Oy...I'm old!

So with five weeks to go until the graduation I am officially in panic mode - trying to accomplish all kinds of things to make everything look nice. That means every project that I have even THOUGHT about in the last ten years, needs to be done by the graduation.

Today's project involved going out and buying a new lawn mower. Why? I mean, we had one; it was old, but it worked. Sort of. Nick normally does the mowing but lately, he's away from home. A LOT. So if I don't want to have to use a machete to get to my car, I really should mow the darn lawn myself. We went to Lowe's, talked to a very nice salesman and VOILA! We now, for the first time in our almost 22 years together, have a brand-spanking-new lawn mower. Yippee!!

We got it home, Frank got it set up and away I went. Now, I didn't pick one of those sissy, self-propelled mowers. Well, actually, I really, really, REALLY wanted one but it was a lot more money so we got a lovely mulching push-mower. It was 90 degrees outside and I decide that I HAVE to mow the lawn. I mean, we have the technology, so I must do it.


I drank about five glasses of water and felt as if I'd had SEVERAL heart attacks but...My lawn looks beautiful!! I'm sure tomorrow I am going to be cursing the day I was born because really, I'm too old and out of shape for this. I had to stop more times than I care to admit to.

Let's see what the morning brings...

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