Mother's Day Recovery...

So it's Monday and I am totally in recovery mode from the hooplah that was Mother's Day.

I started out the day at church working as a children's ministry greeter. It was WILD! I was greeting, cutting out craft stuff, making snack trays for the classrooms...on and on it went! Got home and Nick got me two beautiful ferns for my front porch! I wanted those so much and was thrilled that he remembered. His beautiful girlfriend bought me a Mickey Mouse platter - I cannot wait to use it! Michael made me a sweet card that he did in school and the best part was where it said "My mom and I like to..." and he wrote "Eat Chinese food because it is so good and to go to Disney World because it's so fun there." THEN the he drew a picture of me and him in front of the castle and below that is a drawing of the two of us eating Chinese food on our TV trays like we do on our date nights! How sweet is that?

After lunch we drove in to Raleigh because Frank needed some drum sticks and Michael and I went to a Lego Convention! It was so cool - I'll post pictures of it tomorrow. After that we went to Lowes and bought a new ceiling fan for the living room (which Frank installed as soon as we got home) and mulch for the yard. After that we (really, they) worked like fiends to put a dent in my Graduation "To Do" list. I love my guys!!!

We topped off the day with some Chinese food (surprise, surprise) for dinner and I got to sit and watch the finale of "The Amazing Race" is peace. It was an awesome day. I hope all of you mom's out there had a great day too!

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