Where's Fred Sanford when you need him?

I don't know if I mentioned this last week but Frank's van died.  The transmission went on the van and honestly, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.  The van is old.  I mean really, really, REALLY old.  It's a 91.  So while it was old and had 219,000 miles on it, the very LAST thing that we need right now is to have to buy a vehicle.  

I put the van out on Craigslist.  It ran fine until the transmission went and so really, if someone knows something about cars or knows someone who can do transmissions cheap, it would be a good thing.  For us?  Well, Frank has been saying for a long time that he needed another vehicle.  But because of this, I have had to sacrifice my nice, clean Santa Fe to him to get back and forth to work.  I know that I should not look at it that way, I mean, he IS working and I am not.  But man, oh man!  I am HATING being stranded.  I mean hating it to the point that I am a heinous person to be around.  

In all fairness, Nick has let me borrow his car while he is at work and while I greatly appreciate it, I am a little too old to get in and out of a car that rides so low to the ground.  I love my SUV and miss it desperately.  

So what does all of this have to do with Fred Sanford?  Well, since I put the van on Craigslist, it has occurred to me that people may actually want to come and see this van.  Now remember, this was Frank's work van.  Imagine, if you will, that you built a small city while living in your van and THAT is what the inside of his van looked like.  I opened the doors and almost cried.  I had Michael come outside with me and it took the two of us TWO HOURS to get it done and to be honest, it looks...okay, not great but okay.  I think it's the cleanest the van has been in YEARS.  

I pulled tools, lumber, empty cigarette boxes, empty water bottles, half-full water bottles, half eaten food, paint cans, paint brushes, nails, rags, loose change...it was endless.  By the time we were done I was just about ready to drop.  BUT...in the end I did a nice thing for my husband.  Not really because I wanted to but because I had nothing else to do because I was stuck at home.  

I guess I need to work on my attitude, huh?

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