Waiting for the flashing lights...

So here I am sitting on the bed at 10:30 on a Saturday night when I hear Nick get home. He comes in to my room and he's clearly got something on his mind. I can read my son like a book.

"What's up?" I asked and he goes on to tell me how he got pulled over tonight - well, not pulled over, exactly, the cops had set up a check point so he had no choice but to stop. Now, if there is one thing about my son that I know for a fact it is that he FREAKS OUT easily. He gets nervous, and shaky and in general, you can tell that he is scared.

So the cop sees this behavior and pretty much starts threatening my son. "Why you talking like that, Nick? You live at this address, Nick? Maybe I'll just come by there and check it out, Nick!" I mean, REALLY??? Has this guy like NEVER made someone nervous? He starts telling Nick that clearly his behavior has to do with the fact that he's on something and has weed hidden in the car! WTF is that about?

Now I've got Frank pacing the house, wanting to go down to the police station but he knows that HE'LL end up getting thrown in jail for losing his temper with a cop.


So what do you do? Do you file a complaint with the police or just let it go? I think these check points should be illegal because it is ENTRAPMENT!!!

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