Excuse me while I straighten my "dunce" cap...

So I'm thinking about going back to school.  Why?  Because I cannot get a job.  I have a friend who is helping me and you know what I have discovered?  I don't WANT to go back to school.

I know that if I want to ever have a job where I won't have to say "you want fries with that?" will require me to get some training but honestly, at my age, I have NO desire to jump through the financially wasteful fiery hoops that schools want you to jump through.  I have a house and kids to take care of...I want to write, why would I waste my time taking modern dance or astronomy?  It's stupid!  AND I have to pay for it!

Some people enjoyed school, getting a higher education was something that they WANTED to do.  Really, I didn't.  I never enjoyed school.  I was a social person, I enjoyed being social and being in the clubs but academia was so NOT my thing so to think that I have to do it all AGAIN at 41, makes me want to cry.  I have people looking at me like I am crazy, like why wouldn't I want to do this?  People like THAT liked school.  I seem to be surrounded by them.  I feel like an idiot because it's just not my thing.  Am I crazy?  

I can barely get through my days as they are now without getting overwhelmed or falling behind on something else.  Throw in four hours of classes a day and you might as well start looking for a cemetery plot for me because I won't survive it.

So what do I do?  How do I go about getting a job when I am too stupid to get one and not interested in going back to school?  I should just call it quits right now because in this world, there is no place for me!  I'm not homeschooling any more so there's no need for me to be at home, we don't make enough for me to be a stay at home mom and really, my kids aren't at home anymore so there's no one for me to be at home for so what's left?  I have to take some demeaning, loserish job so that by society's standards, I am productive.  Well that just sucks.  

Seriously, sometimes it's just too damn painful to get up out of bed....

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