Wonder Woman in the Kitchen...

Yesterday was a hectic day for me. Up at 6:15 to get Michael ready for school, MOPS from 8:30-12:15. One of the teacher's left her sweater at the church where we held the MOPS meeting and so I brought it to her at the local high school, went to yet ANOTHER supermarket in search of a cake (no luck), came home, ate lunch, waited for Michael to get home (he had early release) and then we drove to Raleigh and hit A.C. Moore's, Michael's and Archiver's in search of accessories for the cake to try and save some money. We ate an early dinner and then at 6:00 we were at our small group meeting which we left at 8:00 to head to Walmart for me to get food to make some meals for a friend.

We got home here around 8:35 and I had to make sure Michael was in the shower, I received two phone calls and then finally, FINALLY I was able to start cooking at 9:15. I have to admit, I was a pretty even combination of exhausted and energized. I guess the energized won out because exactly one hour later, I was exiting a CLEAN kitchen after making two trays of beef enchiladas, a huge batch of turkey chili and a batch of Shepherd's Pie. I impressed the heck out of myself.

Each tray of enchiladas should yield two dinners, the turkey chili will serve up 10-12 bowls/servings and the Shepherd's Pie will do 4 servings (and is my personal favorite). Now I can bless my friend AND have dinner for my family for a couple of nights. Not too shabby for Stace...

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