzy and candy is just not her thing, so it just makes my task easier. We try our best to eat naturally and that helps!A while ago I was invited to listen in on a webinar conducted by

Hurry! Olive Garden's Never Ending Pasta Bowl ends on 10/10

Who doesn't love Olive Garden? I love their pasta and their soups....and their salads...Mmmm!Have you tried their Never Ending Pasta Bowl promotion yet? No? Well hurry! This awesome promotion ends on October 10th 2010.The promotion offers endless servings of pasta and 40+ pasta-sauce combinations, including two new sauces. At only $8.95 per guest, it’s no wonder Olive Garden was just awarded #1

O Auto de fé, por Rui Moreira

O Rui Moreira anda desorientado. Falou de túneis, imaginou túneis, mistificou túneis para, uns meses depois, na Bola, elogiar o futebol entusiasmante da equipa do Benfica na época transacta. De tempos a tempos, ora vangloria, ora critica, a gestão do seu presidente. Defende a verdade desportiva e pretende empurrar para baixo de um tapete a mentira no desporto. Chega a ser caricato.
Mas percebe-se. Quem quer ser candidato a candidato à presidência do porto tem que, neste momento, serpentear entre o situacionismo e a visão de futuro que o seu clube necessitará. Talvez por isso, quando as coisas lhes correm mal, à 3ª feira critique o treinador e à 5ª vá à sede da liga acompanhar um protesto patético da claque do seu clube. É natural que alguém desatento não perceba muito bem o que o Rui Moreira pretende…
Pois claro que, quando se ganha, as vozes discordantes calam-se. Há 3 ou 4 semanas, ou seja, desde que o Benfica venceu o sportem, braga e marítimo, que ninguém se lembra que o Moniz esteve para ser candidato à presidência do Benfica e, lá como cá, com os 7 pontos de avanço no campeonato – não interessa como foram obtidos – esta é uma altura em que mais vale fingir que se é apoiante do que oposição.
Por isso, e ninguém interpretou bem a expressão, o Rui Moreira recusou-se a participar num auto de fé. Diz-nos a história que um auto de fé é uma penitência realizada publicamente pelo não cumprimento ou vigilância da nova fé e esta não é a altura para o fazer, a equipa de futebol vai à frente. Portanto, mais vale sair de fininho sem dar a sua opinião sobre o que de substancial se pode perceber nas escutas: O porto manipulou as arbitragens.
E percebo-o. Mais vale refugiar-se na ilegalidade da divulgação das escutas que opinar sobre o seu conteúdo. Ele sabe que quem o fizer de boa fé, ser-lhe-á impossível ignorar os protagonistas e as suas práticas. Os autos de fé eram impostos pela inquisição. Não é o caso. O conteúdo das escutas está lá para quem quiser tirar as suas conclusões. Neste caso, não podendo, de boa fé, defender o indefensável, o auto da fé não passou de uma chicuelina semântica para evitar o confronto com as suas próprias gentes. Fez bem. Deve ser desagradável conduzir na VCI e levar com umas pedradas…
RGB Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Chile, Colombia, Germany, New Zealand, Mexico, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Sweden, Viet Nam, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Greece.United Kingdom, United States

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